Top 44 Apps Similar to Chinese Stories 3.0

HSK Magic Chinese
Learn Chinese Mandarin by magic! Words, characters and grammarforthe HSK exams
Dong Chinese - Learn Mandarin 1.12
Peter Olson
Read and write Mandarin Chinese in context through realsentencesand videos
HSK-I 7.0
This is an educational program developed by theConfuciusInstituteat the University of Valencia (Spain), whichallows toprepare theofficial Chinese level test HSK (Level I) fromexamplesofexamination issued by Hanban. The HSKlevel-I(HSK一级)involveslistening and reading comprehension of 150Chinesecharacters orwords (Hanzi-Pinyin), and equivalent to levelA1 ofCEFR (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference for Languages)TheHSK-I examconsists of two blocks, one listening comprehension(20questions)and a reading comprehension (20questions). Each blockhasa maximumscore of 100 points, and need to get 120 points topassthe test.10 oficial test,more 400 answers Project Lead:VicentAndreu -Confucius Institute Design & programmer: J.P.Sánchez-Sonoftigger Software Sound Producer: Damian Sánchez-SonotriggerImagen& know: Hanban 西班牙瓦伦西亚大学孔子学院InstitutoConfucio de laUniversitat de València Facultat deFilología,Traducció iComunicació Av. Blasco Ibáñez 32, València46010, SpainSede Campusdels Tarongers Calle del Serpis 29, València46022,SpainTelf.:+34-96 398 35 92 Fax: +34-96 398 3590附:孔子学院网页: 电子邮件:[email protected]:
HSK 1 Chinese Flashcards 3.2.6
💡 Learn Mandarin Chinese hanzi the smart way with Ginkgoflashcards! 🎓 Memorize easily the 150 Chinese characters of HSK1. 🚀Justswipe our flashcards, our intelligent algorithm speeds upyourlearning ! Ginkgo flashcards uses an intelligent spacedrepetitionalgorithm to make your Chinese characters learningoptimal. Youwill be able to learn more hanzi, faster and easier !Every flashcard includes a picture, an audio file, a color code fortones andseveral examples. All you need to do is swipe to the left(if youdon't know) or to the right (if your know). ✓ Swipeflashcards tolearn new characters, ✓ Visualize meaning with picturein everyflashcard, ✓ Memorize faster thanks to AI learningalgorithm., ✓Follow your progress on advanced stats graphs, ✓ Checktheintegrated dictionary for examples and pronunciation, ✓Remembertones easily with a color code, ✓ Personalize yourflashcards withyour own pictures. Ginkgo HSK APPs are dividedfollowing the HSKofficial vocabulary lists. Ginkgo HSK level 1gathers 150 words. ☆HSK1 (150) ☆ HSK2 (150) ☆ HSK3 (300) ☆ Radicals(200) ☆ Classifiers(200) ✉️ Help us improve, give us your feedback=>[email protected]
Hanpath: HSK Dictionary 2.8.0
New app launch! Hanpath your co-pilot on your path to HSK.
Chinese in Flow 5.0
Owen Dwyer
Practice Chinese characters in a fun way.
