Top 5 Apps Similar to Budidaya Cabai

Cara Budidaya Cabe 3.0
Cabai cocok dibudidayakan di dataran rendah atau di datarantinggidengan ketinggian 0-1.000 m dpl. Dapat tumbuh di sawah danjugadapat di lahan kering atau ladang. Tanah yang baik untukpenanamancabai terstruktur remah, atau longgar, subur, kaya bahanorganik,pH tanah antara 6-7. Kadar air tanah juga perludiperhatikan. Halini terkait dengan tempat tumbuh tanaman cabai(sawah). Tanamancabai dibudidayakan di bidang harus ditanam padaakhir musim hujan,sedangkan di bidang harus ditanam pada musimhujan. Denganpemilihan musim tanam yang tepat, air di sawah tidakberlebihan danair tanah di lahan kering tidak membutuhkan untukmemastikanpertumbuhan tanaman cabai.
Panduan Aneka Budidaya 1.0
E-book App
Panduan aneka budidaya semuajenisikan,tumbuhan dan hewan yang diringkas dalam sebuahaplikasi.yangtentunya bisa Anda dapatkan secara gratis.Download secara gratis dan rasakan manfaatnya...Freemiscellaneouscultivation of all kinds of fish, plants andanimalsare summarizedin an application. which of course you can getforfree.Download it for free and feel the benefits ...
Budidaya Anggur 1.0
E-book App
Anggur merupakan tanaman buahmerambatdalambentuk semak milik keluarga Vitaceae. Buah inibiasanyadigunakanuntuk membuat jus anggur, jelly, anggur, minyakbijianggur dankismis, atau dimakan langsung. Buah ini jugamengandungbanyaksenyawa yang dikenal sebagai polifenol danresveratrol aktifdalamberbagai metabolisme, dan mampu mencegahpembentukan selkanker danpenyakit lainnya. Selain itu anggur jugamempunyai hargaekonomiyang cukup tinggi. Peluang usaha anggurpunsangat mempunyaipotensiyang besar...The wine is afruitplantpropagating in the form of shrubs belonging to thefamilyVitaceae.The fruit is usually used to make grape juice,jelly,wine, grapeseed oil and raisins, or eaten immediately. Italsocontains a lotof compounds known as polyphenols and resveratrolisactive in avariety of metabolic, and able to prevent theformationof cancercells and other diseases. Besides wine also hasarelatively higheconomic price. Anggurpun business opportunitiessohas a greatpotential ...
Tricks Tomato Cultivation 15.0
Tricks cultivation of tomatoes helps you to cultivatetomatoes.Tricks cultivation of tomatoes helps you to utilizeexisting landaround your home. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum syn.Lycopersicumesculentum) is a plant of the family Solanaceae, anative plant ofCentral and South America, from Mexico to Peru.Tomato is the shortlife cycle of plants, can grow as tall as 1 to 3meters. Thereforeyou need to know the tricks the cultivation oftomatoes so you cantake advantage of existing land make it moreuseful. Tomatoes are aclose relative of the potato. Tomato plantsare one type ofhigh-value horticultural crops, for it is a goodtrick for thecultivation of tomatoes need to be noticed. Trickscultivation oftomatoes should be increased so that the maximumoutput can begenerated. Tomato plants including commodity exsis andmulti-use,as well as the consumption of fruits and vegetables,tomatoes arealso made as a basic ingredient of cosmetics andpharmaceuticals.Tomato is a fruit that contains a lot of nutrientsneeded by ourbody. In fact, the vitamin C content of tomatoes ismuch morecompared to apples or oranges. However, if we want to getthemaximum benefit from tomatoes, we should eat organic tomatoes.Noneed to buy it, we can cultivate our own organic tomatoes inthegarden. With so choose tricks the cultivation of tomatoes wellveryinfluential. With so many benefits of tomatoes is not wrong ifwelearn cultivated tomato, because it can be made a sourceofadditional income by cultivating tomatoes by utilizing theexistingland.
Panduan Aneka Budidaya Ternak 1.2
Semoga dengan adanya aplikasi inidapatmemudahkan Anda untuk memulai bisnis baru dirumah dansemogamendapatkan hasil yang menguntungkanHopefully withthisapplication can allow you to start a new business at homeandhopefully get a favorable outcome