Top 26 Apps Similar to Manan Vidya School

Vidya Mobile 3.1
A mobile platform for Vidya Academy of Science &Technology,Thrissur - 680501.
Planet Vidya 1.1
This app will help for preparationofvariousentrance exams like Bank, SSC, Railway, Civil Servicesetc.withfree Online Test, Study Material and Video Lecturewithregularupdate.
“VIDYA STUDY CENTRE” aninstitutionthatexplains a methodology to the students how toachieve theirownsuccess. The VSCTM on focuses a simple method ofteachingthatenables an individual to be successful in theircompetitivecareersand work by following a simple methodology whichMr. AjitKumar Dasdesigned with our faculty, research team, oursupportstaffs &advisors.
Arya Vidya Mandir 13.4.9
Official App for Arya Vidya Mandir Group of Schools, Mumbai
Vidya Niketan Dombivli 1.19.0
Vidya Niketan School Dombivli, for parents - teacherscommunication.
Pushpalata Vidya Mandir 1.4
Pushpalata Vidya Mandir app is based on Nirals EduNiv toconnectwith parents at school. Please visit forcompletefeature list.
Shriji Baba Vidya Mandir 1.21
Shriji Baba Vidya Mandir /Education online App
Vidya Dayini Model High School 1.5
Welcome to the mobile of "Vidya DayiniModelHigh School"
CA Vidya 1.0.3
Ca Vidya is an app that helps CA studentstoplan their studies to perform well in the exams.
Mobi Counsel - Career App NVHL 1.0
Mobi Counsel app is developed by Nirmaan Vidya HelpLine forCareerguidance.
Bachkaniwala Vidya Mandir 1
Mobile Application For Parents..SchoolNoticeboard, Time table, syllabus, home work now on yourmobiledevice.Download application and login with your usernameandpassword.
Vidya Jyothi e Techno School 1.6
Welcome to "Vidya Jyothi e TechnoSchool"Mobile app
Vidya School 3.0
Dear Parents, Vidya English Medium HidhSchoolis happy to launch the Parental App for you. You will bedirectlyconnected with the activities of your child in the schoolthroughthis App. Initially, we are providing:Daily AttendanceHomeworkCircularsMessagesDownloadsCalendarsGalleryTime TableResultFeesSyllabusAll you need to do is install the App and register yourself togetdaily details. Thanks.
Shri Jayraj Vidya Mandir 1.0
Our Campus - A Powerful replacementforthetraditional School diary with Messenger. Parents willbeknowStudents Attendance, Marks, Bus Location,Homework,Timetable,Subject Teacher Details and all SchoolAnnouncements withtweetback facility to Teachers directly.Parents may able to knowStudentsAttendance,Marks,Fees Status,Locate the School Bus,Homework,Timetable,Lesson Plan,Subject Teacher Details andSchool Announcements with tweet back facilitytoTeachersdirectly.
Vidya Science
MissionThe fact remains that the progress of mankind dependsuponconstructive knowledge in all the fields and aspects relatedtohuman life. Hence the need to impart best training and coachinghasto be explored in all its manifestations. We are committedtocontribute from our side in all possible ways towardsprovidingstudents with best of the facilities and services to takeup anyand every type of career of their choice. The thought ofgivingopportunity to students from weakest class of society hasresultedin a most reasonable fee structure for the courses offered.The joyof accomplishment is derived from the belief of being ableto bringout the best inside each student through proper trainingandenabling them to face life in future positively, withradiantconfidence andVisionThe immediate goal is to spread out throughout Mumbai andentireMaharashtra State by the year 2017.The aim today is to formanetwork of quality Institutes throughout India providing varietyofcourses and become the leading Educational Institute in thecountryby the year 2020. The Vidya Science Academy family workswith avision of becoming the biggest Educational Institute in theWorldby the year 2012. We intent to set up many streams ineducation& technology, which will be accessible to lacs ofstudents infuture. Steps are already taken to launch Colleges andInstitutionsimparting top class training in professional courseslikeMedicines, Engineering, Pharmacy, and Management thefinalfrontier.Complete Study MaterialOur Special team of teachers are involved throughout the yeartodevelop & enhance our Study & Reference Materials/Notesforthe students. The material is developed to meet the needs ofthestudents for understanding concepts & attempting examquestionswith ease. The content is streamlined & tailor made toprovidethe best output & results with smart efforts.Thematerial isexclusively prepared & given to our students only.These arenot sold out in the market or elsewhere.Difficulty Solving SessionsRegular difficulty solving sessions are conducted to solveanydifficulties/problems that the student might be facing duringthecourse. Difficulty Solving Sessions are organized "1 on 1" basisorin small groups by key teachers & in house faculty team.Thisis continued throughout the year 24x7 by various means.Test SeriesThe students are made to answer MCQs (Entrance Exam QuestionPaper)on OMR sheets which are evaluated in special Electronic‐Computerized machine & a comprehensive result is madeavailableto them. This benefits both, the weak & the cleveralike.Individual Performance Tracking System (IPTS)Each students' progress through the course is regularlymonitored.An Individual Performance Track File is maintained foreverystudent, wherein a record of his test performance, attendanceandcomments from his teachers is maintained. This helps us as wellasthe student to assess the current standing. A periodic reportofthe performance of the student is also sent across totheparent/guardian.According to the performance of the student remedial coachingissuggested. The In-House team of teachers take care of thestudents.Good performers are directed to achieve excellence andpotentialperformers are motivated to perform better.
