Top 2 Apps Similar to Ciclo Mestruale

Holo blue theme 1.12.186
The simple holo blue theme for Period Calendar
Soulmate 1.0.1
Men and women are alwayslookingforconfirmations and gratifications in order to feel lovedorjustpart of life partner.This gives rise to 'the first problem because the valuegiventoevery single gesture and' differently depending onsexandage.This program aims to "help" to "remember" all thoselittledailydeadlines that are important to hearhis beloved partner and considered. Entangled enoughlittlethingslike a phone ring to let her know you are thinkingofher,a message with a phrase that recalls special times wehadtogetherand above all never forget birthdays and anniversaries...thedeath penalty!Here are some of the features offered by the programversionalsoFREE!- Automate the process of voice call based on a timedividedintothree time slots daily Morning, Afternoon andEvening- Automate the process of sending SMS on a dailydividedintothree time : Morning, afternoon and evening with achanceSelect the text of the message directly from inside anarchivesplitinto different groups of membership including:Love, Birthday Greetings, Happy Anniversary, Good night, GooddayandComedians.have also can customize an unlimited number of messages to beusedinplace of preset- Automate the process of sending SMS greetings inmostoccasionsas important: birthday, anniversary, first kiss- Automatic reporting of the period before the menstrualcycleinorder to avoid making "nervous" unnecessarily itspartners