Top 38 Apps Similar to Sofistic

Business Model Canvas & SWOT 1.7.0
Mob Business
Build better Business Models Canvas. The BusinessModelCanvascombines the speed of a napkin sketch with the smartsofaspreadsheet. It enables you to map, test, and iterateyourbusinessideas – fast. With the Business Model Toolbox you willbeable to:- Sketch your business model using thepracticalmethodology fromthe best-selling book, Business ModelGeneration. -Test theprofitability of your ideas with a quickreport andbreakdowns byoffer, customer segments, and costs. The appis basedon theBusiness Model Canvas, a widely practicedvisualtemplatepre-formatted with the nine blocks of a businessmodel(customersegments, value propositions, channels,customerrelationships,revenue streams, key resources, keyactivities, keypartners, coststructure). This application aims tohelp allentrepreneurs andStartups to organize and build theirbusinessmodel using thefamous Canvas. With simple layout andusability,navigationthroughout the application can be found inbuttonsActionBar, topof the screen. You can build your modelautomaticallyand ModelCanvas share via email, facebook and save onyour memorycard!
Business Card Reader for HubSp 1.1.168
Business Card Scanner transfers all card data directly toyourHubSpot CRM
Pepperi Sales Rep App 16.50.3 (513)
Pepperi Ltd.
**This app is only available to Pepperi customers. NotaPeppericustomer? Contact us for a demo at an enterprise-grade sales repapp, a mobile CRM tool forsalesreps and their managers designed topresent catalogs, takeorders,prepare sales reports, manage andtrack sales ordering,performin-store merchandising, routeaccounting, DSD, tradepromotions andmuch more. Pepperi equips fieldagents with the CRMtools they needto make their numbers and presenta professionalimage. Pepperi’ssales rep app offers out of the boxintegrationwith popularaccounting, ERP, and CRM systems includingSAP ERP, SAPBusinessOne, Netsuite, Salesforce, Oracle Sales Cloud,QuickBooks,Xero,MYOB, Sage and more, and fully integrates withleadingpaymentsystems. With over a thousand customers in 64countries,13languages and dozens of industries, Pepperi is the#1e-catalog,order taking and CRM sales rep app serving all sizesofbusiness.Pepperi main modules: e-Catalog that sells for you●e-Catalogincludes unlimited dynamic categories for allyourproducts ●Merchandising is easy with high resolutionphotos,multiple viewoptions and customizable fields Order taking isfast& easy ●Mobile ordering is faster than you can imaginewithPepperi ● Ordertracker lets you track past orders and set upfutureorder dates ●Order management options include flexiblediscountpolicies ●Ordering and selling are easier than ever withourflexible toolsIncrease order size with trade promotionsincludingupselling &cross-selling ● Buy X, Get Y Free ● Buy X,Get Y atZ% discount ●Buy from list X and get from list Y ● TiereddiscountsWin at theshelf with in-store merchandising ● Plan thewhichin-storeactivities are to be performed by your fieldagents,schedule storevisits, and map the routes to take ● Capturein-storeactivitiesusing mobile forms that are completelycustomizable ●Performstock-taking, picture taking, planogram auditsandcustomersatisfaction surveys Sell-through visibilitywithinventorytracking ● Pair Pepperi with a UPC barcode scannertoleveragePepperi as an in-store inventory scanner ●Gainsell-throughvisibility to minimize dead inventory at thestores,and tooptimize manufacturing ● Track sales and purchaseswithPepperi’sbarcode scanner Pepperi CRM tool integrates withPepperie-CommerceStorefront ● Pepperi integrates seamlessly withPepperie-CommerceStorefront, a self-service ordering app for retailstores● Managesales quickly and conveniently - distributors andretailersorderstraight from your website or mobile app ● Salesrepshaveimmediate visibility into self-service orders placed bytheirB2Bcustomers Enterprise-grade mobile salesforce automation(SFA) ●SFAmade easy with mobile apps that are fully andeasilyconfigurable,running on Android mobile devices. ●State-of-the-artsecurity (ISO27001 and ISAE 3402 certified) ensuresthat your datais safe andnever compromised. ● Mobile CRM designedto easilyintegrate withthe existing ERP and Accounting systems thatrun yourbusiness: ●SAP ERP ● SAP ERP Business One ● Salesforce ●NetSuite ●Oracle ●Sage ● Microsoft NAV ● QuickBooks Online ●QuickbooksDesktop ●Xero ● Many more Industry-specific demos ●Mobile CRM toolincludespre-built demos for dozens of industries ●Fully functionalfreetrial available for download with no commitmentBusinessmanagementis easier than ever with Pepperi sales rep app,whetheryou own asmall business or are a large wholesaler. CRM toolsforfieldagents, field sales, mobile ordering, ordermanagement,retailmerchandising, productivity and activitiestracking, salestrackingand more are included. Requirements: 5"screen, Android8.0, Min4GB RAM, 1080x1920 resolution for phablets,1920x1200 fortablets.
