Top 49 Apps Similar to Iowa Plants Pull it or Keep it

WellTrack Boost 2.49.1
A mental health platform for monitoring your mood & gettinghelpwhen needed
MoodLinks Anxiety & Depression 1.4.6
Your on-demand emotional wellness companion.
Insomnia Coach 1.3
Insomnia Coach is designed to help you improve your sleep.
Simple Seizure Diary 1.15.21
Luke Berry
Quickly record and analyse seizure activity in detail - nologinrequired.
Borderline Explained 10.9
A psychology app that explains BPD or borderlinepersonalitydisorder
PTSD Coach 3.5.3
This app is for people who have or may have PosttraumaticStressDisorder (PTSD)
End Procrastination Hypnosis 2.57
Enjoy guilt-free time knowing that you’ve achieved what youintendedto!*
DBT Coach : Guided Therapy 4.7.5
A comprehensive DBT App for BPD, Anxiety, Depression,Stress,Bipolar Disorder
Know Yourself Personality Test 4.4.21
Excel At Life
Increase self-awareness. Over 40 tests & 100 traits!Developedby psychologist.
Easy Psychiatry : Online Clini 2.4
Mind assistant, affirmations, online clinic, realtimechat,psychology tips
Wounded Personalities
Wounded personalities deals with personality disordersandpersonality testing.
Liberate: My OCD Fighter 1.5
Track compulsions, set goals and more - The best way to fightyourOCD!
Jealousy CBT Tools Self-Help 5.1.1
Excel At Life
Learn how to manage irrational jealousy using cognitivetherapymethods
CBT Companion: Therapy app 4.7.4
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, Anger,Stress,OCD, PTSD
The Healing App: Heal Me! 2.2
Heal Me Team
Request free healings from our healer community to soothe yourMind& Body.
My Invisalign - Official App 5.5.3
Get helpful reminders, take progress photos and find answers toyourquestions.
Oregon Wildflower Search 9.1
Identify Wildflowers and other plants that grow in Oregon
CBT Tools for Healthy Living 6.4.4
Excel At Life
CBT diary, mood log, healthy goals, articles all availablewithoutpaid upgrade!
Logical Defense 2.0.0
Prepare to battle against the sophists of the world withthisbeautiful app.
WorryTree: Anxiety Relief CBT 3.0.4
Self-help worry & anxiety relief. Manage your worries withourCBT thought diary
Mindfulness-Based Speech Thera 2.02
Buddo is a 90-day mindfulness meditation course for peoplewhostutter
Deepware Brainwaves
► The Acoustic Brain Entrainment Modular ProgrammableDigitalWorkstation.
MoodTools - Depression Aid 2.4.12
Lift your mood with MoodTools!
GrowIt! 7.4.1
We’re more than a Garden App. Get Growing with GrowIt!StartGardening Socially today. Whether you’re seeking inspiration,plantinformation, or just looking to connect with a community ofpeoplegrowing things around you, we’ve got you covered. Have all ofyourplant and gardening questions answered. GrowIt! is themobilecommunity for anyone interested in plants. GrowIt! helps youfigureout what you should be growing, and how to grow it. Findplants foryour apartment, your patio, or your yard. Plants growdifferentlydepending on where you live. Rely on the community tohelp youfigure out what’s going to work best for you. Ask aquestion orpick a color and find out what people are growing aroundyou, oraround the world! Weigh in on which plants you like, and letpeopleknow what they should throw away. Maybe you want to show offyourplants, or maybe you just want to find something that willACTUALLYWORK in your garden; GrowIt! has something for every typeof plantowner. Annuals, Perennials, Flowers, Vegetables, Herbs,Trees,Shrubs, Aquatic Plants, Bulbs; our growing community coversit all.- Find information on the plants you love! GrowIt! hasdetailedinformation on THOUSANDS of plant types. - Upload picturesof yourfavorite plants to show your neighbors how great they look,orupload a picture of one of your least favorite to warn people!