Top 23 Apps Similar to SDA Beliefs

This electronic SDA SILOZI HYMN BOOKiscreatedby Bro Agbonaye Osaru of SARU TECH at the request ofMr& MrsStephens Wamu Mukwasiyo of Mountain View SDAChurch,Sesheke Eastdistrict of West Zambia Field.It is done as a gift from God through SARU TECH to thechildrenofGod in the West Zambia field and Zambezi (Caprivi) fieldofNamibia,Seventh-Day Adventist Church.IT IS NOT FOR SALE.Ku sebeleza ni ku hasanya evangeli ya Mulena ka lipina, ibesembasa bupilo bwa luna nako yote. Sifela se si nozwi kakulatelelasifela-tota sa silozi sa keleke yasabata(Seventh-DayAdventistChurch) ye ne tongozwi mafosisa kasilimo sa 1985, ki lipina zetolokilwe ku zwa mwa lifela ze swanasina Adventist Hymnal(A.H),Church Hymnal (C.H) ni Christ in Songs(C.S) . Ni haikelicinceho zenyinyani li ezizwe ku amana ni tolokoni tibahazo yalipina..Please specify image urlTYPESET BY: STEPHENS WAMU MUKWASIYOEmail : [email protected]+260 977 714 097Programed by Agbonaye Osaru.(C.E.O, SARU TECH)Email: [email protected].
28 fundamental beliefs SDA Chu 2.2.7
The 28 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventist - SDA beliefs.
SDA Hymnal 7.0
Complete hymnal with full music scores, pianoaccompaniment,responsive reading.
Silozi SDA Hymnal and Bible 2.0
Silozi Hymnal and Bible of the SDA Church (Sifela ni BibeleyaSilozi)
Hungarian & Romanian Seventh-d 3.5.7
Hungarian and Romanian versions of the Seventh-day AdventistChurchsong books
SDA Hymnal with Tunes 1.108
Lyrics and Tunes for all the SDA Hymns
SDA Hymnal 4.5.0
Robert Mayore
SDA Hymnal is a digital hymnal consisting of Midis and lyrics toallthe 695 traditional hymns of the Seventh Day AdventistHymnal,published by the Review and Herald Publishing Association in1985.This app is simple, lightweight and fast, a joy to use rightfromthe first welcome graphic as you open the app, up to each ofthe695 hymns. This app has the following cool features: 1. Searchhymnby Number or Title, Number search can be accessed from anywhereinthe app and Title search has an auto-complete feature. 2.Changethe font-style of the hymn lyrics to your choice of the threefonttypes provided. 3. High quality Midi tones to accompany eachhymn.4. Add hymns to Favorites, and access all your favorite hymnsfromthe Home page. 5. Hymns sorted by Category and Sub-category.6.Change status bar/notification bar appearance in favor ofauni-color background. 7. No internet needed by app afterfirstdownload, all lyrics and Midis are downloaded with the app! 8.It'sfree and, No Ads! You can access the different sections of theHomepage by swiping left and right. On each hymn , you can alsoswipeleft and right to access the next hymns. Settings, Refresh andExitbutton can all be accessed easily from a drop down menu. Enjoy,andmay God bless you as you praise His name through music!Don'tforget to send your feedback through [email protected]
Pathfinder Resources & Honors 1.1
An app for SDA Pathfinder clubs, featuring honors, Investiture,andresources.
SDA Hymnal & Choruses 4.2.5
SDA hymnal app which includes the new hymnal, the oldhymnalandadventist choruses. *****Any bugs found please reporttothedeveloper at [email protected]***** Keyfeatures*Favoriteslist* *Edit all hymns* *Search song by number,title andlyrics**Midi files for ALL songs* *Old Hymnal**Choruses**Materialdesign* I want to thank Dushane, a colleaguefrom Jamaicawhosupplied the Midi files for all the songs!
SDA Hymnal 2.4.1
A fast, intuitive and elegantly designed Hymnal to edifyyourworship.
Glory to God: Hymns, Psalms, & 3.5.2
Glory to God is a Mobile edition of the ecumenical hymnal GlorytoGod.
