Top 2 Apps Similar to Talking Parrot

Talking Parakeet 1.0
A budgie is a lively andchattylittlebird.Learning To Speak And Sing: Teach its name. It is easiertostartwith the animal’s name as it hears it all the time.Repeatyourbudgie’s name every time you see it and when you bringfood.Try tospeak in a high-pitched voice and say the nameslowlyandclearly.Wait until the budgie is old enough. The bird should beatleastthree months old before it can speak.If you have more than one budgie, stick to the teaching ofonename.You don’t want to make it too hard at first.Don’t forget to reward your budgie. If it doesn’tlearnquickly,don’t punish it. It doesn’t understand right or wrongandwill justmistrust you.Expend its vocabulary. Talented budgies can learn overathousandwords over their lifetime. Once your bird knows itsname,target thewords you want to teach. Your budgie willeventuallymake theconnection between the words and the objectsoractions.When you enter the room, systematically say ‘hi coco [orthebudgie’sname]’. When you feed it, point at the seeds andsay‘food’.Look at their corporal language and take advantage. When thebirdisin a threatening posture (biting or pecking), say ‘Angry’.Whenthebudgie is resting on one leg and looking happy,say‘happy’.Your budgie can also say simple sentences. When your birdeats,say‘coco [or the bird’s name] eats’. When it drinks,say‘cocodrinks’.Don't teach your bird insults. The budgie will remember it foralongtime and might embarrass you in front of your guests.Teach a song : There is nothing funnier than havingyourbirdsinging a song. Your budgie can remember simple tunesandwillhappily delight the whole family. The easiest way to teachasongis to sing it over and over to your bird. Don’t try toteachthewhole song but just a few seconds.Pick a song you like. Remember that your budgie might sing itforalong time.Record yourself singing a song and play it to your birdwhenyou’reaway. This is an extremely efficient way to teach asongwithouthaving to sing it a thousand times. You can do the sametoteachwords.The actual recording of a song might not be the best way toteachthebird. The instruments will probably disturb it.Make your budgie feel at home. If your budgie is new, itwillneedtime to get used to its cage. You should let it adjust foratleasttwo weeks and make sure that the bird is in aquietenvironmentbefore attempting to train it. By this time, thebudgieshould startto relax and feel comfortable.Let the budgie fly in a room. Once the bird is at easewithyou,you can let it fly in a room with all of the windowsanddoorsclosed. This extra space will make your budgie happy andwillkeepit fit for the forthcoming training.[4]To call it back, switch off all the lights and leave thecurtainofone window open, but remember to close the window. Thebudgiewillbe attracted towards the light. Hold it gently and putitbackinside the cage.Make sure that there is no cat or predator in the room.If you have a child, don’t let him frighten the bird.Teaching Tricks: Encourage physical contact. Once yourbudgieissettled, place your hand in the cage and keep itimmobile.Repeatthis for days to let your bird get used to yourphysicalpresencein the cage.When the budgie seems okay with your hand, place yourfingerinsidethe cage. Then push it slightly against your budgie’schest.Thiswill encourage it to climb on your finger. Be patient asthebirdmight be reluctant at first.If the bird is intimidated, just stroke its breast with thebackofyour finger. Show love and care.Alternatively, you can put a few seeds on your finger.Yourbudgiewill probably climb on your hand to eat them. Doing thisfora fewdays will teach your pet to trust you.Warnings :If your budgie does not come to you, do not chase himaroundthecage.
Dogstools 1.3.3
Esta aplicación ha sido diseñada parafomentarel acercamiento hacia el mundo canino.Un espacio con infinitas posibilidades convertidas en realidad.EL APP INCLUYE SECCIONES COMO :* Audio documental sobre la vida de los perros.* Adiestramiento : Clicker, audio llamativo y cronometro.Tabla de ejercicios en obediencia básica.Formulario para la evalucación de adiestramiento.* Audioterapia : En el perro existen zonas sensibles dondetuamigo puede experimentar sensaciones placenteras y al mismotiempobeneficiosas para su salud.Dispone de un video demo masaje canino.* Podcasts : Escuchar los Podcasts de y reproducirenStream para los directos de los programas (adaptado paravisualizarlas webcams de Radio* Localización por coordenadas y visualización en mapa,conposibilidad de guardar las coordenadas y compartirlas.En casos en que nos encontremos fuera de nuestraresidenciahabitual, se ha agregado un botón (S.O.S) donde aparecenclínicasveterinarias y hospitales más cercanos según sea laemergencia.* Perfil Mascota: Se puede crear una base de datos denuestrosperros y obtener con un solo click toda la informaciónnecesaria,acerca de nuestro amigo en situaciones que lasrequieran.* Cuadro de honor : Un Homenaje a perros por su valentía honorylealtad.* Defensa Animal : Información de webs donde nos pueden asesorarencasos juridicos por agresiones a terceros o contra elmaltratoanimal.Optimizado posicionamiento ASO/SEO Murcia diseñoweb-desarrolloapps originales http://jasgapps.comThis application hasbeendesigned to promote the approach to the canine world.A space with infinite possibilities turned into reality.THE APP INCLUDES sections such as: * Audio documentary on the life of dogs.* Training: Clicker, striking audio and timer.Table of basic obedience exercises.Evalucación form for training. * Audioterapia: In dogs are sensitive areas where your friendcanexperience pleasurable sensations and at the same timebeneficial toyour health.It has a video demo canine massage. * Podcasts: Listen to podcasts and play for direct programs (adapted to view* Localization by coordinates and map view, with ability to saveandshare coordinates.In cases where we are out of our habitual residence, it has addeda(SOS) button where nearby veterinary clinics and hospitalslistedas the emergency. * Profile Mascot: You can create a database of our dogs andgetone-click all the necessary information about our friendinsituations that require them. * Honor Roll: A Tribute to honor dogs for their courageandloyalty.* Animal Defense: Information sites where we can advise onlegalcases by third parties or attacks against animal abuse.Optimized positioning ASO / web-development SEO Murciamyoriginal design