Top 12 Apps Similar to My Idol Booth Premium

3D Avatar Creator Myidol 8.0
If you have and idol, then get our My idol3Davatar creator fan app and learn how to use myidol app onAndroiddevices.Basically Myidol is a 3D avatar maker which allows you tomakefunny animated animations such as Pictures & Videos whichyoucan share through social media (Facebook, Twitter, GPlus)Try our myidol fan application Today.Disclaimer: this application is not an officialMyidolapplication is just a fan application. Users who get and usethisapplication agree to this concern.
Get My Idol 2.5.2
Stay as close as possible to your idol,showinghim all your will to make happen the show of yourdreams.Interacting on the subject that matters most to fans andtheiridols: shows!Get My Idol is a platform that aims to fill the larger existinggaptoday when subject is to let an idol to understand the actualneedsof their fans, regarding live presentations.It allows the fan to interact in all aspects related to theshows:cities, venues, dates, set list, backstage, sound checks,intimatemoments on tour and even the price that the fan can affordfor theticket.This is Get My Idol global platform. Download and get ready to beapart of everyday life of your idol!Features:- Selection and inclusion of artists and venues at ease byfans(Under admin validation);- Timeline for interaction between the fan and his idol, wherehisidol can post pictures of backstage, sound checks, tourintimacies,dressing room and especially moments of any going onshow and you,fan, will enjoy, comment and share in your socialnetworks, inorder to increase the fan base of your idol andincrease yourchances of getting his shows in your city;- “Spot's” creation, which are nothing more than objectsthatdemonstrate to their idol that he is willing to go to his showinhis city, also informing informing the dates ofavailability,venues and the price he can afford- “Get +”. Functionality that allows you to demonstrate to hisidolwhat you want very much to make this a show in your town. Themore"Get +" you can include in your "Spot", the more chance youhave toget a show of your idol in your city- Events - Contains the complete tour dates with all shows whereyoufan can confirm presence in accordance with the level ofcertaintythat you have that may be present, and share everythingwith yourfriends on social networks- Follow artists - Allows you to follow the entire scheduleofconcerts of your favorite bands, and also interact with thesebandsin the timeline, but without committing yourself to go to ashow.As a follower, you will be tuned to the most important factsof thetours of your favorite band, and can create "Spot's" when youwant,asking for shows- Free and total Access - Your idols, producers and managerswillhave full and unrestricted access to data generated by you inGetMy Idol platform, allowing them to generate the mostcompletereports possible, helping them to hold concerts in variouscitieswhere they ever imagined to get. Besides being able tointeract incomplete freedom with all its platform fans. Norestrictions- Reports - There are reports of fans by city, fans who askconcertsby city, by age group, ticket purchasing power,correlation betweenartists and audience, audience reliability,excitement levels of thefan to have a show of his idol and relatedartists. For example,based on individual interaction history foreach fan, you candetermine the level of individual reliability,and know what is thechance of that fan confirm attendance at aconcert he asked for, aswell as the whole group of fans who askedfor a show along with it.As it is a platform created for artistsand producers, they may atany time request new reports, and itwill be created.Next releases:- Confirmation of attendance at the shows via QR-code, checkinginon social networks and showing him that you are but a fanwhoattends their concerts, thus increasing your chances ofgettingmore shows. Or even showing up to your other idols that youare areliable fan- Crowdfunding – Enable the show of your dreams in your city viatheGet My Idol Crowdfunding. With this feature, your idol cancreate asmany events he wants, in different cities and dates,allowing you tohelp him buying the tickets before the sale is opento other fansand for a lower ticket price. And if they got noviability for theshow, the amount paid is not charged from thecredit card or PayPalaccount.More outstanding features coming soon at next releases!
CHOEAEDOL♥ – Kpop idol ranks 7.6.2
Exodus Inc.
