Top 22 Apps Similar to Sound Meter - Decibel value ch

Sound Meter 2.17
Splend Apps
Sound Meter - powerful in its simplicity and convenience of use.
SPL Meter 1.15
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Meter, A & C Weighting, ThirdOctavesSpectrum, ...
Sound Meter 1.4.0
Sound level meter (or SPL - soundpressurelevel) is an app which can measure the actual sound levelmeterwith decibels (dB).Sound meter is also known as sound level meter, decibel meter(dBmeter), noise meter, sound pressure level meter (splmeter).Sound meter application uses the microphone to detect soundandconvert it into an SPL value. The range between the noise floorandsaturation may be only 20 dB on the worst devices, but couldexceed100 dB on the best devices.If you have professional sound meter and our noise measurementisnot exactly equal - you can calibrate our SoundMeter tool. Forthebasic usage our app is fully sufficient! If you want you canalsochange measuring frequency.With Sound meter you can measure sound when you at home andpreparefor baby sleeps, so keep it quiet.Or you can use it to test car noise when buying a newone.Manythings you can do with this sound meter app.Levels of Noise In decibels (dB) according to American Academyofaudiology:140 dB - gun shots, fireworks130 dB - jackhammers, ambulance120 dB - jet planes taking off110 dB - concerts, car horns100 dB - snowmobiles90 dB - power tools80 dB - Alarm clocks70 dB - traffic, vacuums60 dB - normal conversation50 dB - moderate rainfall40 dB - quiet library30 dB - whisper20 dB - leaves rusting10 dB – breathing
Sound Analyser PRO 4.1
Droid Dev.
Sound Analyser is an audio app thattransformsyour Android device into a powerfull audio spectrumanalyser withspectogram and 3D waterfall- high dynamics with 20 FFT analysis per second- auto or manual scale- log (dB) or linear scale for the amplitude- log or linear scale for frequency axis- selectable FFT window: flat top, Hanning or rectangular- zero-padding for better FFT frequency resolution- selectable sampling frequency, up to 96000 Hz (supportedfrequencydepends on the device)- performance factor for slow devices- zoom on the frequency and time axes (drag the axis to zoom)- amplitude scale zoomable- multitouch zoom- cursor on the spectrogram with or without frequencysoundreproduction- auto-peak cursor- auto calibration method, using the in-built speaker.Thecalibration file can be manually edited with a simpletexteditor- portrait and landscape display- recording time only limited by the device memory- save sound file as WAV or CSV- read MP3 and WAV file for offline analysis- save spectrogram as high definition PNG- music overlay with notes- configurable band stop filter for the audio playbackSo do not hesitate any longer and install this app.Please feel free to comment or post a question on thededicatedGoogle Group:!forum/sound-analyserOf course a direct e-mail is also possibleAll comments are very welcome.If you like the app, please rate it.Yann Trémaudant
Audio Frequency Counter 1.14
Measure accurately the frequency of a periodic signal fromthemicrophone
Frequency Analyzer 1.0.8
Fundamental frequency measurement: error less than 0.04%.DopplerEffect
Noise Exposure
Measure the noise around you!With the noise indicator you can discover how much noise youhavearound you. Measure the noise at work, in the car and atthefootball game. With a simple touch you will get:- A decibel meter that measures the sound level in real time.- A summary of the measurements which you can name and saveforlater.- Brief information about noise and requirements values ​​forthesound level.- Contact information to the Swedish WorkEnvironmentAuthority.How does the app work?Start decibel meter by pressing the button on the first tab.Themeasurement continues until you press the button again.Thisdisplays an average value and a maximum value of themeasurement.You can then choose to name the measurement and save itor shareit. We have chosen to remove the so-called noise calculatorbecauseit was not fully reliable. If you want to figure out thetotalexposure for a working day so we referto app also contains information about the noise andrequirementvalues, links to the Swedish Work EnvironmentAuthority'swebsite.Decibel Meter app is tested with the following phone models:- LG G4- LG Nexus 5- Motorola Nexus 6- Motorola Moto G (2 generation)- Samsung Galaxy S2- Samsung Galaxy S3- Samsung Galaxy S4- Samsung Galaxy S5- Samsung Galaxy S6- Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge- Sony Xperia Z3- Sony Xperia Z3 Compact- Sony Xperia Z5 Compact- SonyEricsson XPERIA Arc- SonyEricsson XPERIA Ray- HTC Desire- HTC Wildfire- HTC Desire HDThe application is not as reliable as a professional noisemeter,but it gives approximate values. Note that most mobile phoneshavemicrophones that are designed for a frequency rangecorrespondingto the human voice. Because of limitations in phonesthe soundlevel of sound dominated by low frequencies (below 200 Hz)beunderestimated, and for some models is a limitation at justabove80 dB(A).If you want to take part of the test results from the momentofcalibration of the various phone models you find ithere, Meter does not match international or European standardforsound level meters.The idea is to get an indication of the noise level around you.Ifyou experience bothersome noise levels at your workplace,pleasecontact primarily your employer or your occupationalhealthservices.The noise meter is published by the Swedish WorkEnvironmentAuthority.
