Top 8 Apps Similar to Ongkir Checker

Ongkir Kita 2.4
Ongkir Kita adalah aplikasi yangdapatmemudahkan Ada melakukan cek ongkis kirim danresipengiriman.Kini Anda tidak lagi harus melakukan pengecekan tiap-tiapjasapengiriman dan mencari mana yang terbaik karena dengan OngkirKitasemuanya telah menjadi satu.Ongkir Kita dapat menyajikan informasi ongkos kirimsampaitingkat kecamatan. Tidak hanya itu, Ongkir Kita jugadapatmemberikan alternatif pengiriman jika pada kecamatan tertentutidakada jasa pengiriman tertentu.Ongkir Kita mendukung cek ongkos kirim jasa pengirimansebagaiberikut,- JNE (Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir)- POS (Pos Indonesia)- TIKI (Titipan Kilat)- RPX- ESL (Eka Sari Lorena)- PCP- J & T- Pandu- Wahana- Si Cepat- Pahala Express- Cahaya LogistikSedangkan untuk cek resi pengiriman, Ongkir Kitamendukung:- JNE- POS- TIKI- Wahana- J & T- RPXKini cek ongkos kirim dan resi pengiriman tidak lagi ribet!Postage Weareapplications that can facilitate There conduct checksongkisshipping and delivery receipt.Now you no longer have to check each delivery services andfindwhich one is best for the postage We all have become one.We can present postage postage information to the districtlevel.Not only that, postage We can also provide an alternativedeliveryif in certain districts there are no specific deliveryservices.We support check postage postage delivery servicesasfollows,- JNE (Line Nugraha Ekakurir)- POS (Pos Indonesia)- TIKI (Courier Express)- RPX- ESL (Eka Sari Lorena)- PCP- J & T- Pandu- Vehicle- Quick Si- Pahala Express- Light LogisticsAs for the check delivery receipt, postage We support:- JNE- POS- TIKI- Vehicle- J & T- RPXNow check the postage and delivery receipt is nolongercomplicated!
Ongkos Kirim Lengkap 1.4.5
check postage for JNE, J&T, SICEPAT, etc. and also overseasbychecking receipts
Checks Your Package Rates 2.0
Iraj project
supporting applications is presentingaservicewhere you can check out the range of rates,shipmenttracking check,and check the availability of the serviceagencythat youwant.This service you can access wherever and whenever you arewhereyouare still affordable to the Internet network. and pleasenotethatthis application uses third-party data (ekspidisi)becauseit'spostage rates and RESI CEK you will get the latestinformationatthe discretion of the applicable thirdpartydata(expedition).The application supports:# CEK RESI expedition:JNE, TIKI, Pos Indonesia, Pandu Logistics, rides,RPXHolding,,SiCepat, ESL, BEAUTIFUL CARGO Herona EKSPRESS,PAHALAEXPRESS, JETexpress, DAKOTA CARGO, PCP EXPRESS, CitoXpress,RoyalExpressIndonesia (REX), First Logistics, Atri Xpress,ROSALIAEXPRESS, DHLExpress, NEX Logistics# CEK ONGKIR we supportJNE, TIKI, Pos Indonesia, Pandu Logistics, rides,RPXHolding,,SiCepa, ESL, BEAUTIFUL CARGO Herona EKSPRESS,PAHALAEXPRESS, JETexpress, DAKOTA CARGO, PCP EXPRESS, CitoXpress,RoyalExpressIndonesia (REX), First Logistics, Atri Xpress,ROSALIAEXPRESS, DHLExpress, NEX Logistics#CEK RESI, #CEK ONGKIR and #CEK TRACKING paketmu items you candoinone aplikas, which will connect directly kesituslegaladdressforwarding services you want, such as JNE canaccessinstantlycheck Resi JNE, the JNE postage Cheque, ChequeLocationJNE nearby,and check Tracking.Check the receipt and tracking can also be done at thecheckpostagePos Indonesia, postage check rides, check postageRPX,check postageHerona Express, Cheque postage Pahala Express,ChequepostageBeautiful cargo, and many can access all in one (1) application to have accesstoseveralother express his expeditions to check theShipping,Tracking andLocation agent.may be useful,If Kindly deign to give ratings and Comentar so kedepanya canwefixand we perbaruhi back.thank you
Ongkir and Tracking 1.1.7
Ongkir and Tracking memudahkanandamengecekongkir pengiriman barang dari tempat anda ke tujuanyanganda kirimdengan beberapa expedisi yang tersedia seperti JNE,TIKI,PT.POS,RPX, ESL, PCP dan Tracking pengiriman barang JNE.Fitur yang disediakan :1. Tracking pengiriman barang JNE sehingga anda dapatdengancepatdan mudah mengetahui sudah sampai mana barangandadikirim.2. Simpan Resi anda sehingga dapat selaludipantauprogresspengiriman barang anda.3. Cek ongkir dari expedisi-expedisi terkenal secararealtime.4. Desain Material aplikasi yang indah dan memanjangamatasehinggaanda tidak bosen menggunakan aplikasi.Kedepan akan disupport lebih banyak tracking pengirimanbarangdantambahan fitur-fitur keren lainnya.Postage andTrackingallowsyou to check postage delivery of goods from yourplace toadestination that you send with some expedition providedasJNE,TIKI, PT.POS, RPX, ESL, PCP and Tracking delivery JNE.Features provided:1. Tracking JNE delivery so that you can quickly andeasilyfindout where the goods have reached you sent.2. Save your receipt so it can always be monitored theprogressofyour shipment.3. Check the shipping cost of the expedition-famousexpeditioninrealtime.4. Material Design wonderful applications and memanjanga eyessothatyou are not bored using the application.In the future will be supported more trackingdeliveryofadditional goods and other cool features.
