Top 50 Apps Similar to Rich Dad Poor Dad Offline

Rich Dad Poor Dad 2.5
AJ Educators
Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad was first published in 1997andquickly became a must-read for people interested ininvesting,money, and the global economy. The book has beentranslated intodozens of languages, sold around the world, and hasbecome the #1Personal Finance book of all time. The overarchingtheme of RichDad Poor Dad is how to use money as a tool for wealthdevelopment.It destroys the myth that the rich are born rich,explains why yourpersonal residence may not really be an asset,describes the realdifference between an asset and a liability, andmuch more. KeyTakeaways/Lessons Learned • Six lessons RobertKiyosaki learnedfrom his Rich Dad about making money and themistakes that Poor Dadmade • Five obstacles to overcome before youcan become rich andstay rich • Ten steps to follow to develop yourfinancial genius •Actionable to-do steps you can put to work rightawayChapter/Section Summaries Rich Dad Poor Dad contains a total oftenchapters plus the introduction, but much of the book is focusedonthe first six parts or lessons. We’ll cover the introductionandthe first six lessons first, then the remaining four sectionslaterin this review. • Introduction: Rich Dad Poor Dad • Chapter 1:TheRich Don’t Work for Money • Chapter 2: Why TeachFinancialLiteracy? • Chapter 3: Mind Your Own Business • Chapter 4:TheHistory of Taxes and the Power of Corporations • Chapter 5:TheRich Invent Money • Chapter 6: Work to Learn – Don’t Work forMoneyIntroduction Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, hadtwomain influential fathers in his life. Poor Dad wasKiyosaki’sbiological father, a man who was highly intelligent andvery welleducated. Poor Dad believed in studying hard and gettinggoodgrades, then finding a well-paying job. Yet, despitetheseseemingly positive attributes, Poor Dad didn’t do wellfinancially.Rich Dad was the father of Kiyosaki’s best friend. Hehad a similarwork ethic to Kiyosaki’s real dad, but with a twist.Rich Dadbelieved in financial education, learning how money works,andunderstanding how to make money work for you. Although he wasaneighth-grade dropout, Rich Dad eventually became a millionairebyputting the power of money to work for him. The book iswrittenfrom Kiyosaki’s perspective of how Rich Dad went aboutmaking moneyand the mistakes that Poor Dad made. The first sixchapters of RichDad Poor Dad make up about two-thirds of the bookand discuss thesix lessons that Kiyosaki learned from his RichDad.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DISCLAIMER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The contents ofthisapp are from open sources and available in the public domain.AJEducators don't own any material. If you have rights forthesecontent and your right is not indicated or you are againstitsusing in our application please contact [email protected]. We will update data or delete it asperyour request. Our purpose of this application is to expandtheGrowth of the Rich Dad Poor Dad book so that everyone canlearneasily how to get financial freedom.
Think and Grow Rich 1.2
AJ Educators
About Think And Grow Rich (1937) is one of the best-sellingbooksofall time. It examines the psychological power of thoughtandthebrain in the process of furthering your career forbothmonetaryand personal satisfaction. Enjoy the summary ofthisall-timeself-help classic! BOOK SUMMARY TowardsSuccessConsciousness “Youare the master of your fate, the captainof yoursoul." Think AndGrow Rich is a state of mind. It exploitsthe powerof thought tomanifest strong desires and a definitepurpose intoreality.Turning your all-consuming obsession (definitepurpose)into areality is not an easy task. However, if the desireis strongandyou’re willing to raise the stakes, you will win.Theauthorprojects the following formula: Desire + Ideas + Plans+MassiveAction = Success Start with your goal. What do youreallywant? Abetter job? To succeed in your current career? To workforabusiness leader who inspires you? To achieve thatgoal,shiftingyour thinking from failure consciousness tosuccessconsciousnessis the key. For this to happen, the question‘how do Iget a job?’needs to change into ‘what can I give to ajob?’, and‘how do I getmore dollars per hour?’ into ‘how do I givemoreenergy, desire,focus?’ To get from where you are to where youwantto be, theauthor highlights: “Never quit. Never give up.Focus.Seek help.Make new connections. Take different approaches.Seekadditionalresources to help you improve your job searchskills.Persist andfind people who can help you to achieve yourgoals.” Keytakeaways• The book exploits the power of thought tomanifeststrong desiresand a definite purpose into reality. • Faithis theglue that holdsit all together. • Every achievement startswith astrong desire,workshopped to reality through imagination,followedby anorganised plan. • Successful people reach decisionspromptlyanddefinitely, changing their mind slowly. • Lack ofpersistenceisone of the major causes of failure. • To acquire greatpower&succeed, you need the help of a mastermind. •Sexualdrive,transmuted into creative and productive outlets, can beapowerfulforce for success. • Fear is just a state of mind. Itissubject tocontrol and direction.