Idol ranking, pictures, schedules, polls! App for Kpop fans!Votefor your Idol~
My Hero! 1.1.11
Sébastien Morellet
My Hero! is an app for tablets and smartphones which allowsyoutomanage automatically and comprehensively allyourPathfindercharacters. This is far more than a simplecharactersheet. Forgetall the calculations because the app takescare ofthem, withoutany mistake. Stop losing your time looking atall yoursheets:everything is in your device. Beginners will findthe appveryhelpul as it will guide them throught the charactercreationandwill take care of all the technical part. Confirmedplayerswillfind a powerful tool capable of managing all theeffectsaffectingtheir character. They will be able to move theirattentionfrom thecalculations to the game. Languages: English andFrench. Noads.FEATURES - Automatic and Entirely GuidedPathfinderCharacterCreation (as well as leveling up). Everyavailableoptionscorresponding to your character’s class and levelareproposed toyou. - Automatic calculation of all yourcharactersstatistics in avery clear presentation close to the oneused by thePathfinderBestiary. - Management of All your PathfinderCharacters,from thebeginning to the end of their career. -Activation ofEffectsAffecting your Character. "Effects" is ageneral word togroupthings like spells, class features, combatmodes,feats,conditions, afflictions, items abilities, etc.Yourcharacter’sstatistics will be calculated as they should. Thisevenworks withcomplex effects like polymorph spells or antimagiczone.-Definition of Ten Attack Options - choose theweapon(s),theeffect(s) to be added to it (magic weapon or holyweaponforexample) and the combat mode to consider (arcanestrikeand/orpower attack for example). - Complete Management oftheInventory.Buy one item for your character and thecorrespondinggold will bewithdrawn from your saving. The inventoryis managedwith stores.Besides the base stores, you can define fiveof themand decidewhether the weight of each of them is to beconsideredfor yourcharacter encumbrance. Your character carries abag ofholding? Putthe items in it in a store and indicate that theweightshouldn notbe taken into account. Your character carriesitemswhich are ownedby her group? Put thes items in a store whichweightshould betaken into account. If your group wishes, you cansell oftheseitems with only one click. Mention the number of sharesandthe appwill tell you the amount of gold gathered after thissell.Thisgold is already in your character’s belongings but youwill beableto tell your friends how much they should add totheirs.-Definition of Creatures Called "Allies" whosestatisticsareavailable from the main view of your character. Youcanapplyeffects on your allies the same way you do it onyourcharacter.This feature is especially useful whensummoningmonsters. By theway, if you define an ally as a summonedcreatureand yourcharacter has the Augment Summoning feat thenitsstatistics willbe calculated as they should. - HitPointsManagement. - ExperiencePoints Management. - Spellbooks andSpellLists Management. - ItemsCharges Management. - Features,Spells andItems Daily UsesManagement. - Items Hit PointsManagement. -Familiar,AnimalCompanion and Mount Management (it istreated as anally). -Sending of your Pathfinder Character Sheet byEmail. -Basic DiceLauncher. - Optional Rule Management (Heropoints,non-encumbrance,etc.) - A Combat Mode allowing you todefine, roundafter round,the effects activated on your character aswell astheir duration.The effects will be deactivated as soon astheirduration expires.- Content: everything in the Core Rulebookand inthe Bestiary,other data as in-app purchases.
My Hero! Lite 1.1.8
WARNING: this is a Lite version of My Hero! Your character'soptionsare narrowed and your character level is capped to 5.Otherwize youwill be able to test all the features of the app. MyHero! is an appfor tablets and smartphones which allows you tomanage automaticallyand comprehensively all your Pathfindercharacters. This is far morethan a simple character sheet. Forgetall the calculations becausethe app takes care of them, withoutany mistake. Stop losing yourtime looking at all your sheets:everything is in your device.Beginners will find the app veryhelpul as it will guide themthrought the character creation andwill take care of all thetechnical part. Confirmed players willfind a powerful tool capableof managing all the effects affectingtheir character. They will beable to move their attention from thecalculations to the game.Languages: English and French. FEATURES -Automatic and EntirelyGuided Pathfinder Character Creation (aswell as leveling up). Everyavailable options corresponding to yourcharacter’s class and levelare proposed to you. - Automaticcalculation of all your charactersstatistics in a very clearpresentation close to the one used by thePathfinder Bestiary. -Management of All your Pathfinder Characters,from the beginning tothe end of their career. - Activation ofEffects Affecting yourCharacter. "Effects" is a general word togroup things like spells,class features, combat modes, feats,conditions, afflictions, itemsabilities, etc. Your character’sstatistics will be calculated asthey should. This even works withcomplex effects like polymorphspells or antimagic zone. -Definition of Ten Attack Options -choose the weapon(s), theeffect(s) to be added to it (magic weaponor holy weapon forexample) and the combat mode to consider (arcanestrike and/or powerattack for example). - Complete Management ofthe Inventory . Buyone item for your character and thecorresponding gold will bewithdrawn from your saving. Theinventory is managed with stores.Besides the base stores, you candefine five of them and decidewhether the weight of each of themis to be considered for yourcharacter encumbrance. Your charactercarries a bag of holding? Putthe items in it in a store andindicate that the weight shouldn notbe taken into account. Yourcharacter carries items which are ownedby her group? Put thesitems in a store which weight should be takeninto account. If yourgroup wishes, you can sell of these items withonly one click.Mention the number of shares and the app will tellyou the amountof gold gathered after this sell. This gold isalready in yourcharacter’s belongings but you will be able to tellyour friendshow much they should add to theirs. - Definition ofCreaturesCalled "Allies" whose statistics are available from themain viewof your character. You can apply effects on your alliesthe sameway you do it on your character. This feature is especiallyusefulwhen summoning monsters. By the way, if you define an ally asasummoned creature and your character has the Augment Summoningfeatthen its statistics will be calculated as they should. - HitPointsManagement. - Experience Points Management. - Spellbooks andSpellLists Management. - Items Charges Management. - Features,Spellsand Items Daily Uses Management. - Items Hit PointsManagement. -Familiar,Animal Companion and Mount Management (it istreated as anally). - Sending of your Pathfinder Character Sheet byEmail. -Basic Dice Launcher. - Optional Rule Management (Heropoints,non-encumbrance, etc.) - A Combat Mode allowing you todefine,round after round, the effects activated on your characteras wellas their duration. The effects will be deactivated as soonas theirduration expires.
