Top 20 Apps Similar to NBTC Speedtest

SpeedChecker Speed Test 2.6.79
Easy and accurate mobile and Wi-Fi SpeedTest up to 1 Gb/s. UK,USAand Worldwide
Speedcheck is the only speed test that lets you test yourinternetconnection on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks, keep trackof yourspeed tests and contribute your results to a crowdsourcedmap ofWi-Fi Hotspots that shows the speed of each hotspot. You canusethe included Wi-Fi Finder to find Free and Fast Wi-Fi - inHotels,Cafes, Restaurants - anywhere in the world. Main Features: ✓RunSpeed Tests for your cellular Network on 3g, 4g, LTE connectionstoimprove your coverage ✓ Test the Download and Upload Speed andPingof WiFi Hotspots on dsl, adsl, cable connections. ✓ Helpmakefinding free WiFi Hotspots with fast network connectionspossibleby contributing your test results to the crowdsourced Wi-FiFinderdatabase ✓ Worldwide high speed data server network forreliableresults ✓ Keep track of your internet speed tests in yourpersonalresult history. The includes download and upload speed,ping,signal strength, network name, internal and external IP andthetest date. ✓ Compare your different 3g, 4g, LTE cell speedtests.Study the reliability of your broadband dsl, adsl,cableconnections over time. ✓ Use the Wi-Fi Finder to access acoveragemap that let’s you easily locate free, fast WiFi Hotspotsaroundyou in Hotels, Cafes and Restaurants and other publiclocationslike stores, bars and libraries
4Gmark (Full & Speed Test)
4Gmark is a tool offering a comprehensiveandreliable benchmark of the quality of service for smartphones.Itallows you to compare smartphones, networks or places oneverytechnologies 2G (Edge, Gprs), 3G (Umts, Hsdpa, H+,Dual-carrier),4G (LTE) and Wifi.When you perform free tests with 4Gmark, you participate inacollaborative project to aggregate a base of informationforunderstanding and improving the quality of service.The "Speed Test" quickly calculates downlink and uplinknetworkspeed (average Bitrate).At the end of the Test, in the results, you can benchmarkyourresults against the average bitrate obtained by other users inyourcountry, in the same area or using the same smartphone (wifiorcellular).The "Full Test" is a scenario with all protocols (latency,transfer,youtube, web) giving full visibility over the quality oftheconnection environment. It calculates a score which let youcomparebetween them different smartphones, networks orplaces.At the end of the Full Test, in the results, you can benchmarkyourresults against the average score obtained by other users inyourcountry, in the same area or using the same smartphone (wifiorcellular).
WiFi - Internet Speed Test
Test WiFi and Internet speed. Fix slow Internet, optimizeWiFinetwork.
Internet Speed Test 1.0
Internet Speed Test is an easy appforquicklychecking your internet speed.The speed test is specifically optimized for mobiledevicesandmeasures accurately on 3G, 4G and wifi connection.How to use Internet Speed Test: Very easy, open app andwatchonscreen. You can see download/upload speed when testdone.You can test again by "Test again" buttonVery quickly, very useful. Start your free internetspeedtesttoday!Don't forget give us 5 stars and comment your feedback.
Internet Speed Meter 2.1.2
Glitterz Inc
Monitor Your Internet Speed Easily, Smartly and Live. Anytime!!!
COMPUTER BILD Netztest 7.0.3
COMPUTER BILD Netztest with network quality map and statistics.