As A Man Thinketh - Night Mode 8.88
As A Man Thinketh is a book for Self Improvement by James Allenwithnight mode
Awaken The Giant Within 3.3
AJ Educators
How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Physical andFinancialDestiny!
Entrepreneur Mindset 6.5
AJ Educators
+10,000 Business , Leadership, Engineering andEntrepreneurshipQuotations
Life Changing Secrets of Succe 4.7
200 Secrets of Success & the Pillars of Self-Mastery by RobinS.Sharma
Chingari : Meet New Friends 4.0.9
Worlds fastest growing web3 social app
BOOK The Power of Your Subconscious Mind BY Dr. Joseph Murphy
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline 1.0
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline by BrianTracy.Thebookoffers 21 ways to achieve self-discipline in allaspects oflife,which will improve in the following three mainareas:personalsuccess, money, business, sales, and personallife.Throughself-mastery and self-control, one can developmorepersonality,pride, accomplishment, and self-image. One waytoachieveself-discipline: 1. Success: Imagine the ideal life youwanttolive. When you define what success means to you atthework,family, health and money levels, you'll immediately beabletodetermine what you need to achieve to achieve the ideallife.2.Personality: The hallmark of personality isintegrity.Honestyrequires a lot of self-discipline to resisttemptation andmakegood decisions. The real personality of oneappears duringcrisesor when one is under pressure. One can develophischaracterthrough study, teaching and practice. 3.Responsibility:Negativeemotions stem from anger and rely on a humantendency toblameothers, which is the easy way to justifyfailure.Acceptingresponsibility for self-success and achievingpersonalhappinessrequires a lot of effort and self-discipline.4.Objectives: Setyour goals and set a path to achieve yourideallife. Follow thismethod to achieve your goals: Select what youwantto achieve,write it down on paper, and set a deadline for it.Writedown alist of all the actions needed to get to the situationyouwantsorted by time and importance. Start immediately withthesesteps,and continue working every day, moving towards yourmaingoal. 5.Personal Excellence: The most valuable asset you haveisyou. Soone has to invest in himself and his career bydevelopinghisskills, so he can increase his value and increasehisexpectedprofits. It is important that this development beaprioritythroughout your life. 6. Courage: All of us areafraidofsomething, and most people are afraid of failureandpoverty.Self-discipline helps to gain the courage to faceproblemsandcrises. 7. Perseverance: Nothing great is achieved inlifewithoutperseverance, which makes us overcomesetbacks,frustrations,obstacles and even crises. 8. Work: Manypeople wasteas amazingtime in unproductive tasks. So you need toidentify andfocus onthe most productive activities. A survey ofCEOs wasconducted andidentified two characteristics that are themostimportantqualities they are looking for in their employees:"theability toprioritize and work on high-value tasks",and"organization to workquickly and accurately"
The Richest Man in Babylon book offline 1.6
tik apps
The Richest Man in Babylon is a 1926 book by George S.Clasonthatdistributes financial advice through a collection ofparablesset4,000 years ago in olden Babylon. The book remains indesignalmosta century after the parables were originally published,andisregarded as a classic of own financial advice. The RichestManinBabylon says Money is the medium by which earthlysuccessismeasured. Money makes possible the enjoyment of the besttheearthaffords. Money is plentiful for those who understandthesimplelaws which govern its acquisition. Money is governed todaybythesame laws which controlled it when prosperous menthrongedthestreets of Babylon, six thousand years ago Here is thetableofcontents you'll find in The Richest Man in Babylone-book:Aboutthe author Foreword * A Historical Sketch of Babylon *The ManWhoDesired Gold * The Richest Man in Babylon * Seven Curesfor aLeanPurse * Start thy purse to fattening * Control thyexpenditures*Make thy gold multiply * Guard thy treasures againstloss * Makeofthy dwelling a profitable investment * Ensure a futureincome*Increase thy ability to earn * Meet the Goddess of Good Luck*TheFive Laws of Gold * The Gold Lender of Babylon * TheWallsofBabylon * The Camel Trader of Babylon * The ClayTabletsFromBabylon * The Luckiest Man in Babylon. The Richest ManinBabylonpdf book The Richest Man in Babylon offline book app isnoneedinternet connection required.