Vivo Meus Ídolos 3.0.1
**Todos os artistas, celebridadeseesportistasem um lugar só!**Com segredos e notícias EXCLUSIVAS pra você!Só no Vivo Meus Ídolos você fica mais perto das celebridadesetemacesso a  fotos, vídeos e notícias exclusivasdediversosartistas e famosos. Semanalmente muitas novidadesparavocê: batepapo exclusivos e imagens inéditas.No Vivo Meus Ídolos você se sentirá muito mais próximodosídolosnacionais. Tudo EXCLUSIVO! Só aqui você encontra:- Conteúdos novos todos os dias (seg a sex);- Vídeos das celebridades exclusivosO Vivo Meus Ídolos é perfeito para você que é fã eamaacompanhartodos os detalhes da vida dos famosos!Faça parte do aplicativo mais completo para fãs!Vivo Meus ÍdolosReceba acesso às notícias dos ídolos por R$3,99semanais,comrenovação automática.Detalhes da Assinatura: - O pagamento é debitado na Conta do iTunes no momentodaconfirmaçãoda compra.- A assinatura é válida em qualquer aparelho cadastrado emsuacontaApple. - A assinatura é renovada automaticamente, a menos quearenovaçãoautomática seja desativada pelo menos 24 horas antesdofinal doperíodo atual. - A renovação é debitada 24 horas antes do finaldoperíodoatual- As assinaturas podem ser geridas pelo usuário earenovaçãoautomática pode ser desativada acessando às definiçõesdaconta dousuário após a compra. - O valor da assinatura atual não pode ser devolvido e oserviçonãopode ser interrompido em caso de desistência durante operíododevigência.- Qualquer tempo de degustação, caso oferecido,seráinterrompidoquando uma assinatura paga é adquirida.TermosdeUso:íticadePrivacidade:** Allartists,celebritiesand athletes in one place! **With secrets and EXCLUSIVE news for you!Only in My Idols Live gets you closer to the celebritiesandhaveaccess to photos, videos and exclusive news of manyartistsandfamous. Weekly many news for you: exclusive chatandunpublishedimages.In Vivo My Idols you will feel much closer to thenationalidols.All EXCLUSIVE! Only here you will find:- New content every day (Mon-Fri);- Videos of exclusive celebrityThe Living My Idols is perfect for you who is a fanandlovefollow all the famous life details!Join the most complete application for fans!Live My IdolsGet access to news from idols for R $ 3.99 perweek,withautomatic renewal.Signature details:- Payment is charged to your iTunes account uponconfirmationofpurchase.- The signature is valid on any device registered inyourAppleaccount.- The subscription is automatically renewed unlessauto-renewisturned off at least 24 hours before the end ofthecurrentperiod.- The renewal is charged 24 hours before the end ofthecurrentperiod- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewalcanbeturned off by accessing the user's accountsettingsafterpurchase.- The value of the current subscription can not be returnedandtheservice can not be stopped in case of withdrawalduringtheperiod.- Any time tasting, if offered, will be interrupted whenapaidsubscription is purchased.TermsofUse:
Idol: Latest Idol News 4.5.0
Idol is an app designed especially forK-popfans and Chinese star fans, and also an interesting community.Youcan get the latest news, have an approach tomassivehigh-definition pictures and video resources, get to knowtherecent activities of your favorite stars and you can watchvideoand graphics live concerts, live shows, live events just onyourmobile phone.This is a land for fans, we talk about everything andmakingfriends. With Idol, you can know all about your idol!Using Idol, getting the latest news of your idolsUsing Idol, collecting a variety of resources of your idolsUsing Idol, watch the live shows of your idolsIdol has launched idol for:K-pop Star:EXO, BigBang, GIRLS GENERATION(SNSD), Krystal, Song Qian,2NE1,Super Junior, Lee JongSuk, Winner, 2PM, Kim Woo Bin, GOT7, LeeMinHo, Kim Soo Hyun, Infinite, iKON, T-ARA, Red Velvet, EXID, JiChangWook, AOA, BEAST , CNBLUE, A Pink, SHINee, IU, UNIQ, Girl'sDay,Bangtan Boys(BTS), Jessica, 4Minute, VIXX, Shinhwa, JYJ, missA,F(X), TVXQ, BTOB, B1A4.Chinese Star:TFBOYS, Luhan, Kris Wu, Li Yifeng, G.E.M., Jay Chou, EasonChan,Zhang Jie, Hua Chenyu, Yang Yang, Cheney Chen, Huang Zitao,BiBiChou, Yang Mi, Wei Chen, Tang Yan, Ray Ma, Lin Gengxin, LiuShishi,Jing Boran, Hu Ge, William Chan.Other idols will be on line soon.
