Top 15 Games Similar to Where’s My XiYangYang?

Where's My Valentine? 1.1.1
WHERE’S MY VALENTINE FEATURES 12 EXCLUSIVE LOVE-THEMEDLEVELSSTARRING SWAMPY AND PERRY!Swampy and Perry need some love – are you up tothechallenge?SWAMPY’S STORYSwampy is a little different than other alligators in the sewersandhe loves to take showers! Cut through dirt and guide watertoSwampy’s shower across six challenging levels but keep an eyeoutfor algae, tricks and traps!PERRY’S STORYIn Perry’s levels, use water in all its different forms – ice,steamand liquid – to solve the puzzles and to help Agent P gettoheadquarters. Even super-sleuths need help!FOR AN AD FREE EXPERIENCE AND EVEN MORE EXCLUSIVE LEVELS,UPGRADETO THE FULL VERSIONS OF WHERE’S MY WATER AND WHERE’S MYPERRYTODAY!WHERE’S MY WATER• Now features over 250 water-filled levels• 3 brand new levels to play every week – for FREE• Use fans, water balloons, toxic water, switches, bombs, andalgaeto solve puzzles• Meet Swampy’s friends including Cranky and the Mystery DuckWHERE’S MY PERRY - Over 100 spy-themed challengesandgrowing!The evil villain Dr. Doofenshmirtz has scattered all kindsoflasers across the sewers – you’ll need to use them to changewaterto it’s different forms to help power Agent P’stransportationtubes!• Over 120 spy-themed levels featuring tons of 'Inators• Collect all of the hidden dossiers to unlock bonus levels• Try the brand-new Dr. Doofenshmirtz levels featuring the brandnewMinion-inator!Visit for hints, tips, tricksandother classified materials!Before you download this experience, please consider thatthisapp contains social media links to connect with others, as wellasadvertising for The Walt Disney Family of Companies and somethirdparties.Terms of Use:
喜洋洋五子棋 1.2
Desert Flower
喜羊羊五子棋,画面可爱,操作简单,支持人机对战和双人对战,棋盘支持双指缩放单指拖动,快来看看是喜羊羊聪明,还是灰太狼聪明哦,一起来玩玩吧。五子棋是一种两人对弈的纯策略型棋类游戏,棋具与围棋通用,是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。发展于日本,流行于欧美。容易上手,老少皆宜,而且趣味横生,引人入胜;不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性。Pleasantbackgammon,lovelyscreen, simple operation, support crew war anddoublebattle, boardsupports two-finger zooming single finger drag,cometo see Pleasantsmart or clever Wolf Oh, play ittogether.Backgammon is a type of two pure strategy chess boardgames,chessand Go GM, is originated in ancient China is onekindoftraditional Othello. Development in Japan, popular inEuropeandAmerica. Easy to use, all ages, and amusing, fascinating;cannotonly enhance thinking skills, improve intelligence, andrichinphilosophy, to help self-cultivation.
Looney Tunes Dash!
Run, jump, smash, and slide into new levelsandadventures with Bugs Bunny, Road Runner, Tweety Bird, andotherLooney Tunes favorites! Complete level objectives to unlocknewLooney Tunes characters and zones based on iconic LooneyTuneslandscapes. Enjoy loads of wild, whacky, and looney ways torun asyou discover each character’s Special Ability and Collector’sCard.It’s time to run, Doc!• Run as Bugs Bunny, Tweety Bird, Road Runner, and otherfavoriteLooney Tunes characters!• Explore and run in iconic Episodes like Painted Desert,Tweety’sNeighborhood, and more!• Complete level goals to progress on the Looney Tunes mapandunlock more zones!• Unlock and master each character’s Special Ability forextrarunning power!• Grab Power-Ups to fly like a superhero, blast throughobstacles,plus loads of other surprises!• Collect Looney Tunes Collector’s Cards to fill your LooneyTunesBin and learn fun trivia!• Prank other Looney Tunes characters for more coinsandpoints!Having issues with the Game? We would love to hear from you! Dropusa line at and we will help troubleshoot itforyou.ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURESUse of this application is governed by the Zynga Terms ofService.These Terms are availableat specific information about how Zynga collects and usespersonalor other data, please read our privacy policyat Zynga’s Privacy Policy isalsoavailable through the Privacy Policy field in the Developersectionbelow.The game is free to play, however in-app purchases are availableforadditional content and premium currency. In-app purchases rangefrom$0.99 to $99.99.This game does permit a user to connect to social networks, suchasFacebook, and as such players may come into contact withotherpeople when playing this game.Terms of Service for Social Networks you connect to in this gamemayalso apply to you.You will be given the opportunity toparticipatein special offers, events, and programs from Zynga Incand itspartners.Looney Tunes Dash! TM and © 2014 WBEI
玩轉腦朋友:泡泡樂 1.4.1
Curse of the Pharaoh - Match 3 11.1338.92
Download now and join a million players for fun match 3 games.
