Top 16 Apps Similar to BedBuzz Talking Alarm Clock

Alarm Clock for Me 2.83.0
Apalon Apps
Wake up to this great alarm clock and use a stylish clock tobealways on time.
Talking Clock & Timer Demo 1.3
Mobo Studio
This is a demo version only.It will automatically disable after 30 minutes.You can close and reopen the App for the next 30 min. period.Talking Clock Pro is the most technologically advanced voicetimeannouncement application for the Android device market. Itisavailable in 13 languages: English US, English UK,Russian,Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Turkish, Dutch,Swedish,Portuguese, Italian and Polish; new languages such as:Korean,Chinese and many more will be added in due course.This application allows the user to plan single or multipletimeschedules, either planned or manual. In addition the schedulescanbe flexibly repeated to meet the needs of the user.The application runs with an attractive colorful time displayinlandscape format.Talking Clock Pro announces the time according to theuser’sschedule at certain time intervals.The Talking Clock Pro will announce:- Actual time- Time elapsed- Time remaining- Own record- Alarm with and option to choose custom soundEach named schedule can contain numerous flexible talkingperiodsincluding spoken mode, announcement frequency, as well asevent onfinish, which can even be “own record” or alarm.When activated, any number of schedules can run simultaneouslyandwill automatically commence according to the user definedschedule.It offers additional flexibility whereby each period canprovidealternative types of announcement.Our speaking clock helps you to manage a series ofchronologicalevents by announcing the time at certain points intime, ensuringyou complete the action according to yourschedule.The schedules are clearly placed in 2 tabs: Planned&Manual.Create a Planned schedule to set a specific time duringtheday.For example Monday to Friday 3.00pm to 5.00pm withannouncementsevery 10 minutes prior to leaving work.The Manual function allows you to set a time period which canbeactivated and deactivated on demand. For example a 7 minuteperiodfor preparing lunch or dinner.
Ассистент на русском языке 2.5.0
Виртуальный ассистент на русском –голосовойпоиск и мобильный помощник для повседневных задач.Ассистент на русском - полноценный виртуальный помощник сголосовымуправлением, понимающий устные запросы на естественном (!)русскомязыке. Задайте вопрос, получите быстрый и релевантныйответ.Целых 7 дней Вы сможете пользоваться всеми возможностямиассистентаабсолютно бесплатно, в том числе – услышать и оценитьприятныйженский голос и возможности всех без исключения сервисоввприложении. По истечению этого периода Вы сможете приобрестиполнуюверсию приложения!✭✭✭«Вы просто человеческим языком говорите телефону, что вамнадои он тут же это понимает и запоминает.» –✭✭✭«Ассистент на русском языке» - это то приложение, котороедолжнообосноваться в вашем смартфоне раз и навсегда!»***ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ ФУНКЦИЙ Ассистента на русском***1. ПОИСК ИНФОРМАЦИИ:- Новости спорта (результаты игры любимой команды);- Энциклопедия (Wikipedia, конвертер валют, калькулятор);- Афиша кинотеатров (для Санкт-Петербурга и Москвы)- Поиск любимых мест (по базе Google Places);- Поиск новостей, изображений, видео и др.2. ЕЖЕДНЕВНЫЕ ПОМОЩНИКИ:- Будильник- Напоминания- Прогноз погоды- Навигация (легкий доступ к навигационным приложениям).- Переводчик3. УПРАВЛЕНИЕ И НАБОР ГОЛОСОМ:- Голосовой запуск приложений;- Голосовой набор адресов сайтов;- Звонок или смс абоненту из записной книжки;- Виджет 1х1;- Режим обучения;Всё это и многое другое – ПО-РУССКИ и БЕСПЛАТНО!ПОМНИТЕ: обязательно наличие установленного Голосовогопоиска/вводаот Google***ПРИМЕРЫ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ***► Открывать установленные приложения и популярные сайты.Скажите:«Открой Карты» или «Открой Яндекс точка ру»► Показывать погоду. На день, на неделю, на выходные, вразныхгородах► Быстро ставить любой будильник. «Буди меня по будням в7:30утра»► Ставить напоминания. Достаточно сказать «напомни мне сходитьвмагазин вечером»► Делать звонки и отправлять сообщения. Назовите абонента по имениипосмотрите на результат – неважно, написано имя по-английскиилипо-русски► Искать места вокруг. Назовите улицу, город, станцию метро–ассистент легко найдет рестораны, магазины, жилые дома илифирмырядом на картах Google► Узнавать новости спорта. Простой поиск результатов ирасписанияматчей любимых команд (пока только футбол/хоккей)► Искать киносеансы. Скажите:«кинотеатры в центре»,« где идетВойнаМиров Z»,«что идет в кино» и т.д.(сервис ПОКА доступендляСанкт-Петербурга и Москвы)► Прокладывать маршруты до нужных мест. Скажите «поехалидомой»,ассистент предложит задать адреса, запомнит их и предложитна выборКарты Google, Яндекс.Навигатор или Яндекс.Карты► Переводить слова или целые фразы с одного языка на другой.Скажите«Переведи с русского на испанский слово дождь»► Обучаться новым командам. Скажите «Сделай…когдаяскажу…».