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AnyCryptLab 2.0.3
Anycrypt - Internet earnings are among the most practical
Treasure: Crypto & BTC Wallet 1.0.5
IT Work
• TREASURE WALLET is your gateway to earn money from DeFi,DAO,NFTs,Tasks,
Online earning
Metasuite City 1.0.0
Metasuite City is a Web3 app on the blockchain withearningelements.
DeXoo: Crypto DeFi wallet 1.1.12
Web3, Swap, Deposit Crypto Assets
HardBit Cloud Mining Bitcoin 1.0.0
HardBit platform allows you to earn cryptocurrency cloud mining
RYIpay 0.21.1
RYIpay wallet app is built as a decentralized assetmanagementtoolfor cryptocurrencies that are immune toinflation,confiscation, orcensorship. It packs features designedtoonboardinvestment-oriented individuals into a cryptoecosystemwithoutheadaches. WALLET FEATURES: - Non-CustodialMulti-wallet>>Manage any number of cryptocurrencies acrossmultipleportfoliostyle wallets in a non-custodial manner. Thiswallet islike yourown bank where you are the only client and theonly one incharge.It’s designed to keep assets secure and easy torestore evenif thephone is stolen and tampered with. - InvestmentOrientedWallet>> RYIpay brings unmatched cryptocurrencymarketanalytics toyour device: advanced sorting, curatedcategorization,extensivefiltering, and event-based alertingfeatures. - A BitcoinWallet>> The wallet packs some of themost advancedBitcoinfeatures available: SPV enabled, BIP44/49/84/69 compliant,Bitcointimelocks, custom transaction fees,and more. - A DeFiWallet>> Full support for decentralizedtoken exchanges(Uniswap /PancakeSwap / 1inch) capable of executinghigh volumetokenexchanges in minutes at competitive market rates.Plus, theabilityto interact with any DeFi service over theWalletConnectprotocol.- Ethereum Wallet >> Full support forEthereumblockchain,its growing ecosystem of tokens (ERC20), andmanyservices such asENS and Uniswap decentralized exchange. -BinanceWallet >>Full support for original Binance Chain(incl. BEP2)and BinanceSmart Chain along with the capability toswap tokens inadecentralized manner via PancakeSwap DEX. -(ComingSoon)BlockchainAcademy >> The app includes two courses thataremeant toonboard newcomer into the world of cryptocurrenciesandDeFiecosystem in an easy-to-digest manner coveringessentialaspects ofcryptocurrency security, storage, privacy,transacting,exchangingand more. - Decentralized Wallet >>Designed towork withmost major blockchains in a decentralizedmanner where anappdoesn't depend on some server of a walletprovider tosend/receivetransactions but interacts with blockchainnetworksdirectly. -Privacy Focused >> Designed to allow forprivacyeven in themost privacy breaching scenarios. There are nouseraccountskeeping your records, no identity checks that riskexposingyourfinancials to the world, and no interactionwithtraditionalfinance layer. The app is partially TOR enabled andVPNsupportcoming soon. - Fully Open Source >> Perhapsthemosttransparent wallet application built to date. Theentire3-yearproduction process of the app is openly accessibleonlinealongwith 100% of its code for anyone to evaluate or reuseinotherprojects. Verified and audited by third parties.
Kembaq - Earn & Redeem Rewards 1.4.4
The newest loyalty platforms for MSMEs that will make peoplekeepcoming back.
Shiba Inu Miner 1.0.7
IP42 Network
Join our cloud miner app with low price!
Changeangel - Crypto Exchange
Instant crypto to crypto exchange
NFT Giver 1.6.0
NFT Giver - change your time for NFT
Qixbit: Buy BTC & Crypto Trade 2.1.0
Qixbit Inc
Buy, Sell, Trade, hold Bitcoin & other cryptocurrenciessimple,safe and secure
Halo: Web3 Social Wallet 2.1.3
Halo Wallet
A Web3 social wallet for NFTs, tokens, DeFi, swap, and web3 dApps~
ProHash - Btc Cloud Mining
Getting money online is easy! Don’t miss atrendinguniqueopportunity.
