Top 3 Apps Similar to BUNCA RCBT

Bluetooth Control Programmable 1.0.2
This app will let you make abluetoothexploration to give you the chance to stablish aconnection withdevices close to you. Then, you will be able to sendcommands(bytes) to your connected device by simply interacting withthe appcontrols available.This app can receive information transmited by your connecteddeviceto respond your petitions (you must program your remotedevice, Arduino).The app lets you program all its controls one by one by a simplewayusing the Programmer Tab.Its app also gives you a simple Console to interact with yourremotedevice in another way, like a chat.Communication Protocol:In order to receive data from your remote bluetooh device, youmustprogram it appropriately (the App and the remote device).First, in the App, create all inputs you want; each input will beadata that you want to receive (e.g. a temperature value).Creatingan Input will need an ID (identifier, needed) and aName(associated with that ID).Then you must program your remote device to output allthatinputs following the next Protocol:ID-Value <- each input must be build with an ID + a Dash +thedata value + blank space;To send multiple inputs values just concat them (saparetingthemby a blank space) as follows:ID-Value1 ID-Value2 ID-Value3\n <- Multiple inputs sent(noticethe last byte)Important! Last byte must be a LineFeed character(number10 in ascii code, the \n caracter)
Bluetooth Control for Arduino 1.1
Arduino Bluetooth Relay 4CH App is android application which isusedto control 4 channel relay module via Bluetooth withBluetoothserial communication module support HC-05, HC-06, orHC-07, UsingArduino or AVR i am test with arduino UNO and serialcommnunicationlibrary to connected RX pin 10 and TX pin 11. you canuse arduinouno or arduino leonardo etc... Fitur App: -control 4channel on/offralay -control All channel ON -control All channelOFF -downloadfile Program Arduino_Bluetooth_Ralay_4ch.ino -downloadfileTutorial PDF with schemmatic Download File: -arduino projectZIP : -tutorial & schematic wiring PDF: or you can Copy program here to ArduinoIDE/* Relay IN1 connected to PinOut 2 Arduino Relay IN2 connectedtoPinOut 3 Arduino Relay IN3 connected to PinOut 4 Arduino RelayIN4connected to PinOut 5 Arduino --->you can connected torelaymodul 4 channel Serial data sending from Arduino BluetoothRelay4CH.apk data '1'-'4' to on is Ralay CH 1-4 data 'A'-'D' to offisRalay CH 1-4 data '9' to on ALL CH 1-4 data 'I' to off ALL CH1-4*/ #include SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); //Pin10 RX , Pin 11TXconnected to--> Bluetooth TX,RX #define relay1 2 #definerelay23 #define relay3 4 #define relay4 5 char val; void setup(){pinMode(relay1,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay2,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay3,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay4,OUTPUT);digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH);mySerial.begin(9600); Serial.begin(9600);} void loop() { //cekdata serial from bluetooth android App if(mySerial.available()>0 ) { val =;Serial.println(val); } //Relay ison if( val == '1' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,LOW); } else if( val =='2' ) {digitalWrite(relay2,LOW); } else if( val == '3' ){digitalWrite(relay3,LOW); } else if( val == '4' ){digitalWrite(relay4,LOW); } //relay all on else if( val == '9' ){digitalWrite(relay1,LOW);digitalWrite(relay2,LOW);digitalWrite(relay3,LOW);digitalWrite(relay4,LOW); } //relay isoff else if( val == 'A' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH); } else if(val == 'B' ) {digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH); } else if( val == 'C' ){digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH); } else if( val == 'D' ){digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH); } //relay all off else if( val == 'I'){ digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH); } }
Blue Car Tethering on Demand 1.7
Let your device auto-enable Bluetooth tethering, no moremanualsettings!