Top 21 Apps Similar to Human Genetics lite

Molecular Genetics 1.0
From this App you can learn : Explore when, where andhowDNAreplication takes place and what happens if there isamistakeduring DNA replication. Understand, draw and exploretheprocess ofDNA replication, including all the enzymes andmoleculesthat arenecessary. Summarize the molecular mechanisminvolvedintranscription and translation phenomena. Identify howDNAmutationsinfluence protein structure and summarize howmutationsmay causecancer. Co–relate and understand the geneticconcepts ofbacteriaand viruses. Distinguish the different genetransfermechanisms inbacteria (conjugation, transformationandtransduction).Investigate how operons act as on-off switchesfortranscriptionand allow for production of genes only whenneeded.Apply theconcepts of genetics of viruses and bacteria toproducenovelproducts using recombinant DNA technology. Apply theconceptsoftranscription and translation for the synthesisofdesiredfragments of DNA both by in vivo and in vitro methods.Moredetailsplease visit""hosts conceptoriented content in Maths &Sciences speciallydesigned for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enablesstudents to enjoylearning with application oriented,visually richcontent which issimple and easy to understand. Thecontent isaligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching.Students candevelop strongbasics, critical thinking and problemsolving skillsto do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWKas areference material to bemore creative in designingengaginglearning experiences. Parentsalso can actively participateintheir child's development throughWWK".
Genetics And Evolution 1.0
Duke and Coursera Intro to Genetics and Evolution (Prof.Noor)educational aid.
Genetics Dictionary 0.0.7
Provide you words related to genetic with short descriptionaboutthe word.
All About Genes and Genetics 1.2
What do you know about your family tree?Haveany of your relatives had health problems that tend to runinfamilies? Which of these problems affected your parentsorgrandparents? Which ones affect you or your brothers orsistersnow? Which problems might you pass on to your children?Thanks to advances in medical research, doctors now havethetools to understand much about how certain illnesses, orincreasedrisks for certain illnesses, pass from generation togeneration.Here are some basics about genetics.Genes and ChromosomesGenetic ProblemsAbnormal Numbers of ChromosomesDeletions, Translocations, and InversionsSex ChromosomesGene MutationsOncogenes (Cancer-Causing Genes)New Discoveries, Better Care
Genetics MCQ 2.1.2
Dr M Fouad
MCQ Questions for students of Health Sciences College at Al-Leith
Mendelian Genetics 1.0
Mendelian Genetics Simplyscience
Biology Molecular Genetics 2.55
Topics: 1. DNA Replication 2. Transcription 3. Translation
Genetica 1.0
La génétique est au coeur denotredéveloppementet comprendre ce domaine c'est mieuxappréhendernotre développementet le chemin parcouru.Genetics is at theheartofour development and understanding of this area isabetterunderstanding of our development and the path.
Biologie pentru BAC 1.8.5
Biology for BAC BAC is dedicated to giving students of anatomyandnot only.
Генетика КРОЯ 4.0.1
Бесплатное мобильное приложение"ГенетикаКроя".Здесь вы всегда найдете актуальную информацию потемамконструирования и дизайна одежды.Если вы любите шить или шитье ваша профессия, то выможетеиспользовать интернет для поиска нужной вам информации.У нас вы найдете бесплатные и платные обучающие материалы отЦентраконструирования и дизайна одежды «ГАЛИЯ».С мобильным приложением "Генетика Кроя":- Вы получаете доступ к новым материалам и свежую информацию онашихмероприятиях: очных семинарах, вебинарах, on-lineобучению.- Вы сможете использовать дополнительные скидки и участвоватьвакциях, предназначенные только для подписчиковнашегоприложения.- С нашим приложением Вы всегда в русле Моды.Free mobileapplication"Genetics Croy."Here you will find current information on topics of designandfashion design.If you love to sew or sewing your profession, you can usetheinternet to find what you need. Here you can find free and paid educational materials fromtheCenter design and fashion design "GALIYA."With the mobile application "Croy Genetics":- You get access to new content and updates on our activities:faceto face seminars, webinars, on-line learning.- You can use additional discounts and participate inactivitiesdesigned only to subscribers of our application.- With our app you are always in the mainstream of fashion.
