Top 50 Apps Similar to Pine Grove Friends

Pocket Rehab: Get Sober & Addi 1.0.35
Pocket Rehab
Addiction recovery, mental health & anonymous support groupsGetsober today
WEconnect Recovery 4.7.1
Reward your recovery
Addiction Recovery Care
Share updates, support others, & stay connected throughoutyourrecovery.
SoberTool Pro 6.0.11-pro
Relapse prevention tool for alcoholism, any addiction or bad habit.
Mindstrong Online Therapy 6.6.3
Therapy, Psychiatry, Coaching for 18+
Sober Meditations and Recovery 2.5.113
Buddy C.
Are you looking for a free Recovery Study Guide or AlcoholRecoveryMeditations?
myPlan 3.0.8
Does your partner do things that make you feel scared orunsafe?Doyou have a friend or family member whose relationshipworriesyou?You are not alone. Relationship abuse is common. Itnotonlyaffects someone’s health and wellbeing but can also puttheminserious danger. myPlan can help you see more clearly tomakesafetydecisions by helping you assess the health and safety ofyour(or aloved one’s) relationship, get personalized informationforyourunique situation, and connect to resources. - Choose asecurePIN -Answer questions about you and your relationship somyPlancanprovide you with personalized information - TaketheDangerAssessment to learn about your level of risk from apartner -Rankyour priorities to help determine what’s mostimportant to you-Explore safety strategies and local resourcescustomized to you-Bookmark what’s useful for later to create asafety planthat’sright for you myPlan is backed by research withthousands ofpeopleexperiencing abuse from a partner. Safetyfeatures: - Noaccountset up required, myPlan use is completelyanonymous - Setyour ownsecure PIN code to keep your informationprivate - “Dummycode”option will hide the contents of the app incase you areforced toenter a PIN by someone - Quick lock button onevery pageSafetyNotes: - If someone monitors your device activity,having anappabout relationship abuse could put you at risk. Ifconcernedaboutsomeone discovering the app, delete it when you aredone withit,but know that on devices it’s not possible to deletetheappcompletely from your purchase history. - myPlan is notintendedforuse if you are in crisis, if in immediate danger call911.-Talking to trained advocates or counselors is themosthelpfulthing people can do to stay safe, but we know thevastmajority ofpeople experiencing abuse never access theseservices.myPlanexpands access to safety information by providing away toget toindividualized safety information—with the ease ofaccessandprivacy of a device. However, myPlan is not intendedtoreplacelive trained service providers.
Recovery Path - Addiction Help 1.8.1
Technology enabled addiction recovery and relapse prevention
Connect To Your Most Radiant Self
Sober Grid - Social Network 3.3.94
Sober Grid
Sober Grid connects you instantly to sober people nearby andaroundthe world. Remain completely anonymous or choose what youwant toshare! SOBER FRIENDS AROUND THE CORNER: • Find sober peoplenearyou • Chat with others and send private messages • Postmessages,photos, and videos to share with your community •Personalize yourprofile with photos, interests, and more • Savefavorite soberbuddies and see who visits your profile • Sobrietycalculator tokeep track of how many days sober you've achieved GETHELP WHEN YOUNEED IT: • Burning Desire: Alert other members whenyou needsomeone to talk to right now • Get support from the globalsobercommunity and help others achieve sobriety • Receive or offersaferides to recovery meetings in your area BE A PART OF ASOBERREVOLUTION Need to contact us?Email us [email protected]
Neurocog: Cognitive Regulation 2.5.0
Neurocognitive training for stress relief, control of emotionsandbreathing
myrecovery 5.2.3
Get ready for surgery, plan your recovery and track progresstowardsyour goals!
The Language of Letting Go 1.0.15
Daily inspirational support from codependency expert Melody Beattie
Relish: Relationship & Couples 7.4.7
Marriage counseling & couples therapy with mindfulexercises,quiz & questions
Fabriq: Stay in Touch
Build Better Social Habits
Set yourself up for success with BetterUp. Everything youneedforpersonal and professional growth, all in one place. WithaBetterUpcoaching experience tailored to you and access to ourvastlibraryof content, you no longer have to navigate life’schallengesonyour own. Focus on your career, improvepersonalrelationships,build resilience, develop communicationskills, carefor your mind,and more. You’ll be paired with apersonal Coach tohelp set you onthe right course, whatever thatcourse may be. Ourmethods arescientifically proven andfundamentally human. And withproprietaryCoach matching, anextensive learning library, and thelargestnetwork of certifiedCoaches at your fingertips, you’llmakepositive changes that last alifetime.
