Top 15 Apps Similar to BRAVO test

Love Test Fingerprint Prank 10.0
You can calculate love score using 5 different love test &hasnew love meter
Test of Life 1.4
Do you want to know how long will you live?Trythe TEST OF LIFE app and find out.Your life expectancy depends on many factors: somearehereditary, others depend on your habits and lifestyle. Answersomesimple questions and the app will give you an estimate of yourlifeexpectancy as it stands today, as well as some tips to improveyourhealth.Do you want to know too how does smoking, over o undereatingandyour genetics can affect your life span? By answering TEST OFLIFEquestions in different ways you can see how these can affectyourlife expectancy. Are you ready to find out how long willyoulive...?******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
Love Test 2.6
The Love Test triumphed in other systemsnowforAndroid! As a launch offer, completely FREE!Think of the name of the person you like, your currentpartnerorthe famous character you have always been in love with andthistestwill automatically calculate the chances thatyourrelationshipworks or not. And you can easily check theresultsbecause it alsoshows your lucky number and the personalitythat isrelatedtherewith. To do so, the Love Test, uses a methodbased ontheancient oriental numerology I Ching (Yijing or alsocalled theIKing). This method, as any serious prediction methoddoes notensure100% results, but it offers a forecast with a highsuccessrate.Throughout history, all the cultures have given numbersagreatimportance, their properties and their uses. FortheancientGreeks, everything was related to a number and everynumberwasdivine. Numbers are the force that keeps the eternalpermanenceofthe cosmos, make the rules, the order, the musicandthemeaning.--------------------All comments, suggestions and errors are always welcome!Just send us an email to: [email protected]: Mario Cao and Carlos Bethencourt--------------------If you have enjoyed the Love Test, please supportourapplicationwith your rating and comment. Thank you verymuch!
Love calculator 3.5.3
Are you in love?Your partner or soul mate it is ideal for you?Are you in search of true love?That a true and lasting love is based on trust, happinessandrespect for others.(Love calculator),love meter will give you some answers toyourquestions.Enter your name, your date of birth or even scan yourfingerprintsand you will be surprised.Here's a good game to determine your valentine.Come on! Download love calculator, put your love to a test andseeif he is elected.This application is just a fun game. Do not take too seriouslytheresults. Have fun!Share love calculator result with your partner or friends onsocialnetwork.
Personality Tests 3.4
Personality tests give you in-depth knowledge about yourselfontopics ranging from love and health to personality, lifestyle,IQand more. It includes personality tests , career tests,healthtests , IQ tests and funny tests ..
Kişilik Testi 1.0.2
Emre Erdoğan
Birçok profesyonel kuruluştarafındaninsanların iç dünyalarını ve insanlarla ilişkilerinideğerlendirmekiçin kullanılan bu testi siz de uygulayın, kendinizidaha iyitanıyın. .Soruları cevaplayıp, değerlendirmeler sonucu kişiliksonuçlarınaulaşabilirsiniz..DİKKAT! SORULAR ESNASINDA GERİ TUŞUNU KULLANDIĞINIZ TAKDİRDETESTYENİDEN BAŞLAYACAKTIR. BU YÜZDEN DİKKATLİ OLUNUZ.Keywords:emre,erdoğan,erdo,erdoemre,kişilik,test,testi,analiz,kariyer,sonuç,uygulama,sorularıIn order to keep the app 100% free, you will receivethefollowing –Search shortcut icon on your home screen,Search shortcut on your bookmarks and browser homepage.This will help us bring you more cool apps like this inthefuture.You can delete the search shortcuts easily (Drag & Drop tothegarbage), this will not affect the application in any way.Manyprofessionalorganizations and the inner lives of the people by thepeople youfollow these tests are used to assess relationships, getto knowyourself better. .Answered the questions, the results of evaluations can doubleasa result of ..CAUTION! USE BACK BUTTON DURING THE TEST QUESTIONS willrestart.SO BE CAREFUL.Keywords: order, erdogan, erdo, erdoemre, personality,test,test, analysis, career, results, practice, questionsIn order to keep the app 100% free, you will receivethefollowing, -Search shortcut icon on your home screen,Search shortcut on your bookmarks and browser homepage.This will help us bring you more cool apps like this inthefuture.You can delete the search shortcuts easily (Drag & Drop tothegarbage), this will not affect the application in any way.
