Top 20 Apps Similar to PlantVisual

Edible and Medicinal Plants - 1.60
Identify Edible and Medicinal Plants using images for each plant
ID Weeds 3.0.4
ID Weeds allows you to identify weeds based uponit'scharacteristics.
Plant Identifier 0.1.0
Looking for help with plant identification, but coming up shortinyour pursuit of answers? Give "Plant ID" a try! With a databaseofover 3000 individual plants we can get you looking in therightdirection. Choose the a few options- such as color, shape andsizeof the plant- and the app will display a list of possiblematches.Works in the garden or in the forest for weeds, houseplants,trees, and flower identification. Is that Poison or Englishivy?Vegetable or weed? Never be without a plant identificationguideagain. Veg out with Plant ID! This App is no replacement forexpertidentification but will help you in furthering yourinvestigation.The maker of this program takes no responsibility forany harm thatmay be inflicted because of it's use.
Que Planta 1.0
Que Planta es una aplicación quetepermitiráidentificar a través de una simple foto aquellasplantasque noconoces. Con un solo click, puedes descubrir sunombrecientífico ytodas sus características.Convierte a Que Planta en tu guía botánica de bolsilloysorprendea tus conocidos.Planting isanapplicationthat lets you identify through a simple photoplantsthat do notknow. With one click, you can discover itsscientificname and allits features.That makes botany plant in your pocket guide andsurpriseyourfriends.
FlowerChecker+, plant identify
This app provides plantidentificationservice. You simply take a picture of an unknownplant (ormoss, lichen and even fungi) and get it identified byinternationalteam of experts.The installation includes three prepaididentifications,each other for: 1 USD / 0.7 EUR. We useGoogle's in-apppurchase. The reason is the identification processis notcomputer-based, it requires human involvement. Anyway, if wecan'tidentify your plant, you don't spend anything.Our team will respond as soon as possible, but theidentificationusually takes minutes or hours. In average, we manageto solve morethan 95% plant requests.The app is add-free.
Glacier Wildflowers
Glacier National Park wildflowers at your fingertips!
PlantNet Plant Identification 3.16.2
Observation and help for the identification of wild plants
Smart'Flore 2.1.0
Tela Botanica
Learn about the plants that surround you and explorebotanicaltrails.
What's that flower? 7.2.1
Benko, Adrian
Simple key for flower identification. Find flower's name in 4steps.
House Indoor Plants 1.2-1011
There are thousands of house plant varieties. Identificationisimportant for proper care and propagation. Look foridentifyingcharacteristics, and take pictures of the plants youwant toidentify. You can use research websites, schools, gardencentersand houseplant books. But you don`t need if you have thisplantsencyclopedia and database. This medicine app. is searchengines forflowers and plants for professional use and flowerlovers. Ahouseplant is a plant that is grown indoors in places suchasresidences and offices. Houseplants are commonly grownfordecorative purposes, positive psychological effects, keepingfreshor health reasons such as indoor air purification. Plants usedinthis fashion are most commonly, though not always, tropicalorsemi-tropical epiphytes, succulents or cacti Houseplants needthecorrect moisture, light levels, soil mixture, temperature,andhumidity. As well, houseplants need the proper fertilizerandcorrect-sized pots. Do you like this flowers and popularplants?Features: - Indoor plants can be amazing pictures wallpaperon yourphone or tablet free (top 100 free educational games) - Youcanchoose between Category: wild flowers and Databases: Typesofplants - You can find different pictures and names of variousgreentropical house plants. (fichus, aloe, herbal teas) - Sort byorder,by family plants medicine dictionary - More than 500beautifulwallpapers and pictures with amazing flowers - Add edibleplantguide bookmarks - Contains useful information and descriptionofindoor plants - Include medicinal herbs and plants Try to usesupereasy free application that will help you to improve yourknowledgeabout kind of popular flowers and indoor plants.Application can bea references for adults and educational games forkids. Downloadthe app now and enjoy your favorite indoor plants.