Crypto Bunny 1.0.7
Play hard ‚ Be glad ‚ Go mad about Crypto Bunny
Cloud Earning PHT 2.5.4
Welcome to the world of Phoneum - Mobile-only Cryptocurrency!CloudEarning PHT is designed to deliver simplified user experienceandplatform that enables all users, regardless of technicalaptitude,to fully participate in the new cryptocurrency economy.Theapplication requires internet to sign in and establish aconnectionwith the Phoneum server. Simply press "Start Earning" toconnect.The server handles everything in the cloud, therefore, onceearningis established, the app doesn't require the device to keepit openor in the background to earn PHT. Stake your PHT and get upto 5%monthly return! At any time, open Cloud Earning PHT to accesstheaverage earning statistics, track the earning progress, or seethePHT market statistics . To avoid interruption, a notificationissent when the earning process ends, to extend Earning for thenext7 days. Features: - Earn PHT on a 7-day basis - PHT Balanceupdatesevery 10 seconds - Stake PHT with up to 5% monthly return -DepositPHT - Invite and earn more - Average Earning Statistics -PHTMarket Statistics - PHT/USD Calculator
Swive Network 2.0.5
Slue LTD
Earn cryptocurrency with Swive Network!
Simple Crypto Tracker 1.0.0
H. Usta
A Lightweight Crypto Currency Tracker
ProfitTrading For KuCoin - Trade much faster 1.0.10
** New feature! Margin and Futures trading available!Enjoytradingat KuCoin with the best trading app. ** Increaseyourprofits atKuCoin with Profit Trading! Welcome to the thequickest,easiestand best KuCoin mobile client. Buy and sell fasterat KuCoinwith aquick and easy to use interface. Now you can placetrailingstoporders at TradingBot section withExtensionPack1! Get more info abouthow tomakeprofits with the bot The app is a full KuCoin clientwiththefollowing sections: - Buy & sell client: Buy andsellanycurrency in Bitcoins with a quick and easy touseinterface.Designed to make trading easy, you will love it. BuyandsellBitcoin (BTC) with USDT. Now included BTC, USDT andETHmarkets. -Orders: Check your open and closed orders quickly.Cancelyour openorders in an easy way. - Wallet: A full list of allthecurrenciesin your wallet with their BTC and FIAT equivalencesandthe totalBitcoin amount. The best place to controlyourcryptocurrencies. -Charts: Full chart of each coin, with pricesandvolume history.You can also customize the time rangelikecoinmarketcap. This is amust tool for trading. You can alsotrackBTC realtime chart. -TradingBot: Get profits withconditionalorders. Configure themarket, the coin and the buying andsellingprices and let the botplace the orders for you, so you justhave towait and get yourprofits. Place an optional stoploss to beable tocontroldisadvantage market conditions. - TradingBotExtensionPack1: ·TrailingStop Take advantage of the most powerfulorder tomakeprofits, TrailingStop! Your sell order will get high asthepricegrows! · AutoRestart Bot Now you can configure tradingbotstorestart when finished it profit was made. · Botfilledordersnotifications Receive push notifications when yourorderscreatedwith the trading bot are filled. * The number ofconcurrentbots tobe used at the same time is 25. - SignalBot: Justwrite thecoin,buy and sell really quickly with the trading bot.Takeadvantagefrom others buying when the price is still rising.Youwill lovetrading with this app. Once you placed the order, theapptells youif it was filled or not. It also prints the currentpriceof thecoin in Bitcoin, updating it constantly so you can sellitwhen itreaches the price you want. Sell orders are also placedwiththesame speed as buy orders, so you can take advantage toothersatKuCoin. The bot is fully customizable, you canconfiguretheBitcoin (BTC) amount to spend and the buy/sell priceincrementyouwant to offer from the current coin price. You canalsoconfigureif you want to autocancel