Top 14 Apps Similar to 九块九包邮-比呀比

淘宝创意街 1.1.0
淘宝创意街是一款集合淘宝原创商品的客户端,精选了淘宝网上各种各样的新奇特商品。同时,创意街也是原创设计师展现自我的平台,可以第一时间购买到设计师的最新创作!创意,是一种生活方式。更是一种生活态度!巧妙的设计,独特的构思,融合了设计师的创新和灵感。与众不同的你,赶紧来享受最新鲜最奇特的创意体验!Taobao the CreativeStreetis a collection of original goods Taobao client, a selectionof avariety of strange new products Taobao. Creative Street isalso theoriginal designer show self platforms, can buy thedesigner's latestcreations!Creativity is a way of life. More is an attitude to life!Clever design, unique concept, which combines innovationandinspiration of the designer.Distinctive, hastened to enjoy the freshest and most exoticcreativeexperience!
购物党比价助手-条形码扫描-快递查询 1.4
1、逛淘宝京东时自动货比N家2、可以查看180天历史价格走势3、收藏商品降价时自动提醒1, automatic goodswhenshopping Taobao Jingdong than N home2, you can view historical price movements 180 days3, automatic reminders when commodity prices collection
爱淘宝-淘宝网购分享平台 1.0.0
Deal Checker
推荐高性价比优质商品、特惠活动,更有资深黄钻买家、时尚达人、红人模特分享购物体验Recommendcost-effectivehigh-quality merchandise, special events, and moresenior yellowdiamond buyers, fashion, Reds models share theshoppingexperience
Taofen Bar 5.20
Taofen Bar( in Taobao market;the leading Taobao rebatenetwork;noneed to register and withdraw your cash;automaticallyrecharge toyour Zhifubao account.Distinguishing features:1.Offering substantial selections in Taobao market withhighrebate2.No need to withdraw your cash as the rebate will recharge toyourAlipay account automatically3.Chances to cash rewards everyday4.Up to 8 Yuan reward in cash if inviting your friends
淘伴-淘寶官方店鋪上新促銷 3.0.2
(首次下載登錄就送80淘金幣)淘伴是淘寶網官方推出的用戶端。用戶可以隨時隨地查看喜歡店鋪的促銷、上新,第一時間搶購物車、我的最愛降價寶貝,還可以每天領淘金幣。1. 促銷上新:關注你喜歡的店鋪,第一時間搶折扣,逛新品(支持收藏店鋪和已購店鋪的關注);2.物流:隨時查看已買到寶貝的物流狀態;3.發現好店:按照用戶的喜好,推薦好店;4.我的淘寶:用戶可以通過淘伴管理已買到寶貝、購物車、我的最愛等;5.領金幣和搖(抽)金幣:除了每天領取金幣外,還可以通過抽獎的方式,得到額外的金幣;6.寶貝動態:用戶我的最愛購物車寶貝的促銷,隨時看。(Login first downloadsend80 Amoy gold)Taobao Amoy with the official launch of the client. Users canviewanywhere like shop promotion, a new, first time to grabtheshopping cart, favorites price baby, you can also Amoy goldcollarevery day.1 New Promotions on: Follow your favorite shop, the first timetograb discounts, visiting new (to support collection of shopsandstores have been purchased concern);(2) Logistics: always check the baby has to buy alogisticsstate;3 found a good shop: In accordance with the user'spreferences,recommend a good shop;4 My Taobao: Users can manage to buy Amoy with baby, shoppingcart,favorites, etc.;5 gold collar and shake (pumping) Gold: In addition to dailycollectgold coins, you can also draw the way through, getextracoins;6 Baby Dynamic: User Favorites Cart Baby promotion, readytosee.