LivrosApp : E-books App 10.0.0
Enjoy reading numerous E-Books that you love without subscribeorpurchase.
The richest man in Babylon PDF 4.2
Battle Castle
This book was absolutely fantastic!
The Power of Now 2.6
AJ Educators
A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
The 7 Habits of Highly Effecti 2.2
AJ Educators
Most Influential Business and Personal Development Book oftheTwentieth Century
The Power of Positive Thinking 2.9
AJ Educators
Mastering the Problems of Everyday Living
Secrets of Millionaire Mind 2.1
Secrets of Millionaire Mind app about the secret to success book
Billionaire Affirmations 1.0.7
Daily positive affirmations to help you stay positive andmotivatedeveryday.
The Growth Mindset 12.0
Our mindset plays an important role in determining achievementandsuccess.
1000+ Psychology Facts & Life 1.4
1000+ Psychology facts about crushes,love,dreams etc.
Unlimited : Book Summaries 2.2
AJ Educators
Get the knowledge of the world’s best authors in 10 minutesorless!”
Make Me Better -Motivation App 1.6.4
Crafty Studio
Daily 5 Mins Reads for Motivation, Positivity, Mental WellbeingandSelf Care.
Awaken The Power of Your Mind
AJ Educators
How To Use Your Subconscious Mind Power
Eat That Frog! Book to Get More Done in Less Time 1.0
Eat That Frog is a book talking about 21 Great WaystoStopProcrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. "Eat alivefrogfirst thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen toyoutherest of the day." - Mark Twain Brian Tracy offersprofoundandpractical wisdom in his bestselling book, Eat ThatFrog!Frompersonal experiences to a collection of productivityhacksfrominfluential authors in time management andpersonaldevelopment,the book contains 21 practical suggestions thatanyonecan use toincrease personal effectiveness andovercomeprocrastination. ingeneral is something like Time Manager.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind 2.7
AJ Educators
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind (1963) asserts that ourouterworld is a reflection of our subconscious mind. The bookprovidespractical insights on the workings of the subconscious mindas wellas on how to focus and redirect its energies. The author,Dr.Joseph Murphy (1898 – 1981) was a writer, minister and one ofthekey proponents of the ‘New Thought’ movement. The Conscious&the Subconscious Mind “There are two levels of yourmind—theconscious (rational) and the subconscious (irrational). Youthinkwith your conscious mind, and whatever you habitually thinksinksdown into your subconscious mind, which creates according tothenature of your thoughts. ” “Once the subconscious mind acceptsanidea, it begins to execute it. It is an interesting andsubtletruth that the law of the subconscious mind works for goodand badideas alike.” “You will get a reaction or response fromyoursubconscious mind according to the nature of the thought orideayou hold in your conscious mind.” “You must remember that thesearenot two minds. They are merely two spheres of activity withinonemind. Your conscious mind is the reasoning mind. It is thatphaseof mind, which chooses. For example, you choose your books,yourhome, and your partner in life. You make all your decisionswithyour conscious mind.” “On the other hand, without anyconsciouschoice on your part, your heart is kept functioningautomatically,and the process of digestion, circulation, andbreathing arecarried on by your subconscious mind through processesindependentof your conscious control.” “Your subconscious mindaccepts what isimpressed upon it or what you consciously believe.It does notreason things out like your conscious mind, and it doesnot arguewith you… it responds according to the nature of yourthoughts orsuggestions. ” . . . The Captain and His Ship Theconscious mind islike the navigator or captain at the bridge of aship… he directsthe ship and signals orders to men in the engineroom, who in turncontrol all the boilers, instruments, gauges,etc.” “The men in theengine room do not know where they are going;they follow orders.They would go on the rocks if the man on thebridge issued faultyor wrong instructions based on his findingswith the compass,sextant, or other instruments. ” “The men in theengine room obeyhim because he is in charge and issues orders,which areautomatically obeyed. Members of the crew do not talk backto thecaptain; they simply carry out orders. The captain is themaster ofhis ship, and his decrees are carried out. ” “Likewise,yourconscious mind is the captain and the master of your ship,whichrepresents your body, environment, and all your affairs.Yoursubconscious mind takes the orders you give it based upon whatyourconscious mind believes and accepts as true. ” . . . The PowerofSuggestion ‘One of the basic laws of the mind: Your subconsciousisamenable to suggestion.’ “A suggestion is the act or instanceofputting something into one’s mind, the mental process by whichthethought or idea suggested is entertained, accepted, or putintoeffect.” “Different people will react in different ways to thesamesuggestion because of their subconscious conditioning orbelief.”“…your conscious mind has the power to reject thesuggestiongiven.” “The suggestions of others in themselves haveabsolutely nopower over you except the power that you give themthrough your ownthoughts. You have to give your mental con-sent;you have toentertain the thought. Then, it becomes your thought,and you dothe thinking. Remember, you have the capacity to choose.”