Telesto: Inventory Management 3.6.4
Telesto is an easy-to-use, robust, and modern inventorymanagementsystem.
Pipedrive CRM: Sales pipeline 18.18.10
Pipedrive OU
CRM mobile sales pipeline & tracker that helps you to turnleadsinto customers.
Smart Inventory System - Mobil
Super simple inventory app for home, small to mid businessesandhobbyist.
ErpLite - Invoice & Estimate 2.27
LITE(Trial) version Key Features * Android Phone, GalaxyTab,Tabletcompatible: 4inch~10.1inch * Simply createinvoices,estimates andpurchase orders. * You can print a receiptfor thecustomer (mobilereceipt printer) * You can print out theinvoiceas a PDF.(preview/share/send email) * You can changetheformeasily.(invoices, estimates and purchase orders)*Accurateinventory management. * Accounts receivable,accountspayablemanagement. * Options for setting the sales price.(LastSalesPrice(By Customer),Retail,A,B,C,Discount) * Banking,income/expense management. (My Credit cards, cash,bankaccountmanagement) * Supported bluetooth barcode scanner.(barcodescannerdevices and camera scanners support) * Product imageandcustomerimage support. * Various reports (excelfile/share/sendemail) *Import data from Excel. / Export data toExcel. * You canenterdata in Excel on your computer. (Data importfrom Dropbox) *ErpProapp is easy and fast. * This lite version haslimitations onthenumber of records you can create.
CumLaude21 Iberia 3.4.5-S
Cum Laude 21
Aplicación implementada por Cum Laude 21 para apoyar alequipoCumLaude 21 de Amway. La aplicación permite compartircontenidodecontacto para el desarrollo del negocio de Amway yparalaformación. El acceso solo está permitido a los suscriptoresdeCumLaude 21. - Work Management 4.112.1
Organize, Plan & Collaborate With Your Team. EasilyManageTeamwork.
Wrike - Project Management 2023.1.8
Wrike Inc.
Be aware of of project updates and instantly share ideas withotherson the go.
MobiDB Database - relational d
Relational database app with cloud sync. Manage work,business,hobby
STEL Order: ERP Invoice maker
STEL Order
CRM and business management. Manage invoices, budgets, orders,andestimates.
Nuvemshop: seu negócio em todos lugares 2.9.8
Aumente sua produtividade gerenciando seu negócio pelocelular!Vejatudo o que pode fazer: - Administrar seus pedidos evendas:Aceitepagamentos e coordene envios diretamente do seucelular. -Carregarnovos produtos em segundos: Tire fotos do seusprodutoseadicione-os a sua loja instantaneamente junto comseunome,descrição e preço. - Administrar seu estoque: Tenhatotalcontrolesobre seu estoque de qualquer lugar. - Organizarseusprodutos:Agrupe-os em categorias para ajudar seus clientesaencontrar-losmais rápido. - Ganhar tempo com o tecladonuvem:Instale o tecladonuvem no seu celular e compartilhe seusprodutospelo WhatsApp,Instagram, Facebook ou outra rede social demaneirarápida esimples. - Receba notificações: Saiba de todas suasvendaseprodutos sem estoque em qualquer lugar. Parautilizaresteaplicativo, você só precisa ter conexão à internet.Configureaatualização automática de aplicativos no seu telefoneparanãoperder nenhuma melhoria. Achou nosso aplicativo útil?Suaopiniãonos ajuda a melhorar cada dia mais e te oferecer umprodutocadavez melhor. Ainda não vende pela internet? Crie
Biz Card Reader 4 Bitrix24 CRM 1.1.161
Bitrix24 CRM Business Card Scanner makes you forget theusualbusiness cards!
BIT.IO - Log Work, Track & Cre 1.1.65
Eolus IDeA
Log your job's daily activities, share Photo Reports andrequestSignatures.
