Top 3 Apps Similar to EDDMapS Alberta

Alberta Specified Penalty
Eh Bytes
Alberta Specified Penalty Listing as of April 2020
Bee Health
The Bee Health app is based oncurrentscientific knowledge to address honey bee diseases andpests. It isa handy resource to help beekeepers and other users todetect,diagnose, manage and treat honey bee diseases and pests.Itincludes pictures and treatment options which will aidbeekeepersin adopting appropriate pest management practices. Thus,beekeeperscan improve bee health and enhance on-farm food safetyandbiosecurity practices in their operations.Download the free Bee Health app from Alberta AgricultureandForestry today.
Alberta Employment Judgments
Tom Opgenorth
As of June, 2012 Albertans cannowseeup-to-date information about employers thatcurrentlyhavejudgments for unpaid employee earnings registeredagainst theminthe Alberta courts.This application is a summary of those employersthathaveoutstanding judgments and the amount of the judgments.Itdoesrequire internet access in order to be able todownloadthejudgments.This application is not affiliated in anyway withtheGovernmentof Alberta, or the Ministry of Human Services.