童話迷蹤 1.3.5
RenRen Games
2013年最萌的日系養成遊戲!你能收服200個精靈並讓牠們進化成強者嗎?玩家一開始需選擇童話精靈進行冒險,牠們各有不同屬性及特色, 選擇好了以後便能進入魔幻童話世界裡,進行刺激的冒險歷程!但是這個童話世界已經受到汙染,魔化的童話人物讓你膽戰心驚,邪惡的白雪公主、腹黑的小紅帽、起了殺心的小美人魚,你必須闖過一關關副本,將他們打敗!別擔心,你在路上會遇到木偶人、穿靴子的小貓、愛麗絲、阿拉丁……等等精靈,只要細心培養,牠們就是你的最佳的戰鬥夥伴!用消除彩色方塊的方式,發動每隻精靈的絕頂技能,打敗所有擋路的敵人!▲ 200個精靈圖鑑,等你來收集完全▲ 培養精靈讓他們長大,合成進化成你意想不到的姿態!▲ 前進探險所有關卡,限時的活動副本能得到稀有精靈哦!▲ 和玩家們交朋友,邀他們來助你一臂之力▲ 競技場測試你的實力,誰是遊戲最強王者!?本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔12級
熊出沒之熊大快跑 (巔峰跑酷3D繁體版) 2.0.7
☆上架大Fun送、好康獎不完☆100鑽石禮包序號:sumnjn==========================================================☆超人氣動漫巔峰跑酷手遊《熊出沒之熊大快跑》強勢登台!☆迪士尼頻道超人氣動漫《熊出沒》官方正版授權改編,全新3D超華麗場景,開創跑酷手遊巔峰新時代。最有趣奇特的跑酷挑戰、最驚險刺激的PK競賽、最可愛多變的萌寵角色、還有各式精彩活動與全新的BOSS戰玩法,爽快爆表、刺激好玩,帶給你截然不同於一般跑酷遊戲的視覺感官享受與暢快華麗體驗。==========================================================原版角色、原版配音、原版場景,忠於原味。遊戲中可以選擇動漫中所喜愛的熊大和熊二裝扮,在急速奔跑中穿越危險的森林、跳過刺激的蘑菇陣、從險峻的懸崖垂直飛下、在古鎮街道中戲弄光頭強,雙方鬥智鬥勇,熊大最終能逃脫光頭強的追擊嗎?就等你來挑戰!==========================================================☆遊戲特色☆操作簡單:會滑手機就能上手,只需滑動螢幕躲避障礙物,不被光頭強抓住。場景豐富:大量採用動畫中的場景,畫面清新自然。BOSS戰玩法:獨創的BOSS戰玩法,熊大輕鬆戲鬥光頭強,增添跑酷新樂趣。寵物系統:萌寵孵化養成,相伴熊大一起跑酷,更能提供高分加成。換裝系統:百變換裝系統, 熊大擁有不同的酷炫造型,每種造型能為角色帶來不同屬性。PK賽:滿足玩家PVP的願望,參與PK賽與其他玩家比拼分數,更能贏取豐厚獎勵。==========================================================☆遊戲畫面☆全新3D高精場景,開創跑酷新時代!介面設計精美、角色細節精緻,帶來全新視覺盛宴!3D精緻的遊戲場景融入了動畫片中的大量場景元素,故事發生在一片環境優美的大森林裡,周邊大樹鬱鬱蔥蔥,草地上色彩鮮豔的小花朵朵盛開,大家熟悉的動畫主角—熊大,肥碩的奔跑起來扭動著身體,幽默有趣。==========================================================☆遊戲音效☆隨著一聲滑稽的:“光頭強來了,快跑”開始了遊戲,本作的音效特色在於融入了原版的動畫配音,無論是光頭強還是熊大的配音,都依然幽默搞笑,歡樂的背景音效中夾雜著森林裡“嘰嘰喳喳、嘰嘰喳喳”的蟲鳴鳥叫音,讓玩家感受到了大森林裡清新的空氣,將遊戲氣氛烘托的十分輕鬆、舒適。==========================================================☆遊戲操作&玩法☆遊戲操作簡單,玩家只需向上滑動螢幕,便可控制熊大跑動或者跳躍,遇到低障礙時,向下滑動螢幕,便可操控熊大向下滑行躲避障礙。簡單的操作,玩法卻充滿了挑戰與變化,一路將會不斷出現各種障礙,在躲避它們的同時,別忘了獲取沿路的金幣喔。==========================================================《熊出沒之熊大快跑》是由台灣知名電信營運商"遠傳電信"代理發行,同時營運團隊準備「歡樂慶上架,禮包大Fun頌」、「呼朋引伴一起來,好康獎勵拿不完」、「分享有禮,鑽石送你」、「誰是單挑王,誰能比我強」、「天降幸運贈好禮,免費金蛋任你砸」等一系列的精采豐富的上市活動與好禮獎勵,準備送給《熊出沒之熊大快跑》的玩家,快來加入一起來和熊大跑跑跑吧!☆ Fun send largeshelves,endless goodies Award ☆100 Diamond Package Number: sumnjn==========================================================☆ pinnacle of popular cartoon parkour hand tour "Bear Bear hauntbigsprints" strong debut! ☆Ultra-popular Disney Channel cartoon "Boonie Bears," theofficialadaptation of genuine authority, the new super gorgeous 3Dscenes,creating hand travel peak Parkour new era. The mostinterestingParkour peculiar challenges, the most thrilling PKcontest, cutestpet Meng changing roles, there are all kinds ofexciting activitiesand new BOSS war play, refreshing burst table,exciting, bring youdifferent in General Parkour game fun gorgeousvisual senses andexperience.==========================================================Original role, the original dubbing, the original scene, loyaltothe original flavor. The game can choose favorite anime bearsandbears two large dress, through the dangerous forest in rapidrunskipped mushrooms stimulus array, from the steep cliffverticalflight, teasing bald strong in the town streets, the twosidesbattle of wits Yong, Xiong finally able to escape the baldstrongchase it? Waiting for you to challenge!