Top 36 Apps Similar to Cine latino HD

IPTV Player Latino 1.7.3
IPTV Player Latino es un reproductor delistasm3u- Cuenta con una interfaz personalizable con una combinación demásde 10 estilos- Guia EPG para tus listas- Posibilidad de elegir la calidad (baja, media alta)- Ordena tus listas alfabéticamente o por categoría- Usa el buscador en tiempo real para encontrar loquenecesitasIPTV Latino Player isaplayer M3U- It has a customizable interface with a combination of more than10styles- Guide EPG to your lists- Ability to choose the quality (low, high, average)- Order your lists alphabetically or by category- Use the search in real time to find what you need
You TV Player 1.0
You TV Player es una aplicaciónmuyespecial,gracias a la que podremos disfrutar de televisióndepeliculas decalidad en directo y gratuita, desde nuestroterminalAndroid.Las series en linea las puedes ver en la aplicacionqueseencuentra en el menu, sigue las instrucciones paradisfrutardeellas, cada dia se agrega una nueva.You TV Player es un reproductor de peliculas para Androidque,conla correcta configuración, nos permitirá disfrutar decientosdeestrenos de peliculas directamente desde nuestroterminal.Para instalar la aplicación ingresa al sitio de la app,endondepodrás descargarla directamente.Cuando abres por primera vez la aplicación te da unrecorridoporel menú para facilitar su uso, si no tienes vídeos entuteléfonoaparecerá todo en blanco.****** Información Legal******Esta aplicación solo permite ver películas que seencuentranenyoutube, NO somos los dueños de los vídeos ypelículasaquímostrados,tampoco viola la propiedad intelectual,solobrindamoslos links hacia los vídeos de las películas queseencuentran enyoutube, de esta forma nos ahorramos mucho tiempoenlabúsquedaAbrir la aplicación; en este caso, como ya la hemosprobado,nosmuetra lo ultimo y recomendado.You TV Player isaveryspecial application, thanks to which we canenjoyqualitytelevision films and live free from our Androidterminal.The online series you can see in the application that isonthemenu, follow the instructions to enjoy them, each day isaddedanew one.You TV Player is a movie player for Android that, withthecorrectsettings, allow us to enjoy hundreds of premieres offilmsdirectlyfrom our terminal.To install the application enters the site of the app,whereyoucan download it directly.When you first open the app gives you a tour of the menuforeasyuse, if you have videos on your phone will appearallwhite.****** Legal information******This application only allows watching movies found onyoutube,weare not the owners of videos and movies shown here,alsoviolatesintellectual property, just provide links to videosofmovies thatare on youtube, this way we we save a lot oftimesearchingOpen the application; in this case, as we have alreadyproved,wemuetra the latest and recommended.
Best new movies online films 4.0
The app online movie premieres is anewapplication for your cell phone from which you can see instreamingthe best reviewed films that are released in theaters thisyear.You now have a new way to see the official hd trailers ofupcomingmovies, information and synopsis. The new movie premieresapp whereyou can watch the latest movie releases online and thelatest inmovie listings.Very intuitive and fun movie this application provides a guidewitha list of the best films you can see in movie theaters inyourcity. Now you can check streaming new developments of the filmstobe released next year, you can watch the trailers in fullHDmovies, browsing sections and see who are the directorsandprotagonists of your online movies.An online movie app has an easy interface that is perfect tokeepabreast of all the film premieres of the week from the screenofyour cell phone android. You can see a list of movies onlineonlineaccess to their technical specifications, directors,actors,actresses and trailers hd. You also have access toinformation ofthe new 2016 movies that are already on DVD orblu-ray full hdstreaming.The new guide film with a list of movies to see yourinformationthen you will see in theaters in your city nearest whereyou canfind details of the new films, the latest in billboard andtheprogress of new movies 2017 we will see in the moviesAnapplication that is synchronized in real time with thenewinformation online movies, all from your mobile phoneandstreaming.This app film is a good guide of movies from which you haveaccessto a list of new releases in theaters. We advise wificonnectionfor proper display of the content and youtube videos thatareaccessible through the Internet and sites like youtube.Discoverall the information film premiere!!!
