Top 13 Apps Similar to COMMUNITAKE ADD-ON: LG

AirWatch LG Service
AirWatch introduces an enterprise-grade service applicationforLGenterprise grade devices. This application isa“plug-in”application that should only be installed and usedincombinationwith enrollment of the AirWatch MDM Agent. It allowsforadditionalMDM capabilities described below that only pertain toLGenterprisegrade devices. Depending on the AirWatch MDMconsoleversion youare using, please follow these steps to deploy toyourLG device:If using a 6.1 console or older: 1. You mustfirstdownload,install, open and activate the LG Service 2.Then,download installthe AirWatch MDM Agent available in the GooglePlay3. You may nowenroll like normal and the LG MDM features willbeactivated Ifusing a 6.1 SP1 console or greater: 1. Youmustdownload, installthe AirWatch MDM Agent available in theGooglePlay 2. You may nowenroll like normal and the LGService w illbepushed to your deviceduring enrollment LG enterprise gradedevicescome with enhancedsecurity and management capabilities.Remotelymanage settings,policies, applications and functionality onLGdevices. MDMFeatures include: 1. Device Restrictions 2. NativeMailClientConfiguration 3. Wi-Fi Network Setup 4. VPN NetworkSetup5.Certificate Management 6. Application Managementa.BlacklistingApps b. Required Apps
devicealive LG GPad X 3.6.1
This application is intended solelyforthepurpose of in-store demonstration for AT&T.Do not install this on your device unless you areanAT&Trepresentative and have obtained the password requiredtoopen theapplication.The application is designed to run continuouslyuntiluninstalledand will drain the battery.
Codeproof LG Mobile Security 6.120718
Codeproof Enterprise Mobile Security Agent for LG Devices. Inorderto use this app, Customer must signup with Codeproof serviceat Supports following features: 1.AppManagement - Silent Application Installation, UninstallationandReporting 2. Configuration Management - Remotely configureWiFi,Email and VPN services. 3. Mobile Kiosk Management -DisableQSlide, Split Screen and run a single app in the device.Customizekiosk screen with branding and company logo. 4.ApplicationWhitelisting/Blacklisting - Allow only Admin specifiedapp in allthe enrolled devices. Centrally management allow/blocklist fromthe cloud. 5. Advanced MDM tools : Remotely locate missingdevice,lock device, data wipe and jailbreak rooting detection. 6.SecureBrowsing : Admin controlled web access. Centrallymanageallow/block rules for web browsing. 7. Inventory Management-Device inventory reports, application inventory reports andmore.8. Security Management - Central Dashboard, SecuritycomplianceReport and Admin alerts. 9. Cloud powered - The entireplatformruns on a cloud. Solution is highly scalable, reliable andsecured.Uninstall Instructions: ------------------------------ ToremoveCodeproof from the device, Please follow theseinstructions: Thisapp uses the Device Administrator permission.
LG Ipsolute Mobile
What's New in this Version - Other bug fixes
LG Service AE 2.6.4
De LG Service App is een praktisch hulpmiddel voordeprofessioneleservicemonteur. Dankzij deze app bent u snellerinstaat debetekenis van de storingscode te achterhalen. Debetekenisen demogelijke oplossingen worden directoverzichtelijkweergegeven.Verder biedt de app de mogelijkheid ommet 1 tapverbinding temaken met het LG Klimaat Service-teamvoorpersoonlijkeondersteuning. Handige features: - De LG Service AEappis ook tegebruiken wanneer uw telefoon offline is - Uontvangtautomatischupdates wanneer uw toestel online is - Alleinformatieisbeschikbaar in het Nederlands - Probleemdiagnose enoplossingopbasis van storingscodes Nieuwe functies: -Koudemiddelcalculator,een handige tool om eenvoudig de koudemiddelbijvullingte bepalen.
LG Tanzania Merchants System 2.1
LG Product Consultants is a simple waytoregister as an LG Product Consultant and get rewarded real-timeforthe sales, easily keep track of display of your productsandachieve set targets.TALK TO US.^ Facebook-^ Twitter -^ Google +-^ Mail - [email protected] THEY ARE SAYING!I. We're the most innovative IT company in Africa.II. Most Affordable in correspondence to projects deliveryand even better...weINNOVATE SENSE.