アイスト オフィシャル G-APP 2.2.0
iDOL StreetのオフィシャルG-APP。最新活動情報、ディスコグラフィ、プロフィール等に加え、mobile site「マイドル!」のオリジナル人気コンテンツ” S.P.C コンテンツ ”やiDOL StreetのすべてのSNSを一覧表示など充実のアプリです。さらにカメラG-APPとカレンダーG-APPと連動すれば、オリジナルフレームやLIVEスケジュールの自動連携など遊べる機能も拡張します。新たにオリジナルIDの「G-ID」を機能追加し、様々なアプリとの連動や機能性もアップしました。オフィシャルG-APPでいつでもiDOL Streetの情報をチェックしよう。・プライバシーポリシー:・利用規約:※一部端末・環境では、ご利用いただけない場合があります【ご注意】※本アプリは電波状況の良い環境でご利用ください。※本アプリは現在の位置情報と連動して、アプリからのお知らせをプッシュ通知で送信します。精度の高い位置情報に基づいて適切にお知らせを配信するため、デフォルトではGPS を使用しています。 位置の取得に GPS を使用しているため、電池の減りにご注意ください。 電池消費の少ない(GPS を使用しない)設定をいつでも選択することが可能です。iDOL Street ofofficialG-APP.Latest activity information, discography, in addition totheprofile, etc.,mobile site "Maidoru!" original popular content "S.P.C content"ofthe YaList all of the SNS of iDOL Street is the enhancement oftheapplication, such as.If further work with the camera G-APP and the calendar G-APP,Yaoriginal framePlay such as automatic cooperation of LIVE schedule functionalsoextends.New functions add "G-ID" of the original ID, it was also uplinkageand functionality of a variety of apps.Try to check the information at any time iDOL Street in theofficialG-APP.Privacy Policy: http: // Terms of Use: http:? // CID = 5855※ In some devices, and the environment may not be available【please note】※ This application please use good radio waveconditionenvironment.※ This app works in conjunction with the currentpositioninformation, and sends a notice from the app in apushnotification. In order to deliver the appropriate notice onthebasis of the high position information accuracy, by default,usethe GPS.Because you are using a GPS to get the position, pleasepayattention to the decrease of the battery.Low battery consumption (do not use the GPS) can be selected atanytime setting.