PreTest Biochemistry Genetics 1.0
Whoever said that studying had to beachore?With the Biochemistry and Genetics PreTestSelf-AssessmentandReview app from McGraw-Hill, you have the powerto turn studytimeinto play time. Tired of lugging around heavytextbooks andreviewguides? Let this app lighten your load.Withclinical-vignettestyle questions and detailed explanations ofbothcorrect andincorrect answers, this app is a great place tostartyour testprep.This starter pack app includes 25 free questions organizedinto17categories;Acid-Base Equilibria, Amino Acids, and Protein StructureProtein Function and BioenergeticsCarbohydrate MetabolismLipid, Amino Acid, Nucleotide, and Nitrogen MetabolismIntegrated Metabolism -Vitamins, Minerals, and HormonesDNA and Chromosome Structure, DNA Replication and RepairGene Expression and RegulationMolecular Basis of Disease - Pathology, Laboratory MedicineGenetic Medicine: Clinical Genetics and InbornErrorsofMetabolismEndocrine System - Endocrinology and Developmental MedicineNeurosensory and Neuromuscular Systems -Neurology,Ophthalmology,OtolaryngologyDigestive System - Gastroenterology and NutritionCardiovascular and Respiratory Systems -CardiologyandPulmonologyRed and White Cells, Reticuloendothelial System-Hematology,ImmunologyIntegumentary and Skeletal Systems -Orthopedics,Dermatology,RheumatologyUrogenital System - Urology, Genecology and NephrologyCancer - OncologyTest your overall knowledge by answeringrandomlygeneratedquestions from all categories or target areas ofweaknessbyfocusing on a specific category. Need a more intensivereview?Thendownload the complete set of 500 questions by makinganin-apppurchase of $29.99.This dynamic app also allows users to flag questions astheygo,thus allowing for easier review of problem areas. Userscanevencreate a quiz composed solely of these flaggedquestions.Detailedanalytics allows users to review their quizhistory andstatisticslike their weekly progress. Users will alsodiscovertheir categorystrength and weaknesses. By offering arigorousreview of keyconcepts and facts, this app gives users theperfectway to assesstheir knowledge of biochemistry and geneticsfor theUSMLE Step1.Have a question or would like to share your feedback?Pleasesendus an email at: [email protected]
Quantitative Genetics 1.0.12
Genetic calculator for genefrequencies,Hardy-Weinberg, Variances
Basic Molecular Biology 1.0
Basic Concepts of Molecular Biology.
Popular Biology 1.3
Biology pop is a popular and fullyinteractivebiology app. You have the chance to access all thedetails ofliving creatures in this journey into the depths of thescience ofbiology.Contents:- Elaboration of data, combined with the visual informationofbiological organisms.- The latest news on Biology- The most recent developments in the field of Biotechnology- Expression of biological structures with video, graphics,andvisuals What do we offer? -The opportunity to move popularbiologyculture to social media -Friendly user design- Practically presentation of video, pictures,information,graphics, social media and news to visitors. What isthe differenceof the popular biology? Popular biology contains themost updatedand social developments in the current World. Forexample; we willbriefly mention about the present speciesadaptation to theconditions of nature, species which don't existnow, globalwarming, the final point that the genetics have reached,the placein the scientific environment of the biotechnology that isthe mostbeautiful synthesis of the biology and technology.Moreover, weinclude games based on medicine and biology in order tobeeducative. As well as biology games, doctor, medicine, orsurgerygames will be included. We include deeper biologicalstructures, inaddition to all of these alternativedevelopments.Briefly:- Molecular Biology and genetics- Cell Biology- Ecology- Cytology- "Systematic Biology" and "Taxonomy"- Biological Structures- Physiology- Botany- Zoology- Single-celled multi-celled- Viruses and Bacteria.- Contents of the video of all the working mechanisms of DNA andRNA- Organelles, and many more.What's new?- Game reviews are added so you can gain insight intothegames.- You can write your comments about the app and games inspeechbubbles.- Game trailers and walkthroughs are added to indicate howtoplay.