Например: «Открой диктофон, когда я скажутекст».Ассистентпредложит вам подтвердить сохранение команды изапомнит её===ВОПРОСЫ И СЛОЖНОСТИ===Дорогие пользователи! Мы не всегда можем быстро отвечатьнакомментарии в Google Play. По всем проблемампишите:[email protected], присоединяйтесь кобсуждениямВКонтакте и нафорумеСкачивая и устанавливая данное приложение, Вы принимаетеусловияпользовательского соглашения, расположенногопоадресу: assistantinRussian - voice search and mobile assistant foreverydaytasks.Assistant in Russian - complete virtual assistant withvoicecontrol, understanding oral requests for natural (!)Russianlanguage. Ask a question, get a fast and relevantanswer.As many as 7 days, you can enjoy all the featuresassistantabsolutely free, including - to hear and appreciate thepleasantfemale voice and opportunities for all, without exception,theservices in the application. After this period you can buy thefullversion!✭ ✭ ✭ «You just speak human language, the phone that you haveandhe immediately understands and remembers.»✭ ✭ ✭ «Assistant in Russian" - is an application that needstosettle in your phone once and for all! »- AndroidInsider.ruLIST OF FUNCTIONS *** Assistant on Russian ***1. INFORMATION SEARCH:- Sports News (game results favorite team);- Encyclopedia (Wikipedia, currency converter, calculator);- Playbill theater (for St. Petersburg and Moscow)- Search your favorite sites (based on Google Places);- Search news, images, videos, etc.2. Daily assistant:- Alarm Clock- Reminders- Forecast- Navigation (easy access to navigation applications).- Translator3. MANAGEMENT AND SET VOICE:- Voice launch applications;- Voice dialing site addresses;- Call or sms caller from the phonebook;- Widget 1x1;- Training Mode;All this and more - in Russian, and it's FREE!REMEMBER: certainly have installed Voice Search / InputGoogleEXAMPLES *** ***► Open the installed applications and popular sites. Say:"UnlockMaps" or "Open Yandex dot ru"► Show weather. A day, a week, a weekend, in different cities► Quickly put any alarm. "Budi me weekdays at 7:30 am"► Putting reminders. Suffice it to say "remind me to go to thestorein the evening"► Make calls and send messages. Call the subscriber by name andlookat the result - whether the name is written in English orinRussian► Find places around. Name the street, the city, the subwaystation- Assistant easily find restaurants, shops, homes orbusinessesclose on Google maps► Look sports news. Simple search results and schedulesmatchesfavorite teams (only football / hockey)► Search screenings. Say: "Cinema in the center", "War of theWorldsis where Z», «that goes to the movies" and so on (theservice is notyet available for the St. Petersburg andMoscow)► directions to desired locations. Say "went home,"Assistantprompts you to set the address, remember them, and offer achoiceof maps Google, Yandex or Yandeks.Navigator► Translate words or whole phrases from one language to another.Say"translated from Russian into Spanish word rain"► learn new commands. Say "Do ... when I say ...". Example:"Openthe recorder when I say the text." Assistant prompts you toconfirmsaving the team and remember itISSUES AND CHALLENGES === ===Dear users! We can not always respond quickly to comments onGooglePlay. On all issues, please contactus:[email protected], join discussions andVKontakte downloading and installing this application, you accept thetermsof use located at:
Rainbow Talking Alarm 1.81
Rusted Gears
Rainbow Alarm is a veryspecialalarmclock.With Rainbow Alarm your day will begin in a differenttone.Justafter the standard sound this incredible app will starttoprovidea series of information useful to help wake you up withaclearmind:- A personal goodmorning with your name- The date of the day with sunrise and sunset times- Weather forecasts based on your GPS position withindicationabouttemperature, humidity and probable times ofrainfall- Alert of your friend’s eventual birthdays that use RainbowAlarm(It needs the log in exceptionally)- Events and dates of the day synchronized with the agendaofyourdevice and the events labeled with "going" on facebook- Main news of the day, from settings you can set upyourfavouritetopics.- The Aphorism of the day to start the day with a smileIn addition, this incredible app, that needs the webconnectiontofind some information, automatically and autonomouslywillstartthe wifi (or 3G) interface few second before the alarmrangswhileyou are still dreaming.The App is free on the play store in the basic version.Withonly0.99 cent/euro you can also have:- Many more aphorisms- New backgrounds which you can customize also withpicturesfromyour personal gallery- No advertising banners- Snooze function to get 15 minutes longer your sleep.Have a colorful day with Rainbow Alarm!----- Info spot -------Directed by: Alessio GonnellaOperator: Danny BiancardiEditing: Simone VaccaWith: Ponja HoxhaMusic: "Somewhere over the rainbow" di Israel Kamakawiwo'ole----- Backgrounds: thanks to Elena Chisena andFrancescoForlino-----
Speaking Clock 1.9.7