HSK 6 Chinese Flashcards 2.7
Master 2500 Mandarin Chinese words with HSK 6ChineseFlashcards!Your vocabulary will grow by leaps and boundswith thisapp. Choosethe word pack and number of cards you wish tostudy andhit play!Cards are randomly generated each time to preventanymuscle memorybeing used to remember word order. HSK 6ChineseFlashcards allowsyou to quickly blaze through hundreds ofcards. Noneed to flipeach card to see the answer. If you recognizeit, tapNext. If not,then flip the card and study the answer. Thinkyou'vemastered thecurrent card pack? Do it again, just to be sure,thentackle thenext pack of flashcards. Each time you start, thecardswill beonce again randomized. Think you know all 2500 words?Timeto trythe full deck Mandarin Chinese flashcards pack.StudyingChinesehas never been this simple. Pronunciation of eachword isalsoavailable at the top of a button. Want to take anotherlook attheChinese characters on the previous card containingtheChineseword? Simply tap the previous button, or tap thepreviousbuttonmultiple times to go back to the beginning. YourChinesestudystats are recorded and available on the main page. Youcanresetthese at anytime. How many minutes a day do you havetostudyMandarin Chinese? 5? 10? 15? 300? The more the better,butwith HSK6 Chinese Flashcards, there is no limit. You can pickupand startagain from where you previously left off. GiveyourMandarinChinese an immediate and lasting boost with thissimpleyeteffective flashcards app. Where do you study Chinese? Atyourdesk?In the library? While you commute? With HSK 6ChineseFlashcards,the possibilities are endless. You can eveneasily studywhileexercising at the gym. Any spare minute you haveduring theday canquickly be filled by using this flashcards app.The resultswill bestriking and noticeable in short order. ThislearningChinese appcan be used in a couple of ways. Prior toflipping thecard, try toreally recall what the English and Pinyinare. If theanswer isobvious, no need to waste time flipping thecard. Simplytap nextand proceed. In this way, you will develop theability toblazethrough all 2500 words in under 30 minutes, whichmeans youare nowan HSK 6 master. Use this app multiple times perday, anddirectlybefore sleeping for best results, and watch yourvocabularyandcharacter recognition grow exponentially. Alreadyfinished allofthe words? There are 2500 more Chinese words to go ifyoudownloadour other flashcards apps, for HSK levels 1 to 6. Goodluckin yourpursuit of mastery of the amazing Chinese language. **ForChineselearners looking for a new and brilliant way tostudyChinese, besure to also download our Chinese learning app-'Chinese CharacterHero - HSK Pro', also available on PlayStore.The Hero Methodallows you to quickly learn Chinese charactersbyenforcing arecall and recognition process, essential forlong-termmemory.This method is even more effective than thetraditionalflashcardsapproach, and is a lot of fun! Get it today!**
HSK-II 9.0
This is an educational program developed by theConfuciusInstituteat the University of Valencia (Spain), whichallows toprepare theofficial Chinese level test HSK (Level II) fromexamplesofexamination issued by Hanban. The HSK level-IIinvolveslisteningand reading comprehension of 300 Chinesecharacters orwords(Hanzi-Pinyin), and equivalent to level A2 ofCEFR (CommonEuropeanFramework of Reference for Languages) TheHSK-II examconsists oftwo blocks, one listening comprehension (35questions)and areading comprehension (25 questions). Each block hasamaximumscore of 100 points, and need to get 120 points to passthetest.Project Lead: Vicent Andreu - Confucius InstituteDesign&programmer: J.P. Sánchez - Sonoftigger SoftwareSoundProducer:Damian Sánchez - Sonotrigger Imagen& know: Hanban
HSK 3 Chinese Flashcards 3.1
Learn 300 Chinese words. These flashcards are based on thewordsfrom HSK 3.
Chinese Phrasebook 20
The best Chinese Phrasebook for fast, easy & essentialsentencesto go in China
Learn Chinese with Zizzle 1.62.127
Learn Mandarin Chinese through visual stories. For Chinabusinessand travel.
HSK Exam - 汉语水平考试 2.1.1
Test HSK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 all in one app. Test your ability withthereal exam.
ChineseRd 2.0.2
ChineseRd focuses on online vocational Chinese education.Studentsinteract and learn with our professional Chinese teacherswho areall native speakers through 1-on-1 online real timeclassroom.Through the Internet, all foreigners in the world whowant to learnChinese are brought together. [Standardized Courses]ChineseRd hasa self-developed curriculum standard system, which isdeveloped bya professional teaching and research team. The systemis suitablefor all students of different nationalities, enablingstudents tofocus on not only the language learning, but also theapplicationof language in real life. [Professional Teachers]Afterhigh-standard screening, the quality of the teacheriswell-assured. The teachers of ChineseRd are all majored inTeachingChinese As Second Language (TCSL) or with overseasteachingexperiences. We guarantee the high quality of teaching,nativelanguage teachers, pure accent. [Independent OnlineEducationPlatform] The online education platform self-developed byChineseRdhas multiple products: one-to- one classes, one-to-manyclasses,live stream lessons and video lessons. Computer, tablet,mobilephone are all supported. Free choice of class times andteachers onyour own schedule , free you from time-consuming trafficon theroads and utilize your fragmented time to study efficiently!
