Top 2 Games Similar to creation of house painting

Design Wall Paint Color 1.1
In giving the value of beauty inthelivingroom, of course, can not be viewed from one side onlybutalsoother elements such as the selection of furniture andwallpaintcolors will all work together in creating beauty inthatspace,giving the color of paint on the walls will also giveadifferenttouch on the space, all of which can be adjusted withourdesire tobe the theme of what we raise or apply to the livingroom.If we talk about the colors, of course, a lot ofcolorchoicesthat we can apply in our living room like red, greenTosca,blue,purple or any other color, we can integrate or combinethesecolorsin order to create or pretty color, but it's best if youwanttocombine the colors you should not too put too many colorssotoocrowded and gives a bad effect on your room.In choosing paint colors living room, you can use wallpaintcolorthat matches the theme of the room, say it if you wanttheimpressionthat natural you can apply colors like green or red,andif you wantthe impression that warm you can also wearbrightcolors with softtexture, next to the living room which hasanarrow size you can wearpredominantly white color thatfeelsspacious.
Bathroom Japan Style Ideas 1.0
Bath room japanese style is acollectionofimages aplikasi modern bathrooms and classic stylethatcanmenginsfiratif Japanese connoisseurs of spatial beautythatattractand comfortIn the land of cherry bathroom is also used to calm themindandinvitasi source, so the design or layout of interest willmakeusbe comfortable and be able to like to linger long. Not afewpeoplewho like to spend time in the bathroom whileeliminatingthefatigue of daily activities.In a country famous sakura flower bathroomwithinterestingarchitecture, elegant and natural, so it is notuncommonwhen theytalked many do so in the bathroom.Hopefully this app can give inspiration all of us andcanbeuseful for us and as a reference or references when wespringtobuild a bathroom nuances of Japan