vidyabharti 0.2
Bharatiya Psychology- the basisofEducationalTraining Psychological needs of the child shouldformthe verybasis of educational Training. Even after fiftyyearsofindependence the prevalent system of education in Indiahasitsroots in Western way of fulfillment of life, But accordingofHinduPhilosophy, the all-round development of the personalityofthechild is not possible without spiritual development.TheWesternphilosophy based on the concepts of Darvin & Trevdcan'timpartfullness to life. That is why Vidya Bharati haslaidmaximumemphasis upon Bharatiya psychology and made it theverybasis ofher system of education baptized as 'SaraswatiPanchapadiyaShikshaVidhi' These five steps are : 1. Adhiti, 2.Bodh, 3.Abhiyas, 4.Prayog, 5. Prasar-swadhyay and Pravachan andthephilosophy of allround development of child is based onunfoldmansof five koshasi.e. Annamaya Kosha, Pranmaya Kosha,Manomaya Kosha,JyannamayaKosha & Ananamaya Kosha as envisagedin ourupanishidiephilosophy. This philosophy has gained publicesteem&appraisal in form of 'Saraswati Shishu Mandir'educationsystem atprimary stage and Vidya Mandir system ofeducation atsecondary& senior secondary level, education systematpre-primary stagePhilosophical thoughtsThe ultimate reality of this universe is God by whateverothernamesit may be called. God is eternal, omnipresent,omnipotentandomniscient. God cannot be seen but can very well berealized.Weshould have faith in the greatness of God and seekhisgrace.• Nature is bountiful and benevolent. Man has to berespectfulandgrateful to nature. There is a balance of variouselements intheenvironment of nature. It is in the interest of manto utilizethenatural resources in such a way that this balanceisnotsignificantly disturbed.• Man is not body alone. Apart from the physical levels, manhasfourother levels of existence known as Koshas. Inmodernterminology,they may be called five systems namely thebodysystem, the energysystem, the desire system, the thoughtsystemand the self system. Itis the primary duty of man thathesincerely tries towards optimumand balanced development of allhisfive systems or koshas.• Man should exercise moderation in daily life andshouldexercisecontrol on his five organs of knowledge and fiveorgans ofactionthrough the practice of Yoga. This will also ensurecontrolon mindand sharpening of intellect resulting in optimumandbalanceddevelopment of all aspects of his personality.• Performance of one's socially prescribed duties withoutprideorprejudice; attachment or revulsion but withintelligenceanddedication is the highest Dharma of an individual.Whattheseduties are is to be determined by the state, the societyandtheindividual himself.• The divinity in man must be accepted and respected by theStateandthe society and they should ensure his autonomy inpersonalmatterssubject to the performance of socially prescribeddutiesbyhim.• The life style and life activities of an individualshouldbeinspired by a sincere desire to help and serveothers.• An individual must respect and obey the State whichprovideshimpeace and security of life and man should fulfillhisobligationstowards the society.
BVB Wayanad 1.4.3
Bhavan’s Vidya Mandir at Sulthan Bathery isaSenior Secondary School from Classes I to XII affiliated toCBSE.It is a Co-educational School following NCERT Syllabus underthenational curriculum.
NRIGHS ~ NRI Global High School
BeantVidyaBhawan 1.0
Welcome to the Beant Vidya Bhwan, Jiwan Nagar, Sirsa.
