Top 13 Apps Similar to 超理论坛 for Android

贴吧一键定时签到 2.1.0
该软件帮助用户贴吧一键签到,经验+8,还可水贴,签到过程十分节省流量。签到没有等级和个数限制,1级2000以上贴吧也可以一键签到。软件有极速签到和匀速签到,网速良好的情况下,极速签到可秒签200 个贴吧。速度超过贴吧客户端一键签到。该软件定时签到功能,可以提示用户的手机与百度服务器时间对比,帮助用户选择合适的时间签到。用户设置好时间后,不需要挂着该软件,时间到后,会自动启动一键签到,零点签到再也不用熬夜了。定时签到,有挂机方式和 免挂机两种方式。如免挂机方式不占用系统资源,但部分手机不兼容。挂机方式占用资源,但启动成功率较高。该软件加载百度的登录页面登录,保证用户的账号安全。使用说明:1.极速签到 设置线程数越多签到速度越快,但有失败率,匀速签到成功率高速度慢,建议先技术签到然后再点匀速签到进行补签.一键签到时,程序会自动跳过列表中标记"已签"的吧。签到过程中可以按手机"HOME"键,后台签到。2.如果用户有不想签到的贴吧,可以长按贴吧,然后移除,再保存到本地,下次就不会有这个贴吧。3. 长按屏幕右侧 “↑” 或“↓”按钮可以回顶/回底4. 如果有新关注贴吧,按左上角选择重新导入贴吧5.账号管理中可以导出账号到txt文件,里面是账号的bduss,一行为一个账号,下次可以使用该文件导入账号6.定时签到需先点击底部设置时间,再按启动按钮。有2中方式,方式一部占用系统资源,但部分手机不支持可使用方式二(注意:若设置零点签到,需要根据百与度服务器时间对比,计算合适的时间)7.如果有的账号没有必要签到,可以在账号管理中,标记为已签,就可以跳过该账号。8.一键签到页面中,单击账号可切换账号。9.点击单个贴吧可以通过应用内嵌的浏览器,浏览该贴吧。更详细的使用说明,可到“更多→使用说明”到灵想签到吧查看。如果有关于app的疑问或建议请到灵想签到吧讨论或反馈The softwarehelpsusersposted it a key sign, +8 experience, but also waterpaste,theprocess is very save traffic sign. Attendance levels andnolimiton the number, grade 1 above 2000 it may be a keysign.Software speed check-in and check-uniform, under a goodspeed,thespeed sign can check 200 seconds posted it. Faster thanpostedit akey client sign.The software timing check in, you can prompt the user'sphoneandBaidu server time contrast to help users choose the righttimetocheck in.After the user to set a good time, do not need thesoftwarehangs,time, it will automatically start a key sign, zero nolongerhaveto stay up late check-ins.Regular attendance, and there is free on-hook-hook mode intwoways.Free on-hook mode, such as do not take up systemresources,but isnot compatible with some phones. Hook modeconsumeresources, but ahigher success rate of start.The software is loaded Baidu login page login accounttoensurethe safety of users.Instructions for use:1. Speed ​​The more the number of threads is set tosignattendancefaster, but the failure rate, uniform sign successrateis slow,then it is recommended to sign technical point ofuniformsign beretroactive.When a key sign, the program will automatically skiplistlabeled"already signed" it. Check-in process can press yourphone"HOME"button to sign in the background.2. If you do not want to have a sign posted it, you canpresspasteit, then removed, then save to a local, this would nothavepostedit next time.3. Press the right side of the screen "↑" or "↓" button toreturntothe top / bottom Back4. If there is a new concern paste it, paste the upper leftcornertoselect re-import it5. Account Management Account can be exported to a txt file,whichisthe account bduss, a behavior an account, you can use thenexttimethe file into account6. The timing of the sign must first click on the bottom ofthesettime, press the start button. There are 2 ways, onewaysystemresources, but some phones do not support use two(Note: If you set the zero sign, and the degree of needtoonehundred times the server comparison, calculatetherighttime)7. If there is no need to sign the account, you canmanagetheaccount, marked as checked, you can skip thisaccount.8. A key sign in page, click the account to switch accounts.9. Click the individual paste it by applying theembeddedbrowser,browse the Post Bar.More detailed instructions can be made to the"More→Instructions" Hope would like to sign in to view it.If you have questions or suggestions about the app, pleasegotoHope to sign it or discuss feedback
中华论坛 1.8.0
“中华论坛”是中华网社区推出的移动客户端产品,以“网友影响中国”为口号,是学者、官员、企业家等讨论交流的平台,是爱国人士的家园,是全球华人的聚集地;是中国最具影响力的移动社区平台。"China Forum" is theCDCcommunity launched a mobile client products, "netizen affectChina"as the slogan is to discuss the platform for the exchangeofscholars, government officials, entrepreneurs, etc., is hometopatriots is the global Chinese gathering; is China'smostinfluential mobile community platform.
