Top 15 Apps Similar to Bangla Keyboard

Bengali PaniniKeypad PRO 2.3.1
The Panini Keypad PRO is an improvedofferingof the Free Panini Keypad products. This version predictswords asyou write both for Bengali and English. Free futureupgrades ofextended dictionaries and other features. Be the firstones to tryit!Panini Keypad is an intelligent dynamic keypad that offers youtotype easy and fast in Bengali/Bangla(বাংলা) on your phone. Thisnewtechnology constantly calculates and puts only 11 characters onthescreen that you are most likely to type. Character Buttons arelargeand easy to point and you make less errors. The accuratepredictionhelps you compose difficult words in their correctletter sequencesas per Unicode.You can use the Panini Keypad to type Bangla/Englishsms,messages, chat, facebook, Address Book, email, blogs,reminders,twitter, whats app etc.PaniniKeypad is an IME(input method editor) for androidphones& tablets. This can be your default keypad.Also high quality intelligent dictionary auto complete andwordprediction is offered in both Bangla and English. Moreinnovationscoming up.Must watch youtube video to learn how to type difficult words,jafala, khandatta, all juktakkhar etc. Download and install this application on phone.2. Go to "Settings"->"Language & input/Locale &text"-> select Panini Keypad IME. (check on) Green.3. Go to "Settings"->"Language & input/Locale&text"-> set Default Keyboard/ Input Method asPaniniKeypadIME.4. Back to text compose area, keyboard will appear on screen.Two rules1. Look for the character, press it.2. If character not there, press Next button.There is a 74% chance that the first character of your word isonthe screen and after that there is a 93% (and higher) chancethatthe next characters will be predicted to your fingertips.Predictedcharacters very often in the top left corner and mostoften you typepressing the same key, at a position comfortable toyourthumb.The intelligent technology is based on linguistics, AI andthedynamic intelligent keypad is patented all over the worldandwinner of many awards for innovation.14 Indian languages are supported with this same system oftypingand orthography. And many other languages of the world.This is the best way to type for both basic phones andtouchphones. Those who have found out its magic, please help othersalsoto discover.For Juktakkhor (adha ka etc, consonant clusters) please put aRef[ ্] (character with + sign) in the middle of the twoconsonants.The Juktakkhor will automatically form. The REF [ ্] isalso acharacter, predicted automatically like others and shown inRED foryour easy recognition.Examples of correct character entry sequence(Orthography):আমি = আ + ম + িসুর্য = স + ু + র + ্ + যপ্রাপ্তি = প + ্ + র + া + প + ্ + ত + িNote that was a Juktakkhor, so you put a ref in between.সামৰ্থ্য = স + া + ম + ৰ + ্ + থ + ্ + যব্যাপার = ব + ্ + য + া + প + া +রA ja fala is a Juktakkhor too.পরিক্ষা = প + র + ি + ক + ্ + ষ + াA typical Juktakkhor usage.আনন্দ = আ + ন + ন + ্ + দভয়ঙ্কর = ভ + য় + ঙ + ্ + ক + রA ja fala is a Juktakkhor too.ভাষ্কর্য = ভ + া + ষ + ্ + ক + র + ্ + যস্বাধীন = স + ্ + ব + া + ধ + ী + নপ্রেরণা = প + ্ + র + ে + র + ণ + াNote that the matra (a dependent vowel is always entered aftertheconsonant even though it may be actually occurring beforeinform).You can type in English in between Bangla, throughQWERTYkeyboard by clicking 'ABC' button.Give a try to this new way of typing, you will learnveryquickly. You must use it in Galaxy Note, Grand, S3, S4, Trendetcalso, its absolutely a pleasure due to the large keys.Privacy concerns: Panini Keypad doesn't try to read your dataorconnect to a server for prediction. Your data stays on yourphoneand the application does not connect anywhere, you can useitoffline also."YOUR PHONE MUST HAVE BANGLA FONT, OTHERWISE SHOWSSQUARE/BLANKBOXES."