-Have all of your plant and garden questions answered! You cannowuse our Question and Answer System to solve tricky problemsandgain insight from community members around you. -PlantIdentification! Get your plants Identified by the communityonGrowIt! Just tag a plant as “Help Me Identify” and thecommunitywill help you out. - Add a project! Projects are the bestway todetail something new that you’re working on. Maybe you’rejustmaking a wish list of plants for your garden, or maybe you wanttoshare some helpful How-To secrets. It’s a great place to keeptrackof things. - Use the Explore feature to find the right plantsforyour garden. Sort plants by color, light needs, and planttype!Results are local so you’ll know that they should work inyourarea! The filter allows you to mix and match all sorts ofsearchcriteria. If you find something you REALLY LIKE you can evenadd itto a project! - Find a Garden Shop near you! GrowIt! isworkingwith the best local Garden Shops across North America tohelp youfind where you can purchase great plants. You can evenreach out toGarden Shops directly by commenting on their photos. -Search forspecific plants, users, comments and trends with thesearchfeature. Even if you only know part of a plant name, GrowIt!canhelp you out. - Rate photos of plants from your area!Anonymouslygive plants a “Leave It”, “Like It” or “GrowIt!” ratingto let yourneighbors know how their photos look. - Show off yourgardeningknowledge by getting Gro*warded! The more you do onGrowIt! thehigher your score will climb! Let GrowIt! be your mobilegardeningsolution.
Concussion Coach 1.0.26
Concussion Coach was designed for Veterans, Service members,andother individuals who experience physical, cognitive, andemotionalsymptoms that may be related to mild to moderate traumaticbraininjury. This app provides users with information aboutconcussion,a self-assessment instrument for symptoms and theirseverity, toolsto help users build resilience and manage symptoms,andrecommendations for community-based resources and support.Userscan customize tools based on their references and canintegratetheir own contacts, photos, and music. This app can beused byitself, but it may be more effective in combination withtreatmentby a healthcare professional. Concussion Coach was createdby theNational Center for PTSD, VA’s Rehabilitation andProstheticServices, and DoD’s National Center for Telehealth&Technology.
Who Does This Belong To? 1.4
All Of Life Comes To Me With Ease, Joy, And Glory™
Happify 1.77.1-bb7400af3345
Happify, Inc.
Science-based activities & games to help overcomenegativethoughts and stress
Epsy - seizure, aura, medication epilepsy tracking 1.11.1
LivaNova USA
* WINNER of the Google Material Design Awards 2020 *Seizuretracking has never been easier. Think of Epsy as yourdailycompanion to help you track the things that matter. Thisincludesstaying on top of your medication routine, as well aslogging otherfactors that can affect your condition. Over time,Epsy gives you amuch clearer view of your epilepsy and whattriggers it, making iteasier to spot patterns and trends. Thishelps you understand yourcondition, leading to better conversationswith your doctor todevelop more informed treatment decisions, andlive better withepilepsy. Features included in the app: TRACKSEIZURES, SIDEEFFECTS, AURAS AND MORE Every time you have a seizureor otherrelevant experience, just open up Epsy and log the event tosee iton your timeline. Doing this regularly helps you trackyourpersonal experience with epilepsy. FOLLOW MEDICATIONS ANDGETREMINDERS Get a medication reminder when your next dose is due.Usethe app to set-up your medication plan, get useful nudges tohelpyou remember and keep track of your medications as well as howtheymake you feel. Use Epsy to manage your medications and trackyourseizures. Get to know your triggers, learn more about howyourmood, sleep, diet, and other factors, can affect yourcondition.Show up for every appointment with all the usefulinformation youneed right inside the app. Live better with Epilepsyby using Epsy.Epsy is currently available only in the USA.