Peliculas y Series Infantiles 2.0
Disfruta de las mas entretenidas películasyseries animadas gratis, que te harán pasar un momentomuydivertido. También encontraras vídeos y canciones para niñosquesiempre te dejaran una enseñanza y te sacaran una sonrisa.Algunas peliculas se pueden ver sin internet, todas las peliculassepueden proyectar en la tv para mayor comodidad.******Información Legal******Peliculas Infantiles Animadas es una aplicación que se utilizaparaver películas de dibujos animados,NO somos los dueños de losvídeosque aquí se muestran,NO viola la propiedad intelectual, tansolodamos un servicio que proporciona los links hacia los vídeos delaspelículas que se encuentran en youtube y de esta forma facilitarlabúsqueda para lo que deseamos.Todas las películas están alojadas en youtube de forma publica,laaplicación cuenta con los permisos otorgados por laApplicationProgramming Interface(API) de youtube.************************Enjoy themostentertaining films and animated series for free, you will spendafun time. You'll also find videos and songs for children whoalwaysleave teaching and you will draw a smile.Some movies can be viewed without internet, all movies canbeprojected on TV for comfort.******Legal information******Animated Movies Children is an application used for animatedfilms,we are not the owners of the videos shown here does notviolate theintellectual property, just give a service that provideslinks tovideos of the films They found on youtube and thusfacilitate thesearch for what we want.All movies are hosted on youtube so published, the applicationhaspermissions granted by the Application Programming Interface(API)youtube.************************
CarteleraApp Cine 5.6.6
Jc Miñarro
Spanish cinema box office billboard Schedule, Tickets,SynopsisTrailers
*** CABLE DIGITAL GRATIS PARA TODOS ***Ya puedes VER la TV de forma GRATUITA desde tudispositivoandroidAhora tendrás acceso a los canales dentro de lapropiaaplicación,sin necesidad de links o enlaces externos.Todo ello ofrecido con imagen de alta definición yunsonidoenvolvente de muy alta calidad.Los canales se cargan de forma muy rápida lo que permitedisfrutardeellos como si los estuvieras viendo en la TV de casa.Ademássevisualizan a pantalla completa ofreciendo laopciónderotación.CARACTERÍSTICAS:- Aplicación gratuita.- Imagen HD.- Sonido envolvente.- Opción de pantalla completa y rotaciónInformar que es posible que existan cortes de emisiónenalgunoscanales, pero estos son ajenos a nuestra aplicación.Nuestroequipode desarrollo realizará un seguimiento de la mismaparasolventarcualquier posible incidencia.*** FREE FORALLDIGITALCABLE ***Now you can watch TV FREE from your android device willnowhaveaccess to the channels within the application itself,withoutlinksor external links.All delivered with high definition image and surround soundofveryhigh quality.The channels are loaded very quickly allowing them to enjoy asifyouwere watching on TV from home. Moreover they displayedfullscreenoffering the option of rotation.CHARACTERISTICS:- Free Application.- Picture HD.- Surround sound.- Full screen option and rotationReport it may cut emissions in some channels, but thesearebeyondour application. Our development team will monitor ittosolve anypossible impact.
Peliculas mexicanas gratis 2.0
Encontraras las mejores películasmexicanaspara verlas cuando desees.El cine mexicano se hacaracterizado porrealizar excelentes filmes.Podrás escoger entre muchas películas nuevas y clásicas que teharánpasar un rato entretenido.--- NOTA LEGAL ---Películas mexicanas gratis sirve solo para visualizar vídeosdepelículas mexicanas,NO para descargarlos,NO somos los dueños delosvídeos y películas aquí mostrados,tampoco viola lapropiedadintelectual,solo brindamos los links hacia los vídeos delaspelículas que se encuentran en youtube para ser presentadosmasordenadamente sin realizar una búsqueda exhaustiva.Todas las películas están alojadas en youtube de forma publica,laaplicación cuenta con los permisos otorgados por laApplicationProgramming Interface(API) de youtube.------------------Alguna duda o sugerencia enviar un correo.You find the bestMexicanmovies to watch when desees.El Mexican cinema hasbeencharacterized by performing excellent films.You can choose from many new and classic movies that will makeyouspend time entertaining.--- LEGAL NOTE ---Free Mexican films serves only to watch videos of Mexicanmovies,NOT for download, we are not the owners of videos and moviesshownhere, also violates intellectual property, just we providelinks tovideos of movies that are on youtube be presented moretidilywithout performing an exhaustive search.All movies are hosted on youtube so published, the applicationhaspermissions granted by the Application Programming Interface(API)youtube.------------------Any questions or suggestions send a mail.
Peliculas Online Gratis 1.2
Llegó para quedarse la Mejor AplicacióndePelículas Gratis. Puedes Solicitar las Películas Favoritas con3simple pasos.Contamos con las Mejores Peliculas en Estrenos OnlineyGratis.Nuestra Aplicación tiene un Apartado de Cartelera dondepuedesbuscar tu pelicula y obtendrá información de la misma, comoAño delanzamiento, Actores ETC.Contamos con un Apartado de Series Externas que tepermitirándisfrutar de tu serie Favorita.Esta Aplicación Contiene Anuncio Publicitarios para cubrir losgastode mantenimiento de la misma.Si Tienes Mas Sugerencias sobre Nuestra Aplicacion. Por favorenviarun Email al Siguiente Correo: [email protected]:D QUE ESTAS ESPERANDO PARA DESCARGARLA ES GRATIS!!!!He came to stay theBestApp Free Movies. You can request favorite movies with 3easysteps.We have the best films in Releases Online and free.Our application has a section where you can find BillBoardyourmovie and get the same information as Release year,ActorsETC.We have a PO External Series that allow you to enjoy yourfavoriteseries.This application contains Ad Advertising to cover the costofmaintaining it.If you have more suggestions about our application. Please sendanemail to the following email: [email protected] : D you're waiting to download !!!! IS FREE
Soul Movie 8.9.2
Try lightweight, intuitive video player with subtitle!
