Top 7 Apps Similar to Birthday Cakes Decorations

Best Mehndi Designs 1.0
Mehndi application is a traditioninmanycountries in Asia and Africa. However, this traditionisbecomingmore of a trend nowadays because it is very beautifulyetpainless.Mehndi is derived from the leaves of the 'henna' plant.Byapplyinghenna, people can sport body art without anypiercingrelated painor botheration of the design being permanent.The tradition of mehndi application originated more than500yearsago in South East Asia, India and Pakistan. Weddingsandreligiousfunctions are considered incomplete withoutmehndiapplication. Thisart has gained a lot of popularity throughtheinternet and nowpeople from all over the world take interestinthis creative bodyart.One can choose from a variety of different mehndidesignsavailablefor download from the internet. These patterns canbe usedas aguide while applying the mehndi, or easier still, theycanbetransferred to the hand directly using carbon paper.Forbeginners,using pre-fabricated stencils of mehndi designs isalso agoodoption.After making a choice from the wide array of mehndi designs,thenextstep is to practice the designs. If one is anamateur,practicing thedesign on a paper first may be helpful.Mehdiapplication is allabout creativity and practice. After afewdesigns, innovativepatterns will automatically flow inyourmind.There are four main types of mehndi designs to selectfrom.TheIndian style includes the feature of fingertips beingcoveredfullyin henna. Pakistani patterns are more intricate,complex andtimeconsuming. African designs comprise geometricalfigures anddotswhile the Arabic designs have medium sized motifsofflowers,leaves and vines.How mehndi works as a temporary dye on the skin is averyinterestingconcept. The crushed leaves of henna when made intoapaste andapplied to the body undergo an oxidation reaction.Withthe help ofthis reaction, the dye gets absorbed on tothesuperficial layers ofthe skin, giving a temporary color. Thecolorof mehndi is initiallypale orange, which darkens to reddishbrownwithin 24-72 hours.The ease and perfection in mehndi application largely dependsontheuse of a good mehndi dispenser. These dispensers canbeplasticcones, paint brushes or Jacquard bottles. The flow ofhennaneedsto be smooth and not messy. So go on and sport somegracefulandroyal henna art! This is a truly beautiful art.So are you looking for Mendhi Design Ideas? Learn andgetmorestunning and amazing tips from this application ofBestMendhiDesign 2016. Download this application and you can evenseemanypictures of baby clothes which can give youinspirations!Enjoy!
Happy Birthday to You 1.0.5
Send Birthday Wishes to your friends and family.
Headboard Design Ideas 1.4
Headboard Design Ideas make adesignstatementin your bedroom that you can customize to fit bothyourstyle andyour space. You can create headboards fromrecycledobjects likecharming old doors or make an elegantupholsteredheadboard withfabric and plywood. Inexpensive bookcasescan becomea showcaseheadboard for collectibles and other artworkwith a fewsimpleadditions.Upholstered HeadboardMake an upholstered headboard with a piece of plywood orMDF,fabricand batting. You can make your upholstered headboard astallas youlike; just have the board cut to at least fit the widthofyour bedfor better visual appeal. Encompass the side tableswithyourheadboard for a more custom design. You can also givetheheadboardshape with a curve or scalloped edge at the top oftheplywood.Upholster the wood with a layer of batting and a layeroffabric,both cut to fit the face of the headboard plus fourinchesaroundthe perimeter. Lay the fabric face down with thebatting ontop andthen center the plywood over the batting. Workyour wayaround theedges, pulling the fabric up over the plywoodandstapling it inplace. If you prefer a tufted look withbuttons,drill holes in theplywood before you cover the front withfabric.After the headboardis covered, insert a threaded upholsteryneedlethrough the holes onthe back, straight through the front ofthefabric. Pick up a buttonand insert the needle back throughthefabric and out the back. Hangyour headboard on the wallsecurelywith wall hangers attached towall studs.Old DoorsRecycle decorative old doors you can find at yourlocalarchitecturalsupply yard or antique store into yourheadboard. Oldwooden doorshave a lot of character and workhorizontally orvertically on thewall behind your bed. You canclean, sand andstain the doors to helpthem fit your décor, orleave them in theiroriginal state with acoat of polyurethane addedfor preservationand shine. Hang thedoors, or door, directly ontothe wall behindyour bed with wallhangers attached to wallstuds.Liven up your bedroom decor and design. Don't just settleforaho-hum, off-the-rack headboard. Create a headboard thatmakesastatement as a design element in your bedroom. Design andmakeaheadboard that's all about you. Use ideas to design andmakeaheadboard with a "signature" style. Customize the look sothatitincludes all the comfort features you want around you whenyoutellthe world "good night."So, what are you waiting for? Learn and get morestunningandcreative ideas from this application of HeadboardDesignIdeas.Here, you can see many pictures related to the topic soyoucan getmore inspiration. Moreover, you can save youfavoritepicture inyour card so you can share it with yourfriends!Download now and enjoy!
