Top 13 Apps Similar to ISO 9001:2015 et al.

Nifty ISO 9001 5.0.8
Nifty ISO Audit manager on the play store is designed forISOAuditor.
ISO Today
Monitor California ISO power gridconditions,prices and renewable production, receive alerts andtrack calendarevents with this free application. ISO Today makesour top webfeatures available at a touch.Features• Expanded! Track wholesale energy prices with the interactivepricemap – Now includes Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) prices• New! Stay informed with market notices and ISO tweets• Watch net demand, or the variability in demand and supply,whichthe ISO must balance to keep the grid stable• Monitor current power supply and demand, plus followrenewableenergy production• View map of solar and wind generation and weatherconditions• Receive Flex Alerts, grid alerts or both and know immediatelywhenconservation is needed• Add ISO meetings and events to your calendar andautomaticallyreceive updatesAbout the California ISOAs the nonprofit public-benefit company ensuring reliabilityformost of California’s and a portion of Nevada’s high-voltagepowergrid, the California Independent System Operator Corporation(ISO)is helping advance a smarter, cleaner, and more reliableenergyfuture. The ISO operates the West’s only competitive energymarketthat balances supply with demand and has a key role inachievingclean energy goals.
ISO Events 5.42
We're ISO, the International Organization for Standardization.Wedevelop and publish International Standards and this is themobileapplication dedicated to our events.
HSEQ+ | Safety Reports, Quality Audit, Timesheets 7.3.11
Mellora AS
No subscriptions needed. Install and start using itimmediately!Areyou looking for a safety app to generate accidentreports andnearmiss reports? Do you also want a quality audit andinspectionapp tomake sure your organization / company meets allrequirementsrelatedto quality and the work environment? Meet theaward-winningHSEQ+which saves money, time and effort byofferinguser-friendlyreporting and case management tools for HSEandquality. No useraccount or subscription is required. Installthequality and safetyhse app and start using it immediately! ►5EASYTO USE &HELPFUL MODULES: HSEQ + is an app designed tosimplifyand improvean organization's HSE and quality reporting. Inthe appyou willfind 5 different and user-friendly modules: ◉ QUICKREPORTS-Choose between 6 types of reports: Non-ConformanceReport,AccidentReport, Observation Report, Near Miss Report,ImprovementReport,Prevention Report. - Enter important details suchas Dateand Time,Location, Department, Type of Incident,Project/Reference,IssueDescriptions, Actions Taken, GPS location,Images. - Sendthereports to the relevant manager, sector orauthorities. Useyourname or stay anonymous to protect youridentity. - Keep anarchiveof all your reports created with our hseapp. ◉ INSPECTIONSANDAUDITS: Make use of checklists for safetyrounds and auditsrelatedto quality and the work environment. - Ouraudit app enablesyou toassess and do thorough audits and understandthe context ofeachaudit. May also be used for all kinds of riskassessment. -Neatlyoverview all your inspections in the New, InProgress&Completed sections ◉ SAFE-JOB ANALYSIS (SJA): CreateSJA byaddingDate, Name, Participants. Do the safe job analysis toassesstherisk of all work operations that may involve a certainrisktopeople, the environment, machines etc. Send the finishedsafejobanalysis with detailed reporting within the app. ◉ TIMESHEETS:Noneed to use separate apps to manage your workdays. Usethein-builtTimesheets so you can easily document your working day.Adddetailssuch as Employee No., Department, Entries, Summary,Overtimeandsend them to your managers. View all of the timesheetsyou’vesentat one place too. ◉ DOCUMENT CENTRE Occupational safetyandhealth,or health and safety at work, quality procedures,andsafetyinspections are complicated fields. That’s why inourDocumentcenter you can find Procedures, Instructions,Manuals,Templates,Datasheets on both Quality & HSE. ►CUSTOMIZETHE APPFOR YOURORAGNIZATION Every organization has the opportunityto haveits owncustomized version of the app. Tailored versions ofHSEQ canbelinked to our database HSEQ Reports for an evenmorestreamlined,innovative, and easy way to handle HSE andqualitymanagement.►MEET ALL CUSTOMER & GOVERNMENTREQUIREMENTSProperly used, ourhealth and safety at work &qualityinspection and audit appwill meet all customer andgovernmentrequirements, such as theInternal Control Regulations,ISO 9001,ISO 14001, ISO 45001, andall Achilles qualifications(JQS,Sellicha, TransQ, StartBANK, andAutomotive). 👉SEE WHY: .. In2013,HSEQ+ was named Norway's bestwork environment product 🏆 ..Isbranded and trusted by globalcompanies and organizations ☑️ ..Isused by tens of thousands ofusers 📲 Get this hseq app now andtryit completely for FREE!