MegaTV Player 1.3.3-BETA
No solo es una app compatible condiferentesformatos de videolistas sino que también es una redsocial, unacomunidad de usuarios.Contamos con una interfaz amigable diseñada conMaterialDesign.MegaTV Player es un reproductor pensado para Smartphones ytabletscon sistema operativo Android. Algunas de suscaracterísticas son:- Lista de videos: permite la carga y gestión de listas devideo(videolistas) en formato XML y JSON- Soporta multiples formatos (m3u8, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mpeg4,rtmp,http, https, etc)- Chromecast: permite enviar los videos en tiempo real acualquierdispositivo Chromecast detectado en la redIt is not just anappsupports different formats videolistas but also a socialnetwork, acommunity of users.We have a friendly interface designed with material design.Mega TV Player is a designed for smartphones and tabletswithAndroid operating system. Some of its features are:- List of videos: allows loading and list managementvideo(videolistas) in XML and JSON- Supports multiple formats (M3U8, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mpeg4,RTMP,http, https, etc.)- Chromecast: send the video streaming to any device on thenetworkdetected Chromecast
Videos de Terror 1.0
Se Dandika
En esta app alucinarás con lamejorrecopilaciónde vídeos de terror y de miedo de todos lostiemposver videos deterror, .Los mejores momentos de las mejores películas deterror,incluyeimágenes escalofriantes y momentos impactantes, tantorealcomoficción videos de terror real. Si te gustanlosfenómenosparanormales, encontrarás las situacionesmásespeluznantes yterrorificas de todos los tiempos,fantasmas,psicofonía, historiasde terrorEn this app beamazedconla mejor compilation of horror videos of miedo y detodoslostiempos see horror videos,.Los mejores las mejores moments of horror films, incluyeimágenesyescalofriantes striking moments, both real and realhorrorvideosficción. Si te gustan them paranormal phenomena willfindthemSituaciones bad espeluznantes y terrorificas all ofthemtiempos,ghosts, psychophony, horror stories
Cine Player 1.0.5
This is player for movie, video
Kodi 20.2
Kodi® media center is anaward-winningfree and open source cross-platform software mediaplayer andentertainment hub for digital media for HTPCs (Hometheater PCs).It uses a 10-foot user interface designed to be amedia player forthe living-room, using a remote control as theprimary inputdevice. Its graphical user interface (GUI) allows theuser toeasily browse and view videos, photos, podcasts, and musicfrom aharddrive, optical disc, local network, and the internetusing onlya few buttons.IMPORTANT:The official Kodi version does not contain any content what soever.This means that you should provide your own content from alocal orremote storage location, DVD, Blu-Ray or any other mediacarrierthat you own. Additionally Kodi allows you to installthird-partyplugins that may provide access to content that isfreely availableon the official content provider website. Anyother means ofwatching illegal content which would otherwise bepaid for is notendorsed or approved by Team Kodi.Estuary is the new standard skin and is designed to befastand user friendly.With the skin Estouchy, Kodi has now been enhanced tobetterwork with larger 5" or up phones and tablets. Kodi is notdesignedor recommended for use with smaller phones.Disclaimer:- Kodi does not supply or include any media or content.- Users must provide their own content or install one of thethirdparty plug-ins- Kodi has no affiliation with any third-part plug-in oradd-onprovider what so ever.- We do not endorse the streaming of copyrightprotectedmaterial without permission of the copyright holder.- In order to upgrade from a previous version you musthaveinstalled an official released version by Team Kodi. Anyotherversion may cause failure to upgrade.License and development:Kodi® is a trademark of the XBMC Foundation. For further detailsyoucan visit® is fully Open-Source and released under the GPLv2.0+license.It includes many third-party libraries which usecompatiblelicenses. Due to the inclusion of some GPLv3.0 librariesthe entireapplication becomes GPLv3.0 as binary.Should you wish to help on future development you can do sobyvisiting our forum for further questions.
Video player and browser 3.0.0
Watch video quickly, smartly and support online video by browser
PONGALO NovelaClub 4.3.5
Pongalo Inc.