Speed Check Light 5G/4G/WiFi
Lightweight Internet Speed Check Tool
Internet Speed Test 1.3.6
Speedtest is a FREE utility app todetermineyour download, upload and latency (response) with one-tapease.Use Speedtest to monitor your cellular (3G/4G/LTE) orWiFiconnection rate and response for your device. With areal-timegraphical display, results are updated continuously duringthetesting procedure. A quick trace route is performed todeterminethe number of gateways to the test server. This simple,easy-to-useapp provides consistent, accurate internet speed testingfrom anylocation. A simple test app to determine your truemobilespeed.Features:– Simple, one button tap performs (or cancels) the internetspeedtests.– Testing features download rate, upload rate and latency(response)time.- Includes the number of hops/gateways between the mobile clientandthe server (Trace Route).– Simple, easy-to-read tracking and reporting.- History of the previous tests is available for comparison.- Works on either Cellular data from any carrier or whenconnectedvia WiFi.- Conveniently share results with others via email.- Testing servers located around the world foraccurateresults.– Unlimited on-the-go testing - mobile speed testing.– It’s FREE!Important note: Speedtest uses ICMP to run ping and traceroute.There are some devices and builds of Android where this hasbeenintentionally blocked. Unfortunately, there is nothing weasdevelopers can do to avoid this happening. If your deviceisaffected, Speedtest will not run ping or trace route. Itwillsimply skip and leave the fields blank for results. Hopefully,inthe future, there will be a work around.If you experience any unexpected behavior (crashes, hangs,etc),please feel free to email us from the app. We are alwayslooking toimprove your experience.
Vodafone SpeedTest 11.8.0
Vodafone GmbH
How fast are my mobile and wireless? SpeedTest
Contrôlez la qualité de votre bande passante !L’application de Test de Bande passante vouspermetdemesurer la qualité de votre opérateur mobile chez vous,pendantvostrajets et au travail.Comparez les caractéristiques en fonction dedifférentscritères:- La vitesse de téléchargement (download)- La vitesse d’envoi (upload)- Le délai de réponse (ping)- L’intensité du signalVous pouvez également utiliser cette application pourplacervosrépéteurs wifi aux endroits stratégiques de votredomicilepourétendre votre réseau wifi.Testez votre connexion et visualisez les performancesdevosréseaux cellulaires et wifi quel que soit votre opérateur.Les informations récoltées par tous les tests sontdisponiblessurune carte française des performances des réseauxmobiles quivousaidera à trouver le meilleur opérateur dans la zoneoù vousvoussituez.Check the qualityofyourbandwidth!Applying Bandwidth Test allows you tomeasurethequality of your home mobile operator, while on tripsandatwork.Compare the features according to different criteria:            -Thedownloadspeed (download)            -Transmissionspeed(upload)            -Theresponsetime (ping)            -SignalstrengthYou can also use this application to place your wifirepeatersatstrategic places in your home to extend yourwirelessnetwork.Test your connection and view the performance of yourcellularandwifi networks regardless of your carrier.The information collected by all tests are available onaFrenchmap performance of mobile networks that will help youfindthe bestoperator in the area where you stand.
Speed test 4G 5G WiFi & maps 2.14.10
Network speed test & internet coverage - Speed Test forwifi,3G, 4G LTE, 5G
It becomes the smartphone version of the SPEED TEST has to offerinthe IT comprehensive news site "RBB TODAY".
WiFi Speed Test Pro
WiFi speed test: network speed, LAN, router speed, TCP, UDP,Samba,Internet.
Speed Test - Wifi & Mobile 1.1.3
Speed Test - Wifi & Mobile isasuper easy-to-use Internet Speed Test Applications. TestyourInternet Speed including Ping / Upload Speed / Download Speedonany connection such as Wi-Fi / 3G / 4G / LTE. Find out thebestsuitable network for you and enjoy faster internet speed foryourphone!Find your Best Internet Connection! - This app willhelpyou test your current internet connection on Mobile Dataconnectionor Wi-Fi Internet. Lots of Wi-Fi's around you and notsure whichone is the fastest? Want to know where in your house getsthe bestspeed result? Want to find out whether Mobile Data or Wi-Fiisfaster ? This app is for you!* FEATURE*1. One-Tap Internet Speed Test- Just tap "Test" and your Download Speed, Upload Speed, PingSpeedwill be tested!- Speed Test any internet connection - 3G / 4G / LTE / Wi-Fiwithone-tap!2. Netspeed Test History- App will automatically save the speed test history so tocompareall internet speeds!- Tap Trash-Icon to delete your unwanted history!Download the app for FREE to test your Internet Speed and getthemost out of your Android with this Speed Test Application!