Human Japanese
Brak Software
Ready to learn Japanese? Meet yourpersonalsensei-in-a-box.Human Japanese presents the Japanese language from square one inawarm, engaging tone. Going much deeper than the canned phrasesandvocab of other products, it approaches the language inanintegrated way, with discussion, recordings,animations,illustrations, photos, reviews, and more.The core promise of Human Japanese is to show you howeverythingworks and never to expect you to magically know thingsthat wehaven’t yet taught you. This makes your journey intoJapanese ajoy, as each new piece that falls into place makes senseand everynew example sentence is comprehensible.Key concepts are explained with warmth and humor, drawing youintothe nuts-and-bolts that you need to understand Japanesewhilekeeping things down-to-earth and engaging. Our goal is to leadyoufrom one “light bulb moment” to the next so that you stayenergizedand excited about the language.Human Japanese contains:* More than 500 pages of interactive content* Animations of every hiragana and katakana character* Over 1800 recordings of vocabulary words and phrases spokenbynative speakers* More than 800 example sentences* Ingredients(TM) example sentence breakdowns on everyexamplesentence for total clarity* Interactive games and review quizzes that keep track ofyourresponse history to help focus on trouble spots* Dozens of photos and cultural notes to connect your Japanesetoreal life* And more more!Human Japanese will impress you with its warmth, beauty, andwit.Download it today and start your journey!
Genetics 700 Flashcards & Quiz 1.4
Learn 700 genetic terms. Includes DNA,RNA,cell division, chromosomes, heredity, and diseasequestions.Includes more than 700 multiple choice quiz questions,flashcards.Also, includes glossary with common terms anddefinitions .Plus:- Create your own flashcards, multiple-choice and glossary- Send multiple-choice quiz questions to friends- Post score for global ranking- Keep up to date with the Genetics news feed
Genetics 1.1
Mobile Seva
This app can be used for accessing Genetics course contentsofZoology subject.
Artificial Intelligence 5.4
The app is a complete free handbookofArtificial Intelligence with diagrams and graphs. It is partofComputer or software engineering education which bringsimportanttopics, notes, news & blog on the subject. The Appserves as aquick reference guide on this engineering subject.It covers more than 140 topics of Artificial Intelligenceindetail. The topics are divided into 5 units.Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and otherformsof graphical representations for better learning andquickunderstanding. The App will provide faster learning andquickrevisions on the subject.Some of the topics Covered in this application are:1. Turing test2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3. History of AI4. The AI Cycle5. Knowledge Representation6. Typical AI problems7. Limits of AI8. Introduction to Agents9. Agent Performance10. Intelligent Agents11. Structure Of Intelligent Agents12. Types of agent program13. Goal based Agents14. Utility-based agents15. Agents and environments16. Agent architectures17. Search for Solutions18. State Spaces19. Graph Searching20. A Generic Searching Algorithm21. Uninformed Search Strategies22. Breadth-First Search23. Heuristic Search24. A∗ Search25. Search Tree26. Depth first Search27. Properties of Depth First Search28. Bi-directional search29. Search Graphs30. Informed Search Strategies31. Methods of Informed Search32. Greedy Search33. Proof of Admissibility of A*34. Properties of Heuristics35. Iterative-Deepening A*36. Other Memory limited heuristic search37. N-Queens eample38. Adversarial Search39. Genetic Algorithms40. Games41. Optimal decisions in Games42. minimax algorithm43. Alpha Beta Pruning44. Backtracking45. Consistency Driven Techniques46. Path Consistency (K-Consistency)47. Look Ahead48. Propositional Logic49. Syntax of Propositional Calculus50. