Top 23 Games Similar to checker games

Maximus Draughts 2.02
Jan-Jaap van Horssen
Enjoy the game of international draughts (or 10x10 checkers) atayetunprecedented level for tablets and smartphones. Maximus,the2011Dutch Open and Olympic computer draughts champion,isavailable foriPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. In 2012, Maximusplayeda match againstformer draughts World ChampionAlexanderSchwarzman, resulting in anarrow defeat (five draws andone loss).More recently, Maximusplayed in the (unofficial)worldchampionship computer draughts 2019and took third place.Maximuswas running on a desktop computer,which is of course morepowerfulthan a mobile device. Nevertheless,you will find Maximusto be afierce opponent on your tablet orsmartphone! You don’t haveto bean expert player to enjoy Maximus,however, as there aremanylevels of difficulty. Starting with alevel to explore therules ofthe game, at which Maximus always playsa random move. Thenthereare ten training levels, from beginner toexpert, that you cantrybefore you start giving Maximus more time tothink. Improveyourplay by analyzing your games with Maximus andlearning fromyourmistakes. You can also use the program as adraughts travel setoras a draughts notation booklet, or even inyourdraughtscompetition if you are one player short! Features:*Available in 8languages (Chinese, Dutch, English, French,German,Portuguese,Russian, Spanish) * Strong engine with 4 playingmodes:1) rules ofthe game plus 10 training levels; 2) seconds permove;3) timeschedule; 4) Fischer system * Multicore processorsupport*Pondering option (thinking in the opponent’s time) *Playervs.Maximus, Player vs. Player, and Maximus vs. Maximusmodes*Intuitive interface with drag & drop or tapping toenteryourmoves * Move input support, move hint and help function *Undoandredo moves; browse your game using the Notation screen *Replayandanalyze your game afterwards * Save, load, e-mail andimportgamesand positions in Portable Draughts Notation format (PDN)*Randomlyselected opening book moves provide a wide variety ingames*Display of draughts clock, square numbers (optional),andengineinformation and principal variation (optional) *Otheroptions:turn board, setup position, automatic replay *Maindifferenceswith the PC version (not available): smalleropeningbook, smallerendgame database * No Ads Link: TournamentBase,Results andGamesofMaximus
Checkers Hero ( Draughts ) 1.1
Are you looking for board games free foryourandroid smartphone or tablet? Try to play our new checkersonlineor offline! It's a classic board game for two playersthatentertains people all over the world. In spite of itssimplicity,draughts can develop great strategy skills, not tomention thedelight which it can give you!Checkers Hero features:- 8x8 checker board with 12 pieces for each player- multiplayer mode!- play checkers FREE on your tablet or smartphone- flawless mechanics- 5 difficulty levels of the checkers game- classic good-looking design- an option of 3 boards: a classic wooden board, a wooden boardwitha nice pattern and a marble board!- option of checker pieces colour diversityIf you prefer checkers to all other board games, our CheckersHerois for you!You can play multiplayer checkers online free or offline, withacomputer opponent or with your friends. Are you ready to startanexcellent online checkers battle right now? Here it goes!1. Select your colour (dark or light with a colour diversityoption)as you wish.2. Take turns in making moves diagonally forward along darksquaresonly.3. Capture pieces of your opponent jumping over them onemptysquares.4. Try to reach the opposite edge of the board where your pieceiscrowned. The crowned piece can jump over pieces from anydistanceand in any direction.5. Don't forget to control the center of the board!6. The player with no possible moves or with no pieces leftlosesthe game.Go and play the best free checkers game for android! Itdoesn'tmatter where you are – at home, on a train travellingabroad, in aswimming pool or on a beach – play draughts board gamefreeeverywhere and anytime, because you don't have to take aheavywooden checker board anymore! All you need is your androiddeviceand a friend for a checkers multiplayer mode.Checkers Hero is not only a classic game to spend your freetimewith fun. If you want some food for thought, Checkers Hero isoneof the best solutions. Play checkers with friends, win allcheckersonline multiplayer games to feel like a checkers hero!Hurry up and install Checkers Hero, and you'll become a truefanof checkers!