NA Recovery Companion 1.4.3
NA World Services, Inc.
The opening portion of the IP states: The purpose of thisdailyinventory is to keep track of who we are and what we aredoingtoday. Try to answer every question, every day. Keep youranswersas simple and as honest as you can. If you miss a day, donot makeit up later. Limit your answers and concerns to thepasttwenty-four hours and complete the questions at the end of theday.The app has three menu items at the bottom of the mainscreen:Check in, Resources, and Profile. Check In This app providesamobile version of a daily mini-inventory. You may scrollthroughthe questions and answer them as appropriate. At the end ofthequestions, you have the option of saving your responses so youhavean ongoing record of your responses, by date. Additionally, theappgives you the opportunity to add any upcoming events for thenextday or in the near future. Resources On the Resources tab arelinksto NA's Meeting Search, the current day's meditation, as wellasother options to call your sponsor, read literature, orfinanciallycontribute to the NA Fellowship. For the links to workproperly,you will need to have internet access. Profile The lastsection isto keep track of your own information, including yourclean date.
Better: From Gretchen Rubin 7.6.10
The Better app from Gretchen Rubin is a place to help youharnesstheFour Tendencies framework to create a better life. Joinpeoplelikeyou to: + Go deeper into topics related to GretchenRubin’sFourTendencies framework, with access to exclusiveconversations,livechats, and the latest thinking. + JoinAccountability GroupsandDiscussion Groups tailored to yourspecific Tendency, ascrafted byGretchen and her team. + Meet otherObligers,Questioners, Upholders,and Rebels to get support,encouragement,and ideas for navigatingyour Tendency—as well asnavigating otherpeople’s Tendencies.Members of the Better app areexploring topicslike: + Accountability+ Building Habits +Achieving Goals + BetterHealth + MakingDecisions + Love andRelationships + Productivity +Parenting Learnmore
Field Guide to Life: Recovery
Daily meditations and tools to support your recovery and helpyoustay sober.
CaringBridge 6.0.2
CaringBridge connects you with the supportoffriends and family when its needed most.CaringBridge for Android makes it simple: create a website, visitafriend’s page, add updates or encouraging notes, and shareyourstory.
Celebrate Recovery 2.1
A biblical & balanced program to help us overcome ourhurts,hang-ups,& habits.
Mighty: Health Coach for 50+ 8.0.4
A program with joint friendly workouts and coaching to help youloseweight
The Cookout Online 1.50.19
Are you tired of being banned on social media for… being Black?Haveyou ever been harassed by a racist, sexist, or homophobe andbeeninformed they weren’t “against community standards”? Does itaffectyour mental and emotional health? Does it make you feelunsafe,silenced, or dismissed? Don’t you ever want to just be withpeoplewho understand you? Enter The Cookout Online. The Cookoutwascreated by three Black, LBGT+ Women who meet via social media,who,like you, were tired of being targeted for online abuse forhavingthe audacity to embrace their identities loudly and proudly.Asentrepreneurs, they understood and acknowledged the importanceofhaving a public social presence for entrepreneurial pursuits,butthey also wanted a place where people like them could engageinsocial media safely. A digital home. Thus, The Cookout was borntoaddress the pain points many Black users experience withlargersocial media apps. A few months and hundreds of 5-star appstorereviews later, The Cookout is flourishing as aunique,invitation-only, social media experience where Blacknessiscelebrated, not tolerated. Cookout users report: -highersatisfaction with social interaction on The Cookout thanothersocial media apps -a feeling of safety, intimacy, andcommunity -afeeling of being heard and valued by the creators ofthe platform...all of which were missing from their social mediaexperienceprior. Our community values of Authenticity, Community,andAfrocentricity create an online experience like no other andwithcommunity standards that center the diaspora, users hardly everrunafoul of "Cookout jail". Are you reading this and thinking, “ManIcan totally relate”? Great! Come on over and apply for TheCookouttoday.