BingFeng Forum
"Bingfeng Forum" is the largest social network site foronlinegameassistance in Taiwan. We provide you with trends ofthehottestgames and most practical assistance information daily.Everytopic,including gossip, chat, hot girl and stylish guy…etc,iswelcomed.We will make you play games free and easy whilechattingwithothers. "Bingfeng Forum" APP will bring you fasterandmoreconvenient mobile experiences. Main features ‧BingfengForumprovides the newest and hottest discussion daily.‧Throughautomatic pushing function, you can get thenewestreplynotifications or notes. ‧ Supporting posting newarticles,reply,private message, search, and feedback ‧ You can usechattingroomto chat on-line with members at any time, accompanyingyouforgetting through boring time! ‧ The embed Emoticons andfileuploadfunction make you more continent for chatting by usingAPP.‧Straightforward and clear user interface We have beenimprovingourAPP functions continually, please look forward to! Inthemeantime, if you have any problem or suggestion, please noteusbysending e-mail to [email protected].
偏见 - 换个姿势看时间 1.0.3
偏见 - 换个姿势看世界,极简的分享社区在偏见,你可以分享你的奇思妙想和热门、有趣、甚至奇怪的新鲜事,并附上你的个人偏见,让它变得独一无二。@钱钟书《一个偏见》偏见可以说是思想的放假。它不是没有思想的人的家常日用,而是有思想的人的星期日娱乐。假如我们不能怀挟偏见,随时随地必须得客观公平、正经严肃,那就像造屋只有客厅,没有卧室,又好比在浴室里照镜子还得做出摄影机头前的姿态。偏见,做最真实的自己!【偏见姿势】- 个性偏见:分享对你世界的个性看法,和而不同- 极简交互:独特的卡片风格交互界面,操作极简- 全民传播:全民点评推选热门的内容,聚焦热点- 智能推荐:个性化推荐你偏好的内容,偏见懂你【玩转偏见】-发布一个问题、话题、投票、观点,自己组织文字、选择照片,看到有趣的论坛话题、贴吧轶事、新闻热点拉个链接,发起投票全搞定;-你可以对所有的帖子进行评论,甚至是直接去回复一条评论,即使对方有万人点赞,你依旧可以说出你的独到之处,争论到底或者……让大家投票决定;-这个帖子这么有趣一看就是跟那些论坛贴吧的灌水帖不一样!这个评论的干货我收下了!喜欢的帖子和评论记得点赞哦,除了让更多人看到它,还能随时查看最新动态。-打开偏见你看不到贴吧、论坛一般铺天盖地的文字,层层叠叠的标题。在偏见,一个话题一张卡片一个页面,看一张滑一张,简单清晰;轻轻一划换下一张卡片,不喜欢的帖子直接上滑扔掉;图片轻触放大,按住它拖动有惊喜哦!-还想回到论坛、贴吧去看盖楼吗?优秀的评论和帖子会获得更多的点赞,你得到的赞数个人中心都会为你默默累积,快去看看你的“言值”有多高!今天的帖子翻累了,投票戳完了,你可以直接在侧边栏查看此刻最热的帖子,在这里得到更多精品。【联系偏见】官方网站:微信公众号:pianjian-app官方微博:电子邮箱:[email protected]客服QQ:3132028157
狮城论坛 2.3.61 (21121516)
新加坡狮城论坛的手机APP终于上线了!为了广大用户能够更好的在手机上体验,我们在APP里加入了即时聊天的功能哦!另外还有更多新的功能正在开发中,敬请期待!Singapore Lion CityForumMobile APP finally on the line!In order to be able to better experience the majority of usersonthe phone, we have added real-time chat function in APPinOh!In addition there are many more new features are being developed,sostay tuned!