Pongalo NovelaClub offers over 10,000 episodes of yourfavoritetelenovelas and TV series – all in Spanish and on-demand!Watch inHD, at home or on the go. Whenever and wherever you want.Andbecause you asked for it, you can now view thousands of thosehoursabsolutely free with ads! No registration or credit cardrequired!You’ll want to join because Pongalo NovelaClub is theplace towatch unlimited novelas, talk about novelas, and be part ofalarger community of passionate fans. You’ll get amazing perksfreewith your membership – like access to exclusive merchandise,andweekly contests for the chance to win cash and other greatrewards.Pongalo NovelaClub brings you the largest collection oftelenovelasfrom Latin America and beyond: recent Colombian serieslike Sinu,River of Passions and Men Cry Too, and Venezuelanclassics like MiGorda Bella and Juana la Virgen. New premieresevery month! Plus,get bonus content like major Hollywood and LatinAmerican moviesand series. • FREE FOREVER. Watch a large selectionof ad-supportedseries in their entirety. No registration required.• UNLIMITEDAD-FREE SUBSCRIPTION. Access the full catalog of contentwithoutcommercial interruptions for as low as US 14¢ per day.Unlimitedaccess to the club: 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.Cancelanytime, 24-hours per day. Watch on any device, and shareoneaccount on up to 5 devices. Don't wait. Download thePongaloNovelaClub app now and join thousands of Spanish speakingviewerswho get instant access to their favorite novela stars everyday! Bepart of this exclusive novela fan community…join theNovelaClub!Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew isturned offat least 24-hours before the end of the current period.Accountwill be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the endof thecurrent period. Subscriptions may be managed and auto-renewalmaybe turned off by going to your Account Settings afterpurchase.Renewal costs vary depending on the plan you’ve selected.Terms ofuse:
Video Player for Android 3.4
Video Player for Android is the leadingfreeMultimedia player for the Android operating system which allowsyouto watch all popular video formats on your phone or tabletwithhardware acceleration for faster and smoother HD playbackwithunparalleled ease and comfort.KEY FEATURES:• Supports all popular video formats, including 3GP, AVI, FLV,M4V,MKV, MOV, MP4, WMV, RMVB and TS• Full hardware acceleration support for faster andsmootherHigh-Definition video playback• Built-in powerful and intuitive multimedia manager withautomaticidentification of all video files on your deviceKEY BENEFITS:• Quickly open all videos from your SD card, email, the web, oranyother app that supports sharing• Easily control display brightness, aspect ratio andscreenrotation during video playback• Manage, sort and tag all your videos using an intuitiveinterfacedesigned using Google’s Material Design principles forease ofuseSUPPORTED NETWORK PROTOCOLS:• RTSP (RTP, SDP)• HTTP/HTTPS progressive streaming• HTTP/HTTPS live streamingMINIMUM OPERATING REQUIREMENTS:• Android OS version 2.3.3 or above• Minimum of 256MB of RAMPRICE:• Video Player for Android is provided free of charge
IPTV Extreme 113.0
Paolo Turatti
*** PLEASE NOTE THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CHANNLES ******THEAPPLICATION REQUIRES A PLAYLIST TO WORK *** Please don't askmeforplaylists, I don't have / don't share / don't sellplaylists!Forthe Playlist you can search for some IPTV Forum If youusuallyuseVLC or IPTV bouquet for Dreambox to watch TV this app isforyou.You need to use your own IPTV list to watch channels Isuggesttoinstall VLC for Android or Better MX Player if thedefaultVideoPlayer is not able to Play streaming video If you wouldliketotranslate the applcation in your language please contactme!BasicFunctions Video: to "Il CIELOSULTUBO" user for the video) Features: -Integrated Player(Advanced& Light) - Chromecast Support(Beta) - Parental Control- RemoteController support - Backup /Restore Settings - M3Uplaylistssupport - Multi EPG support (TVGuide) - Auto EPG update -EPG aliasmanagement - All the EPGproviders are included - Piconssupport indifferent size - Abilityto download On Demand Programs! -Abilityto record Live Streamingwith time limit! - More than 10Themesavailables! - Time Recording- Timers Management - AutostartOn BootFunction - Set Memofunction for Events on TV Guide - SearchforSimilar Events on TVGuide - Sliding EPG time Additionalfeaturesare available in Proversion: - Ad free - A big thanks fromme Setupinstructions: *First you'll need to add a Playlist byinserting m3ulink or selecta previously saved playlist file.