Chinese HSK Numbers lite 6.5.2
Around Pixels
The new Chinese HSK Numbersapplicationwill help you to easily and interactively dominate theChineseNumbers.In this application you will find comprehensive examplesofuse of the Chinese Numbers, along 6 very commonthematic:quantities, distances, hours, currency, time and otherunits.But there are more: 7 different games, +500 challenges and24achievements are waiting for you. With Chinese HSK Numbersyouwill listen, speak, write and play while you are checkingyourprogress. Full stats will show your learning progressandmistakes.Dominate this Chinese level easily!(text to speech Powered by iSpeech)CONTENT● Dictionary with the 92 number words● Simplified and Traditional hanzi characters● Save your words in your starred list● Search words by meaning, hanzi or pinyin● Voice search (Chinese and English, requiresinternetconnection)● 57 sentences and expressions spread over 6 everyday topics● Chinese lessons (only in English, requiresinternetconnection)● 7 different games● 24 achievements● +500 challenges● Chinese stroke order● Hanzi color tones● All audio content is recorded by a Chinese native● Possibility to record your own audio pronunciation● Voice Recognition (requires internet connection)● Real-time learning stats● Check your mistakes● Adapted for smartphone and tablet● Available in English, French, German, Italian,Russian,Spanish● This lite version has reduced content
预言奇书 1.00.00
中国最神秘的预言书: 《推背图》《乾坤万年歌》《马前课》《藏头诗》《黄檗禅师诗》《梅花诗》《烧饼歌》
Learning Chinese in English 5.7
Learning Chinese is an ultimate solution for ChineseLearners.TheLevel of Interaction is user friendly & sosimple.VocabularyChapters added (Audio): People (人 rén) Body Parts(身体的一部分Shēntǐ deyībùfèn) Feelings (情感 qínggǎn) Abstract Words(抽象术语Chōuxiàngshùyǔ) Health (健康 jiànkāng) Careers/Occupation (职业zhíyè)Sports(体育 tǐyù) Leisure (闲暇 xiánxiá) Communication(通讯tōngxùn)Technology (技术 jìshù) Nature (自然 zìrán) Time(时间shíjiān)Environment (环境 huánjìng) Car (汽车 qìchē) Traffic(交通jiāotōng) City(城市 chéngshì) Fruits (水果 shuǐguǒ) Vegetables(蔬菜shūcài) Beverages(饮料 yǐnliào) Foods (食品 shípǐn) Finance (资产zīchǎn)Shopping (购物gòuwù) Packaging (包装 bāozhuāng) Clothing (服装fúzhuāng)Office (办公室bàngōngshì) Tools (工具 gōngjù) Objects (物品wùpǐn)Furniture (家具jiājù) Kitchen (厨房 Chúfáng) Materials (材料cáiliào)Education (教育jiàoyù) Apartment (公寓 gōngyù) Animals (动物dòngwù) Art(艺术 yìshù)Architecture (建筑 jiànzhú) Weather (天气 tiānqì)ChineseSyllables Useof 什 么 shén me (what) Use of 谁 sheí (who) Useof 哪 nǎ(which) Useof 的 de (of, possession) Use of 呢 ne (about) Useof 几 jǐ(how many)Use of 了 le Use of 会 huì and 不 会 bú huì (Can,can’t) Useof 这 zhè(this) and 那 nà (that) Use of 怎么 zěn me (how) Useof 去 Qù(to go)Use of 和 hé (and) Use of 想 xiǎnɡ (to want) Use of 在zài (in,at,be, exist) Chinese Conversation, Chinese Daily usedSentences&Words, Chinese Dictionary with 10,000 words. ChineseApp:1.Chinese Basic Tones Section 2. Chinese Grammar (Parts ofSpeech)3.Use of Grammar in Daily Sentences with Chinese &EnglishAudioTranslation 4. 10,000 words Offline Dictionary 5.Greetings6.Problems (Emergency situations) 7. At Doctor(Healthterminology)8. Numbers Counting 9. Time 10. Days 11. Months12.Colours 13.Transportation 14. Directions 15. Lodging 16. Money17.Eating 18.Bars 19. Shopping 20. Driving 21. Authority 22.Telephoneand theInternet Cafe The Learn Chinese App is presented tolearnand speakChinese Language because more than 1000 Daily lifeusedphrases andwords are included. Simple search word optionbuildsvocabularytreasure. Learn Chinese Language in English isanultimate forlearning and speaking Chinese Language. TheLearnChinese LanguageApp consists two languages that facilitateEnglishas