ISO9001 Auditor 1.399
This app is designed to assist those whoareresponsible for the quality management system of anorgainsation.ISO9001:2015 is the internationally recognisedstandard for qualitystandards. Contained in this app are theupdated clauses ofISO9001:2015 along with a description of eachclause to assistthose new to internal auditing.This app has been developed by experience lead auditorswhoregularly audit against the requirements of the standard as setoutby UKAS and are members of LRQA Consultant NetworkThis app will help with:- ISO9001:2015 Audit Checklist- Summary of each Clause- Access to training courses- Non conformity reporting
ادعية تريح القلوب بدون انترنت (جديد) 1.1
الدعاء سلاح المؤمن الذي ينجو به من أهوال عظيمة لا يعلمهاإلاالله,.فالمؤمن في هذه الدنيا مثله كالمسافر في غابات مليئةبالدوابالمفترسة الضارية التي لا تميز بينه وبين أي حيوان آخر، تريدالانقضاضعليه كي تشبع نهمها وجوعها، والمؤمن مع الشيطان لا ينجو منهفي هذهالدنيا إلا بالدعاء .أدعية تريح القلوب.
ISO 27002 Audit 1.3
This is the 27000 series standard number of what was originallytheISO 17799 standard (which itself was formerly known asBS7799-1).Our audit tool will help you comply with the ISO IEC27002standard. It will pinpoint the security gaps that existbetweenISO's security standard and your practices and processes.Onceyou've filled all the gaps, you can be assured that you'vedoneeverything possible to protect your information assets. TheAudittool is equally useful for internal audit as well as clientcompanyAudits. The app allows the auditor to: -Create Audits-ManageAudits and Status of audit -Audits can be saved inmultiplesessions and hence give flexibility to complete audit overperiodof time without losing any data -Facility of creating andreusing-templates for quick audits -Facility of creating ISOquestion setand reuse it -Generate report in PDF and Email topotentialstakeholders
ISO 28000 Audit 1.3
ISO 28000:2007 specifies the requirements for asecuritymanagementsystem, including those aspects critical tosecurityassurance ofthe supply chain. Security management is linkedto manyotheraspects of business management. Aspects includeallactivitiescontrolled or influenced by organizations that impactonsupplychain security. These other aspects should beconsidereddirectly,where and when they have an impact onsecuritymanagement,including transporting these goods along thesupplychain. TheAudit tool is equally useful for internal audit aswellas clientcompany Audits. The app allows the auditor to:-CreateAudits-Manage Audits and Status of audit -Audits can besaved inmultiplesessions and hence give flexibility to completeaudit overperiodof time without losing any data -Facility ofcreating andreusing-templates for quick audits -Facility ofcreating ISOquestion setand reuse it -Generate report in PDF andEmail topotentialstakeholders
ApprevenirT 2.4
ApprevenirTLa prevención llega al móvilApprevenirT es una herramienta tecnológica gratuita basadaenlosúltimos avances tecnológicos que te permiten accederdesdetusmartphone o tablet a útiles conocimientos y consejosqueseprecisen en materia de Prevención de Riesgos LaboralesydeSeguridad y Salud Laboral, a través de vídeos y brevestextoseimágenes dinámicas.Se trata de un hito tecnológico, pionero en el mundo. Pormediodeimágenes y de mensajes cortos de gran claridadsemuestranvisualmente las prácticas correctas para losdistintossectoresproductivos y los respectivos puestos de trabajoque seencuadranen cada uno de ellos.  