Bangla Keyboard 7.0
Abbott Cullen
Enjoy to Read, Write and Share in Bangla Language!!! InstallBanglaKeyboard now
Bangla Keyboard 1.0
Bengali keyboard will allow you towriteinBengali language. You can compose emails, post onFacebookandwrite some one WhatsApp messages through BengaliKeypad.WithBengali Keyboard you can write all Bengali Alphabets,lettersandwords. It’s the easiest keyboard to writeinBengalilanguage.Bengali keyboard is designed with most beautifulandattractivethemes. You can select between multiple themes.Selectthe themethat most suit you to write the Bengalialphabets.Bengali keypad gives you option to customize yourownsetting.Thousands of Emoji, Emotion and smiles are integratedthatwillkeep your interested in chat. Change the keyboard toEnglishandBengali with in the same keyboard. Change andcustomizeyoursetting from the setting button within theBengalikeyboard.Features:• Bengali keypad have extra icons, numeric, andspecialcharactersthat make your text effective• Change the keyboard From Bengali to English and fromEnglishtoBengali using this Bengali Keypad.• Bengali keypad will allow you to write in Bengali language.• Multiple themes are designed, select your favorite thatmostsuitand write Bengali language.• 1000+ Emoji, emotion, smiles are designed to make yourBengaliTexteffective.How it work:• After installing the Bengali keyboard click on Enablekeyboardandselect Bengali keyboard.• After enabling the Bengali keyboard set the inputmethodbetweenthe Bengali keyboard and device default keyboard• Go to setting to On/Off different features• In theme activity select between multiple themes. Selectthemethatmore attract and in which alphabets are more visible toyoureyes.Enjoy writing Bengali with beautiful BengaliKeyboard.• If you are bored in one theme select different themeinsettingbutton within the Bengali keypad
Ajonmo আজন্ম bangla keyboard 1.1.5
★★★ It has almost all features of other phonetic Bengalikeyboardand it has some extra features, e.g. superscript/subscriptcharacter input facility, Greek and other specialcharacter inputfacility for scientific notation, built-incalculator facility fornot only calculating but also input theresult !!! ◆◆◆ আজন্ম বাংলাকীবোর্ডে আছে অন্যান্য ফোনেটিক বাংলাকীবোর্ডের প্রায় সব সুবিধা সহবাড়তি সুবিধা হিসেবে H2O,sinθ=(1-cos2θ), 98.6°F ইত্যাদি লেখার মতসুপারস্ক্রিপ্ট /সাবস্কৃপ্টঅক্ষর, গ্রীক অক্ষর ও বিশেষ কিছু চিহ্নইনপুট দেয়ার আকর্ষণীয় সুবিধা!◆◆◆ এতে আছে ইনবিল্ট ক্যালকুলেটর সুবিধাযা দিয়ে আপনি শুধু গাণিতিকরাশির ফলাফলই দেখাই নয়, সেই ফলাফল ইনপুটওদিতে পারবেন!! ◆◆◆ এটা দিয়েবাংলা মোডে কী-বোর্ড পরিবর্তন না করেওদ্রুত ইংরেজি লেখার বিশেষ একটিসুবিধা আছে যার অসাধারণ কার্যকারিতাআপনি এটা ব্যবহার করলেই বুঝতেপারবেন। ◆◆◆ বহুল ব্যবহৃত বেশ কিছুইংরেজি শব্দ যেমন'What/when/who/how' ইত্যাদির হুবহু ইংরেজি বাণানদিয়ে'হোয়াট/হোয়েন/হু/হাও' এরকম বাংলা প্রতিবর্ণায়নের সুব্যবস্থা আছেএতে।◆◆◆ এতে আছে শুধু একটি কী চেপেই 'এবং / হ্যাঁ' এরকম বহুল ব্যবহৃতবাংলাশব্দ লেখার বিশেষ সুবিধা। ◆◆◆ এটা সম্পূর্ণ বিজ্ঞাপনমুক্ত এবংএটাকেইন্সটল করতে আপনার ফোন/ট্যাবের কোন অংশ ব্যবহারের বিশেষ অনুমতিদেয়ারপ্রয়োজন নেই, তাই এটি শতভাগ নিরাপদ। আর আপনি এটা পাচ্ছেনসম্পূর্ণবিনামূল্যে! তাই দেরী না করে এটি এখনই ইন্সটল করে চালিয়েদেখুন। এটি এইঅ্যাপের প্রথম ভার্শন, তাই কিছু কিছু ফোন/ট্যাবেরদু'একটি প্রোগ্রামেএর সব ফীচার শুরুতে কাজ নাও করতে পারে। সেক্ষেত্রেদয়া করে প্রোগ্রামটিআনইন্সটল না করে এবং খারাপ রেটিং/রিভিউ না দিয়ে,আপনার সমস্যার কথাআমাদেরকে জানান এবং আপডেইট সংগ্রহ করুন। আপনাদেরসেবায় আমরা সদা তৎপরথাকার প্রত্যয় ব্যক্ত করছি। আপনিও সাথে থাকুন। :)★★★ It is completelyad-free and doesn't require any specialpermission to use anyresource of your phone/tab. So it is 100%safe and it is 100% free.It is the first release of this app sosome features of this app maynot work in some phone/tab. Ifsomething wrong then please don'tuninstall it and don't place anybad reviews/rating but send detailsabout your problem to us andcollect updates. We are committed to bewith you. So please be withus too. :)
Bangla Keyboard 1.0
Robbie Davis