a non-filled order or not.Newfeaturesincluded in SignalBot: + Auto StopLoss + AutoTakeProfit+Configure the amount of units you want to sell +Possibilityofcanceling orders on SignalBot screen + Autocheck forfilledorders+ Percentage of profit trailer included - Hodlsection:Manage yourhodl signals and track your benefits, coin buyprice,amount, coinlast value, signal date and coin increment. Addsignalsdirectlyfrom your bought orders in Orders section or placethemmanuallywith the coin selector. Every signal has a directaccess toitsdetailed chart. - Markets ranking section: Checkthetrendingmarkets with most benefits in last 24h. Order thembyincrement,price or name. Trading at KuCoin has never been soeasy!Don't waitmore and start increasing your profits withProfitTrading forKuCoin! Become a great trader with the app!Increaseyour Bitcoinsnow! - - Bitcoin, Cripto & Más 1.9.7
Listado entre el top 30 de exchanges en Coinmaketcap. Mexoeselexchange de criptomonedas más completo y fiable deAméricaLatina,con más de 70 activos de criptomonedas y más de 60paresdetrading, incluidas las secciones DeFi y NFT. La aplicacióndeMexoproporciona información y herramientas completas paraquelosusuarios operen sobre la marcha. Esto incluye: 1.HerramientadeGrid trading permiten comprar a bajo precio y vender aunmayorprecio, dándole ganancias de forma semiautónoma; 2.MercadodeContratos Perpetuos de Criptomonedas - Se ofrece unmargendenegociación de hasta 100 veces para maximizar el usodelcapital;3. Función de trading en Papel - Diseñadaespecíficamentepara quelos principiantes practiquen el tradingantes de entrar conactivosreales; 4. Múltiples Creadores de Mercadoexternos- no senegociacontra la casa; 5. La plataforma más avanzadapara elmercado decriptomonedas con la menor latencia y hardwarededicado6. Soporteprofesional de gráficos e indicadores deanálisistécnico; 7.Productos financieros de alto rendimiento quehacen quelascriptomonedas trabajen para ti; 8. Puerta deenlacemultidivisapara MXN, ARS y BRL; 9. Servicio de atención alcliente24 horas aldía, 7 días a la semana - Siempre ponemos a losusuariosen primerlugar; 10. Programa de referencia de por vida -Labonificación másalta en el comercio al contado y porcontrato;SEGURO Protecciónbancaria estándar de varios niveles yclústeres -Almacenamiento enlínea y fuera de línea desarrollado porun equipode seguridad dedatos de primer nivel. CriptomonedasBitcoin (BTC),Ethereum (ETH),Litecoin (LTC), EOS, Ripple (XRP),Tezos (XTZ),Decentraland(MANA), Stellar (XLM), Chainlink (LINK),BasicAttention Token(BAT), Algorand (ALGO), Dai, Doge, USDT, TUSD ymás.
FunexPro: Secure Crypto Wallet 1.0.0
Funex Coin
Most secure Decentralized wallet to store BTC, ETH, FUNEXandothercrypto coins
SWFT Blockchain v5.19.55
crypto wallet and cross-chain swap app
Bitrefill - Live on Crypto 1.31.11
Buy Gift Cards & Phone refills with Bitcoin, Ethereum&other cryptos!
Raven Coin Miner 1.0.6
IP42 Network
The simplest App to mining RVN coins directly.
Du Crypto Platform enables you to trade in all Cryptocurrencies
2048 Coins - play to earn BTC 1.1.91
Earn Bitcoin while playing crypto merge classic puzzlegamewhereskills matter
Authentific Blockchain 1.3.0
Verify the authenticity of blockchain secured documents.
NiceHash 4.8.8
H-BIT d.o.o.
Manage your NiceHash activities on the go!
Market Miner 3.0
"Market Miner is “a journey from speculation to calculation”.
Learn Crypto wyckoff SMI 2.0
Wyckoff Stock Market Institute's "Learn Crypto"
Hotcoin 4.4.1
The world's leading digital currency exchange,providingassetservices to a wide range of market users, such asBitcoinandEthereum transactions
TapTap Fantasy-Earn Crypto 1.9.0
Blockchain MMOJRPG games,fight the dragons to get richwithnftcrypto rewards!
Lemmon - Crypto Asset Manager 1.30.4
Lemmon Mobi
Track and manage +300 crypto assets in the smartest andfastestwaypossible.