500+ Business Ideas 7.5
🙏LEARNING IS EARNING🙏 This app contains articles ongettingbusinessideas, protecting business ideas, and how togenerallythink aboutbusiness ideas. In addition to the articles,there is alist of 500business ideas. All the tips on business ideasforentrepreneurs aretips and suggestions came from ourexperiencegrowing our businessplan app. So if you are anentrepreneur who islooking to start abusiness, the apps based onmany entrepreneursjust like you. ▶KeyFeatures of APP- 👉Easy to use👉User Friendly👉Organized Information👉Best Business Guides toEarning 👉AnswerHow, Why, What, When andWhere to start Business👉Detailed and WellExplained ideas 👉500+Business to Start Now 👉Allin One App forIdeas 🙏LEARNING ISEARNING🙏 😎Use you PASSION to startBusiness andEarn Money😎
Self Mentor – Improvement & Mo 1.18
Self Mentor
A Self-Improvement app that helps you to build strong personality.
Mindset: Daily Motivation 1.8.7
Mindset is the ultimate source for daily motivation, talks&self-care on mobile
Success Mindset:Books & Quotes 1.9
GV apps
Books and Motivational Quotes to achieve success & buildasuccess mindset.
9900 Books & Audiobooks: Libby 179
Unlimited eBooks, Audiobooks & a Personalised Book Reader!
Personality Development App 4.2.33
Improve, develop and enhance your personality with protips,training & quotes
Power of Habit 1.8
TrmApps Dev
Power of Habit app is a habit improve and habit maker of life.
Habits of Billionaires : Most 2.1
🏆🎯 It has top habits of highly effective and successful people.
Entrepreneur Business Ideas - Tools & Tutorials 1.1.10
This app contains articles on getting businessideas,protectingbusiness ideas, and how to generally think aboutbusinessideas. Inaddition to the articles, there is a list of 100businessideas. Inaddition to that, there is a tool to help youbeginplanning yourown business - all on this one app!! All the tipsonbusiness ideasfor entrepreneurs are tips and suggestions camefromour experiencegrowing our business plan app. That business planappnow has over100,000 downloads and over 20,000 business plans. Soifyou are anentrepreneur who is looking to start a business, theappsbased onmany entrepreneurs just like you. This app focusesonbusinessideas. It contains articles on these businessentrepreneurtopics:1) How to get business ideas 2) Psychology ofbeing asmallbusiness owner and an entrepreneur 3) Evolution of abusinessideaand how they change over time. This is what happens toyourideaafter you get your business ideas. 4) What to do if youhavetoomany business ideas and how to choose the best out ofthoseideas5) Common business idea mistakes 6) Protecting businessideasafteryou get the business ideas, and whether you shouldprotectthem atall In addition to these articles, there are also100businessideas you can try. And if that wasn't enough, there isalsoasoftware tool on the app which helps you create asmallbusinessplan for of your business idea. It is a good idea tocreatea smallbusiness plan just for yourself to help you organizeyourideas.And if you feel you would like more guidance and helpinmakingyour business idea a reality, you can get help fromanexperiencedentrepreneur by trying our premium business ideasandbusiness planapps. Get expert help from a real person andbeginmaking greatprogress on your business idea today. For techsupportoradditional business idea article requests,[email protected]
Know Yourself Personality Test 4.4.21
Excel At Life
Increase self-awareness. Over 40 tests & 100 traits!Developedby psychologist.