Camera 2 3.1.6
Camera 2 is the ultimate real-time effects app. Takebetterpictures,amazing videos and have fun creating them.Featuring manyunique highquality effects, grouped into familiessharing a commontheme: ● OldTime: make your camera look likesomething from the20's, 40's, 50's,60's, 70's or 80's ● Lomos andVintage: moresubtle retro effects ●Comic and Sketch: to expressyourself, halftone, B&W, printedcomics, new style, mix andmatch ● Art:sometimes you just want tocreate a piece of art with atap ●Sci-Fi: see it to believe it ●Computer: and finally, foreverygeek out there, this is unmissable:old computer monitors Manyofthe effects can be boosted by applyinga superb "outoffocus"/"depth of field" filter, and, as usual, it'sall realtime.Main features: ● Capture high resolution photos witheffects,orapply them to your existing images ● Capture video witheffects(*)● All the features from a standard camera app:Auto-focus,timer,flash modes etc. ● More than 40 high qualityeffects ● Shareyourcreations straight from the app ● Tweak eacheffect to achieveyourown unique look (*) Video recording requiresthat yourdevicesupports NEON instructions, most modern devices do.FAQ ● Whydoesthe video recorder launch the default camera recordingapp? -Onsome devices this happens when taking unfiltered videosbecauseitis faster ● Zoom doesn't work on the preview of my devicewhy?-Try the Software Zoom option in the settings, this mightfixtheproblem. CUSTOM ROMS ● Camera 2 doesn't officiallysupportcustomROMs. The app might work, but there are knowissuesespecially withCyanogenMod. Please update to an official ROMor askus for arefund if you've purchased the app. POLICIES If youareunhappywith the app please contact us to our support emailwe'lltry toeither fix the problem or give you a full refund. Feelfreetocontact us if you want to share your feedbackorexperience.Finally, Camera 2 does not store/collect/send/manageanypersonaldata, all photos and videos taken with Camera 2 aresolelyyoursand yours only. PERMISSIONS Internet: only required toshareyourpictures. If you don't share, internet won't beused.Microphone:only to record audio with your videos, no otheruse.Location: onlyused to store location to your photos, it'sdisabledby default andit's optional. LEGAL This software uses codeofFFmpeg licensedunder the LGPLv2.1 and its source can
<공식> 걸스데이 - RING MY BELL 1.1.5
걸스데이 - RING MY BELL■ 걸스데이 공식 어플리케이션 출시!!드디어 걸스데이 공식 어플리케이션이 출시되었습니다!앞으로 어플리케이션을 통해 팬들과 소통할 예정입니다.■ 전세계 팬들이 채팅방에 모여서 함께 대화할 수 있습니다!■ 걸스데이 멤버들의 SNS(인스타그램) 글을 한 곳에서 볼 수 있습니다.■ 멤버들의 방송, 녹화, 행사 스케줄을 푸시 알림을 통해 알려드립니다!> 걸스데이 앱은 공식 앱인가요?- 소속사에서 제작, 운영하는 걸스데이 공식 앱입니다. 걸스데이 팬클럽 데이지 여러분들 많은 이용 부탁드립니다^^> 걸스데이 앱은 어떤 앱인가요?- 멤버들이 올린 SNS 포스팅을 앱을 통해 볼 수 있으며 알림도 받아 볼 수 있어요.- 전세계 걸스데이 팬들이 모여서 함께 채팅방에서 대화할 수 있어요.- 멤버들의 방송, 녹화, 행사 스케줄을 푸시 알림을 통해 받아볼 수 있어요.- 멤버별 채팅방에 모여서 채팅하세요!- 멘션 기능을 이용해 상대방을 호출할 수도 있어요.> 걸스데이 앱을 이용하려면?회원가입이 필요 없습니다. 앱을 설치하고 핸드폰 번호 인증하면 준비 완료!※ 네트워크(WIFI, 3G, 4G) 접속 상태에서 이용할 수 있습니다.> 고객센터 안내[email protected]으로연락주시면 리뷰에 남기시는 것보다 더 빠르게 대응해 드릴 수 있습니다.Dream T EntertainmentGirls Day - RING MY BELL■ Girls Day official launch applications!Girl's Day is finally official application has been released!It will communicate with the fans through theapplicationforward.■ You can chat with fans all over the world gather inchatroom!■ You can see the SNS (Instagram) articles of Girl's Day membersinone place.■ will be notified via push notifications forbroadcasting,recording, event schedules of the members!> Girl's Day is the official app of apps?- Made from the agency, which operates a Girl's Day an officialapp.Daisy Girl's Day fan club Thank you ^^ Many use> Girl's Day What kind of apps are apps?- Members can see the app raised through SNS postings and wecanalso receive notifications.- We can talk in the chat room are gathered together Girls Dayfansall over the world.- The broadcasting, recording and event schedules of the membersyoucan receive via push notifications.- Chat gathered by the member chat room!- You can call the person using the mentioned functions.> To use the app, Girl's Day?No pre-registration required. When you install the app and readytoauthenticate mobile phone number!※ Network (WIFI, 3G, 4G) are available in theconnectedstate.> Customer Centreplease contact [email protected] canrespondmore quickly than it would drill to leave a review.Dream T Entertainment
Cool Firefighter Wallpaper 1.5
Cool Firefighter Wallpaper with Art Fireman and FantasySkullPictures
CHEERZ 4.9.2
Fan Communication Service「CHEERZ」