Sound Spectrum Analyzer 10.7
PC Mehanik
Audio analyzer with RTA SPL (noise level) and soundfrequencyspectrum.
Advanced dB (SPL) Meter 1.0
Darren Gates
Measure volumes in your environment withthisfun and well-designed app. Adjust the "trim" value tocalibrateyour microphone, save your settings, and adjust theresponse rate(slow or fast).View max/min/average decibel values, and "pause" the meter toseevalues at any particular state using the on/off button.NOTE on using the "Scale" setting:This version differs from previous versions in that it includesa"scale" setting. During testing, we found that some Androiddevicesrequire a "multiplier" to get dB values that moreaccurately reflectreal life. You may need to adjust this scalevalue anywhere from 1.0to 2.0 depending on the particular device.For example, an HTCIncredible requires a scale of about 1.45 to bemore consistent withRadio Shack SPL meters.You will also likely need to adjust the "Trim" value dependingonthe type of device you have, and the device'smicrophonesensitivity. Between the scale & trim settings, youshould beable to achieve values that at least approximate realdBmeters.
SPL and Spectrum Analyser 2.10
An SPL Meter and Audio Frequency Spectrum Analyzer for theAndroidphone.
Spectrum Analyzer 5.0.3
Spectrum Analyze gives you real-time spectrum data fromthemicrophone..
AudioTool 8.6
AudioTool: Fully Featured SPL, dB and Sone Meter, plusAudioSpectrum Analyzer
Harmonicity Meter
Measure Harmonic to Noise Ratio (Harmonicity), Jitter &Shimmer.
Schallanalysator 2.1
Diese kostenlose und werbefreie Schallanalyse-App wurde speziellfürden naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht entwickelt. EineausführlicheBedienungsanleitung, viele Experimentieranleitungenfür Akustik- undMechanikexperimente und die neue Testversion 2.2finden Sie BeiProblemen kontaktieren Siemich bitte per E-Mail([email protected]).Voraussetzungen:Mindestens Android Version 4.4 und ARMv7-ProzessormitNEON-Befehlssatz-Unterstützung. Diese Freeware-App besitzt7Fenster, die als Einfach- oder Doppelfenster dargestelltwerdenkönnen: o Speicheroszilloskop: Verlauf des SchalldrucksinAbhängigkeit von der Zeit o Frequenzspektrum (FFT) oGrundfrequenzeines Klangs (in Hz) und Angabe der zugehörigenMusiknote (sehrgenau!) o Lärmampel o Effektiver Schalldruck (in Pa)undSchallintensität unter Normalbedingungen (in W/m²)oSchalldruckpegel (in dB) o A-bewerteter Schalldruckpegel (indB(A))In den meisten Physikexperimenten werden die ersten dreiFenster(Speicheroszilloskop, Frequenzspektrum und GrundfrequenzeinesKlanges) verwendet. Für den Gebrauch dieser 3 Fenster istkeineKalibrierung erforderlich. Bitte achten Sie darauf, dassohneKalibrierung allerdings die Schallpegelwerte sehr ungenausind.Achtung! Falls in Ihrem Smartphone eineRauschunterdrückungaktiviert ist, muss diese deaktiviert werden, dasonst die Appnicht richtig arbeiten kann. Insbesondere dieSchallpegelwerte sinddann unbrauchbar. Bei einigen Smartphones kanndieRauschunterdrückung nicht deaktiviert werden. Die GenauigkeitderSchallpegelmesswerte hängt entscheidend von der QualitätdesMikrofons und der Soundkarte ab. Der minimalmessbareSchallpegelwert wird durch das Rauschen der Soundkarte unddesMikrofons begrenzt. Der maximal messbare Schallpegelwertwirdebenfalls durch das Mikrofon und die Soundkartebegrenzt(Übersteuerung). Typisch ist für ein Smartphone derMessbereich 30dB bis 85 dB. Da es viele unterschiedlicheSmartphonetypen gibt,ist eine Kalibrierung für