Mobile Movie 1.10
Watch the latest Hollywood and BollywoodMP4mobile movies. Large selection of free tamil. hindi AVImobilemovies all ready for viewing. Search the 3GP mobile movie ofyourpreference select and watch it free online. Live streaming foryourmobile phone, smartphone, tablet or other mobile device.Takeadvantage of our preselected search options to find the bestmobilemovies for your enjoyment.Look for the best available options for your viewingexperienceAVI, 3GP, HD and MP4 mobile movies. Dont forget to checkout thelatest movie trailers available.DISCLAIMER: This is a free mobile app that only catalogsandpresents the links of videos and movies already availableinYouTube. These videos have not been uploaded by us nor weclaimownership to any of the videos presented herein. The moviesinYouTube have been uploaded either by the owners or by those whoareallowed to do so. This app only furnishes the links ofsuchuploaded videos, to simplify the search-process for ourviewers.Please take note - YouTube or the uploader/owner of thevideo mightremove the links at any time and in that case, the linkwill bedead and you will not be able to watch the video in yourmobiledevice
Filmes Cristãos 1.1
Olhe para os melhores filmescristãosemPortuguês sempre que quiser.Além de exibir filmes também encontrar vídeoscristãos,elogio,gospel, documentários e muito mais.Nesta aplicação, você vai encontrar a palavra doSenhorJesusCristo, quando você precisa.Look at thebestChristianfilms in Portuguese whenever you want.In addition to viewing films also find Christianvideos,praise,gospel, documentaries and more.In this application, you will find the word of theLordJesusChrist, when you need.
Movie Trailers Clips Video 5.0.1
🎬 The best free movie trailers and films Preview Clips video inyourphone 🎬
LEGO® TV 4.4.1
Take your favorite® LEGO videos with you wherever you gowiththeLEGO TV app, now available for mobile! Stream exciting andfunLEGOvideos to your phone, tablet or TV. Catch the crooks inLEGOCity,hang out with the LEGO Friends and much more, with newvideosaddedall the time. • Browse by theme, age range and stories,so youcanalways find something you want to watch! • Watchwhereverandwhenever you want! For app support, contact LEGOCustomerService.For contact details, referto Ourprivacy policy and termsofuse are accepted if you download thisapp. Read moreon LEGO logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2020 TheLEGOGroup
Video Player
video player play videos and movies inHDquality . video player lets you to enjoy smoother, betterqualityvideos . supports all type of popular video formatsincluding AVI,3GP, MKV, TS, MPG , M4V, MOV, MP4, WMV, RMVB, FLV .organize andplay videos from your SD card and phone . applicationautomaticallyfinds all videos in your device quickly .features* support chromecast video playing* plays all type of video formats* volume and brightness adjustment* Thumbnails of videos* play length of video* movie resume support* quick start and smooth playback-----------------------------------------Disclaimer:This app is based on VLC for Android Beta, and licensed undertheGNU General Public License ver3 or later.GNU General Public License: can get the source code following thislink:
Web Video Cast | Browser to TV (Chromecast/DLNA/+) 5.6.7
Web Video Caster allows you to watch on yourTVvideos from your favorite websites including movies, TV shows,livestreams of news, sports, and IPTV. It also lets you castlocalvideos stored on your phone.SUPPORTED STREAMING DEVICESWeb Video Caster supports the most popular streamingdevices,allowing your TV to stream videos directly from theweb.• Chromecast• Roku• DLNA receivers• Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick• Smart TVs: LG Netcast and WebOS, Samsung, Sony, andothers.*• And more*If you experience a compatibility issues, contact us andincludethe brand and model number.SUPPORTED MEDIA• HLS live streams in M3U8 format• Authenticated videos including movies and TV shows• MP4 videos• Live news and sports• Any HTML5 videos**Your streaming device must be capable of decoding the video youareplaying. Web Video Caster doesn't perform any video/audiodecodingor transcoding.HOW IT WORKSWeb Video Caster is a browser, which allows you to stream videosofmovies, TV shows, and other media from the internet to astreamingdevice or smart tv. Web Video Caster grabs the video URLinside theweb page, sends it to the streaming device (i.e.Chromecast, FireTV, Roku), and then plays the video directly fromthe contentprovider. This ultimately saves your mobile device’sbattery. Italso detects subtitles on the web page. Web VideoCaster doesnot host these videos. This is not amirroringapp.Web Video Caster is also able to cast local videos stored onyourphone or tablet.The app will also allow you to download videos for which youhavepermission to do so. Start the video downloader from the videolistscreen. File types include MP4, AVI, WEBM. Excludes livestreams(M3U8, MPEG-Dash).GET STARTEDFollow these simple step-by-step instructions tostartstreaming:1. Find a video online that you want to watch.2. Make sure this video can play on mobile browserswithoutFlash.3. Connect to your streaming device.4. Play the video as you normally would. Or, click the playbuttonon the toolbar.PREMIUM FEATURES**• No in-app advertising• Bookmarks• Home page setting• Video history• Queue• Resume videos• Homescreen shortcut**This functionality does not apply universally to allstreamingdevices. Roku does not support resuming or queue.LIMITATIONS & DISCLOSURESAs with all apps, there are some limitations we are aware ofandwant you to know about up front.• We are in no way associated with any web media providers and wedonot have control over the content they provide.• Web Video Caster does not support nor play Flash orFLVvideos.• The app does not support tab casting, like theChromecastextension for the PC web browser.• We cannot do anything to fix issues that arise on the serverside(media content provider) such as failure to play orbuffering,which is especially common during heavy load timesandweekends.• Refunds only issued within 24 hours of purchase and youmustsubmit the order number in text, not a screenshot.SHARE YOUR FEEDBACKWe are committed to open communication with our users.Pleasecontact us first with any questions or support issuesbeforeleaving a review. We will respond and address yourconcernpromptly. Contact us through our usercommunity or our website• Phone state - To allow the pausing of videos on incomingphonecall.• Wi-Fi connection information - Required for the streamingdevicesand for the browser.• Photos/Media/Files (storage in general) - Required forthedownload functionality.• In-app purchases - For premium version.• Wake-lock - To keep phone awake while routing videosthroughphone. Should only affect live streams andauthenticatedvideos.• Accounts/Identity - Required by Google Play Services(7.5+).