ATAIX – Bitcoin Crypto Exchange 1.3.0
EuroToken OÜ
ATAIX is the fastest growing cryptocurrency exchangeoutthere,operating in accordance with EU licenses whileemployinghigh-endsecurity measures to mitigate any risk. ATAIXallows youtosecurely buy, store and sell cryptocurrencies andfiatcurrencieslike Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Euro and many moreonauser-friendly mobile app and web trading platform. Buy&SellEasily ATAIX makes buying Bitcoin, Ethereum and othermajorcoins,altcoins, tokens, and fiat simple and fast. All it takesis abankaccount or debit card. Advanced Trading ATAIX’s freetradingappconnects you to a world-class matching engine which isabletosupport up to millions of transactions a second, ensuringasmoothtrading experience across multiple cryptocurrencymarkets.TheATAIX trading app allows you to use Market order,Limitorderincluding Good til Cancel (GTC), Fill or Kill (FTK),ImmediateorCancel (IOC), and many more tools to increase yourperformanceandhelp you build and manage your effectiveportfolio.SupportedCurrencies: Euro [EUR], Ethereum [ETH], Bitcoin[BTC],Litecoin[LTC], Ripple [XRP], Stellar [XLM], PUBLIQ [PBQ],Tether[USDT],Dash [DASH], Cardano [ADA], Every Original [EVEO],NoahCoin[NOAH], Connect Mining, [XCMG], Cyva Coin [CYVA],Dosancoin[DOS],Bellcoin [BELL], Dogecoin [DOGE], MonaCoin [MONA],Ravencoin[RVN],Monero [XMR], Bitcoin Cash [BCH], FujiCoin [FJC],TempoToken[TEMPO], OneGram [OGC]. We carefully monitor themarketandregularly list new and promising assets. Apply and voteforyourfavourite coin to accelerate the listing procedure.StayInformedOur user-friendly Market view helps you see andtrackprices andthe value of your assets, any time of day, anywhereyouare throughour website or mobile app. New to crypto? Noworries.Our thoroughFAQ section provides tutorials and helpful tipsto anyusers new tothe field. Regular blog and news posts help userskeepup to datewith not only our platform, but the cryptocurrencyworldingeneral. Our user friendly platform makes trading quickandeasyfor everyone and our dedicated support team is heretohelpwhenever needed. Safety First Cryptocurrency isprotectedbyindustry-leading online security. Your account is alsosubjecttothe same scrupulous safety standards,includingtwo-factorverification and bank-level security. ATAIXtakessecurity veryseriously and carefully monitors everything incase ofanysuspicious activity.
CoinTiger-Crypto Exchange
"CoinTiger exchange is a global crypto asset tradingplatformthatprovides BTC,ETH,LTC,EOS and 50+multi-cryptocurrencytradingservices and CNY/USD cash withdrawalservices. CoinTigerecosystemalso incorporate CoinTiger Eco Fund,Labs, IEO and votingforlisting program, etc, which you can find atCoinTigerOfficialWebsite: Features thatCoinTigerExchangeoffers: 1.Various crypto-currencies transaction:LTC /BTC,ETH /BTC,BTC/BitCNY,BTC/USDT and etc. 2. CNY and USDcashwithdrawservice. 3. Support instant purchase with Fiat. 4.SupportFuturesand ETF trading. 5. Support finacial management ofBitCNY,USDT,BTC, and more. 6. Transaction via market price, limitprice,andstop-limit. 8.7*24h multi-language customerservice.9.CoinTigerForum
Cryptocademy-Trading Simulator
Cryptocademy provides educational resources and a realtimetradingsimulator..
Publett 3.1.13 (26)
Research summarised
Monsterra NFT Game 1.1.3
Free play&earn in the pioneering multi-chain NFT Game onBNB,OKX, Avalanche
BTC Mining-Bitcoin Cloud Miner 1.1
BTC Mining provides opportunity to mine digital cryptocurrencyoncloud servers
Coin Mining – Mobile Proxies 1.2.3
Coin Mining – Mobile Proxies — the Internet earnings belong tothemost popular ways that attract users of all ages andstatuses.Token mining is one of these methods. The Coin Mining –MobileProxies application makes it possible to earn money withoutanypreliminary investment. How to use the app Coin Mining –MobileProxies is an app for earning money on the Internet. Usersproceedto the network via a proxy server. For the Internetactivity, CPCtokens are credited to the account. To earn money,users are todownload the app and register in the system. The useris to readthe terms and conditions and click the Accept button.Theregistration procedure will take just a few minutes. Then, youcanproceed to mining in the app right away. The Crypto ProxyInternetplatform operates via a decentralized network. A referrallink isgenerated automatically. By sending the link to other users,userscan increase their mining coefficient. To earn steadily,usersdon’t have to spend a lot of time on the phone. A user canbeengaged with other matters while the tokens are beingmined.Earnings terms and conditions To start making profit, oneshoulddownload the free application. An important condition isunlimitedaccess to the high-speed Internet. The profit is generatedin theapplication for every access to the proxy network. Tokensarecredited to the account. The payment is generated when otherusersapply the server owner’s IP. Earnings types There are 2 typesofearnings available in the app: • selling IP connection; •miningusing the referral program. The main coin is Crypto ProxyCoin(CPC). Withdrawal is available after listing on a stockexchangeonly. Additional currency mining provides bonuses to themainprofit. App advantages The key advantage of Coin Mining istheutmost pricing freedom. When connecting Crypto Proxy Coin, it’supto a team member to quote a price of the provided services.CPCtoken is a universal earning method. Users can generate profitinevery part of the globe. The app operates around the clock.Theprogram makes it possible to mine tokens in the app using amobilephone. Users get an hourly pay for the proxy. One can use CPCoradd funds to the wallet to pay for the proxy. To use the app,oneneeds no preliminary investments. Users can start earningmoneyright away. The only condition for earning steadily ishigh-speedInternet. Mining levels The app implies a referralprogram. Everynew user registered by following the link increasesthe miningcoefficient. In Coin Mining – Mobile Proxies, there are 2earningslevels: • level 1 — with no referrals attracted (theminimum miningcoefficient assigned); • Level 2 — the increasedmining coefficient(the more referrals, the higher the coefficient).Thus, the amountearned in the app depends on a user’s activityonly. ConclusionCoin Mining – Mobile Proxies is a chance to earnmoney withoutadditional investment. To get a steady income, usersdon’t have tospend long hours online. The app is free and operatesaround theclock. Users can generate profit from all over the globe.
