Top 2 Apps Similar to Cricket Coaching RHB

My Cricket Coach 2.3.1
Are you a keen cricketer wanting to takeyourbatting or bowling performance to the next level? Or perhapsyouare a coach seeking new ideas for drills or session plans?MyCricket Coach provides access to 950+ modern, personableandinspiring cricket coaching videos. Take a look inside to seewhyKane Williamson is the proud ambassador of My Cricket Coach.What is our point of difference? Fault detection. We empoweryouto detect batting or bowling faults, show you exactly howtheseneed to be corrected and provide drills for you to master yournewtechnique. Our goal is to provide you with the skills andknowledgethat you need to create your own breakthrough moments.
Cricket Coaching Wicketkeeping 1.2
There is no rule stating a team must playawicket-keeper. On 5 June 2015 during a T20 Blast game betweentheWorcestershire Rapids and the NorthamptonshireSteelbacks,Worcestershire chose not to play a wicket-keeper in the16th overof the match. Their keeper, Ben Cox, became an extrafielder at flyslip while spinner Moeen Ali bowled. The umpiresconsulted witheach other and agreed that there was nothing in therules toprevent it from happening.A keeper's position depends on the bowler: for fast bowlinghewill crouch some distance from the stumps, in order to have timetoreact to edges from the batsman, while for slower bowling, hewillcome much nearer to the stumps (known as "standing up"),topressure the batsman into remaining within the crease or riskbeingstumped. The more skilled the keeper, the faster the bowlingtowhich he is able to "stand up", for instance Godfrey Evansoftenstood up to Alec Bedser.Wicket-keeping is a specialist discipline and itrequirestraining consistent with the level expected of a specialistbatsmanor bowler. However, the modern-day keeper is also expectedtopossess reasonable batting skill, suiting him for the middleorderat least. Wicket-keepers who are also capable of batting atthe topof the order are known informally as keeper/batsmen.Since there is only room for one keeper in a cricketside,selectors (especially at the international level) are oftenfacedwith a difficult choice between two or more skilled keepers.Often,one of the two keepers is an exceptional keeper, but onlyanaverage batsman, whereas the other is a keeper/batsman whoisclearly better at batting, but not quite as good a keeper ashisrival. One such selection dilemma was that faced byEnglandselectors in the 1990s between Jack Russell (the purekeeper) andAlec Stewart (the keeper/batsman). They were never abletoconsistently choose between the two until 1998, when Russellbeganto fade: prior to that, they had regularly swapped the role,oftenwith Stewart maintaining his place when not wicket-keepingthanksto his batting skill.The keeper may also have a captaincy role. Uniquely, theyareusually involved in every delivery of an innings, and may be inaposition to see things that the captain misses. They canfrequentlybe heard encouraging the bowler, and may also indulge inthepractice (not meant to be overheard) of "sledging" the batsmanwithwell timed comments about their skill, appearance orpersonalhabits.The keeper is the only fielder allowed to touch the ballwithprotective equipment, typically large padded gloves withwebbingbetween the index finger and thumb, but no other webbing.Theprotection offered by the gloves is not always adequate.TheEngland keeper Alan Knott sometimes placed steaks inside hisglovesfor added cushioning. Wicket-keepers also tend to wear legpads anda box to protect the groin area.Wicket-keepers are allowed to take off their pads andbowl,though this rarely happens but is not uncommon when matchesaredrifting to draws or a bowling team is desperate for a wicket.Twokeepers have removed their pads and taken hat-tricks infirst-classcricket: Probir Sen for Bengal v Orissa at Cuttack in1954–55 andA.C. (Alan) Smith for Warwickshire v Essex at Clacton in1965;Smith was a most unusual player in that he was primarilyawicket-keeper, but was sometimes selected as afrontlinebowler.