Sober Peer 2.1.0
SoberPeer LLC
Sober Peer is an AI-powered mobile health platform for substanceuserecovery.
The Never Settle Collective 1.21.00
Mindful Titan
People who live exceptional lives follow one essential rule:NeverSettle. The Never Settle Collective is the only group thathasexamined and combined the best behavioral science research fromthetop universities, such as Yale, Harvard, Cornell and Stanford,touncover the specific skills, habits, behaviors, routines&mindset of those that never settle in life, no matterthecircumstances. STOP TRACKING HABITS... INSTEAD MASTER THERIGHTHABITS Scientifically-backed habits, routines & mindsetcanhelp guide you towards: • Breaking out of your comfort zone•Increasing perpetual gratitude • Engaging in habitual positivity•Creating a morning routine for unwavering motivation •Improvingdecision-making • Uncovering daily inspiration • Deepeningyourself-awareness and mindfulness • Banishing procrastination&becoming organized • Building a proactive mindsetthoughtself-development & self-improvement • Establishinghabits ofhealth • Formulating a structured, daily routine forproductivity •Igniting motivation for the new year HOW TO MASTERTHE RIGHTHABITS: THE NEVER SETTLE COLLECTIVE’S 4-STEP SYSTEM Learnthe wayscience intended. Never Settle has developed a step-by-stepsystembased on neuroscientific research: 1) DAILY PRACTICE -Howworld-class musicians, athletes, business people & keypeopleof influence excel. Follow 200+ personalized,real-time,step-by-step mental workouts. 2) OPTIMUM MINDSET - Changeyour moodand mindset instantly. 80+ techniques & tools tooptimize mood,no matter the circumstance. 3) POWERFUL NOTES -Reinforceproductivity & positivity. The integrated journalhelps tosolidify skills and habits. 4) TRACK YOUR PROGRESS – Focusonresults for continued motivation. Discover areas thatneedstrengthening and where you already excel. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVETHECHANCE TO BE EXTRAORDINARY. We invite you to be part of theelitegroup of the Never Settle Collective: Those that take controloftheir lives, and have a blast doing so. Never wake up inthemorning again and wonder how you should organize your day orwhatdaily routine you should follow. Make the most out of every daytobe: Happier Successful Joyful Motivated InspiredResilientExceptional Your Best Self TAILORED FOR YOU Never Settleis aself-development app that can help lead a fulfilling life,allwhile supporting positivity, joy, success and empowerment.Yourjourney through the Never Settle app will be personalized tofityour needs, and will help develop your happiness,mindfulness,motivation, focus, habits of health, social skills andtechnicalskills. THE 5 PILLARS OF LIFE ACHIEVEMENT: 1 Happiness:Gratitude,Positivity, Resilience, Self-Esteem, Bounce Back fromAdversity 2Optimal Mindset: Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, PositiveMentalHealth, Self-Development, Self-Improvement 3 Productivity:Success,Focus, Motivation, Persistence, Life Achievement,Inspiration,Organized & Structured Daily Routine 4Perseverance: TransformObstacles into Opportunities, Expand YourComfort Zone, Bounce Backfrom Failure 5 Better Decision-Making:Create Perpetual Motiontowards Life Goals NEVER SETTLE IS FOR BUSYPEOPLE LIKE YOUHigh-achievers increase their likelihood of successand happinessby consistently developing their productivity,passion,inspiration, creativity, focus, morning motivation &dailyroutine. Never Settle gives you maximum results with minimaltimeand effort. ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU: Want to break out of yourcomfortzone? Need guidance on a tough decision? Findinstant,best-in-class advice based on the latest behavioral sciencein the“Tools” feature. It is almost like having an expert alwaysready toguide you. WELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY One thing unites us:Each of usseeks to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life. Pleaselet us knowif we can make the experience better for you. Email [email protected] Privacy policylink:
Turn - Addiction Recovery 3.10.10
Tools, education, analytics, and community forlong-lasting,sustainable freedom
Community by C Space 2.7.8
C Space
Community by C Space enables members to participate anywhere.