Have you ever lost track of time whiletakingashower? Or maybe it just happens while browsing theinternet,gamingor getting ready to go out? Then this app is foryou!The Speaking Clock reminds you the time atacustomizableinterval.It supports speaking in Spanish, English, German,ItalianandFrench. The app itself is available only inEnglishandSpanish.The INTERNET permission is for AdMob (Ads) and the WAKE_LOCKis required to be able to speak with the screen terms: speak clock reloj habla
Night Speaking Clock 3.3
Have you ever woken up in the middle ofthenight not knowing what time it is and unwilling to openyoureyes?With Night Speaking Clock, you don't need to open your eyes toseethe time. Just shake you phone or tablet and listen. The clockwillspeak.With this fantastic clock app you'll never wake up in the middleofthe night to see the time. Activate before going to sleep. Andthenwhen you want to know what time it is without opening youreyes,shake your phone.Your phone not just will say you the hour, it also show youadigital clock and the screen will bright for 7 seconds.In the main screen you can choose:-The sensibility-The volume-The clock color-The format hourThe application does not consume too much battery. You can lockthedevice with confidence. When you no longer need to usetheapplication, push the deactivate button and the clock willstoptalking.Improving the quality of your sleep with the NightSpeakingClock.Supports: Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, KoreanandRussian.
Talking Clock & Timer Pro 2.3
Mobo Studio
The most technologically advanced voice timeannouncementapplication.
Talking LED Clock 1.40
This clock indicates the time by meansofLEDs.In particular, the seconds indicator is unique because oftheuse of60 LEDs in a ring. There is also a Grandfather Clockbuiltin thatcan optionally strike every hour.If you have installed an English voice on your Androiddevicethenthe clock will also provide spoken information!In particular the speaking cooking timer, minutesannouncerandthe alarm clock are very handy features. The alarmclock can besetto a different time for each day of the week!The Speaking Led clock can be configured to your owntastethroughthe settings menu (icon with three dots).You can also press 'long' on the clock itself toactivatethesettings window.The possible settings are:- American or European date indication.- Configuration of the Grandfather Clock.- Whether or not to display the Date.- Whether or not to show the Seconds.- English or Dutch language.- The Time announcer at 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes.- The interval of the built-in Cooking Timer.- The time at which you will be awakened for each dayoftheweek.To change a setting, you should click 'long' on therelevantlinein the settings table.Also you can easily revert back to the default settings.The Cooking Timer can be set by clicking on the relevantlineuntilyou hear and see the desired interval.To start the timer, you should click 'long' on this line.We wish you much pleasure and usefulness of this software.DSH electronicsLeidschendam, The
Calendar TalkingCal 1.2.4
With TalkingCal you can insert eventsusingvoice: "gym every Monday and Friday at 19", "dentist tomorrowat 9address 150 Old Park Lane", ... These are just some exampleofpossible sentences. Insert events it's quick and simplewithTalkingCal. If you want you can also hear a vocal messageasreminder for the event: the title, the description, thetime;Choose what you want to hear.Furthermore with TalkingCal you can create colorful labels foryourevents: green for sport, blue for business events, pinkforpersonal events....Discover all the features of TalkingCal.
সময় ঘড়ি Bangla Talking Clock 59.7.6
Code Monkey
Talking Clock tells time in Bangla (বাংলা) (Ad free, Android8supported)
Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers
Smart alarm clock with timer, stopwatch, holidays support&calendar integration
Calendar Alarm Reminder Talks 2.9
Hongi Apps
Reminder app to speak aloud your calendar reminder. Reminder appfordaily work.
Never Miss Fajr 1.7
The problem it tries to solve is this: you have everyintentionofwaking up for fajr, but you turn off your alarmmistakenlywhilehalf asleep. Next thing you know, the sun is out...Soundfamiliar?The idea behind the app is simple: to wake you up forFajrby beingas annoying as possible! It's just like a regularadhanalarm clockwith one big exception: It annoys you until youactuallywake up byasking you to do something before the adhan shutsoff!Until you dowhat it asks, the adhan will keep on playing in aloopAND yourphone will vibrate incessantly! There are two"triggers" tochoosefrom to wake yourself up. 1. Trivia: if youchoose thisoption youwill have to answer 5 islam-related questionscorrectlybefore theadhan shuts off. 2. Shake to wake: if you choosethisoption youwill have to shake your phone 20 times before theadhanshuts off.InshaAllah by the end of either of these twoactivitiesyou will beawake enough to get out of bed to pray!