篱笆论坛 1.6
篱笆网-伴你经历人生中的每个重要时刻!上海最大的家庭生活消费平台,已成功为超过50万户家庭提供装修、结婚、育儿等方面的服务。篱笆论坛客户端-专为手机用户量身打造的浏览篱笆网论坛(的第三方浏览工具,独创的网络媒体阅读引擎,专为手机用户设计,访问论坛更流畅、更舒适、更省流量。结合源社区定制设计,提供简洁的内容排版,保留源社区的原汁原味。功能特色:==============1.美观易用的用户界面,原汁原味的社区论坛 。2.专为手机排版文章,更方便阅读,和节省流量。3.快捷方便的导航和工具栏,让你可以快速浏览文章和翻页。4.图文并茂支持高清图片。5.支持历史记录和书签。6.支持回贴。7.支持论坛所有板块分类。8.支持全屏阅读模式。Fence net - withyouthrough life every important moment! Shanghai's largestconsumerplatform of family life, has been successful for more than500,000families renovation, marriage, parenting and other services.Forum fence client - tailored specifically for mobile phoneusersto browse the fence Network Forum ( third-partybrowsertools, original online media reading engine, designedspecificallyfor mobile phone users to access the forum smoother,morecomfortable more provincial traffic. Combined sourcecommunitycustom designed to provide concise content layout,retainingoriginal source communities.Features:==============1 beautiful-to-use user interface, authentic community forum.2 typeset articles specifically for mobile phones, easier toread,and to save traffic.3 quick and easy navigation and toolbar, so you can quicklybrowsearticles and pages.4 illustrations to support high-quality pictures.5. Supports history and bookmarks.6 support postback.7 support forum for all Sectors.8. Supports full-screen reading mode.
深藍學生論壇 2.3
深藍學生論壇 - DeepBlue Student Forum是目前臺灣最大的中學生網路社群論壇議題涵蓋廣泛亦有港澳大陸地區及海外版面廣受學生歡迎還在用越來越空洞化的臉書?討論內容詳細且有深度的東西盡在深藍學生論壇~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 支援 Android L (5.0)2. 穩定度及細部修正-------------------------------------------------------------------------------台灣深藍學生論壇 深藍論壇深藍學生論壇 DeepBlue Student ForumSqueezebox Forum-DeepBlue Student ForumIs currently Taiwan's largest online community schoolstudentsForum topics cover a wideMainland China Hong Kong, Macao and overseas also forumWidely popular with the studentsStill use more hollowing out of face book?Detailed and in-depth discussion of what to do in SqueezeboxForum~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Support Android L (5.0)2. Stability and detail correction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Taiwan blue Squeezebox Forum ForumSqueezebox Forum DeepBlue Student Forum
表情盒子 3.1.4
Wang Tai
=============【微信/QQ聊天必备】=========================★收录最全卡通表情,明星表情,真人表情,金馆长,暴漫★★每天更新,同步湖南卫视、爸爸去哪儿热门影视表情★★支持表情收藏到QQ、微信,更方便,使用更便捷 ★===================================================“表情盒子”是最新最全→ 微信、QQ热门表情大全! 最全聊天表情,只有想不到,没有找不到→ 直接导入微信、导入QQ! 导入成功后边聊边发 !→ 明星动态表情! 微博明星搞笑表情直接入驻,微信群火爆搞笑表情收录→ 无广告无内付! 无广告无内付,完全免费表情。“表情盒子”官方合作、提交表情QQ:189528151========================================================================以下表情可以在“表情盒子”中找到,不断更新中(字数限制):金馆长,掌声响起来,CATSOUL喵喵,阿了个喵,痒小贱网络流行语,周星驰搞笑文字表情,我是金馆长网络语,熊猫金馆长吐槽网络语,阿狸经典表情,兔斯基,阿哆日常表情,麦拉风经典表情,小幺鸡经典表情,洋葱头唯美梦幻漫画版,蘑菇点点精华版,nonopanda无知熊猫,熊猫BOBO,布朗熊和可妮兔的约会,蛙里奥的日常静态表情,馒头人的寂寞,布朗熊和可妮兔,布朗熊和可妮兔的日常,可妮兔-上班族,暴走的可妮兔,蘑菇人方吉静态表情,馒头人-发胖版,馒头人的愤怒,馒头人的日常精华版,詹姆斯与馒头人,大眼MM闺蜜们,女青年和男青年,大胖猫和精神黑瘦猫,小灰猫的心情,大黄鸟的美好生活,大耳猴的一天,饺子仔仔,奇怪的叔叔阿姨老爷爷们,好吃懒做的小黄猫,女孩纸和闺蜜们,小猪有一颗环游世界的心,奇怪的少年和白恐龙,宇宙宝贝鱼妹兔日常表情,粉色潘斯特,白色潘斯特,皮揣子,罗小黑经典表情,馒头人的日常大合集,瓜皮仔,CC猫经典表情合集,洛宝贝可爱表情,想念熊,哎呦熊,鸡小德,二毛叔和狗子们,驴小毛,奇想咕噜团,樱兔子,屁屁狗经典表情,丢丢,咪娜,小八,妙动狗,菠萝头呆呆,丸子,麦咪熊熊,可爱搞怪baby猫,接吻侠经典表情,水果宝贝美蕉,兔耳控,冷先森,hello菜菜经典表情,COPYCAT猫之甜甜,毕加猪,冷兔搞笑表情,小鸟彼尔德日常表情,象扑君,兔子帮,绝对小孩,我是白骨精之搞怪唐僧,搞笑对话框,恶搞金三胖,辉辉,饺子仔仔摔东西,你为何这么吊,猥琐猫恶搞大合集,小凤凤,CATSOUL喵喵贴吧网络语合集,痒小贱鬼马表情,你为何这么吊恶搞合集,COPYCAT经============= [Micro-channel / QQ chatmandatory]=========================★ most complete collection of cartoon faces, star face,realexpression, Jinguan Chang, violence Man ★★ updated daily, synchronous Hunan Satellite TV, Where is thefatherof popular TV face ★★ support face Add to QQ, micro letters, more convenient,moreconvenient to use ★================================================== ="Expression box" is the latest and most complete→ micro letter, QQ popular expression Daquan! Completechatexpressions, only think, no can not find→ directly into the micro-channel, import QQ! Behind chattedwhilethe import was successful hair!