Bangla Keyboard is an easy process tosetBanglakeyboard as system type keyboard and make it more preferforBanglatype in language.Bangla keyboard is designed in different beautifulthemes,selectyour own theme that catches your eye. Change thekeyboardtoEnglish, numeric and special characters.Bangla Keyboard to set in your phone and its apply inyourwholephone keypad type and its more useful for all theBanglareadersand writer for best used.Type in Bangla Language then it's very easy for writeBanglatextusing this app.Bangla Keyboard is used to write text in Bangla language andtoalsoto share Bangla text via social links. Bangla keyboardwillalsoallow you to searching Bangla content, type messagesinBangla,compose emails in Bangla, status and comments onsocialsites andupdates on all social networks in Bangla.How to Set:1. Enable Bangla Keyboard for select Bangla Keyboard.2. Switch Bangla Keyboard for Set up input methodsofBanglaKeyboard.3. Bangla Keyboard having facility for set user definedthemerelatedfor this keyboard.4. Themes contains 8 best Bangla keyboard themeswithvariousbeautiful background and choose any one from them.5. Add Image provide user to set user defined photo asbackgroundaswell as to set portrait and landscape how it looksaftersettingyour photo as background.6. Setting Keyboard Transparency with scrolling optionandsetbackground color option with user choices.7. Bangla Keyboard is wonderful with customize themeaccordingtouser choice.8. Fonts used for set user choice fonts in keypad whentextoralphabets write in input method.9. Preview give user option for how its looks when allthefacilityset in and if user wants to change then its applyinBanglakeyboard.10. Setting for all the option available withautocapitalization,vibrate on key press, suggestion on key press,fontscolor andpreview text color, sound on key press.11. Bangla keyboard is best functionality for type in Banglatextandalphabets with amazing features.12. Fully Customization Language,symbol and Emoji Layoutwithbuiltin layout Editor.Features :-> Best User interface design for all users.-> Easy to apply in almost all devicewhereBanglasupported.-> Few Steps follows and Set Bangla Keypad easily.-> Easy to write in Bangla Text.-> More User Friendly app in terms of Bangla Keyboard.-> Share Bangla Text easily to your family and friends.
Bengali Keyboard 8.0
Abbott Cullen
Enjoy to Read, Write and Share in Bengali Language!!!InstallBengali Keyboard.
Bangla Keyboard 1.3
Bangla Keyboard.Write Bangla On your Mobile.
Bangla Keyboard 2
KB Infotech
Bangla Keyboard is to write allthecharactersin Bangla when you typing in any social app suchasgmail,whatsapp, or other browsers.Bangla keyboard is designed in different beautifulthemes,Youwillfind superb eye catching themes from BanglaKeyboard.You can set your own photo in keyboard background andmakeitcute.Bangla Keyboard work as a default keyboard in your device.Hereyoucan having option for type in English when you want tousedjustswitch to other language.Features:- Enable Bangla KeyboardFirst Set Enable Bangla Keyboard with single touch windows.- Switch Bangla KeyboardAfter that go to Switch option of Bangla Keyboard.- imagesIn Images option you can set your image or photoinkeyboardbackground and see the preview of keyboard when itsopenfor typein Bangla.* set Portrait and landscape setting usingcustomizethemeoptions.* set keyboard transparency with 0 to 100 % scaling options.* set Background Color of your Bangla Keyboard withvariouscoloroptions.* set Font color of your Bangla Keyboard font withvariousFontColor.* You can see all the setting in preview mode withitschangesrelated to setting.- ThemeTheme option used for select best keyboard theme whateveryoulike,choose out of them.- FontFont option used for set font style according to yourselectioninfont keyboard.- SettingSetting options used for apply setting in your Banglakeyboardwithvarious General Setting,DisplaySetting,FontSetting ,Sound Setting etc.- HelpHelp Provides you to guide how to write half character inTypeinBangla Keyboard.
