Top 17 Apps Similar to Coffee

وصفات إستراحة القهوة كاملة 1.0
jant malak
وصفات إستراحة القهوة كاملةRecipes fullcoffeebreak 2.1.14
Mobile application for coffee preparation.
Barista Coffee Dictionary A-Z 5.0.0
Barista approved A-Z dictionary/glossary of over 450 coffeerelatedterminology.
Coffee Calculator
Made by one coffee lover for others alike, Coffee Calculator isasmall utility to quickly find the amount of coffee needed foryourspecific cup or kettle size. Coffee Calculator is aimed at whatIpersonally need when experimenting with various settings inthehunt for that perfect cup. Since I always lose thatold-schoolcalculator yet always carry my smartphone, an app was theobviouschoice. It is admittedly a fairly nerdy app. Currentfeatures are:- Get amount of coffee for a set amount of water andcoffee towater ratio. - Get amount of water for a set amount ofcoffee andcoffee to water ratio. - Get coffee to water ratio basedon setamount of water and coffee. Please be advised that though itwillwork on a tablet, I have yet to make a decent design forthoselarger screens. Please direct problems and feature requests totheissue trackerat helps me handle them efficiently while letting others fill inonthem as well. Hope you like it, have a nice day.
Angels' Cup Coffee 1.0.7
Angels' Cup
Record coffee tasting notes and compare answers with roastmasters.
Coffee Guide Coffee 1.7
Escify Apps
The best source of news & commentary about Coffee.
Espresso Coffee Guide 1.5.0
Espresso Coffee Guide for coffee lovers!
Coffee Life and Coffee time 1.1.5
Design World
Here comes the new Coffee Life and Coffee time theme! The themeiscompletely FREE, apply it to give your phone a smooth designwithHD wallpapers and exquisite app icons. Download and Enjoyit!FEATURES -High Quality wallpapers handpicked for your phone-Brandnew wallpapers updated on a daily basis -Different kinds ofbasicand 3D themes for your phone Get the FREE Coffee Life andCoffeetime theme to make your phone lovely and more colorful
Cezve Coffee Oracle 1.011
Virtual fortune teller which gonna read you future ina coffee cup.
Acaia Coffee 2.5.4
The Acaia coffee app provide a smart and easy way to recordyourcoffee lifestyle, you can create a Acaia coffee brewing print,takea shot of your cup of joe or create a coffee bean note to shareitwith everyone. The Acaia coffee scale connects to the app,collectsthe essential coffee brewing data such as coffee bean andwaterweight, calculate the ratio and allows you to log thecoffeebrewing data in the app. Features: ⇾ Best Coffee Community:Meetother coffee lovers, share every coffee moment andculture,discover coffee news and get review of coffee beans! ⇾RatioConverter: Instant bean-water ratio calculator ⇾ Coffee Note&Bean Stash Manager: Record brewing process for laterreference,save and sync all your necessary coffee brewing data,including thename and variety of the coffee bean, water and coffeeratio, andthe consistency of the speed and timing of the pouringprocess ⇾Remote Display & Timer: Visualized remote scaledisplay,customize your coffee brewing timer according to yourbrewingprocess ⇾ Brewing Print Sharing: Evaluate and visualize yourpourover coffee brewing process and share your brewing print withyourfriends. ⇾ Advance Scale Settings: Auto-off time, disablescalebuttons, switch units…e.t.c  ⇾ Bluetooth Connection:Stayconstantly connected to your scale with Bluetooth 4.0  AbouttheAcaia Brewing Print Feature: This is our answer to the peoplewhoasked how we can make coffee taste better. During the processofconnected with Acaia Coffee Scale, we create a chart relatedwithtime and water. This chart will show how this brewing processiscompleted. By using this chart, I get to know how mybrewingprocess looks like comparing with experts who canaccuratelycontrol the blooming time, infusion time and stability ofthepouring process. This gives me an idea of what might bethepossible reason for making this great cup of coffee. It may notbethe final answer for different results of coffee brewing, butsuregives us the most accurate information of these variables.TheAcaia Brewing Print is a combination of design and theintegrationof technology, and this is how it will help youvisualize and brewa better coffee, more importantly, you can tweetand share it withpeople who care about coffee. ⇸⇸ The Acaia brewingprint and BT 4.0are only available with Acaia coffee scale. ⇸⇸ ⇸⇸To use this app,you’ll need a Acaia coffee scale. Want a Acaiacoffee scale? Visit Need any help? oremail [email protected] Think it’s not goodenough? We are committedto this product and we will continue toimprove the software andhardware in the future, let us know whatyou think about the app!
Хороскоп БГ 26.0
Хороскоп, асцендент, късмет, луна, магическа топка и още много!