Continuum: Learn & Earn Crypto 0.0.1849
Gain web3 mastery and earn rewards. Take free shortcourses.Download now!
AirNFTs: NFT marketplace 0.0.13
Discover, collect, and sell NFTs on the ultimate multichainNFTmarketplace
Sky Miner - BTC Cloud Mining 1.0.1
Lenient Apps
Earn passive income through Sky Miner - Bitcoin Cloud Mining app.
Simple Learn: Crypto Education 1.0.20
Learn cryptocurrency & blockchain technology. Bitcoin schoolforbeginners
ANYCOIN - Universal Cryptocurrency Converter 5.3.5
Anycoin is the most powerful and easy-to-usecurrencyandcryptocurrency live exchange rate converter. Itsupportsthousandsof cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum,Bitcoin,Litecoin, Moneroand more than one hundred currencies fromallaround the world!Anycoin is the only cryptoconverter thatoffersrates for all thecoins, tokens, blockchain projects andecosystemsissued on themarket. Real-time updates for every exchangerateguarantee thebest accuracy. Insert your preferred amount inthebuilt incalculator and view the results for multiplecurrenciesandcryptocurrencies at a glance, you can also add,subtract,divideand multiply as much as you want. Quickly calculatepricesinseconds! Monitor up to 30 currencies and cryptocurrenciesofyourchoice! Do you want to know how much is a bitcoin indollars?Nomatter if you are a shopper, a trader, an investor, aminer orjustpassionate about new technologies and financialmarketsAnycoinwill help you in your journey. Features: ▪ It’s Free!▪ Over3000+cryptocurrencies ▪ Over 100+ currencies ▪ No ads ▪Essentialforexand finance converter ▪ Fast and reliable ▪ Easy touse ▪Real-timeand always up-to-date ▪ Simple material design▪Multiplecurrencies and crypto at the same time ▪ Calculator ▪Worksofflinewith last updated rates ▪ Search currencies ▪ Dark andlighttheme▪ Up to 8 decimal digits ▪ Single exchange selectionHaveasuggestion on how to make Anycoin even better? Sendmeyourfeedback to [email protected] SUPPORT: ▪ Bitcoin BTC▪EthereumETH ▪ Ripple XRP ▪ Bitcoin Cash BCH ▪ Litecoin LTC ▪MoneroXMR ▪EOS ▪ Stellar Lumens XLM ▪ NEO ▪ Ethereum Classic ETC ▪NanoXRB ▪Binance Coin BNB ▪ United States Dollar USD ▪ Euro EUR▪BritishPound Sterling GBP ▪ Chinese Yuan CNY ▪ Russian RubleRUB▪Japanese Yen JPY ▪ South Korean Won KRW ▪ UnitedArabEmiratesDirham AED ▪ Argentine Peso ARS ▪ Australian Dollar AUD▪BahrainiDinar BHD ▪ Brunei Dollar BND ▪ Canadian Dollar CAD ▪SwissFrancCHF ▪ Czech Republic Koruna CZK ▪ Danish Krone DKK ▪HongKongDollar HKD ▪ Indonesian Rupiah IDR ▪ Indian Rupee INR▪KuwaitiDinar KWD ▪ Mexican Peso MXN ▪ Norwegian Krone NOK▪Nepalese RupeeNPR ▪ New Zealand Dollar NZD ▪ Qatari Rial QAR▪Romanian Leu RON ▪Serbian Dinar RSD ▪ Saudi Riyal SAR ▪SwedishKrona SEK ▪ SingaporeDollar SGD ▪ Tunisian Dinar TND ▪Turkish LiraTRY ▪ New