TimeAware 0.0.5
Gana Soft
Customizable TTS vocal reminders to the minute, Speak Time likeaTalking Clock
Easy Alarm Youtube 2.2.15
Easy Alarm is the most comprehensive,reliableand user friendly clock alarm for androidsmartphones.- Manage several alarms and repetition cycles- Choose among several alarm tone sources : phone ringtones,audiofiles, video files, Youtube, Dailymotion, Deezer- Use videos for your alarms (Youtube, Dailymotion or ondevicevideo files)- Use your favorite Youtube playlists and channels- Use keywords and let Easy Alarm select and play a differentvideoeach time- Create or modify alarms directly from the officialYoutubeapplication by using the share button, or use Easy Alarmbuilt-invideo picker- Double alarm system (when a video or song cannot be playedaringtone alarm kicks in)- Progressive volume increase- Progressive duration decrease between snoozes- Shake to snoozeAnd many more functionalities !!Don't wait any longer to get the best Youtube Alarm availableonthe Play store !Easy Alarm is partially translated in German and Spanish. Ifyourare interested in contributing to translate Easy Alarm intheselanguages or any other you're fluent in, just let us know!Find out more on Facebook and Google+: Easy Alarm on Twitter
zZzAlarm | The Alarm Clock 2.1.6
Hey you!, wake up! You are only one clicktoofar from a new amazing way to think at your alarm clock andstartyour journey just like a boss!UPDATE! zZzAlarm 2 has Material Design style; plusweintroduced a new way to use the app, something like a Liteversion:it's the same wonderful zZzAlarm but without the tabProfiles, sothat you'll find more easy and more convenient to setyour usualalarms!Advanced users, on the contrary, or everyone who loves ourpowerfulProfiles engine, could use the standard version asalways!Enjoy zZzAlarm! AND PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO LEAVEAREVIEW!Features like: local or YouTube videos, weather, differentalarmsmodes to set up depending to the weather itself, custompre-alarm,ultra alarm tone, horoscope, voice recognition forsnoozing andstopping, Text To Speech for RSS Feeds, weather,fortunes etc, vocalnotes and more and more...zZzAlarm is the smartest alarm clock: no other apps ontheGooglePay Store are able to do something like what we can do,everyday, just for you; that's for sure!We are always trying to improve your experience withourapplication, so stay in touch with us through our socialaccountsor our blog and let us know what you would like to see intotheapp!---> FEATURES** YOUTUBE or LOCAL VIDEOzZzAlarm can wake up you showing your favorite YouTubevideo,searching an artist, song or words.Still better, you can also select part of a video and set itastone. Just choose it!** WAKE UP ON WEATHERzZzAlarm controls the weather to wake up when you want. You'llbeable to sound the alarm only with certain weatherconditions(sunny, cloudy, rain and snow) or wake up before / aftertheoccurrence of any of these. You can also assign a specificringtoneto a weather condition. (Trial version available into theapp)** PREALARMEnable Prealarm to wake up better. With this feature you cansearchthe REM stage during your sleep to wake up rested. (Thispluginshould be purchased separately)** SUPER ALARMAre you afraid of not hearing the alarm and do not wakeup?Activates the SUPER ALARM to forget about it!** HOROSCOPEWake up with your horoscope and find out what awaits you intheday.** CUSTOM STOPNo more sequent alarm created with the fear stop it by mistake,youcan now decide when show the stop button and forget aboutthisproblem for all.** VOICE RECOGNITIONUse a word or phrase you like to snooze or stop your alarm.** SPEAKING ALARM (TTS)It's possible to read automatically any information which thealarmshow. You can also add custom phrase, weather, time andallothers.** VOICE NOTETalk to your device and tell him what kind of note to rememberandnot worry about, no more overcooked foods ormissedappointments!** PROVERBS, FORTUNE COOKIE, KAMASUTRAEnable this plugin to have a proverb at every alarm, afortunecookie and a Kamasutra position, a possible idea if you wakeup ingood company.(Trial version available into the app)** OTHER FEATURES* fade in ringtone: choose how much time for agentleawakening;* snooze/stop by shaking the device;* read your favorite news through RSS: you can read the feedsofother users or share yours;* Post-it: read and edit post-it on your alarm;* ability to fully customize the skin of application: youcandownload new skins and share your with other users;* more and more optionsCurrents supported languages: English, Italian.WARNING: zZzAlarm isn't yet optimized for tablet over 7''._______________________SOCIAL & CONTACTSBlog: http://zzzalarm.zer0lab.netFacebook: Community: [email protected]