Mini Warehouse 7.9.15
Roman Kamalov
A simple program for inventory control. The program allowsyoutokeep a simple inventory of goods in a warehouse or storeusingyourtablet or phone. You can also conduct settlementswithsuppliersand buyers. The goods in the directory areautomaticallygroupedalphabetically and you do not need to spendtime and effortsortingthe goods. The program interface is madeextremely simplefor theconvenience of work. The program allows youto generatereports: -Remains of goods; - History of the movement ofgoods; -Salesstructure by goods; - Dynamics of sales by days, bymonths,byweeks; - The structure of purchases in the context ofgoods;-Dynamics of purchases by day, by month, by week; -Debtsandbalances of money; - Mutual settlements with suppliersandbuyers;All reports and documents can be printed on a printerorsaved andsent by e-mail.
Alegra control para tu negocio 2.8.61
Alegra es una aplicación especialmente diseñada para quelleveslaadministración y facturación de tu negocio. Tepermitefacturar,controlar tus gastos, bancos e inventarios.Puedestrabajar desdecualquier lugar, sea desde tu PC o desde tumóvil.Alegra estáhecha para cumplir con los requisitos deColombia,México, Panamá,Argentina, República Dominicana, España,Perú,Estados Unidos,Chile y Costa Rica. Además, tiene unaversiónInternacional quepuedes configurar para utilizarla encualquierpaís del mundo.Principales funciones: - Crea tus facturasensegundos, descárgalasy compártelas por correo o WhatsApp.-Registra tus ingresos ygastos para mantener el control detunegocio. - Crea tus productoso servicios, y déjalos listos paralaventa. -Si lo necesitas,cuentas con facturación electrónica enlasversiones de Colombia,Perú, Argentina, Costa Rica yMéxico.Encuentra muchas otrasfunciones en nuestra versiónweb( Con Alegra le dassuperpoderes a tu negocio.
Mobile Inventory 4.6.5 - Breithorn - pr
*Recommended for Small and Medium-sized businesses Somefreefeatures available: - Stock management - Take stock - Takestockfrom Stock management - Locations management - Import in batchoradd items one by one - Barcode / QR code scanner & Searchtoquickly identify items - Filter items by category / counted /tags/ custom fields / locations - Built-in calculator - Userdefinedtags - Operations history - Custom fields - Change productslistdisplay - Switch Barcodes / QR codes between inventoriesPremiumfeatures: - Export data to .xls / .xlsx file - NFC support-External barcode scanner support - Backup & Restore dataMobileInventory is an easy to use application that helps you tomanageyour inventory and do from time to time "take stock"operations.Why Mobile Inventory? Because it's simple, intuitive anddoes itsjob! STOCK MANAGEMENT: 1) Populate your products list It'syourdecision how to do it: add products one by one, import fromanexcel / csv list or get the products from another inventory.2)Manage stock entries Beside products, inventory managementneedsentries to be added. In a very quick manner you can addinputs,outputs and movements between locations 3) Manage inventorybylocations Your inventory could have one or more locationstomanage. That why Mobile Inventory allows you to definelocations,manage transactions and extract reports by location. 4)Get realtime stocks and navigate easily through transactions Realtimeentries mean real time stocks ... Analyze the entries byusingfriendly tools: filters, sort, quick search, etc. 5)Exportinventory - stocks and entries Transfer your work to an excelfile(locally, on drive, shared via email, etc.) TAKE STOCK 1)Getproducts from Predefined lists / Stock management or Addproductsmanually Populate products list by choosing from thealternatives:importing from a predefined Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv)product list,taking over from Stock management at a certain date,addingproducts manually one by one. 2) Count items Addcollectedquantities by using: barcode scan, quick search, categoryfilter,calculator, tags, counting history, batching factor. 3)Exportcounting results (excel file) Capitalize your work andexportinventory list in a .xls /.xlsx format file. The exportedlist isespecially designed for following matching processes and canbesaved locally, on drive, shared via email, etc. Fordetailedinformation visit http://mobileinventory.netand . If you have additionalquestionsabout the application, improvement suggestions or feedbackpleasecontact our support team at [email protected]
MarketPOS: Market POS System v1.02.91
Market, Shop, Butcher &Canteen POS, OnlineShop,Stock&Courier Management System
ZCuentas 3.9