Vima - Movie manager 1.0
Volkan Biçer
Vima is your personal movie manager.It'sasimple application. You can keep track of movies. Youcanmarkmovie as seen or as watch later. You can create"Seenmoviecollection" or "Watch later movie collection ". Mainpurposeofvima is find movie and help you to remind movie later on.Youcansee any movie detail also you are able to watch trailers.Vimaaddsmovies to the local database and show detailedinformation,postersand play trailers even you are offline. Vimausestmdb( api for resources.Thisapplicationnot intent to play movies.Features of Vima:★Seeing popular movies★Search movie★Add movie to seen collection★Add movies to watch later collection★See movie details (Release date, genres,tagline,description,runtime)★See similar movies★Watch trailer★Share movie link with your friends
GPS Map Camera 1.4.25
GPS Map Camera for photos to Geotag Photos, Add GPS Location&date time stamps
Movie Online Recommender - Free Movies HD 2.0
► Online Movie Recommender - Free Movies HD. is a simple andfreeApp with which you can find the best online movies. Searchyourmovies free and choose the best recommended film by the app ofbothEnglish cinema and international cinema. ➊ Choose the genre ofthemovie. ➋ Press the search button. ➌ Find the best recommendedfilmsin a fast, easy and free way. ➍ Enjoy free of the Englishcinemaand the International cinema. ★ You can personalize yoursearch tofind the movies of different genres: animation, moviescomedies,horror, musical, drama, bollywood movies, science fictionandhollywood movies. The best thing is that you can getmoviesanywhere. In addition, every recent film recommended herearemovies hd, with special emphasis on movies hd 2020 (so we takeveryseriously the new releases!) ★ Optional check button to alsogetresults from series and documentaries (you can even select ifyouwant recommendations of free series and free documentaries orpaidones). ★ You will find free movies online produced by theworldbest cinema directors. You can read the summary of the moviewhereyou can find the actors and actresses that take part in thetopmovies. Every information is included in this movies freeapprecommender. ★ We only recommend the best rated moviesreviewsaccording to IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Film Affinity, BoxOffice andBox Office Mojo. These are the most trusted sites thathave moviesand tv shows for free ratings and movies box tv showsratings aswell. ★ Free, No Registration Required. This is acompletely moviesfree app for Android where you will find not onlyold movies (blackand white) but also the best 2020 movies releasesas well astrailers. ★ App valid for all ages. It is verystraightforwardsince with just one query you can find more than tenthousandmovies tailored to your tastes. Therefore, it is alsosuitable forget recommendations of movies for kids. ★ Small sizeapplication.With the new update, this is now a movies lite freeapplication!Any android mobile device will have space available forthis one. ★Instant delivery recommendations. You want movies now?Are you withfriends and you can watch online movies with friends?This is theperfect application for you then, because we recommendmovies nowifi needed, completely movies offline recommender. As youhear it,we offer recommendations of movies without wifi as well asmovieswithout internet. It does not matter if you are in the beachor inthe mountain to enjoy a good film! ► Detailed descriptionOutdatabase collection will keep updated to offer the new moviesfor2020 and upcoming movies (new releases and premieres). Wesupportfilms produced by Hollywood and Bollywood. We include asfast aspossible the new produced movies hd 2020 so do not worry,every newrelease will be here in less than weeks. We also giveinformationabout the movies theaters in which every new movie isbeing playedto the public. Our app only recommends the best filmsthat areawarded with the best movie awards such as The Oscars 2020,Academyawards 2020 and MTV Movie Awards. Also, we do not forgetaboutmovies in theaters and other movies shows so they arealsorecommended. In next releases we will also include foreignTVSeries and Documentaries in our recommendation system. Wewillsupport movies in Spanish, Spanish Soap Opera (Telenovela),TurkishSoap Opera, Korean Movies. Movies X will also be here, whatyouactually demanded. Important: This is not a movies downloaderforfree full movies type appplication nor a movies video downloadappso this is not an application for movies you can watch online.Wedo not have nor show any copyright content inside theapplication.We only recommend the best movies unlimited and besttrailers 2020,but we never display any actual movie inside theapplication. Tomake it clear, this is not a movies download appfree nor similar.Download it now and enjoy!
