Top 1 Games Similar to Custom Sliding Puzzle

8 Puzzle 1.5
No Ads. Includes a 8 Puzzle solver also.The 8 Puzzle is a tile based game, invented in 1874, whereeachtile can be moved horizontally or vertically subject toaconstraint that the adjacent tile must be an empty tile.Thissliding number puzzle game requires you to use your brains.Thisgame is also known by the names - Sliding Puzzle Game, TileBasedNumber Puzzle, Sliding Puzzle etcAny valid 8-Puzzle can be completed within 31 moves.WHY SHOULD I DOWNLOAD THIS PARTICULAR 8 PUZZLE APP?We only give you valid configurations to play with, whenyouShuffle. Note that half of the combinations are unsolvableandunlike some other apps we don't give you unsolvablepuzzles.There is a Solution for every generated puzzle, which givesyou the minimum number of moves required to solve the problem.Youcannot do better than that!There is Puzzle Solver included. If you wan to know the solutionfora particular puzzle, drag and drop to create the puzzle in the8Puzzle solver. It gives you the solution in minimum numberofmoves.We use A-Star (A*) to find the path with the shortest no ofmovesto the goal. Hence, the solution displayed will the bestsolutionwith the minimum no of moves