ZCuentas es la herramienta ideal para que tomes el controldetusfinanzas personales. Con ZCuentas podrás gestionaryplanificareficazmente la administración doméstica por mediodeunaherramienta simple, completa y gratuita, que conunamínimadedicación de tiempo te dará una visión global y precisadetuscuentas, ingresos y gastos. ZCuentas es parte delasuiteZetaSoftware, el software de Finanzas Personales, GestiónPyMEyContabilidad Profesional, como siempre deberíahabersido:completo, accesible, full web y online. ZCuentas toma lomejordela versión web para que lo lleves en tu bolsillo enunaappgratuita, con la que podrás registrar los comprobantesenelpreciso momento que realizas las transacciones,analizandoladistribución y evolución de cada concepto, para quesepas cuántosegasta y en qué, cuánto ingresó y por qué. ¿Qué tipodemovimientosse pueden registrar en ZCuentas? • Gastos eIngresos:Registratodos egresos e ingresos, identificando cada unocon elconcepto omotivo del mismo. • Transferencias: Registralosmovimientos dedinero entre tus cuentas, por ejemplo, el retirodeefectivo desdelos cajeros, o los pagos de tarjetas de créditodesdetus cuentasbancarias. • Ajustes: Cuando el saldo de tuscuentas nose ajustena la realidad, podrás corregir dichos saldos deuna formasimple yrápida. • Recordatorios: Todo aquello que quierasrecordarlopodrás registrar en ZCuentas y recibirás un email con eltextoqueescribas y en la fecha que indiques. La versión webdeZCuentasdentro de ofrece una interfazmoderna,simple ycuidada, para que el usuario registre todos susmovimientosdedinero sin tener conocimiento contable oadministrativo. Delamisma forma podrás analizar la información pormedio deconsultastan flexibles como fáciles de entender, conatractivosgráficos yplanillas, que podrás analizar y desmenuzar atu antojo.
HubSpot 2.146.1
Run your business from anywhere with HubSpot’s mobile salesCRM.Pushyour sales deals forward by managing your contacts,emails,tasks,meetings and notes from your phone. Use the HubSpotmobileapp to: -Increase your productivity - See upcoming tasks,to-dos,meetings andreminders associated with your sales deals. -Tap intoHubSpot’spower from any app - The HubSpot keyboard enablesyou toswiftlyrespond to prospects from any app by giving youone-tapaccess toyour documents, meeting links, templated messages,andcommonly usedresources. - Stay connected on the go -Accessbusiness contacts,notes, and deals even when you’re offline.-Stay organized - Quicklyadd notes and follow-up actionswhiledetails are fresh. Scanbusiness cards to automaticallysavecontact details with no manualentry. - Close more deals -Assigntasks to teammates. Update dealsas they progress and seereal-timesales leaderboards. - Build bettercustomer relationships- Rely onHubSpot’s calling, live chat, andemail template featuresto keepconversations going and to buildtrust with your leadsandcustomers. About HubSpot HubSpot is acloud-basedcustomerrelationship management platform with marketing,sales,customerservice, and content management software. Today,over95,000 totalcustomers in more than 120 countries useHubSpot’saward-winning,powerful, and easy-to-use tools to transformthe waythey attract,engage, and delight customers.
Beetrack 3.3.14
Tracking application to get proof of deliveries made toyourclients.
Rapid Inventory, Unlimited 2.8.0
Rapid Inventory - Unlimited Edition with barcode support foranunlimited number of items. Now with item categories / labels!RapidInventory was optimized for fast and smooth operation onsmartphones and tablets; particular emphasis was placed on simpleandintuitive operation. The integrated data exchange functionsallowyou to import existing stock lists or to use the collecteddata forfurther processing (Google Drive, CSV, XML). If necessary,the itemcapacity can be extended at any time. SIMPLIFIES YOURINVENTORY UseRapid Inventory for Android to simplify stocktakingand inventorymanagement tasks. Create, manage or control your itemlists,partial lists, inventory, serial numbers, supplies, CD andDVDcollections, etc. in no time The built-in barcode scanner andtheintegrated support for industry-grade Bluetooth scanners allowyouto manage your item data in as little time as possible. FEATURES◾Clearly arranged item list with search function ◾ Customfields(various datatypes, low/highres images, multiplequantities,multiple expiration date fields) ◾ Adjustable sort order◾ Tagitems with labels ◾ Data import and data export functions(CSV,XML, Google Drive) ◾ Supports Bluetooth barcode scanner(BluetoothSPP devices) ◾ Built-in camera barcode scanner ◾Optimized forsmart-phones and tablets OTHER VERSIONS To manage lessthan 100items please install the Free Edition. To manage less than500items use the Business Edition. Just search for Apps publishedbyTEC-IT to install them. SUPPORT PROBLEMS? QUESTIONS?SUGGESTIONSFOR IMPROVEMENT? Please contact [email protected](email) /TECITSupport (Skype). Don’t forget to rate the app. Wehighlyappreciate your feedback!