SpeedSmart Speed Test 1.0
SpeedSmart is the ultimate speed test utility for evaluatingyourcellular (3G,4G,LTE) and Wi-Fi connection on all your deviceswithone-tap. A global server network with over 100 speed testserversand a smart speed test method ensure accurate resultshappen.Knowing your download, upload, and ping is important!With over 130 million speed tests taken and used bymanyprofessionals in the field SpeedSmart makes testing yourinternetconnection fast, easy and colorful.*** Features ****- Realtime testing of your Download, Upload and Ping- Cellular and Wi-Fi network speed test- One touch testing in under 30 seconds- Troubleshoot and verify the speed your ISP promised you- Compare results with your ISP average speed and latency- History tracking of all your past results- Full detailed result view with map of test location- Easily share your Download, Upload, and Ping speedtestresult- 100 + Speed test servers around the world foraccurateresults- 100% free with unlimited testingAccuracy matters when taking a speedtest, if the test isnotaccurate whats the point? Unlike some other speedtestappsSpeedSmart does not guess, throw out data or have aninferiornetwork of servers. We don’t have the most speedtestservers butours our placed in key transit points on the internet.Thiscombined with our unique method of testing helps to insure amorereal world accurate result to what your connections realdownloadand upload speed is.This easy-to-use speedtest app provides consistentaccuratedownload, upload, and ping results from any location.
RTR-NetTest 3G/4G/5G IPv4/6 4.8.16
Test your Internet access!-More than a speedtest.Opendata.Opensource.No ads.
Speed Test - Internet 1.3.8
Speed Test is a FREE utility app todetermineyour download, upload and latency (response) with one-tapease.Use SpeedTest to monitor your cellular (3G/4G/LTE) orWiFiinternet speed and response ( ping ) for your device. Withareal-time graphical display, results are updated continouslyduringthe internet speed test. A quick trace route is performedtodetermine the number of gateways to the test server. Thissimple,easy-to-use app provides consistent, accurate internetspeedtesting from any location. A simple test app to determine yourtruemobile speed.And now, with our new Star Rating system, you can see howyourinternet speed compares with those around the world! Thestarrating system intelligently adapts to your connection, to showyouhow your connection performed in comparison to others in asimilarscenario! So whether you're on WiFi or cellular data, youalwaysknow how your connection compares!Features:– Simple, one button tap performs (or cancels) the internetspeedtests.– Testing features download speed, upload speed and latency(pingresponse) time.– Simple, easy-to-read tracking and reporting.– History of the previous tests is available for comparison.– Works on either Cellular Internet from any carrier orwhenconnected via WiFi internet.– Conveniently share results with others via email.– Testing servers located around the world foraccurateresults.– Unlimited on-the-go testing - mobile speed testing.– NEW! Star rating system to compare your speeds with other'saroundthe world!Important note: Speed test uses ICMP to run ping and traceroute.There are some devices and builds of Android where this hasbeenintentionally blocked. Unfortunately, there is nothing weasdevelopers can do to avoid this happening. If your deviceisaffected, Speed test will not run ping or trace route. Itwillsimply skip and leave the fields blank for results. Hopefully,inthe future, there will be a work around.If you experience any unexpected behavior (crashes, hangs,etc),please feel free to email us from the app. We are alwayslooking toimprove your experience.
3G 4G Speed Test 1.1.1
Why speed matters ?Because you not get Wi-Fi internet speed all the time.This application was built for testing your mobile network (3G,4G,LTE) internet speed.If you want to know your 3G, 4G, LTE internet speed and makesureyour connection is solid enough.Our 3G 4G LTE Speed Test Application is an answer.★GSM, 3G, 4G LTE Internet speed testDownload speed (down-link)Upload speed (up-link)Data transfer time delays (latency, ping)★Easy in one touch & Smart resultsLollipop UI.Simple result easy to understand.Test with one button without any configuration.Automatic selection setting depending on connection type (3G,4G,LTE).★High accuracy with test serversTest on real current downloading and uploading speed.Reliability servers.
Download Speed Test 1.0
Use this Download Speed Test togetaccurateratings for your internet speed.Shows you:- Download and Ping speeds- KitKat design- How to boost internet speed- Easily share your resultsSimple and easy to use interface.Not-for-profit app, zero ads, zero cost, no nonsense.