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Studio Danza Gloria 24
SDG company
La scuola Studio Danza Gloria èunaassociazioneche ha come fine la promozione e la diffusionedellacultura delladanza.Essa nasce come unione spontanea di persone che sipropongonodisvolgere l'attività sportiva, culturale e ricreativa,intesacomemezzo di formazione psico fisica e morale e comemezzodiintrattenimento durante il tempo libero, favorendolosvolgimentodella vita associativa in un ambiente serenoededucativo.L'associazione vanta un corpo insegnanti preparato,giovaneedinnovativo.Durante l'anno accademico la scuola partecipa a numerosistagedidanza con diversi coreografi esterni e viene spessoinvitataadimportanti eventi del settore. Inoltre sono numerosi etra ipiùprestigiosi i concorsi di danza regionali e nazionali acuilascuola partecipa ricevendo molti premi e riconoscimenti.The schoolDanceStudioGloria is an association that has as its goal thepromotionanddissemination of the culture of dance.It began as a spontaneous union of people who intend toplaysports,cultural and recreational, as a means of moral andphysicalandpsychological training as a means of entertainmentduringleisuretime, favoring the development of the associative lifein asereneenvironment and educational.The association has a body prepared teachers,youngandinnovative.During the academic year the school participates inseveraldanceworkshops with different choreographers outside andisofteninvited to important industry events. There are also manyofthemost prestigious competitions of regional and nationaldanceinwhich the school participates receiving manyawardsandaccolades.
Dancer Finder 1.61
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You Can Dance 1.0
Manuela Amati
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