Upvise - CRM Jobs Forms 6.53
Unyverse Ltd
All in one CRM, Sales, Jobs, Invoices, Forms &InspectionsSolution
Zrii Mobile 1.6
Zrii Mobile is a free application forZriiIndependent Executives who want to do their businessanytime,anywhere. Zrii Mobile gives you everything you need atyourfingertips, including the ability to:• Enroll customers and Independent Executives• Shop for products• Receive the latest alerts and announcements• Access key business metrics and reports (for payingMyZriiProsubscribers)• Listen to important trainings (for payingMyZriiProsubscribers)• ...and more!Join our community and discover what it means totruly#LiveWithoutLimits.* A valid and active Independent Executive ID number andpasscodeare required to use this application.** Zrii Mobile is currently available in English and Spanish.*** Zrii Mobile is available for use in the followingcountries:USA, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, ElSalvador,Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua,Panama, andPeru. Product ordering may not be available in alllocales.
iconX | BusinessCards, Digital 1.9.52
With new innovation,form new social circles and communicatewithiconX
Business Card Scanner 5.3.14
Voted the most accurate reader in the market today
Calculadora y catálogo Amway 1.1.21
Point calculator and Amway product catalog
N2F - Expense Reports 1.22.5
N2F is the solution that will take the headache out ofmanagingyourexpense reports! Just take a picture of your receipt,thesmart scanextracts all important data and fills in yourexpensereport in aflash (date, amount, currency, taxes... areinstantlycompletedwithout any manual entry!) With the legalarchivingoption, you nolonger need to keep your paper receipts. N2Falsoknows how tomanage your supplier invoices (Uber,Easyjet,, Amazon,PayByPhone, etc.), you just need to sendthemby email [email protected] and they will automatically be addedtoyour expensereport. The app works on both smartphonesandcomputers with our webapp and saves time for everyone:Employees:✓ Save your expenses inless than 5 seconds through themobile app✓ Go paperless by takingphotos of your receipts ✓ Yourmileageallowances are calculatedautomatically (tax or personalizedscale)✓ Easily print yourexpense report in a clear, customizablePDF orExcel summary ✓Organize your expenses per month, per project,percustomer, pertrip ... ✓ In a hurry? Just enter theminimuminformation, and N2Fwill remind you that your expenseisincomplete Managers: ✓ Approveyour team's expense reportsthrougha customizable workflow ✓ Savetime with an easy-to-readdashboardfor business expenses ✓ Quicklysee expenses that wentoverauthorized limits ✓ Invoice your clientsmore easily: N2F doesthejob for you! Accounting and AdministrativeServices: ✓ Nomoredouble entries! N2F generates the output filefor youraccountingsoftware ✓ N2F automatically calculates therecoverableVAT ✓ Setthe appropriate limits for your business(expense policy) ✓Checkreceipts in no time from the web dashboard✓ Quicklyreimburseemployees with SEPA export or accountingsoftware import✓Effectively track your fleet of vehiclesExecutives: ✓ Saveyourstaff time by choosing N2F ✓ Track thebudget for businesstripswith our powerful reporting tool ✓Optimize business expensesandmileage allowances ✓ Save on yourtravel expense budget! Wantmore?✓ Log in to the web app to makemass entries or accessthereporting module ✓ All internationalcurrencies are available(atautomatically updated rates) ✓ Manageyour projects,yourcustomers, your business, your travel expenses ✓Create yourownanalytical axes and determine their display bycategory ✓ Viewthe'my expense reports' list for a quick summary ✓Track yourmileageand travel expenses per vehicle and period WithN2F, yourbusinessexpenses, travel expenses and mileage allowanceswill(finally) bemanaged effectively! Easy integration withaccountingsoftware,ERP, IMP and other softwares: Sage, Cegid, SAP,Quadra,Quadratus,Loop, Ibiza, EBP, Divalto, QuickBooks, Oracle,JDEdwards,PeopleSoft, Workday, Microsoft Office 365, SSO, FTP.N2FhasAPI/web services to connect your IS. Move easily fromyouroldexpense management application (Expensya, Xpenditure,SAPConcur,ExpenSify, Expense It, JenJi, CleEmy, notilus InOne,Rio,Captio,Zaho, Spendesk, certify, etc.) to N2F. If a featureseems tobemissing, if you have ideas for improvement, if you wouldlikeademonstration, please contact us!
