Top 14 Apps Similar to 易汉语-汉字书写练习07

YCT-I 6.0
Test your knowledge of Chinese with over 250 questions of YCT-ITest
YCT-II 7.0
Test your knowledge of Chinese with over 350 questions ofYCT-IITest
YCT-III 17.0
This is an educational program developed by the ConfuciusInstituteat the University of Valencia (Spain), which allows toprepare theofficial Chinese level test for children YCT (YoungChinese TestLevel III) from examples of examination issued byHanban. TheYCT-III (YST-3) exam consists of 60 questions dividedinto twosections, one listening comprehension (35 questions), andreadingcomprehension (25 questions). Each block has a maximum scoreof 100points, and need to get a 120 to pass the test. ProjectLead:Vicent Andreu - Confucius Institute Design & programmer:J. P.Sanchez - Sonotrigger Software Sound Producer: Damian Sanchez-Sonotrigger Image & know: Hanban
YCT-I / YCT-II 17.0
YCT (Hanban's Chinese Proficiency Test) is aninternationalstandardized Chinese language Test which is directedat examiningnon-native primary and secondary school students'ability to applyChinese language in their studies and daily lives.Notice:Deprecated version - program, please downlod news YCT-I andYCT-IIapp.
LearnChinese-HSK Level 4 Words 3.2.9
HSK 4 Words is a sub App that was derivedfromthe vocabulary software “Hello Words”, which was researchedanddeveloped by the HSChinese team. It is a product thatspeciallyhelps learners to accumulate HSK Level 4 vocabularyrapidly.● Hello Words shows the exact meaning of every word, as wellasthe origin. It makes them easy to memorize, as it simplifiestheprocess, which employs the most basic functions of memorizingandtraining to the maximum extent. The simplified operation makesiteasy to get started, and one can begin learning Chinese wordsassoon as the App is open.● Hello Words includes three types: HSK vocabulary outline,dailyChinese vocabulary, and business Chinese vocabulary. Italsosupports four languages: Chinese, English, Japanese andKorean.Audio, translation, parts of speech, example sentencesandpractice, each part is minimal in length but strivesforperfection.● We don’t rely on fancy designs but on actual power;Wordmemorization should not be fancy but should rely on hard work.Giveit all you got, and start your Chinese word challenge; wearewaiting for you!【Instruction of Course Content】1. HSK level 4 words contains all outline vocabulary of HSKlevel4.2. 709 HSK level 4 words and 71 vocabulary stages.
百度汉语词典 1.2.9
Baidu Inc
内容提要- 百度汉语词典致力于做更智能、权威、便捷的汉语词典工具。以弘扬中华文化为宗旨,推广汉语学习,为广大汉语的用户提供便利。- 词典收录词汇多达三十多万条,囊括了K12学习常见字、生僻字、词语、成语、网络词汇等。- 词典查询支持问答检索、语音、拍照、部首笔画等多种方式,满足不同场景需求;- 词典提供谜语、成语接龙、古诗词挑战等益智游戏,提升汉语学习趣味性;【特色功能】:1.多种问答方式:除常规字词精准查询方式外,提供多种模糊查询方式,如“一开头的成语”、“爱组词”、“什么长什么短的成语”等;2. 每日热词、美句欣赏:结合当下实时热点,推荐最in词汇、美句;3. 生词本:遇到复杂难记、精妙绝伦的字词、成语,一键添加到生词本,多端同步,随时随地学习;4. 汉字游戏:在游戏过程中提升汉语学习趣味性;5.智能语音查词和拍照涂抹取词:只需说出想要查询的字词或相关问题,就能得到精准的答案;或者将摄像头对准生字文本,就能快速查看字词的拼音和释义。【联系我们】请大家支持百度汉语词典,意见及建议请反馈至:官方网站群:484758177E-mail:[email protected] SUMMARY- Baidu Chinese dictionary is committed to doing moreintelligent,authoritative, convenient Chinese dictionary tool. Topromote theChinese culture for the purpose, the promotion ofChinese languagelearning, for the majority of Chinese usersconvenience.- Dictionary contains vocabulary of up to more than threehundredthousand bar include the K12 learning common words, rarewords,words, idioms, vocabulary and other networks.