den Schallpegel undden bewertetenSchallpegel notwendig. Diese Kalibrierung lässt sichsehr einfachdurch das Zerreißen von 10 Papierbögen durchführen.Eine „exakteKalibrierung“ kann ebenfalls durchgeführt werden.DieSchallpegelwerte (inklusive effektiver SchalldruckundSchallintensität) sind auch nach einer Kalibrierungnichtsonderlich genau, da die eingebauten Mikrofone keinenkonstantenFrequenzgang und keine Kugelcharakteristik besitzen. UmgenauereErgebnisse zu erhalten, sollte ein externes Messmikrofonverwendetwerden. Für den Physikunterricht sind die Schallpegelwertedennochhilfreich, da hier ein Gefühl für die Größenordnungvermitteltwerden kann und der logarithmische ZusammenhangzwischenSchalldruck und Schallpegel bzw. Schallintensität undSchallpegel(unter Normalbedingungen) im Unterricht erarbeitetwerden kann.Experimentieranleitungen finden Sie hierfü Eigenschaften der App:DieMessungen können als Wave-Datei gespeichert, geöffnet, gesendetundempfangen werden. Speichern der Werte als CSV-Datei undVersandsind ebenfalls möglich. Zum Analysieren vonMusikinstrumenten oderStimmen von Musikinstrumenten ist die von derApp mit sehr großerGenauigkeit (Abweichung: max. 0,2 Hz) bestimmteGrundfrequenz einesKlanges hilfreich. Zusätzlich zur Grundfrequenzwerden dieMusiknote und die Frequenz der Note, die in der NähederGrundfrequenz liegt, angezeigt. Dadurch ist eine einfacheundgenaue Stimmung von Musikinstrumenten (insbesondereGitarren)möglich. Mit der Option „Erweiterte Messung schnell“könnenAufnahmen mit einer Länge von maximal 60 Sekunden gemachtwerden,die nach der Aufnahme ausführlich manuell analysiert werdenkönnen,Bitte: Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie mich beiauftretendenProblemen per E-Mail([email protected])kontaktieren könnten. Sokönnten wir die Probleme schnell undzielgenau klären.
Sound Level Meter 1.7.7
The sound level meter. (noise measuring aparatus)
Decibel Measurement Tool 1.0
Decibel (dB) Meter in your pocket.Sound level meter with exclusive accuracyofmeasurements.Calibrated with professional high-precisiondecibelmeter.We have made this dB Meter for that you could saveonpurchasingof professional sound level meters which cost hundredsofdollars.At the same time we love beautiful design and we liketosurprise,therefore, having acquired our dB Meter you alsoreceivethegraceful and extremely convenient app withintuitiveinterface.Please note that dB Meter - Decibel Measurement Tool app isnotareplacement for a professional device and should be usedforprivatepurposes only. It provides a simple way to measureaudiovolumes inyour environment. The app shows the approximatedB(decibel) level,also known as Sound Pressure Level (SPL).Features:- Unique and attractive design.- Exclusive simplicity and convenience of use.- Highly accurate measurements.- Lux quality.DB Chart150-160 dB = Eardrum rupture140 decibel = Aircraft carrier deck.130 dB = Jet take-off (100 meters), gun blast at closerange.120 dB= Human pain threshold, loud rock concert.110 decibel = Serious hearing damage if sustained for morethan1hour.100 dB = Serious hearing damage if sustained for morethan8hours.90 decibel = Likely hearing damage if sustained for morethan8hours.80 decibel = Potential but unlikely hearing damageifsustainedfor more than 8 hours.70 dB = Just annoying, but probably safe.60 dB= Typical conversational volume.50 dB = A quiet, library conversation.40 decibel = A whisper.30 dB= Barely audible sound.20 decibel= Threshold of human hearing.