ErpPro - Invoice & Estimate 2.27
Key Features * Android Phone, Galaxy Tab, Tabletcompatible:4inch~10.1inch * Simply create invoices, estimatesandpurchaseorders. * You can print a receipt for the customer(mobilereceiptprinter) * You can print out the invoice asaPDF.(preview/share/send email) * You can changetheformeasily.(invoices, estimates and purchase orders)*Accurateinventory management. * Accounts receivable,accountspayablemanagement. * Options for setting the sales price.(LastSalesPrice(By Customer),Retail,A,B,C,Discount) * Banking,income/expense management. (My Credit cards, cash,bankaccountmanagement) * Supported bluetooth barcode scanner.(barcodescannerdevices and camera scanners support) * Product imageandcustomerimage support. * Various reports (excelfile/share/sendemail) *Import data from Excel. / Export data toExcel. * You canenterdata in Excel on your computer. (Data importfrom Dropbox) *ErpProapp is easy and fast.
Company & Warehouse Management 5.1
Invoices, quotations, warehouse management, barcode reading: allinone APP!
vCita CRM for Mobile
With over 100,000 small businesses, vCitanowenables your team to interact with your clients anywhereyougo.vCita app for Android is more than just a CRM, it takes careofscheduling and appointment booking, email notifications &textreminders, invoices, credit card payments and file sharing. Allinone place, in-sync with your current email and calendar, andnowavailable on your phone.vCita also brings your business website to life with theLiveSiteapp, capturing more clients online, and providing yourclients aplace where they can schedule, pay, complete forms anduploaddocuments.App Features:* Access all your contacts, appointments, invoices, paymentsanddocuments.* Create, edit and view client records* Schedule appointments* Manage your calendar* Send invoices and accept online payments
Invoice Maker | Bill clients | Estimate & Receipt 3.1.32
Invoice Bee
Invoice Bee: Simple Estimate & Billing to Go - BestInvoicing& Billing Generator! Get started for Free! Looking foraninvoicing app with incredible features to help you organizeyourbusiness billings? Invoice Bee will help you to keep track ofallthe expenses in a very easy and simple way. Bill your clientswithInvoice Bee's invoice maker, receipt maker and estimatemaker!1.Receiving Client’s signature: Clients can sign eitherdirectly onthe device screen or via email. The signed documents aresaved incloud system for retrieval. 2.Advanced and organizedsummary page:View invoice / estimate / payment summary by month, bycustomer orby item. 3.Sending receipt of payment to clients: It isvery easyto send receipts to clients after recording payment.4.ImposingCredit Card surcharge to clients: You can choose toimpose creditcard surcharge to your clients. 5.Active app support:We promptlyreply within 12 hours of any inquiry. 7. Overduereminder: Sendoverdue reminders by a simple tap Other OutstandingFeatures •Desktop stand-alone version • Excellent customizingoptions •Notification when clients open the invoice • Credit cardpayment •Automatic synchronization across devices • Importingcustomerdetails from the contact list • Making a call or emaildirectlyfrom the customer list • Directly converting from estimateintoinvoices Download Invoice Bee to start organizing yourinvoicesNOW!
Rapid Inventory 2.7.5
Manage inventories and stock lists with up to 100 itemsforfree!Rapid Inventory was optimized for fast and smoothoperationonsmart phones and tablets; particular emphasis was placedonsimpleand intuitive operation. The integrated dataexchangefunctionsallow you to import existing stock lists or to usethecollecteddata for further processing (Google Drive, CSV, XML).Ifnecessary,the item capacity can be extended at any time.SIMPLIFIESYOURINVENTORY Use Rapid Inventory for Android tosimplifystocktakingand inventory management tasks. Create, manageorcontrol your itemlists, partial lists, inventory, serialnumbers,supplies, CD andDVD collections, etc. in no time Thebuilt-inbarcode scanner andthe integrated support forindustry-gradeBluetooth scanners allowyou to manage your item datain as littletime as possible.FEATURES ◾ Clearly arranged item listwith searchfunction ◾ Customfields (various datatypes, low/highresimages,multiple quantities,multiple expiration date fields) ◾Adjustablesort order ◾ Tagitems with labels ◾ Data import and dataexportfunctions (CSV,XML, Google Drive) ◾ Supports Bluetoothbarcodescanner (BluetoothSPP devices) ◾ Built-in camera barcodescanner ◾Optimized forsmart-phones and tablets SUPPORT In case ofproblems,questions orrequests please [email protected],TECITSupport (Skype).Don’t forget to rate theapp. We highlyappreciate your feedback!