- Dictionary lookup support yourself retrieval, voice,photograph,strokes, and other methods to meet the needs ofdifferentscenarios;- Dictionary riddles, idioms Solitaire, ancient poetry puzzlegamechallenges, enhance learning Chinese fun;[Features]:1. A variety of questions and answers: In addition toconventionaltext query accurate, but offers a variety of fuzzyquery, such as"a beginning of the idiom," "love of words," "nothingshort of whatthe long idiom" and so on;2. Daily hot words, the United States appreciate sentence:combinedwith the current hot spots in real time, we recommend themost invocabulary, beauty sentence;3. Glossary: ​​encounter complex and difficult toremember,exquisite words, idioms, a key to the words of this,multiportsynchronization, learning anytime, anywhere;4. Character game: to enhance learning Chinese fun duringthegame;5. Intelligent voice search words and pictures smear takes theword:just say the words or related issues want to check, you cangetaccurate answers; or the cameras in the vocabulary of text, youcanquickly view the terms of the alphabet and Interpretation.【contact us】Please support Baidu Chinese dictionary, comments andsuggestionsplease feedback to:Official website: group: 484 758 177E-mail: [email protected]
This is an educational program developed by the ConfuciusInstituteat the University of Valencia (Spain), which allows toprepare theofficial Chinese level test HSK (Level III) fromexamples ofexamination issued by Hanban. The HSK level-III involveslisteningand reading comprehension of 600 Chinese characters orwords(Hanzi-Pinyin), and equivalent to level B1 of CEFR (CommonEuropeanFramework of Reference for Languages) The HSK-III examconsists ofthree blocks, one listening comprehension (40questions), a readingcomprehension (30 questions) and a writingexpresion (10 question).Each block has a maximum score of 100points, and need to get 180points to pass the test. Project Lead:Vicent Andreu - ConfuciusInstitute Design & programmer: J.P.Sánchez - SonoftiggerSoftware Sound Producer: Damian Sánchez -Sonotrigger Imagen&know: Hanban Copyrigth Valencia 2015
Learn Chinese YCT4 Chinesimple 9.9.7
Learn Chinese fast and for free and pass the officialYCTexamination
Hello Chinese Words(Business) 3.2.9
Learn Chinese words –Business is a subAppthatwas derived from the vocabulary software “Hello Words”,whichwasresearched and developed by the HSChinese team. It is aproductthatspecially helps learners to accumulate BusinessChinesevocabularyrapidly.● Hello Words shows the exact meaning of every word, aswellasthe origin. It makes them easy to memorize, as itsimplifiestheprocess, which employs the most basic functions ofmemorizingandtraining to the maximum extent. The simplifiedoperation makesiteasy to get started, and one can begin learningChinese wordsassoon as the App is open.● Hello Words includes three types: HSK vocabularyoutline,dailyChinese vocabulary, and business Chinese vocabulary.Italsosupports four languages: Chinese, English, JapaneseandKorean.Audio, translation, parts of speech, examplesentencesandpractice, each part is minimal in length butstrivesforperfection.● We don’t rely on fancy designs but on actualpower;Wordmemorization should not be fancy but should rely on hardwork.Giveit all you got, and start your Chinese word challenge;wearewaiting for you!【Instruction for Course Content】1. Learn Chinese words –Business contains all outlinevocabularyofbusiness Chinese.2. Business vocabulary is classified into businesscommunicationandworkplace Chinese according to functions.3. 277 business communication Chinese words and 522workplaceChinesewords.
All汉语词典, Chinese ⇔ Chinese
■ Enter a word, search many Chinese dictionaries[dictionaries]simultaneously.