well asChinese learners to learn Chinese easily and inshortperiod oftime. Around 20 key categories where ChineseLanguagesentences andwords have been provided which will bebeneficial forbeginners aswell as native English speakers to befluent forSpeaking ChineseLanguage (Mandarin) in daily routineactivities.Would you like toLearn and Speak Chinese Language withaccuracy andperfectpronunciation? This Learning Chinese App issolely usablewithoutinternet connectivity and doesn’t need muchspace. EnjoyLearningChinese at one spot! The Chinese LanguageLearning App willbegreen light for students too who want to studyin China andforvisitors of China and other regions where Chineselanguageisspoken. Having installed this Interactive Chinese App,youcancommunicate it every city of China as well asChineseSpeakingcountries. Whether you are at universities,schools,colleges,restaurants, public transport, offices, hotels,café,bars,travelling and shops, this App will definitely behelpful.LearnChinese is so simple than to expect because Chinesegrammarwithexamples is included and conversational sentenceswhichreallysupports you to make the sentence perfectly using PartsofSpeech& structuring of sentences. Having used this app youfeelhugedifference between this Chinese Language App anddifferentlearnChinese Apps like Learn Chinese Offline Mandarin,LearnBasicChinese Grammar, Spoken and Written ChineseLanguage,MandarinChinese, Chinese Language Learning app, MandarinChinesebecausekey Sections of Chinese Language in this App isincludedi.e.Chinese Grammar with most commonly used parts ofspeech, DailyLifephrases used in talking and 10,000 Words.
Read & Learn Chinese - DuShu 2.05.04
Making reading Chinese easier & more educational thaneverbefore
HSK 2 Chinese Flashcards 3.3
Learn 150 Chinese words. These flashcards are based on thewordsfrom HSK 2.
Learn Business Chinese Phrases 1.0.28
Learn Chinese, Speak Chinese faster with your favoriteBusinessChinese App!
HSK 4 Chinese Flashcards 3.3
Learn 600 Chinese words. These flashcards are based on thewordsfrom HSK 4.
This is an educational program developed by the ConfuciusInstituteat the University of Valencia (Spain), which allows toprepare theofficial Chinese level test HSK (Level III) fromexamples ofexamination issued by Hanban. The HSK level-III involveslisteningand reading comprehension of 600 Chinese characters orwords(Hanzi-Pinyin), and equivalent to level B1 of CEFR (CommonEuropeanFramework of Reference for Languages) The HSK-III examconsists ofthree blocks, one listening comprehension (40questions), a readingcomprehension (30 questions) and a writingexpresion (10 question).Each block has a maximum score of 100points, and need to get 180points to pass the test. Project Lead:Vicent Andreu - ConfuciusInstitute Design & programmer: J.P.Sánchez - SonoftiggerSoftware Sound Producer: Damian Sánchez -Sonotrigger Imagen&know: Hanban Copyrigth Valencia 2015
Chinese Grammar 3.2
Chinese Grammar Lessons categorized by HSK from beginner toadvancedlevel.
HSK 1 Chinese Flashcards 3.3
Learn 150 Chinese words. These flashcards are based on thewordsfrom HSK 1.
DangDai Chinese 當代中文課程 1.2.0
The most professional app to learn Mandarin Chinese!
Classifiers Chinesimple 9.9.5
Learn Chinese fast and for free and pass the officialClassifiersexamination
Chinese 50000 Words & Pictures 12.0
Application to Learn Vocabulary , Its offline and 100%FREE.Everything is FREE.
Hanzi Study 1.2.9
LC Studios
Learn Chinese with over 2600 Hanzi to study from the HSKcharacterlist
伤寒论查阅 3.1
Treatise on queries and reading tools
Learn Chinese HSK2 Chinesimple 9.9.7
Learn Chinese fast and for free and pass the officialHSKexamination.