Movie Effect Creator 4.5
How does it feel to be in the seat of aProHollywood Movie Effects FX director?Well, you can experience all that, as with the help of the FXMovieEffect Creator you can direct your own action movies withyourphone.- DIRECT THE ULTIMATE ACTION MOVIE: Choose a variety ofHollywoodeffects, from funny moments to the excitement of horrorfilms,sci-fi and action movies.- BE THE CREATOR, BE A PRO: Take the action movie directing tothenext level by adding an HD FX Booth effect and create animpressivevideo that can be instantly shared with your friends andeven withthe world.- RECORD AND SAVE VIDEOS: Create and relive the mostthrillingmoments of your next epic Hollywood Blockbuster. BeaMoviemaker.- AWESOME EFFECTS TO CHOOSE FROM: Create impressive HD movieeffectswith a huge variety of themes:- Zombies: scare you friends with the Zombie horde- UFOs: the flying saucers have landed with the help of the FXBootheffects- Aliens: from another world they came- Robots: the revolt of the mechanical creatures is upon us- Missiles: blast your friends car away- Drones: something is watching above- Tornadoes: nature’s destructive vortex is on its way toyourhouse- Bombs: make a blast on your videos- Cars and Helicopters: want to direct a car chase sceneAND MANY MORE!!!• • • • • • • • • •Please note that this app requires significant processing powerandmemory, therefore, not every phone can run it. Please do notgiveus a bad review because of this, instead send us a request andwewill see what can we improve. Thanks.We welcome all of your comments and suggestions at:[email protected] us on :Facebook: Movie Effect Creator
Please leave a review if you like our app. Thanks!9e6e780a69
Filmin for TV 7.0.2
The cinema that changes our lives
TV Cast for Chromecast 2.54
Browser for Chromecast to stream webvideos, online movies,IPTV& HD livestreams
Video Player Media All Format 3.3.0
Ultra HD Video player & Media player & Musicbooster,Support all popular format
IPTV 6.1.11
Watch IPTV from your Internet service provider or free liveTVchannels from any other source in the web. Features: ✔ M3U andXSPFplaylists support ✔ Playlists history ✔ Playing multicaststreamswith UDP proxy (proxy need to be installed in your LAN) ✔Grid,list or tile view of TV channels ✔ EPG support in XMLTV andJTVformats ✔ Internal and external video players ✔ ParentalcontrolAdditional features are available in Pro version: ✔ Ad free✔ Startapp on device boot option, useful for set-top boxes. ✔Auto-playlast channel option ✔ Extended playlists history This appdoesn'tcontain any built-in channels, you should have your playlistwithTV channels to use this app. For multicast streams it'srecommendedto use UDP proxy: * for Windows: download and installUDP-to-HTTPproxy from orcheck thecorresponding option while installing IP-TVPlayer * for Linux: installudpxy(,* the best solution wouldbe installing udpxy on your WLAN router,this can be done forDD-WRT ( and OpenWrt( * some WLAN routers have built-inudpxy in manufacturer'sfirmware Please join translations projectat if you want to add neworimprove existing translation.
IPTV Player MobTV 3.3
IPTV PLAYER MobTV allows you toviewTVtechnology-based IPTV. This IPTV application does notcontainabuilt-in playlists, and is only a client, allowingconvenientandcomfortable to watch TV online. Please use playlistsin theformatm3u.Features of IPTV application:• Decode M3U playlists• Search channels• Sort channels by name or channel number• View channels as grid or list• Start application when the device starts up option• Material design• Several beautiful color themesIMPORTANT: First, you will need to input channels list(m3uplaylist)that you can get from your provider or find afreechannels list inthe web.Please note that this app doesn't contain any built-inchannels.Youneed to have playlist with TV channels in order tousethisapp.Setup instructions:* First you'll need to input m3u or xspf playlist, you cangetitfrom your ISP or find free playlist in the web.BY using IPTV PLAYER MobTV you will be able to WatchIPTVfromyour Internet service provider or free live TV channelsfromanyother source in the web.IF you are liking to watch TV on your Mobile then this appisforyou.