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning51. Propositional Logic Inference52. Propositional Definite Clauses53. Knowledge-Level Debugging54. Rules of Inference55. Soundness and Completeness56. First Order Logic57. Unification 58. Semantics59. Herbrand Universe60. Soundness, Completeness, Consistency, Satisfiability61. Resolution62. Herbrand Revisited63. Proof as Search64. Some Proof Strategies65. Non-Monotonic Reasoning66. Truth Maintenance Systems67. Rule Based Systems68. Pure Prolog69. Forward chaining70. backward Chaining71. Choice between forward and backward chaining72. AND/OR Trees73. Hidden Markov Model74. Bayesian networks75. Learning Issues76. Supervised Learning77. Decision Trees78. Knowledge Representation Formalisms79. Semantic Networks80. Inference in a Semantic Net81. Extending Semantic Nets82. Frames83. Slots as Objects84. Interpreting frames85. Introduction to Planning86. Problem Solving vs. Planning87. Logic Based Planning88. Planning Systems89. Planning as Search90. Situation-Space Planning Algorithms91. Partial-Order Planning92. Plan-Space Planning Algorithms93. Interleaving vs. Non-Interleaving of Sub-Plan Steps94. Simple Sock/Shoe Example95. Probabilistic Reasoning96. Review of Probability Theory97. Semantics of Bayesian Networks98. Introduction to Learning99. Taxonomy of Learning Systems100. Mathematical formulation of the inductivelearningproblem101. Concept Learning102. Concept Learning as Search103. Algorithm to Find a Maximally-Specific Hypothesis104. Candidate Elimination Algorithm105. The Candidate-Elimination Algorithm106. Decision Tree Construction107. Splitting Functions108. Decision Tree Pruning109. Neural Networks110. Artificial Neural Networks111. Perceptron112. Perceptron Learning
Biotechnology Dictionary 5.1.9
Looking for the best BiotechnologyDictionaryin the Google Play?Check out our latest Biotechnology Term Dictionary...Main Features:1. Equipped with quick dynamic search function (Fuzzy Logic) –Thedictionary will start searching for the words while youtype.2. Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “star” icon.3. Managing Bookmark Lists – you are able edit your bookmarklistsor clear them.4. Add New Words/ Terms – you will be able to add in and storeanyof the new terms in this Dictionary.5. > 4,500 words – Included all the popular and daily usetermsin the dictionary.6. FREE – It is completely free. Download at no cost. FOC.7. Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when no data connectionisavailable.8. Small Size (few MB) – The dictionary will only take asmallportion of your Android devices.9. Android version compatibility – The Apps can work perfectlyfineon all Android version either on latest ICS/ KitKat orolderversion.10. Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function, allowing you to use with ease.In addition, all the terms are listed alphabetically withfastersearch facility, easy to navigate through entire app.This app will work as a great pocket resource forBiotechnologyterms and definitions.Please rate this application 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.Julia Dictionary Inc
Biology Dictionary Offline, Le 1.2.5
Offline Biology Dictionary with lots of terms, definitions&numerous quizzes!
Genetics & Evolution 1.2
The Biology: Genetics & Evolution appisastudy aid for students in university level biology. Learnmorethan1200 fundamental biology concepts in 22 chaptersofmultiple-choicequiz, flashcards and glossary content. Reinforcekeyconcepts andimprove recall memory through interactive features:Create custom flashcards, multiple-choiceandglossarycontentShare multiple-choice quiz questions with friends by emailSend report of your quiz correct / incorrect answers by emailPost score for global rankingGeneticsChapter 1: MeiosisChapter 2: MendelChapter 3: ChromosomalChapter 4: Molecular BasisChapter 5: Gene and ProteinChapter 6: Gene RegulationChapter 7: VirusChapter 8: BiotechnologyChapter 9: GenomesEvolutionChapter 10: DescentChapter 11: Population EvolutionChapter 12: Species OriginsChapter 13: History of LifeBiological DiversityChapter 14: PhylogenyChapter 15: BacteriaChapter 16: ProtistsChapter 17: Plant ColonizationChapter 18: Plant EvolutionChapter 19: FungiChapter 20: Animal DiversityChapter 21: InvertebratesChapter 22: VertebratesChapter 23: Custom Learning Modulekeywords: MCAT, AP Biology, Advanced Placement,Biochemistry,CellBiology, college biology, high school biology,marinebiology,biological, tutor, tutoring,