Learn: how to invest in stocks 2.4.1
Learn by MyWallSt teaches you how to invest in the U.Sstockmarketwith easy to understand, zero-jargon, bite-sizedlessons,alloriginal content. Easy to Follow Design Huge effortshave goneintothe design of our app to ensure the content is laidout in aneasyto follow manner, with chapters and lessons similar toanybookyou're used to reading. This is not your usualstockmarketlearning app! Lessons There are no quizzes orspreadsheets,just 40lessons of original content, created by theMyWallSt team,designedto teach you the fundamental principles ofinvesting in thestockmarket. Each lesson can be read in under 1minute and you areincontrol of when you learn. Each lesson is alsoin audio formatsoyou can choose to listen or read. Learn How toInvest This appisdesigned to walk beginners step-by-step throughthe world ofthestock market and give you the confidence to startinvestingyourown money. You can mark each lesson as 'read' oncecompleted soyoucan monitor your progress as you read. Learn From aTrueInvestingExpert The lessons have been fully created byourco-founder andchief investing analyst, Emmet Savage. Itcapturesall of the majorlessons he’s accumulated through thousandsof hoursof practice andcomes with a jargon-free promise. Emmet hasbeeninvesting inpublicly-listed stocks for almost 25 years. Bybuyingstocks andholding shares in businesses you know and manyyou’veneverencountered, he has increased his portfolio’s value byover24% onaverage every year since 2002, meaning that investmentsmade17years ago have grown almost 38 times in value. Investingishispassion. Helping others to learn how is his life’s pursuit.WhoisMyWallSt? The MyWallSt team is made up of lifelonginvestorsandtech geeks out to achieve one common goal - to helppeopleshapetheir financial future by making it simple tostartinvesting.We're passionate about creating beautiful apps thatmakethatprocess simple and straightforward. Ready to startinvesting?Forthose ready to start investing we have also createdtheMyWallStApp. It's the world’s best app for those looking tostartinvestingin the US Stock Market, with additional informationonthecompanies we believe in and love. Search for ‘MyWallSt’todownloadfrom the Play Store.
Headway: 15-Min Book Summaries 3.16.0
Become a better version of yourself in 28 days to achieve moreinlife and work
Unlimited eBooks 5.2.7
Millions Of FreeEnglish classics books and Also you can requestanyfreebook.
Psychology Book Amazing Facts 2.2
Amazing psychology book with facts in different categories
Unlimited Books & Audiobooks 4.9.5
Thousands of Books & Audiobooks. Download, listen and readbookson book reader
Beginner Real Estate Investing 13.0
Looking for a passive income strategy, Real Estate Investing isforyou!
English Novel Books - Offline
Lit Photo
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21 Days Life Changing Challeng 1.4
Stud Zone
Purpose of 21 day challenges, Adopting new habits and transformyourlifestyle
4books: Audiobooks & Podcasts 1.34.13
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Listen, Read & Learn from the best books, podcast, andaudionews in just 15 min
Self Esteem Building Guide 1.0
This application give you an information about self esteembuildingguide.
Free Books - Download & Read Free Books 1.1.9
Free Books is a free app that contain thousands of freebooks.Wehave a huge collection of well-known books and youcanreadunlimited books without any cost Our collectionincludes:-Action& Adventure, Romance, Science & Fiction,Mystery&Detective, Horror, Short Stories, Fantasy,Drama,Historical,Religion, Supernatural, Westerns, SocialScience,Literary, HumanScience, Humorous, Biography &Autobiography,Science AndTechnics, War & Military, Travel,Other Popular AndAwardWinning books, etc. Features:- Add InFavorites Add any booktoyour favorite list to read and downloadlater. In-Builtdictionaryto increase your english vocabulary. Atany moment whileyou arereading the book, you can look up any wordin thebuilt-indictionary. Which will help you to learn Englishandgrammareasily. Read as you like Free Books app allows you tochooseyourpreferred font family font size, night & daymode,bookmarks,etc. Create your personal notebook with highlightsandnotes. Youcan mark and hight light any word, quotes, paragraphs,ordialogueswhich will save as your personal notebook and youcaneasily reviewit later. Read "Free Books - Download & ReadFreeBooks" andenjoy it anytime and anywhere. Download it now!
Determine Your Success 6.5.0
The Determine Your Success Application is a free,interactivebusiness resource.
Life Hack Tips Daily Life Tips 5.2
Tons of life tips and userful hacks to make your life easierandhappier.
Life Hacks 2.2.3
Incredibly useful Life Hacks & Tips that make your lifemoreconvenient