Checkers 1.0.0
CheckersThe best board game that has no special requirementsforthepresentation of how the game of chess, backgammon orcards.Sincethe known ancient world, it allows you to have agreattime,anytime, anywhere, just phone or tablet to competeagainstthecomputer, a friend or random opponents.Checkers board game rules with international,English,Brazilianand Russian.Checkers is a simple but challenging board gamestrategyandplayed by two players on a 6x6, 8x8 or 10x10 board game.Thankstothis Android version, you can play classic versionofcheckers.Checkers is a very popular ancient board game known foritssimplerules and addictive gameplay.● Game Features:✓ Game Timer,✓ Game counter✓ moves game for advanced statistics,✓ your 3 best game.● Game rules:✓ Checkers games on an 8 x 8 board with 12 pieces oneachside.✓ The checkers moves diagonally.✓ If the player jumps over your opponent Checker theCheckerisremoved.✓ stones only moves forward.✓ If checker you reach the opposite end of the ExecutiveBoardyouare king Checker.✓ King checkers can move forward and backward.✓ The player's goal is to clear all of the opponent's pieces.Play checkers in a special mode you can compete withotherplayer’svirtual tokens you gain new levels and ratings,climbrankings orplay in special test functions tournaments withprizes.Use yourawards for design and customize their pieces ofcheckers.This usescheckers that can be seen in much: As a dailyreward todefeattheir opponents and wining tournaments.Test functions are played by two opponents, on oppositesidesofthe board (table) you. A player (actor) has dark pieces;theotherhas the light (Light). The player (actor) alternately.Aplayer(actor), cannot move, the piece of the opponent. Amoveconsists ofmoving a piece diagonally on a square (asquare)adjacentunoccupied. If the square (Square) contains thepiece oftheopponent, and the square (the square) immediately beyondisfree(free), the piece can be detected (and removed from thegame)byjumping on it.The key features:* One or two player mode* Saved Games* Ability to compose your own game position* Ability to save and continue later* Attractive classic wooden interface* Auto-save* SoundsPlease do not forget, our board game and give us five starsThank you,
Checkers 1.0.0
CHECKERSThe Checkers (also known as Checkers game) have beenaroundforcenturies, but Checkers has never looked this good in suchasmallpackage. Take a great game looking ladies with youwhereveryou gowith Checkers FreeThe board game of checkers are the oldest known game,thisstillvery popular over the world for its simple rulesandaddictiveCheckers gameplay, which hide the deep tacticsandvariability.Play checkers a special mode where you can competewithothervirtuals players checkers Gain new levels and ranks,climbonleaderboards or play in special checkers tournamentswithprizes.Use your awards for design and customize their piecesofCheckers.This uses checkers that can be obtained in much: asdailyrewards,defeating their opponents or wining tournaments.Checkers are played by two opponents, on opposite sidesoftheboard (table) game. A player (actor) has dark pieces; theotherhasthe light pieces (light). The players (actors) alternateturns.Aplayer (actor) can not move the piece of an opponent.Amoveconsists of moving a piece diagonally to a square(asquare)adjacent unoccupied. If the square (the square)adjacentcontainsthe piece of an opponent, and the square (thesquare)immediatelybeyond that it is vacant (free), the piece canbecaptured (andremoved from the game) by jumping on itEnglish checkers are our main Checkers game - alsoknown(known)as American Checkers or Direct ladies. The game isplayed ona 8x8advice (table) with 12 pieces on each side. Black(darkestcolor)movements. Men (dethroned pieces) can only move andcapture.Ifcheckers it jumps more than a way for a player (actor),youmaydecide to make the order (the order), not necessarilytheorder(the order), causing the largest number ofacquisitions.However,you have to start all for.The main checkers features:* One or two player mode of checkers* Saved checkers Games* Ability to compose your own courageous position* Possibility to save and continue later* The classic wood makes attractive interface* Auto-salvation for checkers games* sounds effectsThank you for downloadin CheckersDon't forget to give Checkeirs app five 5 starsYou will never regret downloading Checkers app
Checkers 1.0.0