汉语字典 1.0
本应用是最大最全的新华汉语词典,可以按汉字查、按拼音查、按部首查,是学习汉语必备的工具。软件功能介绍:1. 汉字检索----通过直接输入汉字来进行查找;2. 拼音检索----通过输入汉字的拼音来进行查找;3. 部首检索----通过输入汉字的偏旁部首来进行查找;4. 生字本------保存了所有查询过的生字,可快速查阅;汉字是中华民族自古至今所传承下来的宝贵财富,源远流长、博大精深的中国文化离不开汉字,它记载着我国历史发展的全部过程。
汉语源流词典 1.2.0
Tim Liu
1. 数据库升级到1.2.0比1.0.7版本:(1) 增加成语词语:24572条。(2) 增加历史名人:1280条。2. 所有数据均为离线数据,不用联网。3. 词典完全免费。4.本词典在继承前人经验的基础上,注意吸收今人的研究成果,注重形音义的密切配合,尽可能历史地、正确地反映汉字形音义的发展。在字形方面,简要说明其结构的演变。语义解释遵循古今语义的发展变化,并采用多例形式实现语境释义。5. 全书共收单字:38189个,其中标注繁体6866字,造字法分析4541个。6.在字义方面,释义准确,义项齐备,例证丰富典范。全书共收单字38189个,双字词47477个;三字词5791个;四字词语31153;五字以上词1546个;义项:184569(除掉“另见”2247项和姓氏1821项)。7. 全书努力增加字头、词汇的功能,每个词条均提供了汉语拼音,并为28071个汉字加注了部首、笔画。8.在义项的选择和释文的编写方面,本词典在规、准确的基础上,引据广泛,从《说文解字》《正字通》《经籍纂诂》《故训汇纂》《玉篇》《类篇》《广雅》《骈雅》《广韵》《集韵》《尔雅》《方言》等著作中共引经据典6844条;例句丰富,共引用句例100529句。9.注释说明:[析]字形造字法分析;[据]引用古字词典的注解;[例]该词语义项在具体作品中的运用;[合]含该词(单音节词)的常见的合成词;[方言]方言词汇。1. Database upgradeto1.2.0 version than 1.0.7:(1) increase the idiom word: 24572.(2) increase the historical figures: 1280.2. All data are offline data without networking.3. The dictionary is completely free of charge.4. The dictionary in succession on the basis of previousexperience,people today pay attention to the absorption ofresearch results,focusing on close cooperation form of sound andmeaning, ashistorically and accurately reflect the development ofsound andmeaning of Chinese characters shaped. In terms of shape,a briefdescription of the evolution of its structure. Followevolvingsemantic interpretation of ancient and modern semantics,and usemultiple cases in the form of contextualinterpretationrealized.5. The book has received word: 38189, 6866 which markedTraditionalword coinage analysis 4541.6. In literal terms, the interpretation is accurate,completemeanings, illustration rich model. The book received atotal of 38189 words, double words 47477; three words in 5791;four-characterwords 31153; five words or more words 1546; senses:184569 (to getrid of "See" 2247 and last 1821).7. efforts to increase the prefix book, vocabulary functionsareprovided for each entry Pinyin and Chinese characters to28,071filling the radical, stroke.8. In the preparation of the selection and interpretation ofthetext of the senses, and the dictionary in regulation, on thebasisof accurate, quoted extensively from the "Dictionary""Zhengzitong""classics compile Gu" "So training Digest," "Jadechapter, "" classarticles "" Ya, "" Pian Ya "" Rhyme "" Yun "" Ya"" dialects "andother works cited by the CPC 6844; rich sentenceswere 100,529cases cited sentence.9. Notes Description: [analysis] shaped coinage analysis;citeancient word dictionary annotations [It]; use [cases] termsemanticitems in specific works; [together] containing theword(monosyllables) Common compound words; [dialect]dialectvocabulary.
HSK-I 7.0
This is an educational program developed by theConfuciusInstituteat the University of Valencia (Spain), whichallows toprepare theofficial Chinese level test HSK (Level I) fromexamplesofexamination issued by Hanban. The HSKlevel-I(HSK一级)involveslistening and reading comprehension of 150Chinesecharacters orwords (Hanzi-Pinyin), and equivalent to levelA1 ofCEFR (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference for Languages)TheHSK-I examconsists of two blocks, one listening comprehension(20questions)and a reading comprehension (20questions). Each blockhasa maximumscore of 100 points, and need to get 120 points topassthe test.10 oficial test,more 400 answers Project Lead:VicentAndreu -Confucius Institute Design & programmer: J.P.Sánchez-Sonoftigger Software Sound Producer: Damian Sánchez-SonotriggerImagen& know: Hanban 西班牙瓦伦西亚大学孔子学院InstitutoConfucio de laUniversitat de València Facultat deFilología,Traducció iComunicació Av. Blasco Ibáñez 32, València46010, SpainSede Campusdels Tarongers Calle del Serpis 29, València46022,SpainTelf.:+34-96 398 35 92 Fax: +34-96 398 3590附:孔子学院网页: 电子邮件:[email protected]:
Learn Chinese YCT 1 Chinesimpl
Master the Chinese official level YCT 1: Listen, pronounce,writeand play