Top 50 Games Similar to LexisNexis Insurance CAM

AudioVerse is dedicated to spreading God's word through freesermonaudio.
Mindstone 3.1.0
Say goodbye to information overload
Fable: The Book Club App 0.127.13932
Fable Group
Join online book clubs. Discuss right inside the book. Buildbetterbook lists.
Wondrium - Learning & Courses 6.2.1
Stream educational videos and audio content led by engagingexperts!
Vital Life: mindbody routines 3.2.4
Mindbody routines to balance your life. Workout, breathe,stretch,meditate
Refind: Get Smarter Every Day 4.4.14
Refind, Inc.
Brain food, delivered daily. 🧠
Bookly: Book & Reading Tracker 2.1.0
Make a habit of reading, finish your TBR, get stats and crushyourbook goals.
Audyn AI Mental Health 1.4.2
Your friendly Mental Health AI companion for emotionalsupportandadvice
Paperpile 1.3.6
Paperpile LLC
Manage research papers
Othership: Guided Breathwork 1.2.11
Mindful Breathing Exercises
ePlatform by Wheelers 2.2.20
The ePlatform eBook and Audiobook appgivespatrons and students of Wheeler's ePlatform enabledlibrariesaccess to thousands of eBooks and Audiobooks.ePlatform is the secure eLending library system developedbyWheelers, a full-service eLending library used in thousandsofschools and public libraries in more than 15 countries aroundtheworld.The ePlatform app brings all the features and functionality oftheweb-based system to a dedicated, customisable app, personalizedtoeach school or library. The user-friendly interface remainsthesame, with full search and filtering options to make findingtitlessimple. The app syncs with the web-based platform to allowusersfull offline reading.Librarians or administrators have full control over userborrowing,with the ability to set and change settings for lendingperiods,number of titles able to be borrowed and more.Users may set how their eBooks are displayed, with a rangeofcustomisable settings to alter font styles, spacing andbackgroundto personal preferences or reading challenges.Extensive reporting is available, providing librariansoradministrators with information on overall loan history, loansbytitle or by patron, and more.• Centralised access to multiple public and school libraries,asrequired.• Easy to use design for both administrators and patrons, withfullsearch options to enable easy locating of titles.• Compatible with all Library Management Systems.• Fully customisable by administrators for lendingsettingsincluding loan periods, reserves, number of concurrenttitles ableto be borrowed and more.• Customisable display for users with the ability to changefontstyles, line spacing and background colour to suitpersonalpreferences or reading challenges such as dyslexia orimpairedvision.• Extensive administrator reporting including graphical displayandtime-based reporting. Reports available include overallloanhistory, loans by title or by patron and more, all able tobedownloaded and exported.
MindSpa by Synctuition 4.0.9
MindSpa, formerly known as Synctuition. Relax, meditate&testyour clarity level
Meomind - Listen to therapy 1.5.2
Meomind Inc.
Listen to Personalized, Recorded Therapy
Wizdom: Self Growth Challenge 8.4.1
Wizdom Labs
Listen to Book Insights and Podcasts and become a betteryoueveryday!
Alux: Self-Help & Productivity 1.5.2
Official app: The place where future billionaires cometoget inspired!
StoryGraph 1.14
Track your reading and choose books based on your mood andfavoritetopics.
Subconsciously: Daily Hypnosis 1.1.2
Hypnotherapy sessions to help with sleep, anxiety,confidence,phobias & more
Child Psych App 8.97.2
Parenting & Mental Health
Literal Club 1.21.0
Literal Club
Discover & share books
HumanWisdom: Be happier! 3.4
A companion for a happier life.
Micro Habits: Self-Improvement 2.0.0
self-improvement, Habit, Routine, Mood tracker withaccountabilitypartner.
Mental: Strengthen Your Mind 2023.06.1002
Mental, Inc.
Energy, discipline and strength for men
Insight Journal 1.0.8
UofHappy, LLC
Daily Wisdom Through AI-Assisted Journaling
Permanent Archive 1.7.2
Digital preservation for all.
Mindvalley: Self-Improvement 8.2.4
Explore Personal Development Courses and Live Expert ClassesForPersonal Growth
Symposia: Creative Discourse 1.13
A community for creatives to network, get feedback and improvetheirpractice
HypnoCloud: Hypnosis 1.4.22
Hypnosis for relieving anxiety, overcoming fears,buildingconfidence, and more! 1.1.0
Your next Experience starts here.