Bravo - Live Stream TV Shows 9.4.1
Stream Your Favorites: Watch The Real Housewives, Below DeckandMore with Bravo
BRAVO Horóscopo 1.2.4
Los astros han hablado y nos han contado loquete tienen preparado. ¿Quieres saber lo que te depara cada día?¡Estaes tu app! Te esperan sorpresas…⭐ TU PERFIL: Configura tu perfil la primera vez que useslaaplicación y descubre, cada vez que entres y de un vistazo,tupredicción diaria, qué celebrities son de tu signo y en qué díadela semana naciste.⭐ HORÓSCOPO: Tu horóscopo diario de BRAVO ahora más cerca deti.Podrás consultar tu signo cualquier día de la semana ¡desdelapalma de tu mano!⭐ COMPATIBILIDAD DE SIGNOS: ¿Quieres saber si eres compatibleconel chico que te gusta? ¡Vuestros signos del horóscopo tienenmuchoque ver! No lo dudes y averigua vuestra compatibilidad. Eligetusigno y el suyo y descubre si sois perfectos el uno paraelotro.⭐ DÍA DE LA SEMANA: ¿Te gustaría saber cómo eres según el díadela semana en que naciste? ¿Y cómo son los otros signos?¡Ahorapuedes descubrirlo fácilmente! Solo tienes que elegir el día,mes yaño de tu cumple, ¡y te diremos qué día de la semana de lasemanaera y todos los secretos que encierra!The stars have spokenandwe have been told that you have prepared. Want to know whatliesyou every day? This is your app! Surprises await you ...⭐ Profile: Set up your profile the first time you usetheapplication and discover, every time you come and look, yourdailyprediction, which celebrities are in your sign and what day oftheweek you were born.⭐ HOROSCOPE: Your daily horoscope BRAVO now closer to you.Youcan consult your sign any day of the week from the palm ofyourhand!⭐ COMPATIBILITY OF SIGNS: You want to know if you arecompatiblewith the guy you like? Your horoscope signs have much todo! Do nothesitate and see your compatibility. Select your sign andyours andfind out if you are perfect for each other.⭐ DAY OF THE WEEK: Want to know how you as the day you wereborn?And how are the other signs? Now you can find out easily!Justchoose the day, month and year of your birthday, and tell youwhatday of the week it was and all the secrets it contains!
Name Love Test - Prank App 1.0
The name compatibility test for lovers and those who want to fallinlove!
Attention Test 1.12
Classic psychological test of visual attention.
IQ test free in English 2.1
This test aims to measure the personalIQ.Their results are merely indicative and are reliable only forthefirst time you perform.The only material allowed is pencil and paper.The test consists of 40 questions, with a time limit of 20minutes,which will begin counting when you press the START button.At theend of time will show the summary of results.If you find a difficult question, leave unanswered and goes tothenext by pressing the NEXT button.GOOD LUCK AND ENJOY!keywords: test, test intelligence, iq test, iq, ci,coefficient,intellectual coefficient, intelligence quotient,english.
Test Components 5.0.0
Test Components is an application in which they canconsultdifferent aspects of diverse electronic components howdatasheet,videoes of youtube, wilkipedia, method of checking,description,polarization, schemes of assembly, reading componentsmd, patillajeof transistors etc.The application contains:· C.I. 555· Diode Led· LDR· Transistors· PTC and NTC· Varistor· Condensers· Display· Triac· Tiristor· Resistance· Winds· Transformer· Zener diode· Fuse· Push-button· Relay· Loudspeaker· Components SMD (resistance, condenser and transistor)· Map Location of shops of electronics in Malaga· Connects Google Maps· Menu of checking component· Compatible with Tablets androidAnd much more...
Gemeliers Official App 1.2
Bienvenidos a la aplicación oficialdeGemeliers. No te pierdas ninguna novedad de Gemeliers, en estaappestarás al día de todos sus últimos movimientos. Encontrarásfotosinéditas, las últimas novedades (conciertos, firmas, eventos,etc.)vídeos en exclusiva, experiencias con Gemeliers únicas y muchomás.¿Quieres saber todo de ellos? Bájate la aplicación oficialdeGemeliers. La vida de Jesús y Daniel Oviedo les cambió parasiempretras el lanzamiento de su primer álbum bajo el sellodiscográficode Pep’s Music Group “Lo Mejor Está Por Venir”. Sunombre artístico“Gemeliers” es su manera de agradecer el apoyoincondicional a susfans que en redes sociales se hacían llamar deesta forma paramostrar todo su cariño a los gemelos.El éxito de Gemeliers se dispara y se convierten en unfenómenofan que no ocurría desde hacía 15 años, transformándose enlosnuevos ídolos juveniles que arrasan en España. Alguno delosreconocimientos que acumulan en este primer año de vida son:- Sus vídeos en Youtube tienen más de 25.000 millonesdeviews.- Con su álbum debut “Lo Mejor está por venir” logran venderDobleDisco de Platino con más de 90.000 copias vendidas.- Disco de Oro con su segundo álbum Mil y una Noches- Su primera gira española consiste en más de 50 conciertos conun“sold out” en el 90% de sus conciertos y una gira en los paísesmásimportantes de latinoamerica.