Esta APP no es unsustitutivode lanormativa ni de los cursos formativos -informativos, sinounaliado del trabajador y del empresario, un“amigo” alojadosiempreen nuestro bolsillo a quien poder recurrircon un solo clico de uncomando de voz en caso de duda ante unasituación que loprecise o,incluso en caso de emergencia.ApprevenirT está abierta a lacolaboraciónciudadana([email protected]), pues cada usuariopuedeenviar suspropuestas, participar en concursos… esdecir,convertirse en unagente activo de la aplicación. ApprevenirT, un canal cercano y efectivo:Nuestro nuevo aplicativo es una vía más, unaherramientadiferente,un canal más cercano, más visual, másintuitivo y ágil,siempre adisposición del usuario, que contribuye amejorar losresultados desiniestralidad laboral. ApprevenirT es unnuevo canalcomunicativoque se adapta a los últimos planes yobjetivos enmateria deprevención, teniendo como ejes nucleares lossiguientesobjetivos:- Promover y desarrollar actuaciones dirigidas alamejoraefectiva de las condiciones de seguridad y salud eneltrabajo y ala prevención de los daños de la salud.- Desarrollar y consolidar la cultura de la prevención.- Lograr una mayor eficacia en el cumplimiento delanormativa,prestando un apoyo de especial  interés paralaspequeñas ymedianas empresas, ya que éstas no suelen disponerensusplantillas de trabajadores dedicados exclusivamentealaprevención.- Fortalecer el papel de los interlocutores y la implicacióndelosempresarios y de los trabajadores en la mejora delascondicionesde seguridad y salud en el trabajo.- Mejorar la participación institucional y la coordinacióndelasadministraciones públicas en las políticas de prevenciónderiesgoslaborales.ApprevenirT tiene vocación de mejora continua paraabarcartodoslos sectores productivos y todos los oficios ademasdeimplementarsecciones de mejora de la salud yconsejossaludables.Estando previstas varias fases en su desarrolloampliandoloscontenidos y herramientas.Creada y dirigida por D. Antonio Berzal Andrade © ®.,conlacolaboración del Excmo. Colegio Oficial de GraduadosSocialesdeMadrid, del Instituto Regional de Seguridad y SaludenelTrabajo de la Comunidad de Madrid, Mutuas de AccidentesdeTrabajo,Servicios de Prevención, empresas, sindicatos,yotrasorganizaciones.¡¡¡ATENCION!!!Las herramientas desarrolladas en la app no sustituyenalasherramientas profesionales, la fiabilidad de estas dependerádetudispositivo móvil y de los posibles estudiostécnicospreventivosque se pudiesen realizar.¡Cuando estés conduciendo o trabajando no uses tu móvil!Lanzamiento de la tercera fase a principios de 2015connuevoscontenidos y herramientas.ApprevenirTPrevention goes mobileApprevenirT technology is a free tool based onthelatesttechnological advances that allow you to accessfromyoursmartphone or tablet to useful knowledge and tips you needinthePrevention of Occupational Risks and OccupationalSafetyandHealth, through videos and short texts and dynamicimages.It is a milestone, a pioneer in the world. Throughimagesandshort message very clearly displayed visually goodpractice forthedifferent productive sectors and the respective jobsthat fallintoeach of them. This APP is not a substitute forlegislationortraining courses - informative, but an ally of theworker andtheemployer, a "friend" always stayed in our pocket towhom toturnwith one click or a voice command If in doubt in asituationthatneeds it, or even in an emergency.ApprevenirT is open tocitizencollaboration([email protected]), as each user maysendtheir proposals,competitions ... ie become an active agent oftheapplication.ApprevenirT, a close and effective channel:Our new application is a path, a different tool, acloser,morevisual, more intuitive and streamlined channel alwaysavailabletousers, which helps to improve the results ofworkplaceaccidents.ApprevenirT is a new communication channel thatconformsto thelatest plans and objectives for prevention, with thenuclearaxesthe following objectives:- Promote and develop effective actions aimed atimprovingsafetyand health at work and the prevention of damagetohealth.- Developing and strengthening a culture of prevention.