→ Star dynamic expression! Microblogging funny expressiondirectlyassigned star, micro-channel group included hotfunnyexpression→ No ad-free pay! No ad-free paid, totally free expression."Expression box" official cooperation, submit expressionsQQ:189528151========================================================================The following expressions can be found in the "expressionbox",constantly updated (word limit):Jinguan Zhang, applause sounded, CATSOUL meow, meow A a,itchingXiaojian network buzzwords, Stephen funny characterexpression, Iwas Jinguan Zhang language network, network Tucaopanda JinGuanzhang language, raccoon dog classic expression, rabbitChomsky,A duo daily expression, Mylar wind classic look, smallunitarychicken classic expression, aesthetic fantasy comicsonion,mushrooms little Essentials, nonopanda ignorance Panda, PandaBOBO,brown bear and rabbit Ni appointments, frog Rio dailystaticexpression, bread lonely people, Brown Bear and Rabbit Ni, NiBrownBear and Rabbit daily, can ni rabbit - workers, runaway maynirabbit, mushrooms people Fangji Jing states face, bread people-fat version, bread Rage, the daily bread Essentials, Jamesandbread man, big eyes MM girlfriends, young women and young men,andthe spirit of Pan Mao Heishou big cats, little gray cat's mood,thebig yellow bird of a better life , big ears monkey day,dumplingsZai Zai strange aunts and uncles grandfather who, lazylittleyellow cat, girl paper and girlfriends, pigs have a heartaroundthe world, a strange boy and white dinosaur, baby fishsisteruniverse Rabbit daily expression, Pan Site pink, white PanSite,leather hides child, Luo black classic expression, alargecollection of people's daily bread, melons Tsai, CC the catclassicexpression Collection, Los cute baby face, miss the bear,hey YoBear, Chicken Little Germany, wool t and Gouzi who donkeyhairs,fantasy Gollum group, cherry rabbit, dog ass classicexpression,Diudiu, Mi Na, eight small, wonderful dog move,pineapple headblankly, balls, Mai microphone raging, Funny cutebaby cats,kissing Man classic look, the United States and bananafruit baby,rabbit ear control, cold first forest, hello Cai Caiclassicexpression, COPYCAT sweet cat, Albert and pigs, cold rabbitfunnyface, a bird Bier De daily expressions, like flapping Jun,rabbithelp, definitely a child, I was the White-Boned Demon MonkeyFunny,funny dialog spoof gold and three fat, shine, dumplings Victhrewthings around, why are you so hung wretched cat spooflargecollection small Feng Feng, CATSOUL meow paste it networklanguagecollection, itching Xiaojian funny face, why are you sohung spoofcollection, COPYCAT by
MAT BBS - 写轮眼调教论坛 Build-5
这是由 Trumeet(Liangyuteng0927)开发的MATBBS手机客户端,已获得站长 LetITFly (guozixi) 许可,这就是MAT BBS的官方App。MAT BBS:https://mat.letitfly.me统计信息:https://tj.letitfly.me站长的博客:https://letitfly.me郑重声明:MAT BBS 非 MyAndroidTools 软件的作者所建,MyAndroidTools 软件的作者未参与BBS的任何事务。MyAndroidTools 的“关于”页面中有作者的联系方式。ThisisTrumeet(Liangyuteng0927) developed by MAT BBS mobileclient,We have obtained Master LetITFly (guozixi) license,This is the MAT BBS official App.MAT BBS: https: //mat.letitfly.meStatistics: https: //tj.letitfly.meMaster's blog: https: //letitfly.meSolemnly declare:MAT BBS non MyAndroidTools author of the software built,MyAndroidTools author of the software is not involvedinanytransaction of BBS.MyAndroidTools "About" page in theauthor'scontactinformation.