Intellect: Create a Better You 1.7.7
Embark on an entirely new way to work on your traits, habitsandbehaviors. Intellect is a new form of psychologicaltrainingdeveloped by a team of world leading psychologists andbehavioralexperts, packaged into quick bite-sized sessions to helpyou worktowards who you want to be. Overcome personal struggleslikeprocrastination, low self-esteem and anxiety, or developyourselfby becoming more assertive, sociable and confident.Restructureyour personal, social or work life by tackling the rootof yourpsychology through our proven scientific process. Intellectis yournew personal companion to creating a better you.
Univi: IG course with AI tutor 0.3.6
Univi Inc.
Watch engaging videos followed by hands-on tasks and feedbackfroman AI tutor.
Healify 1.1
Healify is tha platform which provide opportunity to Healer.
My Stories Matter 1.7
Capture the stories behind each memory and reminisce withdigitalstorytelling.
Holy Reads 1.0.2
Holy Reads OU
Summaries of Christian books in written, audio, and video formats
MyDataHelps 2023.14
Advocate for Your Health
Elsevier eBooks on VitalSource 10.3.3
Elsevier Inc
Use Elsevier eBooks to read your textbooks and use valuablestudytools.
GitJournal - Markdown Notes In 1.86.2
Store Your Markdown Files in any Git Repo.
BookSmart 4.1.10
Read thousands of children’s books in various languages andaccessActivities
Books In Action by Mentorist 5.1.0
Taulab OÜ
Self-help books are often complex and summaries do notcaptureenoughdetails or depth. Neither books nor summaries providethepropertools to put all this awesome knowledge into action.ButBooks InAction combines these pieces, and gives you everythingyouneed togrow. == Why Books In Action will get you to the nextlevel==Detailed book summaries They will give you the “aha!”moment,andhelp you understand the main concepts described inthebooks.Step-by-step actions Reading without taking action is awasteoftime. The app guides you on the path to a better youbygivinginstructions that help you achieve your goals. All adviceis100%based on the best self-help books. Self-evaluationReadingabouttaking action and actually taking action are twodifferentthings.In the app, you can verify your progress and learnif youarefollowing the right strategies and principles toacquirenewhabits. Earn badges, stars, and jump to higher levels Youwillearnrewards each time you achieve a milestone. Personal growthisaprocess; it won’t happen overnight. Therefore, the appwillhelpensure that you are consistent with your dailygrowth.Investing inyour own personal growth and professionaldevelopmentwill be thebest decision you will ever make. It willhelp youachieve what youreally desire in life. Here are a fewthings thatBooksInAction canhelp you with: Leadership skills - Findthe leaderwithin yourselfand build your foundational leadershipskills.Personalproductivity - Learn how to do more in lesstime.Self-esteem andconfidence - Discover how to change yourinnerdialogue, and youwill change the way you approach newchallenges.Daily routine -Learn how to design and consistentlyexecute yourperfect routine.Mental health - Master and overcomeyour stress,depression, andanxiety. Physical health - It’s not onlyabouthealthy eating andexercising. Discover the intricacies andhabitsinvolved inenhancing physical health. Self-discipline -Overcomeyour impulsesand conquer your temptations byimplementingstrategies from bookssuch as The Willpower Instinct.Self-love -Doing one simpleexercise every morning will help youlearn to loveyourself. Youwill find instructions in the list ofhabits from TheCode of theExtraordinary Mind. Mindfulness - It’snot onlymeditation. It’sabout giving attention to every aspect ofyourlife. Highperformance - Put into action the six habits thathelpyou achievelong-term success, summarized directly from thebookHighPerformance Habits. Morning motivation - Youcannotimproveyourself 100% overnight. But what you can do isimprove 1%everysingle day. Self-discovery - There are things youdidn't knowyoudidn’t know. Goal setting - Set yourself up forsuccesswithlong-term vision and short-term motivation. Explorethedifferentmethodologies recommended by coaches such as DavidAllenof GettingThings Done (aka gtd) and Anthony Robbins of AwakenTheGiantWithin. Self-control - Work on mindfulness, and thenusestrategiesto gain full control of your mind. Want more? In theapp,you canread summaries of entire self-help books for free.BasicMembership– Free You have access to all the book summaries andtoselectactions from books. You will also receive one freedailyactionfrom a pre-selected book. Pro MembershipBooksInActionoffersmonthly and yearly subscription plans. Yearlysubscriptionscomewith the first week FREE. With Pro membership, youhave accesstoall the books and all the actions without limitation.Pleaselookat our terms of use and privacy policy foradditionaldetails:
SuperBetter 1.1.5