Volume Meter 1.0.2
If you are looking for dB,VU-meterapplicationfor the measurement of noise, sound pressurelevel(SPL) VolumeMeter is what you need! Our free application usesthedevice'smicrophone to determine the sound pressure levelindecibels (dB).Volume Meter can be useful in many situations,withit you can learnhow loud your dog barking or how noisyyourwashing machine running.Restriction:Most mobile device microphones tuned to the human voice(300-3400Hz,40-60 dB), so the maximum measured level is 100dB.Can also be hardware limitations on the level of theinputsignaldevice, such as Motorola Droid (max. 100 dB), Galaxy S(81dB),Galaxy S2 (98 dB), and others.Microphone sensitivity depends on each individual device.Automatic calibration (to improve accuracy applicationshouldstayin complete silence for a few seconds.)Levels of Noise In decibels (dB) according to AmericanAcademyofAudiology:140 dB - Gun shots, fireworks130 dB - Jackhammers, Ambulance120 dB - Jet planes taking off110 dB - Concerts, Car horns100 dB - Snowmobiles90 dB - Power tools80 dB - Alarm clocks70 dB - Traffic, vacuums60 dB - Normal conversation50 dB - Moderate rainfall40 dB - Quiet library30 dB - Whisper20 dB - Leaves rusting10 dB – BreathingThe application does not require any unnecessarypermissions.
Spectrum Analyzer 2.6
MazuApps Ltd
Audio spectrum analyser for Android!Veryprecise diagramshowing the spectrum of the audio signal near the phone.You can see the visualization of your voice or music.Additionallyit will display frequency of the loudest signal.Can be used to test your instruments, check your footballwhistlefrequency, andeven tune your piano, guitar or other string instrument."Features real-time smooth high framerate spectrumdiagram!Frequencies between 20Hz and 20kHz!Scale is logaritmic, what is best for human perception.Software is using FFT internally.This application is using advertisement, but it will notcreateicon or bookmarks on the desktop. We are also not using anypushadvertisement.
Decibel Sound Level Meter 1.2.4
Analyze noise levels in dB. High accuracy, calibration, chart data
Noise Meter App 1.0.2
Music Breath
Noise Meter App is your own pocketnoisedetector. Use this noise level meter to measure exact loudnessofany noise or music around you! This noise tracker also suitsforchecking room acoustics.Noise tracker is rather useful sound pressure meter of loudsoundseverywhere. Use the decibel meter outdoors or in everyplacement.This amazing sound meter app picks up the slightestnoise.Noise Meter App is:- High-quality sound analyzer;- Tool for measuring loud sounds;- Useful pocket noise tracker.Noise Meter App sound analyzer FEATURES:INSTANT RESULTS- Check the room acoustics or loud sounds in no time.NO EXTERNAL HARDWARE- Test the decibel meter using the microphone of your gadget.PRECISE NOISE DETECTOR- Accurate sound pressure meter in decibelswithvisualization.DIGITAL & ANALOG VISUAL SOUND METER- Set the sound measurer style you like.APPLE WATCH SUPPORT- Measure loud sounds without pulling your device out ofthepocket.Measure sound like a professional sound meter with NoiseMeterApp.
Function Generator
Dual channel function generator for the audio output. No Ads.NoPermissions.
Measuring Center 2.71
The software for the spectrum analysis of the sound signals