Top 1 Games Similar to Ellenbrook Dockers

Ellenbrook United FC 1.1
Established in March 2008, EUFC is a youngandvibrant club. Our first year as a club was definitely asuccess,and our membership instantly grew from 0 to well over 170members.With the further expansion of the club in 2009, we doubledournumbers. We plan to continue to grow and improve our club forourmembers as the years go by!EUFC is a registered club with Football West and participatesinthe state competition league. We were one of the few clubswhoadopted Small Sided Games (SSG) through our U5, U6, U7 &U8squads since inception. The SSG has proven its worth with ouryoungguns being greatly involved in more play time and furtheradvancingskill development. SSG will be continue to be a greatintroductionto the sport whilst as our players grow through theranks gradingand trials will ensure quality grows within ourclub!With our new venture into the Statewide League we now have43teams aged from 6 to Masters which now has over 100 femalemembers,the club continues to strive for continuous improvement.Fun isalways the underlying value for our members as we move into2014and more emphasis on social gatherings for players and parentstoensure EUFC are a club our community just have to beinvolvedwith.During this time the club has come up with some fantasticideasand innovative plans to ensure the strength of the clubcontinueslong in to the future.One of the main areas the club was looking to improve on wastheway in which it was currently communicating with itsplayers,members, supporters and sponsors.With a forward thinking and a dynamic board the club wasactivelypursuing different methods which would enable them toimprove ontheir existing communication channels.After conducting a review of all the options available tothemthe club is pleased to announce the release of their firstevernative mobile phone app for Android.The app will be branded in the famous blue and white oftheEllenbrook United Football Club and the content available tousersin the app will contain information about the club.No longer will you have to worry about missing out on newsorinformation about the Ellenbrook United Football Club as theappwill serve as your number one source of information abouttheclub!The type of information available to you when you downloadthisapp are as follows:- Latest News- Results- Images- Videos- Events- Facebook- Merchandise- Committee- Contacts- Teams- Ladders- Fixtures- Team news- Sponsors- Grounds- Memberships- Training and much much moreTo make sure you stay in touch with absolutely everything todowith the club, download the app now!Go United!