Support : CHROMECAST Support : XTREAM-CODES API APIsupportautomaticlive and VOD playlist including EPG and movieinfo.Support :AUTOMATIC LIVE STREAM RECONNECTION Support : EPGXMLTVFORMAT (localand remote file support ,xml , zip , gzformats)Support : Parentalcontrol Support : Copy and paste M3UcontentsSupport : Dynamiclanguage switching (31 LANGUAGE) Support:Multiple theme Support :built-in player support allpopularformats including RTMP tokensSupport : Embedded subtitleandexternal subtitle (SRT) support(Embedded bimap subtitle support:DVB TELETEXT , dvd subtitle , dvbsubtitle , xsub ,hdmvpgssubtitle , ASS , SSA , SUBRIP .... and more....) ******BUILD-INPLAYER SUPPORTED DEVICES ********** - ARMV7Adevices -ARM64devices - INTEL X86 devices (also work on x86_64devices)*****Please note this app does not contains any playlistsexceptsampleplaylists. User must provide their own content. ******GSESMARTIPTV is a complete user defined Advanced IPTV solutionsforliveand non-live TV/stream. ★ ★ ★ ★ Built-in Player features ★ ★★★Video Format Suppported: 3g2, 3gp, 3gp2, 3gpp, amv, asf,avi,divx,drc, dv, f4v, flv, gvi, gxf, webm, wm, wmv, wtv, xesc,m1v,m2v,m2t, m2ts, m4v, mkv, mov, mp2, mp2v, mp4, mp4v, mpe,mpeg,mpeg1,mpeg2, mpeg4, mpg, mpv2, rec, rm, rmvb, tod, ts, tts,vob,vro..... and more Live stream IPTV support ✔ HTTP , HSL , M3U8,MMS ,RTSP and more ✔ RTMP support all options includingsecuretokensDynamic Language support features - Language settodefaultlanguage , however users can switch between 31languageswithoutchanging device language setting - Supportedlanguage Arabic,Czech , Danish , German , Greek , English , Spanish, Finnish,French , Hebrew , Hungarian , Indonesian , Italian ,Japanese,Korean , Malay , Dutch , Portuguese , Romanian , Russian,Swedish, Thai , Turkish , Chinese (Simplified) ,Chinese(Traditional) ,Catalan , Norwegian , Polish , Slovak ,Ukrainian ,Vietnameseplease report any problems/bugs if [email protected]:// - GSE SMART IPTVPROdoes not supply or include anymedia or content except somesampledummy link with Sintel “Sintel”is licensed as CreativeCommonsAttribution 3.0. © copyrightBlender Foundation |durian.blender.orgTears of Steel (MANGO OpenMovie) is licensed asCreative CommonsAttribution 3.0 © copyrightBlender Foundation | -Users must provide theirown content - GSE SMARTIPTV has noaffiliation with any third-partprovider what so ever. -We do notendorse the streaming ofcopyright protected materialwithoutpermission of the copyrightholder.
Movie Creator 2.65
Create movie, add music and organize video by artist.
Movie Booth FX-special effects 1.31
Bizo Mobile
Do you want to be an action movie director? Now you can!
Plex, Inc.
Plex is the ultimate player for videos,music,and photos. Plex can play almost any kind of video file fromyourphone or an SD card. Or, if your files are on a home computer,homeNAS device, Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive, Plex canstreamthem instantly to your Android – securely and privately, evenoverslow Internet connections.FILES FROM ANYWHERE• Play files saved to your phone or SD card (beta – videofilesonly)• Stream files from your home computer running Windows, Mac,orLinux (requires free Plex Media Server app)• Stream files from your home NAS device (requires free PlexMediaServer app)• (Plex Pass) Stream files from your Dropbox, Google Drive,orOneDriveTo get the free Plex Media Server app for your home Windows,Mac,Linux, or NAS device, visit VIDEOS• Play almost any kind of video file, including MKV, MP4, MOV,AVI,WMV, and more• Automatically organize your TV episodes and movies withbeautifulposters and descriptions• Cast videos to your Chromecast, Apple TV, or other devices• Full support for subtitles, including SRT, PGS, SSA/ASS• Easily share your video collection with friends and family –orlet it stay private• (Plex Pass) Record TV and watch on your mobile devices(requirestuner device)• (Plex Pass) Watch live TV on your Android TV (requirestunerdevice)• (Plex Pass) See movie trailers and extras foryourcollection• (Plex Pass) Set parental controls to tailor yourfamily’sexperience• (Plex Pass) Wirelessly sync videos to your phone forofflineplaybackPLAY MUSIC• Play almost any kind of music file, including MP3, M4A,FLAC,ALAC, and more• Automatically organize your music collection with albumartworkand metadata• Easily share your music collection with friends and family –orlet it stay private• (Plex Pass) Create automatic mixes with Plex Mix andmoodmix• (Plex Pass) Show lyrics for recognized music• (Plex Pass) Wirelessly sync music to your phone forofflineplaybackBROWSE PHOTOS• Automatically upload photos & videos from your phone toyourhome computer• Organize your photo collection with timeline view• (Plex Pass) Automatic photo tagging based on computervisionLearn more about Plex at