Top 15 Apps Similar to Baby Names

Baby names 2.7
Mom and Dad will find together the name of their future baby.
Portuguese baby names 2.3
Bart Studio
Portuguese baby names
Baby Name Together 3.7.3
Find unique + popular baby names for your little peanut.
Nombres Bebes y Significado 1.1
Listados de nombres para bebés,divididosenchicos y chicas. Puedes hacer búsqueda dentro decadalistado,puedes añadirlo a una lista de favoritos paraconsultarlosmástarde.Listingsbabynames,divided into boys and girls. You can do search withineachlist,you can add it to a favorites list forconsultationlater.
Baby Names for Boy and Girl 1.5
The name of your baby is the first gift you will give him and oneofthe most important, since it will be heard every day throughouthislife and even after it. For this reason we have worked hardtoguarantee you available a selection with the best unique babynamesbased on criteria such as: original, modern, classic,common,beautiful, cute, elegant, exclusive, short, top, unique boynames,unique girl names, usable foreigners in Spanish, easy toremember,easy writing easy to pronounce, among others. A collectionof morethan 1,000 names matched by gender (boys names and girlsnames), byinitial letter and finally by origin among which arehighlighted:Spanish English African German Arab Catalan ScottishFrench WelshGreek Hebrew Dutch India Irish Italian Latin NordicRussian If youwant to find the best name for your baby girl or boythisapplication is for you, download it immediately and find out.
Nombres de bebés 1000+
Choosing the name for your baby is easy with this list of namesbyorigin.
Nombres de Bebés 4.5.1
Una colección con montones de nombres para bebes con susignificado.Con esta coleccion queremos ayudarte a elegir elnombre de tu hijo ohija con un montón de opciones. Disfrutanavegando la lista con losnombres y compartiendo con tus amigoslas posibilidades porFacebook, Twitter, SMS y más. Disfrútalo!!!
American baby names boy girl 2.4.0
features:Find American baby names and children's names (boy names,girlnames)Lists of namesMeaning of the namePopular children's names and baby namesShare name list with facebook or e-mailMake your own favorite name listTHE BABYNAME APP - IT'S FREE, ITS EASY AND WITHOUTANNOYINGADS.Designed and produced by parents who know how difficult it can betofind the perfect name.SWIPE IF YOU LIKEThe Babyname App will help you find just the right name foryourbaby. We recognize that choosing one name among thousands canbe achallenging task. But with the new The Babyname App you can nowbesure to find the perfect name. The unique interface of theTheBabyname App is both fun and easy to use. Either browse namelistsfrom your country or let The Babyname App help you find therightname for your baby. Each name will be presented on a swipecard,and whenever you see a name that you like swipe the card righttoadd it to your list of favourites.+45,000 NAMESThe Babyname App is the most comprehensive name app availableforboth android and apple smartphones. It contains over 45,000namesthat are used in the larger parts of Europe, USA, Turkey,andJapan. Whenever available the most likely meaning of the nameispresented. As the meaning of names is known to depend onwhichcountry you live in, it is always a good idea to check up onyourlocal literature and learn more about the history and meaningofyour favourite name.SHARE WITH YOUR PARTNEROne of the best features of The Babyname App is the possibilitytoshare your favourite names list with your partner, family,andfriends. Simply link up with facebook and choose who you wanttoshare your names with. After linking up with partners andfriends,The Babyname App will automatically generate a list ofcommonfavourite names that will make it even easier for you tochoose thevery best name.LEARN MORE ABOUT ORIGIN AND MEANINGSUsing The Babyname App you will be able to search and browsenamesfrom all of these countries. On top of that, the meaning ofthenames is provided whenever known. To learn more about namesandtheir meanings you can visit external pages, which can be foundatour web page.Country Number of namesCatalonia 680Arabic 7922Sweden 2472Denmark 3415Italy 2301Turkey 1651England 5501Japan 2164Germany 6612Finland 1409Norway 2486USA 6500France 5439Poland 2104Old nordic 1786Greece 2006Portugal 1724    Netherlands 3315Spain 2309  HOW TO USE THE BABYNAME APPThe Babyname App is the most intuitive baby name app for AndroidandiPhone. It’s almost too simple. Just go to the Setting menuandchoose origin and gender, and start creating your own listoffavourite names. To make your list you can choose to use theswipecard. Swipe right to add the name to your list of favourites.Youcan also simply choose names from the list of all namesmatchingyour origin. If you want to share your list of names withyourpartner or friends, you can email the list or even betterconnectvia your facebook account. Not to worry – only yourfacebookfriends that you choose will see that you are looking fornames andwhich names are your personal favourites.Web pages for more information:Please visit our international web pages at:England:
Nombres para Bebes Modernos 1.03
The best selection of names for babies in different categories.
Nombres para Bebes 1.6
En esta aplicacion podras encontrar nombres que puedes escogerparaponerle a tu niño o niña ya que aqui podras ver lo quesignifica ycon su dia santo sin la necesidad de internet
Nombres de Bebés 1.0
You will find the most varied list of baby names, download it now!
Welt der Namen & Baby Namen 1.2
Welt der Namen - die Appvonwww.namen-welt.defür Namensrecherchen insbesondere wenn SieNamenfür ihr Baby bzw.Kind suchen. Wir haben mehr als 27.000NamenunterschiedlicherHerkunft in unserer Datenbank.Es gibt moderne aber auch traditionelle Namen, die auchnochIhrerGroßmutter gefallen würde. Gerade die Namensgebung isteineWeltfür sich, da die Geschmäcker sehr subjektiv sind.Wirversuchenhier eine möglichst breite Auswahl vonmöglichenBabynamenanzubieten, damit jeder etwas für sich findenkann.Die Namen sind alle mit Ihrer Herkunft undBedeutungangegeben,sodass auch recherchen zu Ihren eigenenNamenvereinfachtwerden.Es gibt elegante, gewagte, melodische, extravagant,alte,moderneund traditionellen Namen, lange und kurzeVornamen,typischarabische Vornamen, Namen der afrikanischen,französischenoderitalienischen Kultur. Die männlichen undweiblichen NamensollenIhnen Ideen geben, oder beim Auffinden derQuelle ihreseigenenNamens, seiner Herkunft oder Bedeutung,helfen.Especially ifyouarelooking for the app by for a namesearchnamesfor their baby or child - world of names. We have morethan27,000names of different origin in our database.There are modern as well as traditional names, nor wouldalsolikeyour grandmother. Just naming is a world in itself,becausethetastes are very subjective. We try the widest possiblechoiceofpossible baby names offer so that everyone can findsomethingforthemselves.The names are all marked with their origin and meaning,sothatsearches are simplified into your own name.There are elegant, daring, melodic, fancy, old,modernandtraditional names, long and short names, typicalArabicnames,names of African, French or Italian culture. The maleandfemalenames should give you ideas or help in finding the sourceofitsname, its origin and meaning.
שמות לתינוקות B-names 1.0.0
Boys and girls names most commonly used in Israel to create alistof names you like, save and share
Księga Imion i Znaczeń 1.4.2
Best Book of Names and Meanings in your mobile!
Gravidez Semana a Semana 1.2
O aplicativo ajuda a acompanhar o desenvolvimento do bebê desdeoinicio seguindo até o dia do nascimento. Fácil de usar,permiteadicionar anotações e fotografias a cada uma das etapas -criandoum diário pessoal único e interativo que pode ser acessadoaqualquer momento onde se estiver.