GPA & CGPA Calculator for KEC 6.0
This app is only for students ofKonguEngineering College (Autonomous), Perundurai, TamilNadu, IndiaDear KEC'ians, are you tired of calculating your GPA andCGPAeverytime for Placement activities orafterre-valuation/Supplementary/Arrear results? Worry not, here istheperfect tool for you. Calculate your CGPA and GPA in a fewsecondswith this app. Designed with a good UI, this app will be aperfectcompanion for you. Now you can also calculate your internalMarksfrom our app and save the calculated CGPA for futurereference:)Whats New: Added Arrear subject GPA prediction. Worried thatyouhave arrear and your GPA is 0.0? Worry not!! Our app givestheperfect suggestion to you. Our app shows the gradecombinationsthat you need to obtain to get different GPA's. PlanWell and clearall your arrears :) This feature is totally uniquefrom other appsof the same kind.The 'Predict External Marks' option inputs the internal marksofthe subjects and tells you the minimum marks needed in theEndSemester Exam so as to get a particular grade. Very usefulforstudents in planing their exams.Note: CGPA calculation is dependent on your department andyourregulation. So kindly choose proper regulation &departmentproperly to ensure proper CGPA calculationDeveloped by,R.BalaVishnu (CSE-KEC-2014)S. Karthick Rajaa(IT-KEC-2015)T.Karthik Kumar(CSE-KEC-2014)P.Murali Prasanth(CSE-KEC-2014)S.Vidya Sagar(ECE-KEC-2014)We have taken all steps to ensure correctness in thecalculatedresults. But in case the calculated GPA/CGPA dosen'tmatch the onein , please send a mail to [email protected]
Nail design/composition.color 1.0.2
Design Academy
Приложение “Nail design/composition.Color»(«Ногтевой дизайн. Композиция. Цвет»)Создано как учебное пособие для мастеров ногтевогодизайна.Систематезированная информация по художественнойкомпозиции,дизайну и цветоведению. В основу легли программы дляхудожественныхВУЗов, переработанные под миниатюрную роспись, т.е.под ногтевойдизайн. Огромное количество иллюстраций и педагогическиграмотнаяподача художественных правил и законов, позволяет быстроосвоитьматериал и начать применять его на практике. Удобныйинтерфейспрограммы поможет быстро найти и вспомнить предыдущиеуроки и верновыполнять учебные задания, что позволит развить в себетворческоемышление. Программа рекомендована для самостоятельногообучения идля лекционных уроков.1.Вводная часть. 2.История миниатюры. 3.Техникивыполнения.4.Понятие о композиции. 5.Законы восприятия. 6.Акцент.7.Законцелостности. 8.Правило 3х. 9.Закон соподчинения.10.Золотоесечение. 11.Изобразительное поле. 12.Пространство.13.Направлениедвижения. 14.Многокомпонентные композиции.15.Элементыдизайна.16.Иллюзия глубины. 17.Ритм. 18.Статика идинамика. 19.Свет и тень. 20.Плановость рисунка. 21.Видыконтуров.22.Единство.23. Замкнутая и открытая композиция. 24.Формы-растительныеигеометрические. 25.Симметрия. 26.Орнамент.27.Цвет.28.Хроматические и ахроматические цвета. 29.Контраст.30. Монохроматические цвета. 31.Родственные и нейтральные цвета.32.Теплые и холодные.33. Характер рисунка. 34. Практические уроки по композиции.Appendix "Nail design/composition. Color »(« Nail Design. Composition. Color ") Created as a textbook for masters of naildesign.Sistematezirovannyy information on artistic composition,design andcolor science. In a basis program for art universities,processedunder the miniature painting, ie under the nail design. Ahugenumber of illustrations and pedagogically literate presentationofartistic rules and laws that allows you to quickly masterthematerial and begin to apply it in practice. User-friendlyinterfacehelps you quickly find and recall previous lessons andfaithfullyperform the learning activities that will develop thecreativethinking. The program is recommended for self-study andlectureclasses.1.Vvodnaya part. 2.Istoriya miniatures. 3.Tehnikiexecution.4.Ponyatie on track. 5.Zakony perception. 6.Aktsent.7.Zakonintegrity. 8.Pravilo 3. 9.Zakon subordination. 10.Zolotoesection.11.Izobrazitelnoe field. 12.Prostranstvo. 13.Napravleniemovement.14.Mnogokomponentnye composition. 15.Elementydizayna.16.Illyuziyadepth. 17.Ritm. 18.Statika and dynamics. 19.Light and shadow.20.Planovost drawing. 21.Vidy contours.22.Edinstvo.23. The closed and open composition. 24.Formy-vegetableandgeometric. 25.Simmetriya. 26.Ornament. 27.Tsvet.28.Hromaticheskieand achromatic colors. 29. Contrast.30. Monochromatic colors. 31.Rodstvennye and neutral colors.32.Warm and cold.33. Character drawing. 34. Practical lessons in composition.
엠스토리음악학원 (석수초등학교, 안양중학교) 8.9a
B2 Corp.
학원수강과목 : 피아노, 바이올린, 플룻, 보컬, 드럼, 기타, 일렉,베이스,화성학, 작곡이 지역 최고의 시설과 최고의 전공강사진!카카오톡 아이디 '엠스토리음악학원'으로 검색하시면 편하게 카카오톡 상담 가능합니다^^경기도 안양시 만안구 양화로93번길 7, 2층 엠스토리음악학원문의전화 031)472-6640College Course:piano,violin, flute, vocals, drums, guitar, electric, bass,harmonics,compositionThe best facilities and the best instructors majoring inthisarea!KakaoTalk ID if you search 'Em Story Conservatory of Music"willenable easier consultation KakaoTalk ^^Manan-gu, Anyang, Gyeonggi Province to quantify 93 beongil 7,2ndFloor M. Story Conservatory of MusicPlease call 031) 472-6640
Teachings of Swami Dayananda 3.5.7
App provides access to Swamiji's teaching of Vedanta in ebookandvisual formats