Top 3 Apps Similar to NNEDV Events

PCADV Conference 5.2.1
From survivors sharing their recoverystoriestodomestic violence centers across the nation sharingbestpractices,PCADV’s 40th Anniversary Conference is a powerfulsummitcelebratingfour decades of advocacy while also providingkeylearningopportunities and skill-building sessions designedtoshape thefuture of domestic violence servicesthroughoutPennsylvania.Professionals from the fields of criminaljustice,health care,education and research will gather toparticipate inintensiveworkshops and peer discussions to addresspreventionstrategies,public policy and improved services forvictims.While victimization from domestic violence transcendsrace,age,gender and socioeconomic status, domestic violence istheleadingcause of injury to women. Ironically, women facethegreatest riskof assault when they leave or threaten to leavetheirpartners, orreport the abuse to authorities. Domestic violencenotonlyseverely affects victims, it also threatens communitysafetyandcosts our nation more than $8 billion each yearinmedicaltreatment, lost work and school time, police responseandcommunityservices.
Women Who Rock with Success 0.1
Women Who Rock with Success isanonlineresource for women of business and profession. Weprovideonlinetraining, education, tools, and empowerment for womenofbusinessand social living. These resources are provided intheareas of butnot limited too; healthy living, socialimpact,financialstrategies, marketing, branding your business,women ofbusiness,spiritual development and more We also providetheseresources forwomen of Domestic Violence and Breastcancerawareness. Women Whorock with Success is a cistern of TheNationalExtraordinaryProfessional Women. This is a non profitorganizationthat providesall of the above resources in live andvirtual events.You can
Beacon of Hope 1.0.2
Assistance - Beacon of Hope operatesasupportcenter for women and their children who are victimsofdomesticviolence and abuse. We have trained volunteersfieldingincomingcrisis calls and providing assistance withobtaining safehousing,victim advocacy, court advocacy, medical anddental care,and othernecessary services.Counseling - Beacon of Hope offers individual andgroupcounselingwith a therapist at little or no cost. Counselinghelpswomen gaincontrol of the issues they are facing -domesticviolence, problemswith relationships, sexual assaultanddepression.Life Skills Training - Beacon of Hope has instituted aLifeSkillsTraining Initiative offering instruction withcomputers,typing,resume writing, dressing for success, mockinterviews,financialbudgeting and assistance with jobplacement.Pet Safety - Beacon of Hope is committed to supporting theneedsofwomen and children who have been affected by violence.TheFosterPet Program consists of volunteer host families whoagreetotemporarily house pets while the woman victim is gettingthehelpshe needs. This is a major barrier for many victims thatneedtoleave their violent situation.Teen Talk Outreach - Beacon of Hope is committed tosupportingtheneeds of teens through outreach and education. TheTeenTalkOutreach and Education Program consists of educatingandsavinglives through implementation of our curriculaaddressingTeenDating Violence and Healthy Relationships.Public Awareness - Through speaking engagements andcommunityevents,Beacon of Hope raises public awareness aboutviolenceagainst womenand the tremendous emotional, physical andeconomiccost of thisviolence.Download the Beacon Of Hope app to your mobile deviceandstayconnected while on the go! Learn about our programs withoneclick.Receive notifications, explore ways you can contribute,andso muchmore from the convenience of your phone or tablet.Sponsored by –