12 Complete Level 3 – HSK® Te 1.21
12 Complete – HSK® Test 2020 汉语水平考试 Level 3 with completecorrection
宋詞三百首 2.3.1
Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasuresofancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profoundfeeling!
Cdian - Chinese Dictionary 1.7
Richard L
An English-Chinese dictionary that presents clear, concise,andquick results.
了一法師 1.44
Do not cry, please sad to me. Do not anger, disappointment tomeplease. Do not be discouraged, please give me helpless.
Read and Learn Chinese-DuHanZi 2.3.0
The reading Chinese app you need to improve your Chinesereadingskills.
译学馆 2.5.1
Knowledge without borders
HSK 5 Chinese Flashcards 2.9
Master 1300 Mandarin Chinese words with HSK 5ChineseFlashcards!Your vocabulary will grow by leaps and boundswith thisapp. Choosethe word pack and number of cards you wish tostudy andhit play!Cards are randomly generated each time to preventanymuscle memorybeing used to remember word order. HSK 5ChineseFlashcards allowsyou to quickly blaze through hundreds ofcards. Noneed to flipeach card to see the answer. If you recognizeit, tapNext. If not,then flip the card and study the answer. Thinkyou'vemastered thecurrent card pack? Do it again, just to be sure,thentackle thenext pack of flashcards. Each time you start, thecardswill beonce again randomized. Think you know all 1300 words?Timeto trythe full deck Mandarin Chinese flashcards pack.StudyingChinesehas never been this simple. Pronunciation of eachword isalsoavailable at the top of a button. Want to take anotherlook attheChinese characters on the previous card containingtheChineseword? Simply tap the previous button, or tap thepreviousbuttonmultiple times to go back to the beginning. YourChinesestudystats are recorded and available on the main page. Youcanresetthese at anytime. How many minutes a day do you havetostudyMandarin Chinese? 5? 10? 15? 300? The more the better,butwith HSK5 Chinese Flashcards, there is no limit. You can pickupand startagain from where you previously left off. GiveyourMandarinChinese an immediate and lasting boost with thissimpleyeteffective flashcards app. Where do you study Chinese? Atyourdesk?In the library? While you commute? With HSK 5ChineseFlashcards,the possibilities are endless. You can eveneasily studywhileexercising at the gym. Any spare minute you haveduring theday canquickly be filled by using this flashcards app.The resultswill bestriking and noticeable in short order. ThislearningChinese appcan be used in a couple of ways. Prior toflipping thecard, try toreally recall what the English and Pinyinare. If theanswer isobvious, no need to waste time flipping thecard. Simplytap nextand proceed. In this way, you will develop theability toblazethrough all 1300 words in under a minute, whichmeans you arenowan HSK 5 master. Use this app multiple times perday, anddirectlybefore sleeping for best results, and watch yourvocabularyandcharacter recognition grow exponentially. Alreadyfinished allofthe words? There are 3700 more Chinese words to go ifyoudownloadour other flashcards apps, for HSK levels 1 to 6. Goodluckin yourpursuit of mastery of the amazing Chinese language. **ForChineselearners looking for a new and brilliant way tostudyChinese, besure to also download our Chinese learning app-'Chinese CharacterHero - HSK Pro', also available on PlayStore.The Hero Methodallows you to quickly learn Chinese charactersbyenforcing arecall and recognition process, essential forlong-termmemory.This method is even more effective than thetraditionalflashcardsapproach, and is a lot of fun! Get it today!**
Readibu - Chinese novel reader 1.9.0
Eva Chen
Learn Chinese with web novels
資治通鑒(簡稱通鑒) 1.8.0
MeBooks英語學習館 2.5.1
The MeBooks English Learning Center satisfies your desirefordiverse English learning in the most economical and affordableway!During the subscription period, you will have all-you-can-eatgoodbooks, including ICRT Daily News English news, movies andAmericandramas.
Learn Chinese HSK5 Chinesimple 9.8.1
Learn Chinese fast and for free and pass the officialHSKexamination.
日語50音圖-吉原櫻 3.0
The chaff of the Japanese syllabary APP, ready to learn,simplereview!
般若文海 1.2
Cong Wang
HanYou - Chinese Dictionary an 3.1
Offline Chinese Dictionary and Optical Recognizer