Today's Hope Recovery Sharings 1.1
Daily readings from The Forum, Recovery ReflectionsandQuote/Sayings
The DB Method 1.0.24
The DB Method
Achieve your dream butt while building total body strength&burning calories
TochiLife LLC
The app can be downloaded BUT you will only be able to access itforfree if:
Vivify Health 2100.01.02
Vivify Health
Our program helps you stay as healthy as possible - it'sthatsimple.
Listory: The Content Refinery v2.0.0 (2026844199)
Save time and stay on track in your pursuit of knowledgebyfollowing the reads of the leading experts and influencers inthetopics you’re interested in. Listory monitors more than1000newsletters, curated by experts and thought leaders in areassuchas product, engineering, design, startup, current news,politics,and more. It extracts and puts in front of you only thosestoriesthat were mentioned and recommended by many experts. Youwill useListory to save time and focus only on the stories thatmatter themost. You can personalize your experience by followingnewslettersand thought leaders that curate news and information onall of yourinterests. The more you follow the better stories youwill see inyour feed. How is it possible? Because unliketraditional socialnetworks where following more people results innoisier feed tosift through, Listory puts in front of you only thestories thatwere recommended by many experts. USE LISTORY TO: -Access thebiggest repository of newsletters curated by experts inareas suchas product, engineering, design, startup, current news,politics,and more. - Save time by focusing on only the stories thatwerehand-curated by experts. - Collect stories you like andorganizethem into lists. - Create lists and invite friends orcolleagues tocontribute to them. - Share your interest with othersand become athought leader yourself! SOME OF THE CURATORS ANDNEWSLETTERS ONLISTORY: - News & Politics: NYT Morning Briefing,The Skimm,The Morning Brew, The Hustle, Below the Fold - Business&Finance: CBinsights, StrictlyVC, a16z, AVC by Fred Wilson,BenedictEvans, Abnormal Returns, FemStreet - Startup&Entrepreneurship: Andrew Chen, First Round Review,OverSharing,Product Startup Tech, Silicon News, Five Links by AurenHoffman,Both Sides of The Table, Farnam Street by Shane Parrish,BrianBalfour - Technology & Engineering: Exponential View byAzeemAzhar, Center for Data Innovation, Engineering Growth,FullyCharged by Bloomberg, Future Crunch, Ish By Tars, On Tech,Tedium,Turner Novack’s Blog - UX and UI Design: Design Brief,HeyDesigner,SideBar, Product Disrupt Newsletter, UX Design Weekly -Travel: VoxBorders, Scotts Cheap Flights, Hashtag Jetlag, NextStop, LonelyPlanet, Travel Tech Essentialist - Podcasts andPlaylists:MediaREDEF, The Ringer, The Weekly Shuffle, PodcastBusinessJournal, PodBrief Daily, HotPod, How Curious! And manymore! GET INTOUCH Feel free to drop us a line at [email protected],or join ourcommunity at ❤️ The Listoryteam.
Community by Fuel Cycle 6.0.8
Community by Fuel Cycle is a mobile app which serves multipleonlinecommunities
MoodLinks Anxiety & Depression 1.4.6
Your on-demand emotional wellness companion.
Huddol – A coach for life 0.3.76
Go on your personal growth journey with the support from yourlifeMentors.
NATB 12 Steps For Narcotics Addicts 0.1
NATB 12 Step App (Narcotics Addicts Toolbox) This istheonlyrecovery app based on the big book alcoholics anonymousthatyouwill ever need to maintain your daily reprieve fromyourdrugaddiction. It is a perfect companion app for your 12stepprogramnarcotics addicts program. * App features arecoverycalculatorwhich keeps a track of number of days you areclean for.Just setyour clean date in the counter and it willautomaticallycalculatethe length of your sobriety. * Create yourstep 4inventory * Shareyour step 4 with your sponsor in the step 5tool.* Make a list ofpeople you have harmed in step 8 * Make amendsinstep 9 * Step 10helps you take spot inventories * Step 11 foryournight timeinventories * And the list doesn't end there. Youwillnot needanother diary app again. The Journal tool in this appwilleasilyhelp you write down your notes. Make short notes andeditthem asmany times as you want. * The 12 step program isnotcomplete withthe gratitude list tool. This tool will let youwritedown thethings you are grateful for. * Worried aboutotherschecking yourpersonal notes? We have taken care of that toobygiving you anextra layer of security with Pin Locking. * This12step anonymousprogram is all about sharing with others and hencealovely featurehas been added for sharing your inventories,journaland gratitudelists via Facebook, Twitter, email, texts,WhatsAppand more. *Includes a AA Big Book first 164 pages and DrBob'sNightmare. Inshort, if you are a recovering addict and need a12step companionyou can carry in your pocket, especially if youdon'thave asponsor yet, this tool will go a long way in recovery.ThisApp isnot affiliated to, endorsed by or sponsored by any12stepfellowship including but not limited to NarcoticsAnonymous.Forany suggestions or problems, please email [email protected] If you cannot afford the pro featuresinthisapp, please get in touch and I'll provide you adiscountedversionof it. Visit our website formoreinformation:
Recovery Today 4.7
Collection of daily readings that are recovery themed.