TaiwanDollar TWD ▪ Ukrainian Hryvnia UAH ▪VietnameseDong VND ▪ SouthAfrican Rand ZAR ▪ Zambian Kwacha ZMW ▪Cardano ADA▪ Tether USDT ▪IOTA MIOTA ▪ Tron TRX ▪ Dash ▪ VeChainVEN ▪ NEM XEM▪ Ontology ONT▪ Qtum ▪ OmiseGO OMG ▪ Zcash ZEC ▪ ICONICX ▪ LiskLSK ▪ Decred DCR▪ Zilliqa ZIL ▪ Bytecoin BCN ▪ AeternityAE ▪Bitcoin Gold BTG ▪Bytom BTM ▪ Siacoin SC ▪ BitShares BTS ▪VergeXVG ▪ Steem ▪ 0x ZRX▪ Augur REP ▪ Bitcoin Diamond BCD ▪ MakerMKR ▪Dogecoin DOGE ▪Waves ▪ RChain RHOC ▪ Golem GNT ▪ DigiByte DGB▪Nebulas NAS ▪Stratis STRAT ▪ Populous PPT ▪ Wanchain WAN ▪BasicAttention TokenBAT ▪ HShare HSR ▪ Status SNT ▪ Huobi Token HT▪KuCoin Shares KCS▪ IOStoken IOST ▪ DigixDAO DGD ▪ Loopring LRC▪Waltonchain WTC ▪Cryptonex CNX ▪ Aion AION ▪ Komodo KMD ▪GXChainGXS ▪ Bancor BNT ▪MaidSafeCoin MAID ▪ Aelf ELF ▪ Ardor ARDR▪ReddCoin RDD ▪ Ark ▪MonaCoin MONA ▪ Centrality CENZZ ▪DentacoinDCN ▪ FunFair FUN ▪Cortex CTXC ▪ Mithril MITH ▪ DropilDROP ▪ KyberNetwork KNC ▪ PIVXPIVX ▪ Enigma ENG ▪ Elastos ELA ▪ Kin▪ EmercoinEMC ▪ Gas ▪ MonacoMCO ▪ Decentraland MANA ▪ CyberMilesCMT ▪ Nxt ▪Syscoin SYS ▪Fusion FSN ▪ Veritaseum VERI ▪ Ethos ▪Factom FCT ▪TrueUSD TUSD ▪Nuls NULS ▪ QASH ▪ Dragonchain DRGN ▪Substratum SUB▪ Power LedgerPOWR ▪ SONM ▪ DeepBrain Chain DBC ▪Ubiq UBQ ▪Byteball GBYTE ▪Electroneum ETN ▪ Binance ▪ OKEx ▪▪DigiFinex ▪ HitBTC ▪Bit-Z ▪ Huobi ▪ Bithumb ▪ Coinbase ▪ Bitfinex▪Kraken ▪ Bibox ▪Bitforex ▪ Bitstamp ▪ Bittrex ▪ Poloniex ▪ Gemini▪Yobit ▪ Itbit ▪Etherdelta ▪ Bitmax ▪ Coinbene ▪ Coinomi ▪ GDAX
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Enter the QLASH community!
TokenInsight 1.1.2
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency information, real-timeprices,charts,market cap, portfolio management, crypto news/alerts,thelatestIEO/IDO/Airdrop information, research reports,tokenratingreports, industry reports all inoneApp.*********************************************************
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 Ofcourse, we have aportfoliomanagement system for you. You can buildyour portfolioand checkyour balance anytime & anywhere. 💡NewListing - One ofthe BestPlaces to Find the Latest Tokens/ProtocolsIn the MarketOur Appprovides you with a full page of newly listedtokens inourdatabase. We have a whole team monitoring the marketfindingthelatest protocols/tokens in the market and finding allthenecessaryinformation. After verifying them, we provide theresultto you.You will be able to check new projects in our app withourcommentsto help you understand what the projects are. 
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PAWPULAR-Walk to Earn Rewards 1.1.0
Earn rewards for keeping your furry friend healthy with PawPular!
Earn Money: Money Earning Apps 6.4
Earn Money - Money earning apps get money collect rewards everyday.