Top 50 Apps Similar to Bosch Smart Home

Bosch eBike Connect
Only to be used for eBikes with Bosch motor and Nyon or KioxeBikecomputer
COBI.Bike 1.22.0
The Bosch SmartphoneHub and COBI.Bike app connect your eBike toadigital world.
Bosch Talks Connect 8.11.6-1
Speakap BV
The social platform for your organization: for employeesandexternal partners
Miele@mobile 4.6.0
Networking of your appliances opens upmoreoptions that give your dynamic life more convenience, quality,andsafety. The Miele@mobile app gives you the option of operatingallnetwork-enabled Miele domestic appliances quickly andconvenientlywith a smartphone or tablet. At any time, you canaccess yourwashing machine, refrigerator, or oven directly, requeststatusinformation, and select functions, for example.Information on the selected program or the operating mode as wellasthe time remaining for the program to run are displayed. Theappinforms you, for instance, how long the roast will need to cookinthe oven. You also receive notifications when your interventionisneeded ‒ for example, when the dishwasher program has finishedorif a refrigerator door has been left open.The practical recipe function enabling easy access to recipes isanentirely new feature.Another feature of the app is the use of wizards. Theinteractivewashing wizard recommends the most suitable washprogram, forinstance.Depending on the appliance model, with ShopConn@ct you also havetheoption of reordering detergent or dishwasher tablets, forexample,in the Miele Shop with just a few clicks.Important usage informationThe fundamental requirements for the use of this apparenetwork-enabled Miele domestic appliances.The demonstration mode in the Miele@mobile app provides afirstimpression of the range of possibilities for this app even ifyoudo not yet have any network-enabled Mieledomesticappliances.The following functions can be used even withoutappliancesconnected:• Recipes• Wizards• Information on textile care, stain removal, etc.
Smart automated control of electric roof windows, blindsandshutters.
Home Connect (America)
Control your home appliances remotely. Smart things, smarthome,smart life!
Miele Scout 2.3.4
Control your Miele Scout - even on the go
Hörmann BlueControl 23.7.0
Hörmann BlueControl is used for initial start-up and maintenance.
Transport Data Logger 1.5.4
Gain easy insights to your logistics process with the smartTDLsystem
Bosch MeasureOn 1.7.4
Document floor plans, photos and notes and save everything inoneplace.
Nedis SmartLife 1.3.8
Control and monitor all your Nedis SmartLife products suchaslights,switches, sockets, cameras, sensors, and detectors.AllNedisSmartLife products can be added in scenes formoreintelligentbehavior, triggering them by the state of asingleproduct or anexternal factor like the weather or sunrise orsunsetto make yourdaily life smarter and easier. You canalsoconveniently group lightsor switches to easily control themall atonce. All Nedis SmartLifeproducts are compatible with GoogleHomeand Amazon Alexa for voicecontrol.
ELESION-Smart Home Technologie
Control all compatible smart home devices with your smartphone.
Kruidvat Smart Home 3.26.6
Smart Life, Smart Living
openHAB 3.7.0
Vendor and technology agnostic open source home automation
Hama Smart Home 1.2.9
Smart Home made simple
LEGEE-688 2.485
Brings floor cleaning robot to a new era by introducingTalentClean.
Bosch Project Assistant
Set up video security projects and generate related reports
Müll App 2.2.3
Symvaro GmbH
The personal service around the trash! If the homecommunity?Register now!
Viessmann Spare Part App 2.7.4
This app allows direct access to principal component and sparepartinformation.
Q-Basics2go 2.6.4
Capable production processes and operations throughout theentirevalue stream are decisive for the delivery quality of ourproducts.We can only achieve zero defects if we identify andeliminatefailure modes in every work step, define standards andconsistentlyadhere to them. Derived from main errors of the past,the 14Q-Basics for the value stream describe fundamental standardswhichwill help us to achieve best quality. It is important thatallassociates are involved in the implementation of thesestandardsand in the continuous improvement process. Only then weshall havefailure-free processes and permanently satisfiedcustomers. TheQ-Basics2go App is a newly designed app to improvethe establishingof standards in the value stream context. With thisapp a newpossibility is given to make your work more efficient.TheQ-Basics2go app supports you in taking notes and comments fortherespective 14Q-Principles. You are given the opportunity totakephotos and attach them to your notes. You can also export thisviamail and share it within your organization. Some of themainfeatures are: 1. Explanation of the 14-Q-Principles 2.Notescreation and editing 3. Photo capture and editing 4. EmaildispatchRequirements for Android: All Android devices with min.Android min6.x installed.
eTuning - For Shimano Steps 1.1.13
Application for configure Shimano Steps motors via bluetooth.
Pyronix Ltd.