SwipeJoy: Self Growth and Ment 1.0.2
More Self-Esteem, less Anxiety
ReadyB, Inc.
Work at your own schedule, set your own rates - EVEN for rideshare
Flowdreaming for Manifesting a 2.4.0
Change your mood change your future! Experience Flow state withover140 tracks.
Beautiful You: Mind-Body-Soul
How to be happy & find balance, You Deserve It!
Happiness Accelerator 10.13.0
HAPPINESS ACCELERATOR will help you to embrace your own meaningofHappiness
Agapé: Feel Close When Apart 3.4.1
Helps you feel close to friends, family, or your partner, evenwhenapart!
Sober Today 0.1.1
Track your sobriety date and the number of days you have beensober!
LifeCouple Relationship Health 1.0.366
Self-Help therapy to nudge a paired couple to happy, lasting loveormarriage
Type 2 Diabetes by Nourishly 1.2.6
Lifestyle change is hard. Nourishly will guide you and help youallthe way.
LikePaper 4.0.1
Healthcare organizer for all
CheckingIn: for Self Awareness 1.8.0
Mood & Emotional Mindfulness
Recovery Record for Clinicians
Recovery Record Clinician is thefirstevidence-based, HIPAA compliant application for eatingdisordertreatment professionals. With Recovery Record, yourpatients willremain engaged between visits and you will havepatient data andtools for timely, targeted intervention.Suitable for Psychologists, Dietitians, Nutritionists,Doctors,Psychiatrists, Counselors, and Licensed ClinicalSocialWorkers.- Easy to use: Launch the app and get started in minutes.- Secure and reliable: All industry-standard security practicesaremet.- Used in all treatment settings: Outpatient, intensiveoutpatient,residential, and inpatient.- Customizable for every type of eating disorder: Anorexianervosa,bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and eatingdisordersotherwise not specified.- Best practice: Technology is based on decades of CBTandself-monitoring research.How does Recovery Record help you?Recovery Record works by linking your Recovery Record Clinicianappwith your patient's Recovery Record self-monitoring app. Bydoingthis, you will have access to the complete clinical pictureand beable to answer the questions: Which patient most needsmyattention? Are patient outcomes improving? What should I focusonin this 45 minute patient visit?"I feel like a cardiologist who has just seen a stethoscope forthefirst time. Finally a tool for my specialty.” - Nan Shaw,EatingDisorder Best Practices Chair, Kaiser PermanenteFeatures:- View patient progress dashboard- Access raw and analyzed patient data- View dynamic charts with clear and actionableclinicalinsights- Write private clinical notes- Write shared clinical notes to provide in the moment feedbackandsupport- Send secure, HIPAA compliant instant messages- Customize self-monitoring forms by selecting from dozensofquestions- Chart weight and Body Mass Index- Customize and generate printable PDF reports- Set clinical goals and review their achievement- Set coping tactics and review their utilization- Set meal plans and reminders- Request clinical questionnaire completion and review rawandcharted scores- Boost accountability with proprietary 'Let patient know theirlogshave been viewed' buttonGetting Started:1) Download the Recovery Record Clinician app2) Invite your patients to download the free RecoveryRecordself-monitoring app3) Link accounts with your patients4) Start using Recovery Record Clinician in your practiceWithin minutes of downloading the app, you are ready tobringintuitive patient engagement tools and data-drivenclinicaldecisions to your practice.Get started by linking to your first patient for free.