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Crowdvey 1.0.4
Crowdvey's panels can predict and trade various subjects suchasbusiness, economy, sports and entertainment. The more accuratethepredictions, the greater the cash rewards. The prediction marketofCrowdvey is a virtual stock market where participants buy andsellprediction shares of various topics.The Coins from surveysallowyou to invest in ideas you believe. Earn real money withoutanyloss by putting your Coins where your mouths are. Here's howitworks: 1. Survey- Earn virtual currency known as Coin oncetakingsimple surveys. 2. Prediction Market Trading - Bet on futureeventswith the Coin and earn profits. 3. Cash Settlement - Get paidinproportion to the profit earned. Crowdvey is a research firmbasedin Korea, specializing in prediction market where a largegroup ofvarious population trade predictions about future eventsand earnreal money if one's predictions are correct. Crowdveytransformsinformation into insight that enables organizations todetectfuture developments and trends and learn of changes inconsumerbehavior. Our mission is to serve as a decision supportsystem withstrong ability to capture, aggregate and analyze data.We taketransparency and accountability seriously in order tomaintainqualities of survey and prediction accuracy. Contacts: [email protected]