- Achieve greater efficiency in compliance, with supportofspecialinterest to small and medium-sized enterprises, astheyoften donot have in their workforce dedicated exclusively tothepreventionworkers.- Strengthen the role of the partners and theinvolvementofemployers and workers in improving safety and healthatwork.- Improve the institutional participation andcoordinationofgovernment policies on the prevention of occupationalrisks.ApprevenirT continuous improvement is destined tocoverallproduction sectors all trades also implement sectionsofimprovinghealth and health advice.While several planned phases of development expandingcontentandtools.Created and directed by Antonio Andrade Berzal © ®.,Withtheassistance of the Hon. Graduate College of SocialMadrid,theRegional Institute for Safety and Health at Work intheCommunityof Madrid, Mutual Occupational Accident,PreventionServices,businesses, unions, and other organizations.ATTENTION !!!The tools developed in the app not replace theprofessionaltools,the reliability of these depend on your mobiledevice andpossiblepreventive technical studies that could beperformed.When you're driving or do not use your phone!Launch of the third stage in early 2015 with newcontentandtools.
MOB EPI - consulta de CAs 1.4.2
O aplicativo mob epi é uma fonte completa de informações sobresaúdee segurança do trabalho, que veio para facilitar o dia a diado TST,principalmente no controle de vencimentos dos CAs. No mobepi o TSTconta com uma série de recursos, como: - Consulta de CAspor número,fabricante ou equipamento - Consulta de fichas técnicasde EPIs devárias marcas e solicitação de amostras - Criação eorganização degrupos de EPIs conforme as áreas da empresa, para umcontrole rígidodos vencimentos dos CAs - Notícias atualizadas dosetor de SST(mercado, cursos, feiras, normas, estatísticas etc.) -Legislaçãoespecífica do setor de SST - Criação de uma abapersonalizada deCAs, EPIs e Notícias favoritas Além disso, na telaprincipal doaplicativo, é possível ainda encomendar uma solução deEPI para umanecessidade específica da empresa. Em suma, mob epi éa mobilidade aserviço da saúde e segurança do trabalho: tudo o queo TST precisade um jeito rápido e descomplicado a qualquer hora eem qualquerlugar.
SafetyCulture (iAuditor) 23.18
Digitize checklists, perform inspections and audits,createprofessional reports
OHSAS 18001 Audit 2.0
OHSAS 18001 2007 is an internationalOH&Sstandard. It defines a set of occupational health andsafetymanagement requirements that apply to all types oforganizations.Use our app to audit your organization's occupationalhealth andsafety management system (OHSMS) and to improve itsoverallperformance.The Audit tool is equally useful for internal audit as wellasclient company Audits.The app allows the auditor to:-Create Audits-Manage Audits and Status of audit-Audits can be saved in multiple sessions and hence giveflexibilityto complete audit over period of time without losingany data-Facility of creating and reusing -templates for quick audits-Facility of creating ISO question set and reuse it-Generate report in PDF and Email to potential stakeholders-Print Reports
Calibration & ISO/IEC 17025 1.0
SP Metrology Systems ( Thailand) Co.,Ltdhasbeen accredited ISO / IEC 17025 ScopeAccreditation from the United States has themostextensivebranch. Standard ISO / TS 16949,ISO / IEC 17025, ISO22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, ISO9001,GMP,HACCP, BRC,ISO13485, ISO5001, HA , and others.SPMetrologySystems(Thailand) Co., Ltd has been accredited ISO / IEC17025Scope.Accreditation from the United States has themostextensivebranch. Standard ISO / TS 16949,ISO / IEC 17025, ISO22000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, ISO9001,GMP,HACCP, BRC,.ISO13485, ISO5001, HA, and others.