Trees PRO
The version 2.0 of the app is availablefordownload. Please search for iKnow Trees 2 PRO.How often does it happen that you're out in the wild andyoudiscover trees that you would like to identify? Or you findtheirleaves, flowers, or fruits that you would like to eat or learnmoreabout?NATURE MOBILE introduces - Trees PRO - an ideal guide to themostcommon North American and European trees on your SmartphoneandTablet. With the built-in quiz you will also learn quicklytodistinguish between different species.Finally, you have the option to identify different treespecieswithout the help of a heavy book. You get a comprehensivelibraryfull of facts, figures and images, but all in the palm ofyourhand. Learn where you can find certain species, how theirleaves,flowers, and fruits look like and taste, and how you cookthem.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.It's that easy. Enter a number of features of thedesiredspecies, and you will get different proposals. The morefeaturesyou enter, such as the size, growth habit, leave and fruittype,the shorter the resulting list of eligible species willbe.SEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- size, leaf, flower, color, growth, etc.* FRUIT TYPE- berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* HABITAT- North America, Europe, Asia, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish the different species* Become an expertBecome a Fan on Facebook:, followuson Twitter for updates on Nature Mobile:@NatureMobile ( or visitourwebsite HINTS* more than 200 trees species included* Select favorite species* No Internet access required* Change the language in the settings -> Available in EnglishandGermanSUBMIT YOUR PICTURES AND STORYDo you want your pictures available to all in the app?Please visit website to submit pictures.Everyserious, curious, and hilarious picture submission ishighlyappreciated! Pictures of the highest quality may beconsidered forfuture updates.ABOUT NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way in anattractive waythat is easy to understand. If you are an author orphotographer,or if you have fascinating ideas or content to offer,pleasecontact us at [email protected] work together to find a win-win solution.NATURE MOBILE is a community of enthusiasts and expertsinnatural sciences and engineering that is organized by Dr.DanielODRY.CHECK OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE AND ALPHABLIND* Birds PRO* Dogs PRO* Cats PRO* Horses PRO* Exotic Fruits PRO* Wild Berries & Herbs PRO
iKnow Trees 2 PRO
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to TREES OF EUROPEandNORTH AMERICA, all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without the helpofa heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Learn where you can find certainspecies, howtheir leaves, flowers, and fruits look like andtaste.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.CONTENT* 200 tree species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Tree names in 7 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- Size, leaf, flower, color, growth, etc.* FRUIT TYPE- Berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* HABITAT- North America, Europe, Asia, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess species from images* Learn to distinguish different speciesQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
FlowerChecker, plant identify
This app provides plantidentificationservice. You simply take a picture of an unknownplant (ormoss, lichen and even fungi) and get it identified byinternationalteam of experts.The identification process is not computer-based, it requireshumaninvolvement. Therefore each identification is paid usingGoogle'sin-app purchase. One plant identification costs 1 USD / 0.7EUR.The reason is the identification process is not computer-based,itrequires human involvement. Anyway, if we can't identifyyourplant, you don't spend anything.The installation includes one identification for free asatrial.Our team will respond as soon as possible, but theidentificationusually takes minutes or hours. In average, we manageto solve morethan 95% plant requests.The app is add-free.
iKnow Trees 2 LITE
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to TREES OF EUROPEandNORTH AMERICA, all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without the helpofa heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Learn where you can find certainspecies, howtheir leaves, flowers, and fruits look like andtaste.Find inspiration and experience nature in a whole new way.LITE version includes 15 species only!CONTENT* 200 tree species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Tree names in 7 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- Size, leaf, flower, color, growth, etc.* FRUIT TYPE- Berry, stone fruit, apple fruit, nut, etc.* HABITAT- North America, Europe, Asia, etc.TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE - QUIZ GAME* Guess species from images* Learn to distinguish different speciesQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Jardim Fácil 1.35
Choose and use correctly until 2225 plants to form gardens inBrazil
Houseplants 80.91.30
Directory houseplants
Map of Life 2.0.5
Map of Life