● Checkers● The best games that has no particular requirementsasthepresentation of the way in which the chess, backgammonorcards(maps). Since the world (people) old acquaintance, allowsyoutohave a great time, at any time, everywhere, every phoneortabletto compete against the computer, a friend orrandomopponents.● Sets Checkers game tray with internationalorganizationsofCheckers, English, Brazilian and Russian.● Checkers is the best game for people to pass nicetimewithfriends and family playin Checkers● checkers is a great game favorite for centuries. Itisadisconcerting simplicity, and yet very subtle. In Checkers,theendof the game is to take all pawns of the adversary. Pawnsmovefromone compartment at a time diagonally to theoppositecompartmentsforever occupy the same color field.● With Checkers you can play against friends andfamilyeverytimeyou want to play Checkers● Characteristics of Checkers✓ Support six different rules of checkers✓ Six difficulty levels✓ Mode two players✓ Game Helper assists✓ Checkers full of fun✓ Realistic graphics for Checkers✓ Sound Effects✓ An aid on Checkers rules● The ladies play them a special mode where you cancompetewithother virtual players kronor (apisonas) Gain new levelsandrows(ranks), climb rankings tournaments or play checkerswithspecialprices (prizes). Use your rewards for design (design)andtocustomize their pieces of Checkers. It uses the ladies thatcanbeobtained in a large part (party): daily rewards,beating(beating)to their opponents or winning tournaments.● The rules of the Checkers:✓ Checkers games on a card (map) 8 x 8 with 12 pieces(quarters)oneach side.✓ Pawns moves diagonally.✓ If the player jumps over his opponent CheckersCheckersissuppressed.Stones moves forward.✓ If you checkers reaches the opposite end of the board, youarekingCheckers.✓ Checkers King ladies can go ahead and towards the rear.✓ The player's goal in checkers is to clear all the rooms(parts)ofthe adversary.● YOU WILL NEVER REGRET DOWNLOADING CHECKERS● THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING CHECKERS● STAY TUNNED TO GET THE LASTEST UPDATES OF CHECKERS
Checkers 1.0.0
CheckersThe best board game that does not requireanyspecialrepresentation, like the game of chess, backgammon orcards.Sincethe known ancient world, it allows you to have agreattime,anytime, anywhere for now, just phone or tablet tocompeteagainstthe computer, a friend or random opponents.Checkers Board Game rules with international,English,Brazilianand Russian.Checkers is a simple but challenging board gamestrategyandplayed by two players on a 6x6, 8x8 or 10x10 board game.Thankstothis Android version, you can go classic version ofcheckers.International inspectors (also called Polish drafts) -thesize10x10 with 20 pieces on each side and has amongkings.Unlikechess, the game fields are numbered only by the numbersfrom1 to50. In this variant moves of the game, the player withthelightestcolored pieces. Pieces, although sometimes bought inaset,originally sold is groups of eleven pieces all of alikecolor.English drafts is our main Checkers game - also knownasAmericanCheckers "or" Straight checkers. The game is played ona8x8 boardwith 12 pieces on each side. Black (the darkercolor)moves. Men(the uncrowned pieces) can only move forward andcapture.If itjumps more than one way for a player, you can chooseto dowhatorder, not necessarily the order, resulting in thelargestnumberof acquisitions. However, you have to starteverythinginorder.Brazilian checkers - exactly the same rulesasinternationaldrafts, but it is played with on a 8x8 boardwitheight "men" (orparts) at the beginning of the game. It ismainlyplayed inBrazil.Russian Checkers - exactly the same rules as Brazilianstones,butif a man touches the kings row from a jump and it cancontinuetospring back has to jump backwards it as kings, notpeople. Itismainly played in some parts of Russia, some parts ofthe formerUS.In many games at the end of the adversary has threekings,whilethe other has only one king. In such a case, the firstopponentisusually wins when (s) he takes the main diagonalfirst.The main features:* One or two player mode* Saved Games* Ability to compose your own game position* Ability to save and continue later* Attractive classic wooden interfacemake * Move undo* Auto-save* soundsPlease don’t forget to review our board game and giveusfivestarsThank You,
checkers 1.0
innov apps
Play the amazing checkers strategy game!
Frog Checkers 2.4
Play this classic game against the computer or a friend.