Ongkir Resi 2.4
Are you online shop? Are you buyer? or areyouseller? Sometimes difficult to find or open courier website tofindthe shipping cost with browser? or sometimes difficult totrackyour package? I present to you an application that helps youtofind shipping cost (Local and Worldwide) and this applicationcanhelp you track your package.Ongkir Resi is an application that helps you to find theLocalshipping cost (Indonesian courier like JNE, POS Indonesia,TIKI,PCP, ESL, dan RPX), Worldwide shipping cost (EMS), and helpyoutrack your package (JNE).List city for local delivery only includes city / county .Ongkir Resi using 3rd party API to help you to find the LocalandWorldwide shipping cost, and also track your package with easywayto use.After find your shipping cost, you can easily copy the cost(justclick the list) or maybe you want to share to other people(justlong click the list). And Ongkir Resi not only track yourpackage,but this application will show you more details about thepackage(example : Receiver address, Origins, Destination, ShipperAddress,tracking status)Support Local Courier (JNE, POS Indonesia, TIKI, PCP, ESL,danRPX)Support Worldwide Courier (EMS)Support Tracking Package (JNE)Ongkir Resi only support in Indonesia
Ongkir Ku 1.0
Jika anda mempunya data ongkos kirim dari kota tertentu keseluruhIndonesia dari kurir manapun, dan anda ingin data itu dapatdilihatdi Android aplikasi. Dengan fungsi pencarian kota tujuan,hasilpencarian menampilkan ongkos kirim beserta perkiraan waktu,dapatmembagikan ongkir hasil pencarian via SMS, WA, BBM dll. Andabisamenginstall aplikasi android ini. Untuk detil cara instaldankonfigurasi silahkan lihat blogberikut TarifOngkiryang telah tersedia: - JNE Malang - JNE Semarang - JNEBandung
Cek Resi dan Tarif 1.5
Aplikasi Cek Resi dan Tarif(CRT)dapatmelakukan tracking status pengiriman pada jasa EkspedisidiIndonesia. saat ini CRT mendukung pengecekan Resi danTarif(Ongkir)untuk jasa ekspedisi JNE, TIKI, POS Indonesia, WahanaExpress,Pandu Logistic, Indah Logistic dan J&T ExpressKelebihan Aplikasi Cek Resi dan Tarif(CRT)-Daftar Kota yang dilayani terhubung langsung dengan databaseJNE,TIKI dan POS Indonesia sehingga selalu up to date.-Status Resi dan Tarif antar wilayah sama persisdenganpengecekan dari website masing-masing jasa ekspedisi-Navigasi penggunaan Aplikasi dibuat sama persis sepertinavigasidari masing-masing website ketiga jasa ekspedisi untukmemudahkanuser yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan cek resi dan tarifdariwebsite.-Mendukung pengecekan jasa ekspedisi yang lebih murahdimanabiasanya tidak ada pada aplikasi lainApplication contentResiand Tariff (CRT) can perform tracking delivery status onexpeditionservices in Indonesia. CRT currently supports checkingResi andRates (postage) for forwarding services JNE, TIKI, POSIndonesia,Wahana Express, Pandu Logistic, Beautiful Logistic and J& TExpressExcess content Resi and Tariff Application (CRT)-list City serviced directly connected to the database JNE, TIKIandPOS Indonesia that is always up to date.-Status Rishi and Rates between regions identical to thecheckingof each website forwarding services-Navigasi Use application is made the same as the navigationofeach of the three services of expedition website to allow auserwho is already accustomed to using checks and fare receiptsfromthe website.-Support Checking forwarding services cheaper that generallydonot exist in other applications
Cek Resi Titipan Kilat 2.0
Pakar Digital
Cek Resi Titipan Kilat merupakan aplikasiuntukmengecek ongkos kirim dari jasa pengiriman paket atau kurirTikidari dan keseluruh kota di Indonesia. Dengan Cek Resi TitipanKilatAnda dapat mengecek secara detail hingga ke tingkatkecamatan,sehingga hasil yang di peroleh lebih lengkap danakurat.Selain itu aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitasuntukmengecekan status pengiriman (tracking) paket denganmenggunakannomor resi atau Air Waybill, sehingga Anda dapatmengetahui posisidan status pengiriman paket Anda. Hasil trackingmenampilkanseluruh data proses, status, lokasi dan waktu pengirimanpaket yangditampilkan secara lengkap dan akurat.Kini versi terbarunya sudah dilengkapi fitur scanbarcodemenggunakan kamera, sehingga resi bisa langsung discan,sehinggaakan mempermudah dan mempercepat karena nomor resitidak perludiinputkan manual.Berikut ini fitur yang tersedia pada aplikasi ini :- Scan barcode resi pengiriman- Cek resi (tracking) paket- Cek tarif ongkos kirim antar kota- Cek tarif ongkos kirim antar kota hingga ke level kecamatanCheck Resi CourierExpressis an app for checking postage on the package or courierdeliveryservices Tiki from and to all cities in Indonesia. ByCheck ReceiptCourier Express You can check the details down to thedistrictlevel, so that the results obtained more completeandaccurate.In addition this application is also equipped with facilitiesformengecekan delivery status (tracking) package using a receiptorAir Waybill number, so you can know the position and status ofyourpackage delivery. The results show all the data trackingprocess,status, location and time of delivery of the package thatisdisplayed to complete and accurate.Now the latest version is equipped with a barcode scanningfeatureusing the camera, so that receipts can be directly scanned,so thatit will simplify and speed for a receipt number does notneed to beentered manually.Here are the features available in this application:- Scan the barcode receipt and delivery- Check the receipt (tracking) package- Check shipping rates between cities- Check shipping rates between cities up to the districtlevel