What species live here? What is thatlivingthing? And where else does it occur? Find out with the Map ofLifeapp, putting the most advanced geographic biodiversityknowledge atyour fingertips. The app builds on a global scientificeffort to tohelp you discover, identify and record speciesworldwide. Birds,mammals, frogs, reptiles, butterflies,dragonflies, bumblebees,fish, trees ... tap into an unrivalled andgrowing databasecovering 30,000+ species worldwide, and add to ityourself!+ Discover and identify species around you and worldwideGet a list of species around you or your next destinationtogetherwith information to identify and learn about them. Forgotthat bigguide book on your hike? Map of Life has you covered andalreadydone much of the identification work for you!+ Record your sightingsSeen something noteworthy you want to share or build yourown list of species for a site? Record your observations in theapp,share them with friends or engage with them online at may help researchers fill critical gaps forconservation andspecies monitoring.+ Engage with species and their rangesLearn about how data like yours can make a difference, mapspeciesand learn about them at Map of Life
Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 LITE
Du bist in der Natur unterwegsundentdeckstSpuren von Tieren? Du möchtest die Spuren lesenunderfahren werdiese hinterlassen hat?Mit "Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 LITE" lernt man SpurenundFährtenzu erkennen und bekommt ein idealesBestimmungs-undNachschlagewerk für die geläufigstenSäugetiereimmitteleuropäischen Raum und den Alpen. Endlich hatmandieMöglichkeit, die Spuren direkt auf dem Ausflug auch ohneBuchzubestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassende InformationenauseinerBibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildern zu erhalten.LernedieSpuren zu lesen, erfahre alles Wissenswerte überdieTierarten,erlebe die Natur auf eine ganz neue Weise.In der LITE Version ist die Anzahl der Arten auf 15 limitiert!INHALT* 74 Arten - 800 Bilder* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Spuren und Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Englisch* Wissenschaftliche Spuren- und Artenbestimmung* Quiz - SpielSPUREN UND FÄHRTEN LESEN ANHAND VOM* FUSSTYP- Paarhufer, Unpaarhufer, Zehenballen, etc.* FUSSABDRUCK- Zehen-, Zehenspitz-, Sohlengänger, etc.* LOSUNG- Krümelig, pillenförmig, wurstförmig, etc.* NEST UND BAU- Erdbau, Burg aus Zweigen, Baumhöhle, etc.* STIMME- Piepsen, Zwitschern, Trillern, Quieken, etc.* AM BAUMSTAMM DURCH- Geweih, Zähne, Krallen, Körper, etc.BESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VOM* AUSSEHEN- Größe, Geweih und Hörner, etc.* LEBENSGEBIET- Lebensraum, Verbreitung, Standort Nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Spuren und Tiere kennenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannendeThemenausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breitenPublikumausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten aufanschaulicheundattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oderFotograf,siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechenSie unsbittean [email protected] SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.You are in thenatureofthe road and discover traces of animals? You want toreadthetracks and find out who left this?With "Wild animals and tracks 2 LITE" learn torecognizetracksand tracks and get an ideal destination andreference guidefor themost common mammals in central Europe and theAlps. Finally,onehas the possibility to determine the tracesdirectly ontheexcursion without book and at the same time toobtaincomprehensiveinformation from a library full of facts,figures andimages. Learnto read the tracks, learn all about theanimals, thenatureexperience to a whole new way. In the LITE version, the number of species is limited to 15!CONTENTS* 74 species - 800 images* Extensive description of the tracks and types* Species names in German and English* Researchers trace and species identification* Quiz - GamePrints and droppings READ THE BASIS OF* FOOT TYPE- Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, toe pads, etc.* FOOTPRINT- Toe, toes pointed, plantigrade, etc.* SOLUTION- Crumbly, pill-shaped, sausage-shaped, etc.* NEST AND CONSTRUCTION- Earthwork, castle made of branches, tree hole, etc.* VOICE- Beeping, chirping, trills, squeaks, etc.* AM TRUNK BY- Antlers, teeth, claws, body, etc.DETERMINATION OF SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- Size, antlers and horns, etc.* LIVING AREA- Habitat, distribution, location, nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn the different tracks and AnimalsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring themselves to presentexcitingtopicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audienceofinterestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear andattractivewaycloser. You are an author or photographer, youhavefascinatingideas or content, then please [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.
Die kleine Waldfibel 3.2.1
Die Waldfibel ist eine Liebeserklärung an den Wald!EinkostenlosesAngebot des Bundesministeriums für ErnährungundLandwirtschaft(BMEL). Vom Zuhause der Waldameise bis zum RevierdesWaldkauz’,von der Holzernte bis zu den vielfältigen AufgabendesWaldeserfahren Sie hier Spannendes und Wissenswertes überdenWald.Begeben Sie sich mit der Panoramakarte aufeinenWaldspaziergang,spüren Sie die unterschiedlichstenWaldbewohner aufund entdeckenSie, wie unsere Wälder gepflegt underhalten werden.Testen Sie IhrWissen im Baumspiel und im Waldquiz.Mit derWaldfibel-App könnenSie Tiere und Pflanzen anhandgezeichneterIllustrationenbestimmen, Tierstimmen anhören undBaumhöhen messen.Die Waldfibelist auch für Schulen, KindergärtenundwaldpädagogischeEinrichtungen geeignet. Eine kleineQuizfrageverhindert, dassKinder von der App ins Internet gelangenkönnen.Die Waldfibel kannauch als gedruckte Broschüre kostenlosüber dieWebsite des BMELbestellt werden. Ein Link dorthin ist inder Appenthalten. HabenSie Kritik oder Anregungen? Mailen Sieuns:[email protected]
Ornamental trees 80.91.30
Directory of ornamental trees