Stay Quit Coach 1.0.7
Stay Quit Coach is designed to help with quitting smoking.Itisintended to serve as a source of readily availablesupportandinformation for adults who are already in treatment toquitsmoking- to help them stay quit even after treatment ends. Theappguidesusers in creating a tailored plan that takes intoaccounttheirpersonal reasons for quitting. It providesinformationaboutsmoking and quitting, interactive tools to helpusers copewithurges to smoke, and motivational messages and supportcontactstohelp users stay smoke-free. Stay Quit Coach is based onthesmokingtreatment manual “Integrated Care for SmokingCessation:Treatmentfor Veterans with PTSD,” which was written byMiles McFallandAndrew Saxon in collaboration with David KalmanandTimothyCarmody. This treatment is based onevidence-basedclinicalpractices, and has been shown to double quitrates ofmilitaryveterans with PTSD. Stay Quit Coach was the resultofacollaborative effort among the Department of VeteransAffairs(VA)National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD), the VA Sierra Pacific(VISN21)Mental Illness Research, Education, and ClinicalCenter(MIRECC),VA Clinical Public Health Group (CPH) and theDepartmentof DefenseNational Center for Telehealth & Technology(T2).Additionalpartners include the VA Puget Sound Health CareSystemandNorthwest (VISN 20) MIRECC, and VA Mid-Atlantic (VISN 6)MIRECC.
Dental Boards Mastery: NBDE II 8.04.6340
Pass NBDE 2 Guaranteed. Review 1,300 Practice QuestionAnywhere,Anytime!
PTSD Family Coach 2.1.6
This app is for the family of people with posttraumaticstressdisorder (PTSD).
Binaural Chakra Therapy 2 1.3.0
Scappy Apps
Designed to put you into a state of relaxation and balance outyourchakras.
Personality Development App 4.2.33
Improve, develop and enhance your personality with protips,training & quotes
Randomly RemindMe 2.1.00
Add a touch of randomness to your life
Journify - Audio Journal, Voic 1.8.1
Record your voice notes on the go. Organize, transcribe orshareyour timeline.
Texas3006 - No Carry Locations 3.11.0
Texas3006 Mobile App - Live Texas 30.06 & 30.07Anti-GunLocation Guide
Pathways Pain Relief 2.20.9
The Pain Relief App. Created by pain patients &scientists👨🏼‍⚕️👩🏻‍⚕️
Brains 1.388.3.91
Brains is the only investment app in the world whereMembersinvestbased on their unique world beliefs, interests,andlifestyle.Brains is for younger people new to investing. Brainswasdesignedto look at the whole of a person – their view of thefutureworld,personal interests, and lifestyle – andcraftpersonalizedportfolios unique to each person.
De-StressMe: CBT Tools to Manage Stress
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) tools to manage stress andmentalhealth.
EMT Pocket Prep 4.7.9
Create custom NREMT EMT practice tests and study anywhere, anytime!
Emotion Code 1.20
Release your trapped emotions by using the Emotion Code.
Self Esteem Building Guide 1.0
This application give you an information about self esteembuildingguide.
Curable Pain Relief 5.0.6
Curable Inc.
Learn why pain persists and use science-backed strategies tohelpyou heal
CBT-i Coach 3.1.1
CBT-i Coach is for people who are in CBT for Insomnia with ahealthprovider.
Thinkladder - Self-awareness 2.4.1
Join thousands who are embarking on a self-awareness journeywithThinkladder.
Uplift Mind Fitness App 1.10.218
You Are a CEO
Our Mind Fitness tool is rooted in habit science andpositivepsychology
CPT Coach 1.0.6
CPT Coach is for Veterans, Service members, and others with PTSDwhoare participating in Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) withaprofessional mental healthcare provider. This app containssupportmaterials for a complete course of CPT to help you manageyourtreatment, including between session assignments, readings,PTSDsymptom monitoring, and mobile versions of CPT worksheets.CPTCoach is not intended to be used as self-help without theguidanceof a professional mental healthcare provider. CPT Coach wasacollaborative effort between the VA’s National Center for PTSD,theVA’s Sierra Pacific (VISN21) MIRECC, and the DoD’s NationalCenterfor Telehealth and Technology. Additional thanks go totheCincinnati VA Medical Center.