Bengali Input Keyboard 3.0
Bengali Input Keyboard is very easyappto type in Bengali language with amazing themes. You can addmanycute Emoji in your message.Set different background in keyboard by selecting imagefromgallery or capture photo.Features :=> Enable Bengali Input Keyboard fromappitself.=> Set beautiful background by selecting image from galleryorcamera.=> App having such pretty themes to decorateyourkeyboard.=> More than 500 emoji and smiles available.=> Share our app Bengali Input Keyboard viasocialnetwork.
Bangla Roman Keypad IME 1.1
Bangla Roman Keypad allows you to writeinRoman/English alphabets to write in an Bangla/ Indianlanguage(Transliteration). Dictionary support etc have beenprovided. Italso offers you to write in English using itsdictionary. Togglebetween Roman/English. Also, Bangla no., Symbols,Smileys etcsupported.This offering of a Roman keypad from Luna Ergonomicsincludessome special features to users, including some gesturesupport.Other products of Luna Ergonomics are the Panini Keypad andtheStatic Keypads.Some examples are provided below.আমি = aamiব্যাপার = byaparআনন্দ = aanndজন্তু = jantuপরিক্ষা = parikkhaবিজ্ঞান = bigyanপ্ৰাচুৰ্য = prachuryসামৰ্থ্য = samarthyভাষ্কর্য = bhashkaryস্বাধীন = swadheenশ্রদ্ধা = shraddhaঋষি = rishiসৃষ্টি = srishtiপত্রিকা = ptrikaThe Keypad is an IME (Input Method Editor), so afterinstallationlaunch/activate is little different, follow thesteps.1. Go to Settings- Language & input- Select BanglaRomanKeypad IME.(check on)2. Go to Settings- Language & input- Default- Set BanglaRomanKeypad.Back to typing area keyboard will appear on screen.Your feedback & suggestion are welcome.*Note: Bangla fonts must present in phone, otherwiseshowsSquare/Blank boxes.
Bengali Keyboard 1.0
Robbie Davis
Bengali Keyboard is an easy processtosetBengali keyboard as system type keyboard and make itmorepreferfor Bengali type in language.Bengali keyboard is designed in different beautifulthemes,selectyour own theme that catches your eye. Change thekeyboardtoEnglish, numeric and special characters.Bengali Keyboard to set in your phone and its apply inyourwholephone keypad type and its more useful for all theBengalireadersand writer for best used.Type in Bengali Language then it's very easy for writeBengalitextusing this app.Bengali Keyboard is used to write text in Bengali languageandtoalso to share Bengali text via social links. Bengalikeyboardwillalso allow you to searching Bengali content, typemessagesinBengali, compose emails in Bengali, status and commentsonsocialsites and updates on all social networks in Bengali.How to Set:1. Enable Bengali Keyboard for select Bengali Keyboard.2. Switch Bengali Keyboard for Set up input methodsofBengaliKeyboard.3. Bengali Keyboard having facility for set userdefinedthemerelated for this keyboard.4. Themes contains 8 best Bengali keyboard themeswithvariousbeautiful background and choose any one from them.5. Add Image provide user to set user defined photo asbackgroundaswell as to set portrait and landscape how it looksaftersettingyour photo as background.6. Setting Keyboard Transparency with scrolling optionandsetbackground color option with user choices.7. Bengali Keyboard is wonderful with customize themeaccordingtouser choice.8. Fonts used for set user choice fonts in keypad whentextoralphabets write in input method.9. Preview give user option for how its looks when allthefacilityset in and if user wants to change then its applyinBengalikeyboard.10. Setting for all the option available withautocapitalization,vibrate on key press, suggestion on key press,fontscolor andpreview text color, sound on key press.11. Bengali keyboard is best functionality for type inBengalitextand alphabets with amazing features.12. Fully Customization Language,symbol and Emoji Layoutwithbuiltin layout Editor.Features :-> Best User interface design for all users.-> Easy to apply in almost all devicewhereBengalisupported.-> Few Steps follows and Set Bengali Keypad easily.-> Easy to write in Bengali Text.-> More User Friendly app in terms of Bengali Keyboard.-> Share Bengali Text easily to your family and friends.