TapPOS Inventry Sales manager 5.3.4
TapPOS is multifunctional POS (Point of Sales)application.Thisall-in-one package ofPOSregister/InventoryManagement/Statistics/Accounting/Bookkeepingappwill help tomanage your business efficiently and stylishly.-Goods/InventoryManagement - Goods register/search -Goodsmanagement by barcode -Stock number management -Inventory/Goodslist - POS - Paymentregister - Barcode scan onpurchase - Discount(percent or value) -Receipt printing (needbluetooth printer) -Receipt via Email -Payment method selection -Gift Voucher - Creditcard readerintegration - Statistics -Visualized sales data withgraph -Accounting/Book Keeping - Salespreview (Sum or by paymenttype) -Expense management - Expense list- Profit review - Setting- Taxrate - Tax include/exclude - Paymentmethods to offer forcustomer- Data backup/restore - Display dateformat - Displaylanguage(English/German/Japanese/Korean) - Passwordprotection forstatsand accounting - Receipt printer connection -Receipt template
Expensya: Expense reports!
Expensya is THE web and mobile solution that digitizesandsimplifiesbusiness expense management: expense reports,businesstravelexpenditure, remote working expenses, etc. Whetheryou areafreelancer, an employee, a manager, an accountant or acompanyCEO:Expensya allows you to manage your expenses and savetime!Discovertoday the expense management of tomorrow! DownloadExpensyaforfree and get 30 days free! With Expensya, you canenjoy: -Themanagement of all stages of travel: Take advantageofthemanagement of all types of expenses before, during andafterthetrip, generate mission orders to plan your business tripswitheaseand add your expense reports in a single photo thanks tooursmartscan - Mobile management and validation: Expensya workseveninoffline mode and automatically synchronizes data betweenthetwoplatforms: Web and Mobile. Manage your business expensesinrealtime while on the move. Add them in the currency ofyourchoice,the conversion is automatic according to thecurrencyconfigured onyour account. (Conversion rate of the dayorcustomized) Then sendyour expenses with one click for validation.-User-friendly mobileapplication: The mobile application isveryeasy to use, whateverthe user profile, whatever the equipmentusedto enter and trackexpenses in real time. - Automated managementofmileage expensesand company cars: Expensya makes it easy for youtodo this; simplyenter your departure and arrival points orafavorite route to saveeven more time: the distance isautomaticallycalculated thanks tothe integration with Google Maps,and themileage is calculatedaccording to the existing scale,whether it isthe HMRC scale ofmileage allowances, URSSAF or apersonalizedscale. - Managers,easily add and manage all thevehicles used bythe company and youremployees on a single platform.Also adddocuments relating toprofessional vehicles such asvehicleregistration documents. -Subscription management: TheExpensyaapplication makes it easy tomanage recurring subscriptionexpensesand proactively save time onthese expenses. - Takeadvantage ofcustomized reports that allowyou to control all yourexpenses inreal time and optimize yourcosts! Automate control: -Validationlevels - Expense rules: caps,alerts Simplify accounting:-Automated accounting entry - SEPAtransfer order - Data export-Bank matching - Archiving withprobative value Expensya'saddedvalue: - Multiple integrationswith ERP, PGI andenterprisesoftware: Sage, Cegid, SAP, Quadra,Quadratus, Loop,Ibiza, Divalto,QuickBooks, Oracle, JD Edwards,PeopleSoft, Workday,MicrosoftOffice 365, SSO, FTP. Several APIsare also available. -Easymigration of your data to Expensya forhistorical recoveryfromother providers: Xpenditure, SAP Concur,Expensify,ExpenseIt,Jenji, Cleemy, N2F, Notilus InOne, Rydoo,Captio, Zoho,Spendesk,Certify, etc.