Live Gamefully. Be Stronger. Proven resultsinjust 10 minutes a day.SuperBetter increases resilience - the ability to staystrong,motivated and optimistic even in the face of difficultobstacles.Playing SuperBetter makes you more capable of gettingthrough anytough situation—and more likely to achieve the goalsthat mattermost to you.SuperBetter was created by Jane McGonigal, a world-renowneddesignerof games to improve real lives & solve realproblems.►► Why play SuperBetter?SuperBetter has helped nearly half a million people so farachievepersonal growth and tackle real-life challenges. Here arereasonspeople around the world are using SuperBetter:- To adopt a new habit, develop a talent, learn or improve askill,strengthen a relationship, make a physical orathleticbreakthrough, complete a meaningful project, or pursue alifelongdream.- To beat depression, overcome anxiety, cope with chronic illnessorchronic pain, heal from physical injury, or recoverfrompost-traumatic stress.- To overcome a life challenge like finding a new job,survivingdivorce, dealing with a career or school setback, orgrieving theloss of a loved one.- To help others: therapists recommend SuperBetter totheirpatients; university professors incorporate SuperBetter intotheirstudent’s coursework; and HR professionals design SuperBetterintotheir employee wellness incentive programs.►► SuperBetter is Living Gamefully“At the heart of SUPERBETTER is a simple andpotentiallytransformative idea: We can use the same psychologicalstrengths wedisplay when we play games to confront real-lifechallenges,whether it’s illness, injury, or just changing ourhabits for thebetter.”– Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and A WholeNewMindLiving gamefully means bringing the same psychological strengthsyounaturally display when you play games – such asoptimism,creativity, courage, and determination – to your reallife. Itmeans having the courage and openness to try outdifferentstrategies to discover what works best. It meanscollaborating withallies, and building up the resilience to tackletougher andtougher challenges with greater and greatersuccess.►► The Science Behind SuperBetterPowered by the science of games, positive psychology andbehaviorchange.SuperBetter is validated in two clinical studies:• A randomized controlled study conducted by the UniversityofPennsylvania found that playing SuperBetter for 30dayssignificantly reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety,andincreases optimism, social support, and player’s belief intheirown ability to succeed and achieve their goals. They alsofoundthat SuperBetter users were significantly happier andmoresatisfied with their lives.• A clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Healthandconducted at Ohio State University Wexner Medical CenterandCincinnati Children’s Hospital found that usingSuperBetterimproves mood, decreases anxiety and suffering, andstrengthensfamily relationships during rehabilitation andrecovery.►► Features• The SuperBetter app is an everyday coach for gameful living• Identify your Epic Win and create your Secret Identity• Recruit Allies to support your journey• Choose pre-loaded experiences (PowerPacks) or design yourownadventures• Complete Quests, activate PowerUps and battle Bad Guyseachday• Track your resilience scores – mental, emotional, social&physicalLive Gamefully. Be Stronger. Get SuperBetter.
Bravely - Mental Health Home 1.0.60
An evidence based mental health app - track your habits andmood,feel better.
Squad: Accountability App 1.0.42
Accountability partners for atomic habits, daily goals&routines
Skillsoft Percipio 1.13.4
Keep yourself on the leading edge with the latest skills -anytime,anywhere.
BookFusion - Reading Redefined 2.12.8
BookFusion is an eBook platform thatisredefining the reading experience. It allows users to read,shareand have all their eBooks available across all devices.For the first time, readers are able to discover new booksbyaccessing the global library of other readers with thecapabilityto easily borrow/loan books to friends and family. Withover30,000+ free eBooks and a tightly integrated socialexperience,readers are able to find new books based on their socialnetwork orsimply browsing our store.BookFusion is available on the Web and Android Tablets (Soon tobeavailable for all devices in both portrait and landscapemode)◇ Features ◇* Read over 35,000+ books and growing for free* Read all popular eBooks including PDF | MOBI | EPUB | 10OtherFormats with the same app* Upload all the books you already own to a reliable andconvenientplatform* Share your highlights, comments , notes & bookmarkstoTwitter, Facebook,* Your personal library in the cloud* Easily borrow and loan eBooks the same way you would aphysicalbook* Find your next great read by browsing the global library ofotherusers* Discover the eBook activities being made in your network andthebookshelves of friends and family.* Download books to any device for offline reading.* Many more to come! Follow us for updates.Say hello on Twitter @BookFusionHQ.Questions? Drop us a line at [email protected](Book Fusion)
Beanstack Tracker 4.26
Zoobean, Inc.
Grow your reading habits with challenges, tracking, and more.
Rejoy - less chaos, more love 1.14.301
Xily ltd
Rejoy helps your family stay in sync, and bring a little joyintoall the crazy
Writco – Reading & Writing App 2.2.0
A Multilingual Social Writing & Publishing App thatConnectsReaders & Writers.
Pavlok 1.8.1
The Pavlok app lets you win back your focus.
Scoutible: Discover Yourself 2.0.2
Award-winning Self-Discovery Game, Discover Your Superpowers