TruKey Bangla Keyboard Emoji 1.0.1
TruKey Bengali Language pack withPhonetic,Emoji.Layouts:Bengali layout layout with ₹ symbolBengali number layout with ₹ symbolBengali Phonetic layout with number & ₹ symbolInstallation Steps1.Install ⇒TruKey2.Select the desired layout from TruKey'sSettings->Keyboardsmenu.TruKey is an on screen keyboard with multiplelanguagessupport.This is one of the most customizable keyboard available.Main features:- Multiple languages supported through external plugins- Prediction & completion word dictionary for most ofthelanguages- Easy switch between language during typing- Can complete typed words from phone contacts names- Supports multi touch- Supports audio input (Android 2.2+)Gesture support:- Swipe left or right to switch layouts- Swipe up to shift- Swipe down to close the keyboardTheme support (comes with 5 skins)- Build-in user dictionary words editor- And many more features!- Full featured standard layoutsFull Language Support Through External download through iKeyAppKeyboard Addon:Arabic Keyboard with Dictionary - العربيةArmenian Keyboard with Dictionary - ՀայերենBelarusian Keyboard - беларуская моваBengali Keyboard with Phonetic - বাংলাFrench Keyboard with Dictionary - FrançaisGerman Keyboard with Dictionary - DeutschHindi Keyboard with Dictionary & Phonetic - हिन्दीItalian Keyboard with Dictionary - ItalianoJapanese Keyboard - 日本語Kannada Keyboard with Dictionary - ಕನ್ನಡPortuguese Keyboard with Dictionary - PortuguêsRussian Keyboard with Dictionary - Pусский языкSpanish Keyboard with Dictionary - EspañolTamil Keyboard with Dictionary - தமிழ்Many more language features are coming soon
Type In Bangla 1.0
DH Technosoft
Type In Bangla Keyboard is very easy apptotypein Bangla language with amazing themes.You can set your own photo in keyboard and make it cute.Set different background in keyboard by selecting imagefromgalleryor capture photo.Features-:1. Enable Keyboard.2. Switch Type In Bangla Keyboard3. You can set your image or photo in keyboard background andseethepreview of keyboard when its open for type in Bangla.4. Apply Beautiful Themes with best font style.5. Provide Bangla Fonts Style for typing keyboard.6. Setting facility related to General setting, DisplaySetting,Fontcolor Setting , Sound Setting with best options.7. Smooth Touch Implementation.8. Find Emoji in Type In Bangla Keyboard app and addinyourtext.
Bangla Keyboard 1.0
With Bangla Keyboard you canwriteallBangla Alphabets, letters and words. Bangla keyboard istheeasiestkeyboard to write in Bangla language, it is providingyoureading,writing and sharing text in Bangla language.Very convenient to use - Just Install, Enable and SwitchtoBanglaLanguage.Customize theme and background. Put your photobehindkeyboardbackground.You can use this keyboard to write in Bangla text.DownloadBanglaKeyboard and type in Bangla language.How to Type in Bangla Language Keyboard?- Install and Start Bangla Keyboard- Set as Default Keyboard from Language and input settings- Switch to Bangla Keyboard- Apply Theme and Background and start usingHow to change keyboard theme?- Change Vibrations- change sounds- Auto text suggestion- Font color, popup color or sizeCan I change language?Yes, you can toggle between Bangla and English languages.Is Keyboard supports Emoji ?Of course, with Bangla keyboard you can access all the1000+emojis.Also this emoji are added in keyboard. So you just needtoclick onEmoji button to add emoji in your text. Easily shareyouremoji withall social networks.Can I change Bangla Fonts style?Sure. Bangla Keyboard added with best built in Bangla fonts.Noneedto download more.
Swopno Keyboard - স্বপ্নবোর্ড 1.1.1 যাত্রা
** Please read instructions in our app to easily writebanglaquickly. Features: 1. 3 ways to change language, by swipingleft orright in any where of keyboard, long pressing on "caps" keyor longpressing spacebar. . Most excellent styles added. . Changestylesmost quickly, just long press on spacebar. . If you like fun,It isa must have tool for you. You can paste most funny quoteseasily ina single touch of your finger. . You can enable or disablesound orvibration in every keypress, also you can set timeout ofvibration.. No advertisement or no annoying ads in our app.