Coffee Counter 1.4.0
How many cups of coffee do you drink?CoffeeCounter will store data on consumption of coffee.The program also has detailed statistics:- Daily coffee consumption;- Coffee consumption in the period of day;- General statistic.Supported languages: English, Russian, UkrainianIn version 1.3 you have two new buttons, they are toolsforediting your list, so you can to add and remove any cups.
コーヒー豆まとめ 1.00
コーヒー好きな方に贈る「コーヒー豆まとめ」です!喫茶店で、職場で、もっとコーヒーを楽しみましょう!本アプリではコーヒー豆の特徴を説明しています!もっとコーヒー通になってみては?The gift to loversofcoffee is "coffee beans together"!At a coffee shop, at work, let's look forward to more coffee!In this application we have to describe the features ofcoffeebeans!To try to become more coffee communication?
Starbucks® Japan Mobile App 4.3.0
Discover new favorites and redeem stars for rewards.
コーヒークイズ 1.0.0
coffeeをブレイクタイムにいつも飲んでいるあなた!!コーヒー好きからコーヒー通まで楽しめるクイズアプリです。コーヒーの知識を知らない人コーヒーのことをもっと知りたい人コーヒーが好きな人コーヒー通の人コーヒーマニアの人いろんな方が楽しめるクイズアプリとなっていますので、お時間がある時に気軽にやってみてください。以外にもコーヒーの深い世界のことを知ることができますよ。【使用方法】題目は全部で5題あります。一題に付き10問ですので、空いた時間で気軽に行えます。制限時間は一問30秒となっています。すべて択一問題です。あなたも今日からコーヒーの奥深い世界を知ることとなるでしょう。coffee you that theareinalways drinking to break time! !This is a quiz app to enjoy from coffee loverstocoffeecommunication.People who do not know the knowledge of coffeeLearn More people to be of coffeePeople coffee is likePeople of coffee communicationPeople of coffee maniaSince it has become a quiz app that many people can enjoy,Please try it to feel free when there is time.You also can know that the coffee deep world besides.【how to use】Subject There are 5 questions in total.Because it is 10 questions per one Dai, you can feel free tobedonein his spare time.The time limit has become one question 30 seconds.All are alternative problem.You too will be a knowing the deep world fromthecoffeetoday.
Kofeskaz Настоящее гадание на кофейной гуще 1.0.0
Хотите, что бы вам погадали на кофейной гуще? Вам нужнотолькосварить кофе и выпить. С помощью нашего приложения можнозаказатьгадание на кофейной гуще в сервисе Kofeskazhttps://kofeskaz.comПриложение поможет подготовить фотографии чашкии отправить этифотографии гадалке. После того, как фотографии будутотправлены, выбудете переадресованы на страницу статуса заказа.Приложениераспространяется, как бесплатное, но услуги гадалки нужнобудетоплатить. Сейчас стоимость каждого гадания на сервисеКофесказсоставляет 2999 руб. Гадалка, изучив фотографиивнутреннейповерхности чашки, запишет звуковой файл и уведомит васпоэлектронной почте о выполненной работе. Насайте можно прослушать аудио запись гаданиявкачестве примера. Мы постоянно улучшаем наше приложение ибудемблагодарны за сообщения о выявленных недостатках. Для этогоможнообратиться в нашу службу поддержки. Желаем приятногокофепития!********************************************** Внимание!Кофесказ -не компьютерная игра, а платный сервис, где гадаютнастоящиегадалки. Приложение полностью предназначено для этогосервиса. Есливы не собираетесь пользоваться услугами, то этоприложение будетдля вас бесполезным.
上島珈琲店(旧バージョン) 3.0.7
※上島珈琲店公式アプリの新バージョンを公開しております。↓ 新規にご利用の方は新バージョンをダウンロードしてご利用ください。このアプリは、UCCグループの喫茶事業を展開するUCCフードサービスシステムズ(株)の公式アプリです。お近くの店舗情報が地図上で確認できるほか、店舗の最新情報やメニュー情報、お客様に応じたお得な限定クーポンなどを定期的に配信いたします。また「プレシャスカード」をお持ちの方は、カード残高や累計ポイント数を確認する事ができるほか、オンラインチャージなども簡単に行えます。コーヒー・カフェがお好きな方にはおすすめのアプリです。●店舗検索現在地周辺の上島珈琲店等のお店が地図上に表示されます。希望の場所を入力して検索することも可能です。●プレシャスカード管理登録したプレシャスカードをお持ちの方は、プレシャスカード残高・履歴紹介、累計ポイント数の確認、オンラインチャージが簡単に行えます。●最新情報各店舗の新店情報・新メニュー情報等をいち早くお知らせします。●メニュー上島珈琲店等の豊富なフード・ドリンク・デザート・モーニングメニューなどを確認できます。●クーポン会員登録いただくとアプリ限定のお得なクーポンを定期的に配信いたします。●eGiftLINEやメール、SNSを通じてオンライン形式のギフトカードを贈ることができるサービスです。上島珈琲店業態でご利用いただけます。