LG 모바일스토리 2.2.0
[LG MobileStory 앱이란?] LG 전자 모바일 제품 판매 매장을 위한 어플입니다. 언제 어디서나 LG전자제품정보와 다양한 홍보물을 받아보세요. [사용안내] 지원 OS : 4.1 젤리빈 이상 3G/LTE로 접속 시,데이터요금이부과될 수 있습니다. 회원가입은 PC홈페이지를 통해 가능합니다. 어플리케이션 이용 중 에러 발생 시,LGMobilestoryPC홈페이지(을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.[제공서비스] ○ 제품정보 스마트폰, 웨어러블, 태블릿 제품 정보 조회 스마트폰 스펙 비교 ○ 세일즈아카데미 제품 별동영상교육자료 시청 제품 별 기능 영상 시청 LG Mobile 전문 강사가 전해주는 판매 가이드 제품에 대한 지식수준을체크할 수 있는 퀴즈 ○ 커뮤니티 LG Mobile의 주요 소식 검색 다양한 판매노하우 / DP노하우 검색 및작성회원들의 다양한 에피소드 조회 및 작성 지역 별 커뮤니티 공간 ○ 이벤트 매월 다양한 이벤트를 통해 홍보물 제공○홍보물센터 쿠폰을 이용한 홍보물 교환 서비스 신규 매장 지원을 위한 특별한 서비스 ○ 출석부 출석 일수에 따른다양한혜택 제공
LG V20 Exchange Program 4.0.1
LG V20 Exchange Program - Powered byCashify,is a unique app which allows the retail stores to exchangeoldhandsets for a brand new LG V20, and get a assured buyback priceonselect handsets. Other handsets can also be exchanged throughtheapp without assured price.
LG UAE Incentives System 1.1
LG UAE Premium Services is a simple waytogetclient information in the store, register as a shop ownerandgetrewarded real-time for the sales.WHAT'S THIS?You can......* Register Shop - Let you share your shop information withustobetter serve you as LG clients.* Register FSM - Let you give us your details to worktogethertomake your work easier as the salesman inSales-Floor.* View Points - Let you view your sent details points andgiveyoureal-time ability to claim the points anytime with a clickofabutton.* Help - Click on the Help button to get real timeassistanceandcontacts to operate.TALK TO US.^Facebook-^ Twitter -^ Google+-^ Mail - [email protected] THEY ARE SAYING!I. We're the most innovative IT company in Africa.II. Most Affordable in correspondence to projects deliveryand even better...weINNOVATE SENSE.
LG Telepresence
Aid provided by LG Electronics application helpscustomers."LGTelepresence" smartphone customers to use or contactwiththecamera after taking the product in question in real time,issentto the agent should be able to get assistanceimmediately.AScenter without having to visit the simple use andeasy to fixtheproblem, and when visiting AS product expertise toadvancethestatus of land can be identified that willenablefasterprocessing.
Rescue Add-On: LG
LogMeIn, Inc.
This is NOT a stand-alone application. This application isanadd-oncomponent and should NOT be downloaded by itself. ItshouldONLY bedownloaded through the “Rescue + Mobile for Android”/”RescueAssistby LogMeIn” app on a supported LG device.Rescueshould only be usedwith a support technician you trust.Atechnician will give you aone-time PIN code to initiate thesupportsession.
MaaS360 MDM for LG 5.70
MaaS360 Mobile Device Management for LG devices isthefirstcloud-based MDM solution that provides complete supportforthe LGMDM API. Key features include: > Visibility—viewhardwareandsoftware inventory, network details, and securitystatus
>Control using actions and policies—enforce passcodepolicies,andrestrict device features and applications
>Security—Lock,locate and wipe devices, and reset passcodes
>Built-inresilience—if a user opts out, MaaS360 alertstheAdministrator sothat IT can take appropriate action
>Dashboards—graphicalreports highlight key real-timecompliancemetrics as well as assetand network details 
> MyWatch ListAlerts— point out potentialproblems and other keydetails
 >Support for corporate andpersonal devices—users enrollthemselves,and approved policies aredistributed automaticallyAdditionalfeatures for Samsung devicesinclude: > Full Device& SD CardEncryption support >Additional device restrictionsincludingbluetooth and browser >App Blacklisting and MandatoryApps >Management of native emailaccounts > Management of VPNprofiles> Silent install anduninstall of Enterprise Apps Formoredetails, visit Note: To activateFiberlink'sMaaS360 MobileDevice Management for Android Devices, youmust havean enterpriseaccount with MaaS360. If you do not, ask yourITdepartment tocontact us at
LG전자장기근속 1.0.3
레드캡투어와 함께하는 LG전자 장기근속 안내 어플입니다.장기근속 대상자와 사내에서 패스워드를 알려준 인가된 직원들만 사용가능합니다.여행은 언제나 레드캡투어와 함께... Electronics isalong-service tour guide application together with a red cap.The person with long service provided by a password,onlyauthorized personnel available in-house.Travel is always with Red Cap Tour ...