The HomeControl+ app brings you flexibilityandpeace of mind from your award winning Pyronix security systemwithan intuitive and easy to use interface.HomeControl+ allows you to:• Arm and disarm your security system• View the system status• Control up to 30 devices including:• Opening and closing your gates• Turning your lights on and off• Locking and unlocking your doors• Turning your sprinklers on and off• Notifications when your system is armed or disarmed• Get your system to tell you who has armed the system• And much more!All of this functionality can be set up and controlled throughthePyronixCloud, where you can enable and disable users ofyoursecurity system. The easy-to-use setup wizard will guideyouthrough the setup of Home Control+ and the PyronixCloud, toensurethat in no time at all you are reaping the benefits of beingableto control your security system, at any time, from anywhere intheworld, using a secure connection.Requirement:• Android 4.1 and above.
BlueSecur 23.2.0
Operate devices compatible with BlueSecur using theHörmannBlueSecur app.
Saarland: Touren - App
Vielfalt und Genuss wird imSaarlandgroßgeschrieben. Wandern auf Premiumwegen, Wandern &Genießenauf den Tafeltouren oder zur Ruhe kommen aufPilgerwegen,Alle Touren verfügen über detaillierte Informationen:- Key Facts (Länge, Höhenmeter, Dauer, Schwierigkeit)- ausführliche Beschreibung inkl. Bilder- Tourenverlauf in der Karte- Höhenprofil-Gastronomische Tipps-SehenswürdigkeitenKleines Land mit großer Küche: Das Saarland ist bis weit überdieGrenzen hinaus für seine kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten bekannt,unddas zu Recht! Durch den starken französischen Einfluss hatsichhier eine ganz spezielle Küchenkultur entwickelt, dieeinzigartigim europäischen Raum ist. Ob Sternedekoriert oder gutBürgerlich,im Saarland findet sich die ganze Palette kulinarischerVielfalt.Ein Streifzug durch die saarländische Küche lässt sichwunderbarauch mit Wander- und Radtouren verbinden.Wandern & Genießen: Mehr als 50 Premiumwege warten überdasganze Land verteilt mit vielfältigsten Natureindrücken aufSie.Highlight ist der Saar-Hunsrück-Steig mit seinenTraumschleifen,der den saarländischen Weinort Perl an der Mosel,die RömerstadtTrier und die Edelsteinmetropole Idar-Obersteinmiteinanderverbindet. Die Saarland Tafeltouren verführen zumWandern undanschließenden Genießen in ausgewähltenRestaurants.Radfahren im Saarland: Ob familiengerechte Strecken entlangderFlusstäler, schweißtreibende Anstiege in die Hunsrückhöhenodergrenzüberschreitende Touren nach Frankreich oder Luxemburg.DasSaarland punktet durch sein abwechslungsreiches Angebotfürgemütliches Freizeitradeln, Mehrtagestouren undsportlicheHerausforderungen. Ob Rundweg oder Streckennetz, dieFahrradroutenim Saarland sind immer gut beschildert und lassen Sienie den Wegverlieren. Genießen Sie weite Felder, romantischeWeinberge oderidyllische Flußlandschaften im SaarRadland.eVelo Saarland - einfach aufsteigen: mehr braucht es nichtummühelos und mit hohem Spaßfaktor die Höhenzüge des Saarlandeszuerklimmen. Sie treten in die Pedale und der lautloseElektromotorunserer Leihräder unterstützt ihre eigene Muskelkraftbis zu 150%.Die Reichweite beträgt je nach Beschaffenheit derStrecke bis zu 50km mit einer Akkuladung. Für die Einen ist eseinfach einegenussvolle Art Rad zu fahren, für Andere ermöglichtdieKraftunterstützung des Rades Touren mit Partner, FamilieundFreunden, die mit dem „normalen“ Rad nicht möglichwären.Verleihstationen für unsere E-Bikes finden Sie in vielenRegionendes Saarlandes.Kontakt:Tourismus Zentrale Saarland GmbHFranz-Josef-Röder-Str. 1766119 SaarbrückenTelefon: 0681 92720 - 0Wichtiger Hinweis:Die Akkulaufzeit Ihres mobilen Gerätes kann sich bei aktiviertemGPSund Nutzung der App im Hintergrund drastisch verkürzen.Diversity and enjoymentisvery important in the Saarland. Walking on premium routes,hiking& enjoy on the blackboard tours or come to rest onpilgrimageroutes,All tours include detailed information:- Key Facts (length, altitude, duration, difficulty)- Detailed description including images.