Christ’s Object Lessons 1.0
Beautiful Jesus parables explained in a simple way. Anexcellentbookto complement the preaching of the gospel. The book"Christ'sObjectLessons" written by Christian author Ellen White isone oftheliterary treasures to help you grow in your spirituallife. Inthisbook you will find in detail many teachings thatJesuspresented tothe people when he was in this world. Theseteachingshave forcenturies helped many people to understand moredeeplywhat theKingdom of God is. Ellen White (November 26, 1827 –July16, 1915)was a prolific author, writing more than 40 booksand5000 periodicalarticles during her lifetime. Today there areoverone hundred 50,000manuscript pages of her writings. She wasone ofthe founders of theSeventh-day Adventist Church, believed bymanyreaders to have thespiritual gift of prophecy described intheBible. White wasconsidered a somewhat controversial figure byhiscritics, with muchof the controversy centered on his reportsofvisionary experiencesand the use of other sources in hiswritings.She experienced herfirst vision shortly after the GreatMilleriteDisappointment of1844. Historian Randall Balmer hasdescribedWhite as "one of themost important and colorful figuresin thehistory of Americanreligion." Walter Martin described it as"oneof the most fascinatingand controversial characters everappearedon the horizon ofreligious history" Mrs. White's visionsprovidedthe basis for theAdventist movement to consider that the"gift ofprophecy" wasmanifested in her, which endowed her writingsofgreat importance tothe believers of this denomination. EllenG.White promotedvegetarianism as well as the evangelizationandspread of Adventismin different parts of the world. Remembertocheck out the More Appssection and you'll be amazed withwonderfulfree apps to feed faithand soul
Legion of Mary-Tessera 13.3.1
The Legion of Mary Tessera Prayer application
A.F.M in Zimbabwe Hymns 2.0
Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe electronic hymn book.
KJV Bible Version with Audio 0.2.118
Bible app: read King James Bible (KJV) verses, daily bibleverses& prayers
Prophets and Kings 1.0
One of the greatest literary jewels in the Christianworld.Writtenby the Christian author, Ellen G. White more than 100yearsago, ineach one of its chapters, it expands in detail whattheHolyScriptures have to teach us. When Israel was a unitedandgloriouskingdom, endowed with a magnificent temple, center ofthetrue cultin the world . The most outstanding spiritual truthsofthebiblical account, from Salmon to the birth of ChristSomechaptersin this tool: - Solomon - The Temple and Its Dedication-Pride ofProsperity - Results of Transgression -Solomon’sRepentance - TheRending of the Kingdom - Jeroboam -NationalApostasy - Elijah theTishbite - The Voice of Stern Rebuke -Carme -From Jezreel toHoreb - “What Doest Thou Here?” - “In theSpirit andPower ofElias” - Jehoshaphat - and more ... The booktalks aboutseveralimportant topics like the following: - Theascent, the gloryandthe fall of Solomon, the wisest king that hasever existed. -Thedivision of the Kingdom of Israel after the deathof Solomon. -Thelife of the prophet Elijah in the time of Israel'sapostasy. -Thecall and ministry of the prophet Elisha. - Jonah andthe peopleofNineveh, - Daniel, his friends and the reign ofBabylon. - Inthetime of Queen Esther. - Reconstruction of the wallsof Jerusaleminthe time of Ezra and Nehemiah. - The coming of thegreatLiberator.Ellen White (November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) wasaprolificauthor, writing more than 40 books and 5000periodicalarticlesduring her lifetime. Today there are over onehundred50,000manuscript pages of her writings. She was one of thefoundersofthe Seventh-day Adventist Church, believed by manyreaders tohavethe spiritual gift of prophecy described in theBible. Whitewasconsidered a somewhat controversial figure by hiscritics,withmuch of the controversy centered on his reportsofvisionaryexperiences and the use of other sources in hiswritings.Sheexperienced her first vision shortly after theGreatMilleriteDisappointment of 1844. Historian Randall BalmerhasdescribedWhite as "one of the most important and colorfulfiguresin thehistory of American religion." Walter Martin describedit as"oneof the most fascinating and controversial characterseverappearedon the horizon of religious history" Mrs. White'svisionsprovidedthe basis for the Adventist movement to considerthat the"gift ofprophecy" was manifested in her, which endowed herwritingsofgreat importance to the believers of this denomination.EllenG.White promoted vegetarianism as well as theevangelizationandspread of Adventism in different parts of theworld. Remembertocheck out the More Apps section and you'll beamazed withwonderfulfree apps to feed faith and soul
The SDA Church Manual - Last e 2.3.6
This is the Seventh Day Adventist Church Manual madeaccessibleeverywhere
E-Worship Sabbath School Les'n 4.31
YouCampus Ltd
Worship Him in the beauty of his Holiness
Adventist Toolbox is the best inreach & outreachofflineresources
SDA HandBook 3.0.2
SDA Handbook app is a great tool for all Adventists and all wholovethe Bible.
SDA Hymnals (Multilingual) 1.3.7
Collection of the Seventh-day Adventist® church hymnals
The Desire Of Ages 1.0
My Brother
The Desire of Ages is a book about the life of Jesus.
AWR360° 1.1.8
Dive into the Bible and access inspiring AWR360° video andpodcastcontent.