==========================================================The game features ☆ ☆Simple: the phone will slip to get started, simply slide thescreento avoid obstacles, not to be bald strong grasp.Scene rich: extensive use of animation scene, fresh andnaturalpicture.BOSS war play: original BOSS war play, easy to play fightingbaldbear big strong, adding new fun parkour.Pet System: Meng pet hatching develop, accompanied Bearfreshmanstarting cool, but also provides high score bonus.Dress system: Variety facelift system, Xiong has a differentcoolstyle, each style can bring different attributes fortherole.PK tournament: PVP desire to meet the players involved inthecompetition with other players PK tournament scores, betterwinhuge rewards.==========================================================☆ ☆ game screenThe new high-precision 3D scenes, creating a new era ofparkour!Beautifully designed interface, role exquisite detail,bringing anew visual feast! Exquisite 3D scene into the game in alot ofcartoon scene elements, the story takes place in abeautifulenvironment of a large forest, surrounded by lush trees,grass andcolorful flowers blossoming, the familiar animatedprotagonist -bears large, stout The run up writhing body, humorousandinteresting.==========================================================☆ ☆ game soundAs soon as funny: "Bald strong here, Run" beginning of thegame,this made the sound feature is integrated into theoriginalanimations, whether it is strong or bald bear big voice,are stillhumorous, fun Background sound mixed with woods,"twitter,twitter," the insects and birds sound, allowing the playerto feelthe fresh air in the forest, will heighten the atmosphere ofthegame is very relaxed and comfortable.==========================================================☆ ☆ game play & playThe game is simple, players simply slide the screen up, youcancontrol a large bear running or jumping, low barriersencountered,slide down the screen, you can control the bear bigdownward slideto avoid obstacles. Simple to operate, play was fullof challengesand changes will continue all the way to the emergenceof variousobstacles, avoid them at the same time, do not forget toget alongOh gold.=========================================================="Bear Bear haunt big Run" is a proxy issued by Taiwan'sleadingtelecommunications operators, "Far EasTone" while operatingteam isready to "celebrate the joy of the shelves, large packs FunSong","their friends together, goodies reward get rich finish, ""Sharecourteous, diamond send you "," Who is singled Wang, whobetterthan me "," heaven lucky gift Gifts, free golden eggs eitheryoudrop "and a series of brilliant Gifts reward activitieslisted,ready to give "Bear Bear haunt big sprints" players, cometogetherand join Paopao Pao Xiong now!
Crocodile Dentist 1.2.3
xidea creator
Good choice, Crocodile
Disney World Trivia 1.1.0
Disney World Trivia is a quiz game.Secrets, Fun Facts and History behind the magic!You can test your knowledge about the World of Disney withnearly1,000 questions for which you can choose from 4possibleanswers.We hope you will enjoy answering these multiple choicetriviaquestions as much as we enjoy asking them.Key Features:- Check the correct answers for every mistake you made intothequiz- International Cross-Platform Highscore- Nearly 1,000 questions for a lasting game experience- Share your score with friends on Facebook and Twitter- No ADS banners inside this appWe'll appreciate your feedback. We're working hard to improvethisapp.Send feedback directly to [email protected]'d love to hear what you think about and what you'd like toseenext.Please review this app and spread the word to your friendsandcolleagues.