- Itinerary in map- Elevation-Gastronomische Tips-AttractionsCottage with large kitchen: Saarland is known for itsculinarydelights far beyond its borders, and rightly so! The strongFrenchinfluence here a very special culinary culture has developed,whichis unique in Europe. Whether star Decorated or good bourgeois,inthe Saarland, there is a whole range of culinary diversity.Ajourney through the Saarland cuisine can be wonderfullycombinewith hiking and biking.Hiking & enjoy: More than 50 premium channels wait overthecountry distributed with diverse natural impressions on you.Thehighlight is the Saar-Hunsrück Climb with his dreamloopsconnecting the Saarland Perl wine town on the Mosel, the Romancityof Trier and the gemstone capital Idar-Oberstein each other.TheSaarland panel tours seduce hiking and subsequent Enjoy atselectedrestaurants.Cycling in Saarland: Whether family-friendly routes along therivervalleys, sweaty climbs in the Hunsrückhöhen or cross-bordertoursto France or Luxembourg. Saarland scores with its varied rangecozyrecreational biking, multi-day trips and sportingchallenges.Whether trail or route network, the cycling routes inSaarland arealways well marked and never let you lose your way.Enjoy openfields, romantic vineyards or idyllic river landscapesinSaarRadland.Evelo Saarland - simply ascend: all it takes to easily and withahigh fun factor to climb the hills of the Saarland. You pedalandthe silent electric motor our bikes supports their own musclepowerup to 150%. The range is depending on the nature of the roadup to50 km on a single charge. For some, it is simply an enjoyablewayto ride a bike, to others allows the support force of thewheeltours with partners, family and friends who would not bepossiblewith the "normal" wheel. Rental stations for our e-bikescan befound in many regions of Saarland.Contact:Saarland Tourist Office GmbHFranz-Josef-Röder-Str. 1766119 SaarbrückenPhone: 0681 92720 - 0Important NOTE:The battery life of your mobile device may be shorteneddramaticallywith GPS and use the app in the background isactivated.
BISSELL Connect 3.196.4
BISSELL Connect — Control your robotic vacuum right from yourphone.
appWash by Miele 1.30
The app for laundy rooms in student dormitories andapartmentblocks.
Manage your installations and connected agenda with MyCOMPANY appbyJABLOTRON
Ariston Thermo Quick-Fix
Ariston Thermo Quick-Fix is an interactive tool fortechniciansthatguides them to the solution of issues on the fieldaboutAriston,Chaffoteaux and ELCO products. It requests as inputaproduct codeand, optionally, its production date. Bothinformationcan beacquired automatically scanning the productbarcode bycamera. Thenthe resolution can be found moving fromeither theerror code on theproduct display, or a symptom, or even aledcombination on theproduct interface. The APP can be used alsoinplaces where anInternet connection is not available asproductsearches can bestored locally. Ariston Thermo Quick Fixgives alsoonline access toproduct documentation, such as usermanuals,exploded views, sparepart lists, technical notes, etc.. APPisactually available onlyfor wall hung boilers, Heat PumpWaterHeaters and Gas InstantaneousWater Heaters and will begraduallyextended to other product linesof Ariston Thermo Group.Access isallowed only to users withpassword.
Homematic IP 2.15.18
eQ-3 AG
The Homematic IP app configures and controls your Homematic IPsmarthome.
PowUnity Bike
Get connected to the BikeTrax GPS tracker for your bike.
Smart and reliable all-round security for your home
ORVIBO Home is a brand new smart home platform, lets youeasilycontrol, monitor, and secure your home from anywhere in theworld.Start with connected ORVIBO Home Hub and add as manyconnectedswitches, sockets, locks, sensors and more to create asmart homethat matches your unique personality. With smart homeplatformORVIBO Home, you can many controls as follow. -Control andmanageall kinds of devices like curtains, air conditioners, TV,lights,switches, sockets and etc in one APP. -Create differentscenes tocontrol multiple devices. -Make ‘If this thenthat’synchronizations scenario. Particular attention: ORVIBOHomesupport these products: Smart Socket, Magic Cube, SmartCamera,Smart in-wall Switch, Sensors ect. Our Smart Socket S20 isnotsupported by ORVIBO Home. You can operate S20 with WiWo APP.Wefeel sincerely sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
Kärnten Touren
This app is an ideal interactive vacation planner
ActionTiles SmartThings custom web dashboard maker 6.1.29h
