Top 7 Apps Similar to Runenwerfer

Runes - pocket advisor 1.5.1
Funny Blox
Runes - pocket advisor
Galaxy Runes Pro
Ancient Wisdom for Modern TimesPersonal Evolution ~ Spiritual Connection ~ Practical Guidance~Everyday MagicGalaxy Runes is an app for rune divination and learning.Tune into your own wisdom everyday through contemplation ofyourRune of the Day.Reflect and gain insight on your life through contemplation oftherunes of the Elder Futhark, a mysterious and magical alphabetofthe Ancient Germanic people.* All New Galaxy Runes Pro 3 look.* Rune of the Day: daily rune message* Journal: save your rune readings and daily runes* Rune Readings: divination using a single rune or one of 10runespreads.* Book of Runes: browse all the runes by title or rune imageandview their individual meanings and magicalcorrespondences.* 4 sets of runes, including all new white stone andblackstone* 6 high resolution backgrounds* Optional reverse runes.* Optional Wyrd (blank) rune.* Custom sized Rune of the Day home screen widget.* Save your own notes for each rune. An easy way to takeyourstudies deeper.
Rune Divination 2.5
Rune divination (russian language only). - Provides ananswerbychoosing one or combination of many runes. - Each runecontainsthemost complete description found in all availablesources.-Possibility of addition of own rune description. -Runebrowseravailable WITH RUSSIAN DESCRIPTION. - Savedivinationwithcomments. - History of divinations. - Search inhistory. -Optionsof using runes for divination: --withoutrepetition (as withrealrune suit) --the same rune can be used anytimes in onespread--with reversed runes --without reversed runes -Option offontsize changing inside rune description -Passwordprotection(optional) - Backup data to SD card - Restoredata fromSD card -Allows SD-card install.
Magiczne Runy 2.3
Poszukując odpowiedzi na dręczące Ciępytaniazaufaj runom. Od wieków symbole zawarte w runach pomagajązrozumiećsiebie i otaczający świat. Zadaj pytanie, skup się nadręczącym Cięproblemie a Magiczne Runy wskażą rozwiązanie lubdrogę, którąpowinieneś podążyć.Magiczne Runy w języku polskim!Seeking answers tonaggingquestions you trust runes. For centuries, the symbolscontained inthe runes help you understand yourself and the worldaround us. Aska question, focus on the vexing issue you a magicalrunes indicate asolution or path you should follow.Magic runes in Polish!
Strong runic talismans 1.4.4
Helps to resolve of problems for each day and situation.
Rune Readings 1.0
★ Anticipate your future and delveintothe mysteries of the Scandinavian culture with the runes!★An old Anglo-Saxon alphabet, the runes are now famous fortheirenigmatic symbols and surprising divinatory powers.How could you explore the secrets of the Norse God throughtheesoteric messages of this alphabet?It is very simple: pick out three of the 24 authentic runesandfind out clear and detailed information about your future:- The first Rune will give you tips on how to calmly dealwiththe next few days.- The second Rune will predict your short-term future and helpknowhow to approach the upcoming weeks following yourreading.- The third Rune will provide you with detailedinformationregarding important events taking place over the nextfewmonths.Give this method of divination a try right now and you willneverlook back!
Healing Talisman Widget 1.0
This Talisman is not a toy, but specially designed, realRuneMagical Talisman for Heal, Energy and Strength. First runeisTiwaz. Tiwaz mobilizes all forces of the body to defeatdiseasestargeting our energies in the most correct place, just asthe arrowor spear symbolized by the rune. The second rune - Sowilo(or theSun Rune ) - increases the spiritual will and optimalhealth. Thirdrune - Uruz ( "The Bull" ) - is best known as a runeof healing,since it draws life-force from all the realms and bringsit intobeing. It maintains the health and strength. The Magick hasa rule:you are required to gives something valuable in order togainbenefit of Magick. The more you give, the better it works! Torunthe HealRuneTalisman widget select it from the Widgets menu onyourHome screen.