The Graph 1.9.1
IMPORTANT NOTE This app is only for The Graph customers(loginrequired). ************ What The Graph can do for you: -Easilyperform detailed Facebook search - Find people by age,gender,location, name, interests, group members and more. - Findstoriesby keyword, topic, who posted it, where it posted, timeperiod andmore. - Find Facebook group by keyword, topic, location,people whojoined it, and more. - Find Facebook Pages, Events, Appsby varioussearch criteria. - Sort Facebook search results based onNumber ofLikes, Shares, Comments, Engagement rate, Viral potentialand manymore. - Filter Facebook search results by mediatype(Status/caption only, Video, Photo, and much more. - Savesearchquery in history. - Use multiple Facebook's account. -Switchbetween Facebook's account in one screen.
SM - The Social Media App 1.0
Zid Apps
You can quickly access to allyoursocialnetworks at one place now. Easy handling, fastinteractionandguaranteed security, all free.- Save battery and memory.- Only one app for all your social media needs.- 100% secure platform.- Quick and easy access.- No need for other applications anymore.Social networks availables:- Facebook- Twitter- Google +- LinkedIn- YouTube- Vine- hi5- Pinterest- Tumblr- Instagram- MySpace- Skype- Path- Reddit- Digg- ASKfm- Flickr- Badoo- Tsu- Flipboard- StumbleUpon- Omegle- Tagged- Twoo- IMVU- Hitwe- Foursquare- Dribbble- Wikipedia- VKontakte- Odnoklassniki- Weibo- QZone- Dailymotion- Skyrock- DevianArtSearch engines:- Google- Bing- Yahoo- Baidu- YandexMail services:- Gmail- Outlook- Yahoo Mail- MailRuAre we missing any?Write us to [email protected], or leave yourcomment.
未名论坛 2.0.0
未名空间官方出品的论坛客户端Unnamed spaceofficialproduced've Client
KIND 5.4.0
Kind Inc
近期火到不行的社交应用。基于 LBS(地理位置服务)的限时话题聊天室。专注兴趣话题开聊,寻找同类友人。重新定义你和陌生人的关系,开创兴趣社交的新形式与未来。它可以,热聊过后即焚聊天室:单人私聊,多人群聊,海量频道,任意选择;你可以,灵魂深处都能感到安全和自在,秒聚同类人,同频交友,找到共鸣。萌萌哒KIND官微:KIND开聊(随意调戏小斑马或被小斑马调戏...)酷酷哒KIND微信:KIND (微信号:uskind)、KIND开聊(微信号:hikind)逗逗哒KIND小斑马Naroro之家QQ群:391852498(程序猿、运营喵和产品汪真身解答)贱贱哒KIND百度贴吧:KIND小斑马(各类热情似火的KINDer根据地)装装哒KIND官网软件、团队介绍与加入我们)Recentsocialapplicationsto not fire.Based LBS (location services) limit topic chat rooms.Interest focused on the topic of open chat, lookforsimilarfriends.Redefining the relationship between you and the stranger,andcreatenew forms of social interest and future.It can, and after that is burning hot chat chat room:Singlewhisper,more people talk, the mass channel,arbitrarychoice;You can, of soul can feel safe and comfortable, secondpolysimilarpeople, with frequent dating, find resonance.Meng Meng Da KIND official micro: KIND open chat(casualdalliancesmall little zebra zebra or molested ...)Cool da KIND micro letter: KIND (Micro Signal: uskind),KINDopenchat (Micro Signal: hikind)Tease da KIND small zebra Naroro home QQ group: 391 852498(programape, operations and products Wang meow Mamianswers)Cheap cheap da KIND Baidu Post Bar: KIND small zebra(alltypessolicitous KINDer base)Equipment installed da KIND official,Team and join us)