比價王 8.4
苏宁易购今日特价 1.0.0
购物优惠信息大全 1.0
每天各个电子商务网站都有大量的促销优惠信息但是对于消费者来说很难从海量的商品中过滤出来那些是真正优惠的。所以就诞生了数十家以推荐优惠促销信息为生的专业网站本软件就是一个将所有这些网站上面的信息抓取出来的一个聚合软件这样,你每天只需要花费10分钟, 基本上就可以得到所有的感兴趣的商品, 购物狂必备tag: 淘宝 阿里巴巴 京东 亚马逊 新蛋 中粮我买 天猫 聚划算 团购 促销 国美 苏宁什么值得买, 我能买什么, 我爱白菜网 趣购 值值值 慧慧Day of eache-commercesite has a lot of promotional informationBut it is difficult for consumers to filter from themassmerchandise out who is the real concessions.So was born the dozens of recommended discount promotionslivingprofessional websiteThis software is the one above all of these sites to crawl outofan aggregation of information softwareIn this way, you only need to spend 10 minutes a day, basicallyyoucan get all the interested goods, shopaholic necessarytag: Alibaba Taobao Jingdong Amazon Newegg COFCO I boughtLynxtogether cost buy promotions Gome, SuningWhat is worth buying, I buy what I love cabbage netinterestpurchase value value value Rati
易购返利-易购网(超级省钱的必备折扣神器 3.4.1105.1
易购网(专注“返利导购”11年,是国内最早、用户活跃度遥遥领先的“返利导购”官方网站,网购达人公认的省钱神器!【专注返利导购11年】易购网(成立于2004年,是国内早期的购物返现导购平台,购物积分行业市场规模和用户活跃度领先的“返利导购”平台。现有合作伙伴几乎涵盖了所有知名电商,包括天猫、淘宝、京东、苏宁易购、携程、一号店、亚马逊、聚美优品等400多家主流电商。【网购达人必备】八千万妹纸网购返利必备!只为你的钱包再也不需要“瘦身”!每日搜罗全网口碑大牌好货,我们和商家“玩命”砍价!只为让你从此网购不再“剁手”!【返返返】每日专享“超高折扣”!大咖买手挑剔选款职业砍价,最高返利100%! 就差你来任性!【买买买】支持全网400多家电商平台,实惠省钱只为你!每日3个时段“口碑好货”! 闪电返! 超级返! 坐等你来任性!【功能亮点】1、天天好货:搜罗全网海量口碑好货,每日10点、20点更新,快时尚大咖推荐! 超高返现!2、断货大王:每日3个时段(10点、15点、21点)十款超级好货,等你来抢!每晚21点“超级断货王”,两款0元购,特卖不打烊!最高返现100%3、专题好货:奇葩吐槽各类好货,看口碑买好货,再也不会盲目购买!4、大牌集合:千余家知名品牌,超高返利,只为你而返!5、闪电到账:特有闪电返,下单后快速返利到账,不再等待!易购网专注返利11年,超级返,9块9,0元购一个不少随时等你来。微信订阅号:egouguanwang官网:http://www.egou.com联系电话:400 0060 666
小婷電腦:最新科技最流行的3C達人 2.16.0
隨時掌握時下最新3C產品資訊,在這找到最新科技最流行的3C達人,以及別家買不到的獨家商品我們通通都有!24小時立即購,可以超商取貨、刷卡送到家,快速又方便。小婷電腦(手機版)是小婷電腦專為手機用戶推出的手機購物軟件,具有商品搜索、瀏覽、購買、支付、收藏、訂單查詢、等在線功能,為用戶提供快捷方便的手機購物新體驗。商店客服:通過客戶端的“留言給店家”進行留言。產品特色:1.樂享移動時尚新體驗: 千品商品多圖瀏覽,指尖滑動中讓您隨心所欲淘寶新鮮貨。2.購物車: 讓購物、支付更方便,更實惠。3.訂單查詢: 可查詢7日內訂單明細和處理情形。4.館長推薦:推薦最新、最火、最優惠的商品,天天特價天天驚喜!5.精選活動:精心挑選最新、最優惠的活動內容。6.商品分類:小婷電腦的3C時尚生活商品包羅萬象,提供商品分類服務,讓您能輕鬆瀏覽各分類商品。7.快速搜尋:key入關鍵字,快速找到想要的商品。8.購買支付: 方便購買與支付功能,讓您輕鬆安全地做個3C時尚達人!9.我的收藏: 可針對喜歡有興趣的商品進行收藏,免去重覆搜尋的困擾,讓您方便快捷的買到更具價值的商品。Keep up to datenowadays3C product information, find the latest technology in thismostpopular 3C of people, as well as other stores can not buyexclusivemerchandise we have altogether! 24 hours immediatelypurchase, youcan pick up convenience stores, credit card sent home,fast andconvenient.Xiaoting computer (mobile version) is Xiaoting computer designedformobile phone users to launch mobile shopping software, withproductsearch, browse, purchase, payment, collection, orderinquiries, andother online features to provide users with quickand easy mobileshopping experience . Store Customer Service:through the client's"Message to the store" in the message.Product Features:1 fun in mobile fashion new experience: one thousand items ofgoodsmulti-map browsing, slide the fingertips so you want Taobaofreshgoods. 2 Shopping Cart: Let shopping, pay more convenientandaffordable.3 Order: Order Details can be found and processed within 7 daysofthe case.4 curator Recommended: Recommended newest, hottest,bestmerchandise, daily specials every day of surprises!5 Featured Activities: carefully selected the latest andmostfavorable activities.6 Category: Xiaoting computer 3C lifestyle merchandiseinclusive,provide goods classification service, so you can easilybrowse eachcategory of goods.7 Quick Search: key enter keywords to quickly find thedesiredproduct.8 purchase payment: to facilitate the purchase andpaymentfunctions, allowing you to easily and safely be3Cfashionistas!9 Favorites: for love can be interested merchandisecollection,eliminating duplicate search problems, allowing youquick and easyto buy more valuable commodity.
