Top 7 Apps Similar to Color Reference - MD palette

RGB Colour Scheme 0.6
Program generated RGB colour scheme cangiveyoumore inspiration
COLOR GUIDE is very popular in Japan, we havereleasedapplicationsfor iPhone and iPad. 【Features】 *Multilingualapplication(Japanese, Chinese, English) * 5 functionsof Search.(RGB, CMYK,Munsell, DIC-Color Number, Word) * Searchingforapproximate DICcolors (DIC-color No.) in your photo. * Theeachcolors in“Traditional colours (Nippon, France, China)” havethename and thestory. * Sending the color data you selected bye-mail.* Selectedcolors’ appearance (image) of various papers,AluminumCAN, film【Color Setting before using】 Please do “ColorSetting” inorder toprepare for favorable showing. Color Setting(The defaultis set tosRGB.): - For Galaxy SⅡ: 「GALAXY_S2」 -ForXperiaacro: 「XPERIA_ACRO」 (If you had devices other than“GalaxySⅡ”“Xperia acro”, please keep the default setting.)【Attention】Thecolor of the DIC digital COLOR GUIDE displayed heremightbedifferent from the DIC color guide Publications. 【Escapeclause】Wemake doubly sure that all information and values arecorrect,butgive you no guarantee of those. Please note thatallinformationand values are for reference only. We will nevermakerestitution,if using this application may cause any damageortrouble. 【Therecommended OS】 Android OS Version 2.1/2.2/2.3,4.x
カラー配色 1.0
デザインに必要なカラー配色を表示しますIt displaysthecolorscheme necessary to design
Munsell color chart
Munsell color chart, I will display hue ring, JIS color name,thecolor solid.
MK Comic-BookShelf 1.32
If this is used even if it forgets, it is safe what you bought.
RGB Colour Scheme Vol.2 0.3
Program generated RGB colour scheme cangiveyoumore inspiration
Color Analyzer 2.0.1
Show color information(RGB/HSL) in realtime with camera.Analyzecolor pettern.