Ultraman Run 1.0
This is a simple and interesting ParkourGame.Ultraman awakened in his sleep, he rushed out of the room,crazylyrun! Please help him to run farther!Click on the left side of the screen is the slide, click ontheright side of the screen is a small jump, double-click isbigjump.
Cake Maker Bakery :Baking Game 2.6
Bake & Decorate Yummy Cake at Sweet bakery Baking Game forGirlsin Cooking Game
Minions Paradise™ 11.0.3403
Create the vacation of a lifetime for youandthe Minions!When a lovable yet bumbling Minion named Phil sinks the cruiseshipcarrying his Minion buddies, he must turn a desertedtropicalisland into the perfect paradise! Join IlluminationEntertainment –the creators of the MINIONS movie – and EA as youtake yourfavorite Minions on an incredible journey.GET TROPICALLY CREATIVEBuild the perfect Minions Paradise! Customize your island withhottubs, hammocks, and beach volleyball courts. Decorate withfireflytrees and flower beds, harness power from electric eels, andgrowbushels of bananas to create an island paradise for yourMinionbuddies.EXPLORE PARADISEThe more land you uncover, the more fun your Minions willhave!Become an expert at alligator waterskiing, throw mangoes fromhotair balloons, and dive off waterslides as you travel overyourgiant island packed with foliage, fun, and an ocean fullofwaves.PARTY WITH YOUR FAVORITE MINIONSShare your paradise with Kevin, Stuart, and Bob from theMINIONSmovie! Make your—and their—vacation dreams come true and bejoinedby all your favorite Minion buddies.COMPLETE VILLAINOUS MASTER PLANSWhere there are Minions, there must be a villain to serve! AidtheMinions as they work to finish Professor Flux’s master plans.HelpFlux put his dastardly schemes into motion and earn specialMinionLevel-Up Tokens to upgrade the abilities of yourfavoriteMinions!User Agreement: terms.ea.comVisit for assistance or inquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’noticeposted on Consumer Information: requires a persistentInternetconnection (network fees may apply);Requires acceptance ofEA’sPrivacy & Cookie Policy and User Agreement.includes in-game advertising; collects data through thirdpartyanalytics technology (see Privacy & Cookie Policy fordetails);contains direct links to the Internet and socialnetworking sitesintended for an audience over 13.
Photo Booth Frozen Olaf 1.02
With Photo Effects: Frozen CartoonCharactersyou can add cool effects such as Anna and Elsa fromFrozen, Olaffrom Frozen to enhance your photos!Application Features:• Fun app! Make a lot of fun for your friends andrelativesediting their photos!• Great graphics! More than 50 Sticker in our freeStickersGallery!• Awesome editing! You can zoom in or out all stickers or useeraserand restore effects on them!• Sweet photo pranks!• Professionally developed!• Expertly created and designed!• Trade and show photos with your friends!• Easy to use application and editing software!• It’s easy to download and hardly occupies any big space inyourandroid!• It can turn your photographs into a lovely piece of smileandenjoyment; you will love to share them with your friends!Photo Booth: Frozen Cartoon Characters is a great tool foryouand your family to create memories with. It is very highqualityand it has a variety of cool effects. So what are youwaiting for?Try it now for free!
Donut Maker : Cooking Game 1.1.0
***It's Time to fry & cook some realyummy,delicious and creamy donut with lots of toppings. This crazychefexperience of real cooking is best for dessert lovers whenthey frylovely doughnuts. Little Boys and pretty girls will lovemakingdonuts as they can bake, make & dress up their prettysweetdonuts.Dress up and decorate your creamy & caramel filleddoughnutswith fruity syrups and jam. Coat it with chocolate icingsand addmultiple dress up items like creams, candies, icings &fruits.Make your donuts look attractive. Fun faces will be a funfactorfor the little kids & princesses when they create funnyor petfaces to enjoy.***Top Features***• Yummy and Creamy Donuts• Amazing backgrounds, toppings and dress up items• Creativity skills for little boys and girls• Pretty fun faces to raise the fun factor for kids• Share your doughnuts with friends through FacebookLike us on facebook and stay updated are some exclusive news, updates and secret tips andtricksfor you about our facebook games page. Share the experienceofthese top free games with your family, friends andfacebookpeople.***Brought to you by TenLogix Games******PRIVACY POLICY***Being a developer we truly understand that privacy playsanimportant role. You can read our privacy***MESSAGE***Your suggestions & Feedback are valuable to help us keepworkingon new concepts.***DISCLAIMER***This app is ad supported and may contain adds.
Marry Me - Perfect Wedding Day 1.1.8
She said "yes" - Style Coco for her wedding day and dance thenightaway!