Top 5 Apps Similar to Webview + source code

Akid Soft
Android Web Developer - Best IDE for WEB Development
VT View Source 1.9.17
View source code of HTML, CSS, JavaScript or XML files from Web.
Root Essentials 2.4.9
All the essentials you need for your rooted handheld and wearable.
Pastebin for Android 3.6
Pastebin for Android (aka Pastedroid)allowsyou to paste text to Pastebin and includes a history tab tokeeptrack of previous pastes.Appears in the share menu; perfect for use with aLogcat orLogCollector!If you have feedback, email me, don't just comment!
Obfuscator for Java source PB.1.2
BlueSea Team
'Java Source Code Protector' is thebestsolution to protect Android Apps from decompiler tool/ showsourcetool/ reverse engineering tool/ edit apk tool.* Main functions: Obfuscate all file name; class name;methodname;variable name* Advanced Option:   - Special object name: use special charactersforfunctions/ variables obfuscation   - Special file name: use special charactersforclasses/ filename obfuscation   - Package protection: hide package name   - String protection: hide all string value, maketheminvisible to read ("abc" ->"....")   - Fakecode injection: inject fakecode into sourcetotrap decompiler tools   - Resource string protection: Check and stop anychangeof resource strings   - Hide/ show Original source in theresultproject.   - User-define mapping rule   - User-define fakecodeSample for reviewing- Download the protectedproject: Compile it by Android Studio to get the (.apk) file- Decompile the (.apk) by any tools what you have.- Review the result (you wil see a lot of errors in thedecompilesource)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note 1: security if you are worried about the safety ofyourfiles, you can use this app on the device offline (nonetworkconnection is allowed), many others have done it forsure.Note 2: manual don't enable pro-guard when using thisApp,pro-guard will re-obfuscate everything in the normal way.Note 3: Apps for testing you can try to decompile orreversefile GreenSMS_protected.apk (which is included in the demofunctionof this app) to find out how this protection solutionworksManual   1. Copy your android project folder (,.xml, ... file) to the android device's internalstorage   2. Open the app: Java Source Protector   3. Select the android project folder   4. Set protecting options   5. Execute protection   6. Wait for working   7. Get the protected project folder (_obfus****),whichhas all protected .java files   8. Copy the protected project folder toyourcomputer   9. Using Android Studio/ Eclipse to compile andbuildyour Apk file (Note: don't enable pro-guard)