Top 10 Apps Similar to Menu and delivery manager WM

Price List & Menu Maker for Ca 4.10
Make Your Own Menu - Easy & Free
MyChefTool 3.113.1
Nuvemshop: seu negócio em todos lugares 2.9.8
Aumente sua produtividade gerenciando seu negócio pelocelular!Vejatudo o que pode fazer: - Administrar seus pedidos evendas:Aceitepagamentos e coordene envios diretamente do seucelular. -Carregarnovos produtos em segundos: Tire fotos do seusprodutoseadicione-os a sua loja instantaneamente junto comseunome,descrição e preço. - Administrar seu estoque: Tenhatotalcontrolesobre seu estoque de qualquer lugar. - Organizarseusprodutos:Agrupe-os em categorias para ajudar seus clientesaencontrar-losmais rápido. - Ganhar tempo com o tecladonuvem:Instale o tecladonuvem no seu celular e compartilhe seusprodutospelo WhatsApp,Instagram, Facebook ou outra rede social demaneirarápida esimples. - Receba notificações: Saiba de todas suasvendaseprodutos sem estoque em qualquer lugar. Parautilizaresteaplicativo, você só precisa ter conexão à internet.Configureaatualização automática de aplicativos no seu telefoneparanãoperder nenhuma melhoria. Achou nosso aplicativo útil?Suaopiniãonos ajuda a melhorar cada dia mais e te oferecer umprodutocadavez melhor. Ainda não vende pela internet? Crie
Corez Local Store (Offline) - Inventory & Sales 1.2.4
Corez Company
Unique with integrated keyboard specially designed toregisterproducts quickly, with which you can add or subtract unitsfromyour products intuitively. Completely offline, you will notneedinternet to carry out any action, which ensuresavailabilitywherever you are and shortens waiting times. Lowapplication weightand Material Design-oriented user interfacedesign. Features -Point of sale: Designed to register productsquickly andefficiently, which makes it a solution for small andlargecompanies. Compatible with search and registration withbarcode. -Inventory control: Manage your products in an easy way,know yourupdated stock and add variants for each product, enterpurchase andsale price to calculate your daily profits quickly. -Invoices:Generate detailed invoices of your daily sales, generatePDF filesfor your export or share the invoice directly in theapplication,search your receipts by filtering them for a period ofdates orcancel invoices to return the stock to your products. -Backup:Export your data in a secure file to safeguard yourinformation andrestore it later. - Configuration: Set the data ofyour company toappear on the invoices, establish taxes and how toapply it to theinvoices, correlative numbering and prefix of theinvoice numberand establish the currency symbol with which you wantto work (Morethan 100 currency symbols of all countries included).- Storages,Stock movement. And much more, new functions and newmodules willbe added periodically, to offer you the most completeandattractive app in the store.
Mesereando - Restaurant TPV 486.0
Manage your restaurant or gastronomic business from the palm ofyourhand.
Flyer Maker & Poster Creator 4.10
Free Flyer Maker & Poster Creator for Graphic Design.5000+templates.
Didan pos - Restaurant pos order 2.223
Menu • Customizable features • You can specify the kitchen •Youcandefine ready order descriptions • You can set parametersfortheorder entry stage • You can set a barcode • Youcandefineservice(%). Tips, delivery fees, etc. purposes you can use•Youcan easily change the prices of all menu items. You can use +or-price or + or - percentage for this • Can create menuitemsbyimporting them with CSV(Excel) file Customers • Youcancreatecustomers from your contacts. Or you can transfer itfromyourcustomers to your contacts • You can create yourcustomersbyimporting them with a CSV (Excel) file • Includesshortcuts suchasCall, SMS, Whatsapp Order • It can create ordersfor thetableand/or customer • When creating an order for the table,itispossible to rename the table or select a customer •Thedate/timewhen it should be ready. Number of people. Custom taxratefor theorder. And you can add order note • You can quicklyaccesstheproducts by touching the categories • If you have set aBarcodeforthe product, you can add it by scanning the device'scamera •Bytapping the search icon. It is possible to search byproductname,price or barcode number • You can useready-madeorderdescriptions. • You can split order lines • You canapplyadiscount on the line and the total with numbers orpercentages•You can change the table. By dividing the order, youcantransfersome of it to another table. You can combine ordersfromtwo tables• It is possible to make partial payment by selectingtheorderlines. • You can use more than one payment type for theorder• Youcan create many payment types such as cash, credit card.• Youcanuse tax included price or tax exclusive price • You cancanceltheorder. When canceling, you can enter "reason forcancellation"ifyou want • You can take back canceled orders • Youcan createanorder for the customer (without Table, Bundle order) •Youcanconvert a table order to a customer order • You canspecifyadelivery person (courier) for the customer order • Youcansharethe order with your customers via whatsapp, sms, email •Youcansell fast Printing • You can use a Bluetooth, WifiorNetwork(Lan)printer to print from Android devices • You canprintfrom a PCusing the web application • You can customize thefieldsto beprinted for the order by selecting them • You can uploadyourlogoand print it together with the order • If your printersupportsit,you can use features such as auto cut, ring or open thecashdrawerUsers and authorization • You can use your Gmail accountoremailand password • You can create users for each androiddevicethatyou will use the application • You can makeverydetailedauthorization for users • You can stop your employeesfromtakingaction at any time with a single touch • Withthetransactionhistory, you can see all the transactions made ontheorders indetail Kitchens and bar • Audible alert • Status oftheorder.Preparing, Ready etc. • Customizable options • It ispossibletoprint orders automatically Inventory • You can make stockentryandexit transactions of your products. • You can seeyourremainingproducts • You can set alert amounts Expenses •Manageyourexpenses with customizable expense types • Youcanoptionallyspecify suppliers and taxes Reports • Contains alargenumber ofreports • You can filter the reports according tomanycriteria;Date range, Customer, Payment type, product,category,etc. • Manyreports have chart Supported languages Català ,čeština, Dansk,Deutsche , English , Español , Français , Indonesia,Italiano ,Melayu , Nederlands , Norsk , Polskie , Português,Svenska ,Hrvatski , Tiếng Việt , Magyar , Shqiptar , Latvian,Lietuvis ,Türkçe , Ελληνικά , ພາສາລາວ , Македонски , български,русский ,Српски , Українська , עברית , العربية , हिंदी , 日本人 ,한국어, ไทย ,中文
Restaurant & Food Shop - KDS 1.23
Kitchen Display Service for Restaurant & café to Manage&Speed up Service order
Myne Sales & Inventory Manager 1.15.4
Myne App
Manage your sales and inventory of products and services -viewamazing graphics