Make your Samsung SmartThings home family friendly toview&touch: ActionTiles is "The homepage for your home!"™ Thetopratedadd-on SmartThings app (4.9-Stars per Facebook).OurFeedbackwebsite keeps us continuously improving.UnbeatableStability andCustomer Service. Create a free Account.Securelyauthorize theActionTiles Cloud to connect to yourSmartThings"Location" (Hub).Each SmartThings Location Connector isfree for 14days and thenpurchasable on our website. Easily buildamazinglyimpressivedashboard Panels. Mount an inexpensive tablet ormultipletabletsor phones to show everyone that your space-age smarthome isatyour fingertips in app or on the web. Experience the blissofbeingfreed from the clutter, complexity, and limited layoutoptionsofthe SmartThings Apps.¹ Arrange your Things as Tiles on oneormorePanels. Tweak the design until it suits your household.Usecolorsand icons to fit your style. Make some Panels kid-simpleandothersnerdville-central! Efficient responsive grid layoutisthefoundation for your creativity, then: ■ Devise a Themepaletteofcolors to apply to Panels. ■ Adjust tile, spacer and fontsizes.■Use multiple Tiles to show different attributes fromthesamedevice (temperature, battery, power). ■ Over 3000 icons.■AddPIN-protection to particular Tiles for extra security. ■andmuchmore! Download to get started and benefit from theapp'simmersivefull-screen mode and other kiosk-type features.Switch toyourfavorite browser if you want. For "anywhere access",directlyloginto the ActionTiles web-app with any browser. Configureandutilizeyour Panels using the same UI as the app. Convenientlyandsecurelyshare specific Panels with family, housemates,caretakers,orguests. Share as "view only" so a neighbor or remoterelativecankeep an eye on your door, window, temperature andsmokesensors;all while not granting access to your locks orcameras.Instantlyrevoke access. Attach multiple SmartThingsLocations toone Accountto facilitate vacation or rental propertymanagement.Keep an eyeon all those water leak sensors, ensure allthe garagedoors areclosed, and double-check the battery levels ofthe smokedetectors.Enhance your Panels with "Media Tiles" thatallowembedding ofphotos, weather radar, news tickers, or streamingfromsome typesof IP cameras. Limited formats are supported (JPG,PNG,GIF, MJPG)- but an endless variety of uses. ActionTilesiscompatible withmost SmartThings compliant connected devices-Sensors, switches,outlets, thermostats, locks, etc. Unusualandcustom device typesmay have limited control. Not allSmartThingsfeatures areintegrated. Use the 14-day free trial totest allexpected ordesired functionality before purchasing aconnectionLicense.PERMISSIONS This app uses the DeviceAdministratorpermission. Thisis required when activating Screen OffTimer,Remote Admin orJavaScript Interface for switchingoffthescreen. Administration permission must be withdrawnbeforetheapp can be uninstalled. Fulllistofpermissions: Use of ActionTiles is subject to TermsofService.¹ActionTiles does not interfere nor completelyreplacetheSmartThings Apps: ST app is still required forfunctionalitysuchas phone presence sensing, adding/removing devicesfromhub,linking or unlinking other cloud services likeAlexa,configuringscenes or automations, and other non-typicaltasks.ActionTiles,Thingterfaces, SmartTiles, marked slogans, thelogosand icondesigns are trademarks of Thingterfaces LP. Allothertrademarksused for reference only. ActionTiles is NOT aproduct ofSamsungSmartThings. Video by TaylorTech.
Geberit Pro 4.8.0
Geberit Pro - the app for sanitary pros.
Unleash the power of your E-bike
ROIDMI 5.0.3
More focused Roidmi vacuum cleaner for a better experience
ViCare 3.21.0
We've rebuilt our platform and made it even prettier. #WeCare
Harz 3.8.9
The perfect app for the resin!
ORF Salzburg 2.4.1
Live and 7 days on demand, all programs from Radio Salzburgtolisten to.
Automower Connect 4.3.6
The official Husqvarna Automower® Connectappallows you to take full control of your Husqvarnaroboticlawnmower. This requires that the Automower® Connecthardwareaccessory is installed in your mower. Contact your localdealer forordering, installation and more information of theaccessory. Witheverything installed you will be able to control,configure andtrack your Husqvarna Automower®.Control• Receive the current status of the mower.• Receive push notifications if the mower is stopped or isbroughtoutside the installation.• Send Start, Stop and Park commands to the mower from anywhereinthe world.Configure• Have the mower’s menu system on your smartphone.• Read and change the mower settings without the need of beingonsite.• Take advantage of the high resolution and color display toenhancethe interaction with the mower.Security• Track your mower’s position in real time.• Receive push notification alarm in the event of a theft.
Advanced bicycle computer APP for standard or e-bikes
Klarstein 5.4.6
Chal-Tec GmbH
Smart Home Application
Worx Landroid 2.2.12
Landroid at your fingertips
Loxone 14.0.3 (2023.06.20)
Your entire home - in your hands!
Sauerland&Siegen-Wittgenstein 3.13.5
The perfect app for the Sauerland and Siegerland-Wittgenstein.
MEDION® Robots 1.0.30
A clean home on the go
The Lauschtour App 4.6.0
Explore cities, theme parks, bike and hiking paths in anexcitingway.