Checkers - A Tank Battle 1.2
M&S Studio
Checkers - this is one of the oldeststrategygames and also one of the most popular board games in theworld.This is the perfect game to spend the evening informativeandinteresting, compete with a rival intelligence and excitingtime.Features:- The game is a tank battle, going by the rules of checkers- Play with your friends or random people on the network- Get promotions and discover new models of tanks- Become the best commander in the world or among yourfriends- Chat with friends while you play (voice chat in game modewithfriends)- Play together on one device
Classy Checkers 1.0.8
Classy Checkers is not just another checkers game.
Checkers V+ 5.10.41
Supporting over 10 variations, this is your ultimateCheckerscompanion.
Checkers Game 1.1
Play the exciting popular Checkers Game.=======================As we always bring you the top 20 of Checkers Game!!This app is very useful to helps to solve your problemofyourCheckers Game and not only provide entertainment and fungametothe players but also several other gains.This is an application we included some of the best newandroidgamesin terms of quality gaming such as checkers game,checkersgamesfree, checkers game 2 player, checkers game online,checkersgame appand more.This makes the choice of installing the application and playthebestCheckers Game looks a lot of quick an easy way.*** It require an Internet connection ***
Spanish Damas - Online 11.2.0
Play Spanish checkers with your friends, machine orrandomopponents!
Damas (Spanish Checkers) 2309.03
Play checkers game with the classic Spanish rules. Install andenjoyit now!
Checkers 1.4
Play checkers (draughts) against the computer. Try to be smartanddo all your best and take the victory!
Checkers All-In-One 3.4
Checkers game with custom and traditional rules selection
Italian Checkers - Dama 1.60
ITALIAN checkers game. For one or two players.
Checkers board 1.1
This is not checkers with artificial intelligence, it is justamessage board with checkers where you can play checkerstogether,as on a conventional board with real swords.
Checker for all 1.0
Checkers - a game for two players onboardmulticellular-likechess, checkers, specialized chips. Likechess,checkers reproducethe actions of fighting forces accordingtocertain rules, and thewhole point of the game is the abilitytobuild a winning tactic.Downloading the game and try theirhand,find out if you can get toOlympus victory. Reach the top ofthevictory, earning her ownmental abilities and let everyone knowhowgood you are.Demonstrate their abilities!- Build their tactics- Achieve victory- Play and train- You can also share the app with friends onFacebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber.
Brazilian checkers / draughts 1.39
BRAZILIAN checkers game. For one or two players.
USSR Checkers 1.0
Classic Checkers Russian style in the USSR
Checker 3D 1.0
Checkers is played by two persons whoopposeeach other across a board of 64 light and dark squares, thesame asa chessboard. The 24 playing pieces are disk-shaped andofcontrasting colours (whatever their colours, they are identifiedasblack and white). At the start of the game, each contestant has12pieces arranged on the board. While the actual playing isalwaysdone on the dark squares, the board is often shown in reverseforclarity. The notation used in describing the game is basedonnumbering the squares on the board. The black pieces alwaysoccupysquares 1 to 12, and the white pieces invariably rest onsquares 21to 32.Play consists of advancing a piece diagonally forward toanadjoining vacant square. Black moves first. If an opponent’spieceis in such an adjoining vacant square, with a vacant spacebeyond,it must be captured and removed by jumping over it to theemptysquare. If this square presents the same situation,successivejumps forward in a straight or zigzag direction must becompletedin the same play. When there is more than one way to jump,theplayer has a choice. When a piece first enters the king row,theopponent’s back row, it must be crowned by the opponent, whoplacesanother piece of the same colour on it. The piece, now calledaking, has the added privilege of moving and jumping backward; ifitmoved to the last row with a capture, it must continuecapturingbackward if possible. A win is scored when an opponent’spieces areall captured or blocked so that they cannot move. Whenneither sidecan force a victory and the trend of play becomesrepetitious, adraw game is declared.Games similar to checkers were played in the days of theearlyEgyptian pharaohs (c. 1600 bc) and were mentioned in the worksofthe Greek writers Homer and Plato. About the 12th century adanearly form of the game was adapted to the 64-square chessboard,andby the 16th century the rule compelling capture had beenadded,producing a game essentially the same as modern checkers.