Superbuy Shopping 5.51.2
Superbuy offers a one-stop shopping solution for global userstoshop at Taobao, Tmall, JD,1688 and other popular platforms fromtheGreater China region. Superbuy was established in 2012 byMrHaixing Gong, one of the co-founders of Tencent HoldingLtd(0700.HK), who is also the first Honorary Advisor. ThankstoSuperbuy you can order products from multiple e-commerceplatformswhich will be shipped to and stored at Superbuy’swarehouse. Onceyou would like to send them overseas, simply groupthem into abundled shipment. Various payment methods are available– PayPal,Alipay, International Credit Card, etc., More than 200regions andcountries are available to ship to, so getting yourfavoriteChinese product is a piece of cake via Superbuy-----Contactus----- Service Hotline: +86-755-33085566E-mail:[email protected] Website:
九块九包邮-手机购物 1.2.2
★全场9块9,包邮您拿走!限时疯抢中!小伙伴们都买疯了!★每天千余款9.9元包邮商品更新推荐,藏不住的诱惑就在9块9包邮!★淘宝专业团队,二年时间潜心打造,只为给您更好的购物体验。★精心筛选优质淘宝店铺,去芜存菁,为您节省大量时间成本。★同类商品、同店商品比比看。远离冲动消费,三思而后买才是购物的王道。★推荐搭配,让您的购买更加物有所值。 一站式服务。★优化页面加载,给您带来更快、更稳定的浏览,更少的流量花费。★界面简洁,上手快,更有诸多功能等您发现。【应用特色】1.“职业砍价师”心黑手狠帮您砍价低至1折2.“职业验货师”9大工序帮您验货,经得起千锤百炼3.“职业选款师”帮您从万千淘宝商品中精挑细选4.“开卖提醒”让你不再错过开卖时机5.“值得逛”网罗世间潮品,凸显你的品位★没错,这就是9块9包邮。只为更好的购物。★ audience 99,shippingYou take away! Limit berserk in! Small partners tobuycrazy!★ Recommended daily update section 9.9 yuan thousandshippinggoods,can not hide the temptation to just 9 9 freeshipping!★ Taobao professional team, two years of painstaking build,justtogive you a better shopping experience.★ Taobao shop carefully selected high-quality, chaff, you savealotof time costs.★ similar products, same-store merchandise together-.Awayfromimpulse spending, think twice before buyingshoppingisbenevolent.★ Recommended with to make your purchase even more valueformoney.One-stop service.★ optimize page loads, to bring you faster and morestablebrowsing,spend less traffic.★ interface is simple, quick, and many more features, suchasyoufind.[Application Features]1. "Professional bargain division" Heart ruthlessmanipulatorhelpyou bargain for as low as 1% off2. "Professional inspection division," nine inspectionprocesstohelp you withstand tempered3. "Occupation selected paragraph" to help youcarefullyselectedfrom thousands of Taobao goods4. "On sale reminder" so you will not miss theopportunityonsale5. "Worth visiting" snare worldly influx of goods,highlightyourtaste★ Yes, this is 9 9 free shipping. Only for better shopping.
聚喜欢 1.1