- Su primer libro autobiográfico lo editado por Grupo Planetalogravender más de 45.000 unidades llegando a la 4ª edición delamisma.- Número uno de ventas con el lanzamiento de su doble DVD“¡Graciaspor nuestra primera gira!”.Entre los premios, categorías y nominaciones están: “LosArtistasMás Escuchados en 2014” (Diario ABC de España); Nominadosa losPremios de la Música Independiente; Nominados como “ArtistaEspañolFavorito” en los Premios Kid´s Choice Awards 2015.Accede al contenido exclusivo de la app suscribiéndote:Suscripción VIP de 1 mes auto-renovable por sólo 3,99€Suscripción VIP de 1 año auto-renovable por sólo 35,99€Una vez suscrito podrás acceder a información sobreexperienciasy videos exclusivos en la app. El cobro de lassuscripciones serealizará directamente a la cuenta de Google Playdel usuario unavez confirmada la compra.Las suscripciones se renovarán automáticamente a menos quedecidainterrumpirla. El usuario puede cambiar la configuración delasuscripción, así como cancelar la suscripción auto-renovable,através de la página web utilizando la cuentadeusuario de Google Play con la que se realizó la compra.Para más información legal y de protección de datosconsultar: to theofficialimplementation of Gemeliers. Do not miss any noveltyGemeliers inthis app you will be updated on all their latest moves.Find rarephotos, latest (concerts, companies, events, etc.)videosexclusively Gemeliers unique experiences and more.Want to know everything about them? Get off theofficialimplementation of Gemeliers. The life of Jesus and DanielOviedochanged them forever after the release of their first albumunderthe label of Pep's Music Group "The Best is Yet to Come". Hisstagename "Gemeliers" is his way of thanking the unconditionalsupportof his fans on social networks called themselves this way toshowits affection for the twins.The success of Gemeliers fires and become a fan phenomenonthathad not happened for 15 years, becoming the new teen idolsravagingin Spain. Some of the awards that accumulate in the firstyear oflife are:- His videos on Youtube have over 25,000 million views.- With their debut album "The Best is yet to come" achievedDoublePlatinum selling over 90,000 copies sold.- Gold Record with their second album Arabian Nights- Your first Spanish tour consists of over 50 concerts with a"soldout" in 90% of their concerts and a tour in the mostimportantcountries of Latin America.- His first autobiographical book was published by PlanetaGroupmanages to sell more than 45,000 units coming to the 4thedition ofthe same.- Number one in sales with the launch of its dual DVD "Thank youforour first tour!".Among the awards, categories and nominations are:"Artistshottest songs in 2014" (Journal ABC of Spain); Nominatedfor theIndependent Music Awards; Nominated as "Spanish FavoriteArtist" inthe Kid's Choice Awards 2015 Awards.Access the exclusive content of the app by subscribing:VIP subscription auto-renewing 1 month for only € 3.99VIP subscription auto-renewable 1 year for only € 35.99Once you subscribed able to access information on experiencesandexclusive videos in the app. Collecting subscriptions bemadedirectly to the account Google Play user after confirmingthepurchase.Subscriptions are automatically renewed unless it decidestointerrupt. The user can change the settings of the subscriptionandcancel the auto-renewable subscription through using the user account to Google Playwhere thepurchase was made.For more legal and data protection information see:
Love Test (Original Version!)
The love between two people is analyzedusingthe latest and most professional algorithms of the world.Furtherit is compared with psychological backgrounds!Just enter the two persons from whom you want to analyze theloveand hit "Show Love"! . That's it!The original Love Test from the TV advertising (My Love Tester)!!If you like the app, please rate with 5 stars and unlock thelovedetails.Have fun with the original app!
La Voz Kids 3.11.2
'De la mano de Antonio Orozco, David BisbalyRosario Flores como coaches, y Jesús Vázquez de maestrodeceremonias y presentador, 'La Voz Kids' es la versión infantildeltalent show más popular de la televisión.Con la app oficial del programa podrás:- Conocer a fondo tanto a los coaches como a los talents- Podrás ver en directo y a la carta todas las fases delprograma:audiciones a ciegas, batallas, finales...- Tendrás acceso a noticias, fotografías, vídeos ycontenidosexclusivos- Recibir notificaciones con los eventos más importantesdelprograma'In the hands ofAntonioOrozco, David Bisbal and Rosario Flores as coaches, andJesúsVázquez emcee and host,' The Voice Kids' is the children'sversionof the popular talent show on television.With the official app of the software here:- Thorough understanding both the coaches and the talents- You can watch live and on demand all phases of the program:blindauditions, battles, late ...- You will have access to news, photos, videos andexclusivecontent- Receive notifications with the most important events oftheprogram