DIY Crafts Recycling 1.4
With the rise of concern aboutEarth'sdepleting resources, businesses are popping up thatadvertise thesale of art made from recycled materials, as can beseen onwebsites such as Mecca Materials Exchange for CommunityArts. Kids,too, can creating their own art from recyclablematerials. Makingthree-dimensional creatures from recyclables withkids offers theopportunity to discuss the importance of recyclingwhile create asatisfying project. Here is the idea:Milk-Jug Creature MasksCut a clean, dry, gallon milk jug in half from top to bottom insucha way that the handle remains in the center of one half.Design amask using the handle as a nose or snout for yourcreature. Draw andcut out eye holes. Use acrylic paint orpermanent markers to addcolor and facial features to the mask.Alternatively, you can coverthe mask by gluing on pieces ofcolored tissue paper, and thenpainting a coat of glue over thetissue paper to seal it. Use hotglue to attach old buttons,colored paper scraps, yarn scraps orcloth to create more facialfeatures such as eyebrows, a mouth,whiskers and ears. Punch holesin the edge of the mask side, andthen thread yarn through theholes if the mask is to be worn.Egg-Carton Creepy CrawliesCut an egg carton into strips. Make each strip theappropriatelength for the desired creature. For example, use apiece three eggsections long for an insect or longer for acaterpillar. Color andadd details to the egg carton with acrylicpaint or permanentmarkers. Use toothpicks or chenille stem piecesto create legs andantennae for your creature. Old buttons can beused to create eyesor spots on the creature body. Make stripeddesigns on yourcreature by gluing on yarn scraps.Snake, Centipede or Millepede CreatureUse small sections of paper tubing from paper towels or toiletpaperto create these creatures. Paint the tubing pieces a color ofyourchoice, and allow them to dry. Connect the pieces using smallbradsso that the creature remains flexible. Add facial or bodydetailwith additional paint, and allow it to dry. If creating acentipedeor millipede, cut old chenille stems or paperclips intosmallpieces. Slightly bend the ends of the stems or paperclips,and pushthe bent end through the paper tubes as legs. The bendkeeps the legfrom falling out of the tube.Soda-Bottle FishCut the top off a 2-liter soda bottle just under the threadswherethe lid attaches. Cut about 2 inches off the bottom of thesodabottle, and then squeeze the bottom edges together slightly.Use apermanent marker to draw fin and tail outlines on the sodabottlebottom. Cut the bottle on your outlines using heavy-dutyshears.Tape the tail and fin edges together using clear tape. Cutscale,eye and gill shapes from colored scrap paper, and glue theseto thefish body. Add mouth detail to the top portion of the bottlewithpermanent marker. Paint a coat of decoupage sealer over theentirefish to seal and protect it.So are you looking for more DIY craft from recycle things?Learnand get more stunning and amazing tips from this applicationof DIYCrafts Recycling. Download this application and you can evenseemany pictures of diy craft which can give youinspirations!Enjoy!
DIY Paper Flower Designs 1.4
DIY paper flower designs areimitationsofnatural flowering plants used for commercialorresidentialdecoration. Flowers made of paper can be thecheapestway ofdecorating your wedding. From the smallest weddingdetails tothemost important bridal accessories, one can choose anycolorandstyle for the décor. I think that incorporating paperflowersintowedding day decor is going to be hot. There aresomanypossibilities to combine colors and flowers, styleandoriginalideas.The wedding paper bouquet can be made with roses,peoniesandother flowers in contrasting colors and adornedwithfashionbrooches, crystals, and feathers. The handle can bewrappedinshiny plastic rhinestone mesh trim and some silvercrystals.Paperbouquets can be customized in any color you want. Therosesmixedwith the peonies and other flowers replace thetraditionalall-rosebouquets, giving the impression of a real freshbouquet.This isabsolutely unique and perfect for asophisticatedbride.These are many designs of DIY paper flowers, likes:-Paper flower garlands add whimsy and color to an empty wall,andyoucan custom design the colors for birthday parties,bridalshowers,weddings or any other special occasions that callforfestive decor.Hang them horizontally as bunting, or hangseveralgarlandsvertically side-by-side, and you have an instantphotoboothbackdrop.-Hibiscus flowers are beautiful blossoms that makeawonderfuladdition to tropical crafts and parties. Mosthibiscusflowers arepink, red, orange, yellow or white, and many ofthemhave acontrasting center. You can make paper hibiscusflowersfromcolored card stock, regular paper or origami paper. Ifyoudon’twant to draw your own paper hibiscus flowers, you candownloadatemplate, cut out the pieces and trace them.-Rose flowers appear elaborate when finished, you needonlytwosimple templates to create the petals. Both templatesareteardropshapes. A small rose is made with five inner andsevenouterpetals. The curved shape of the petals is created bygentlypullingthe crepe paper at the center.-Dahlia flowers petal method is perfect for creatingflowerswithpetals of all the same shape and size -- such as thedahlia.About32 inches of crepe paper strips are needed from thistemplatetocreate one dahlia.-Quilled paper creates beautiful, elegant and simple designssuchasdelicate flowers, curvy letters and miniaturevines.Creatingquilled paper flowers is easy, even without aquillingtool. A fewsnips of craft scissors can create delicatedaisies orpinkconeflowers in a few minutes' time.So, what are you waiting for? Learn and get morestunningandcreative ideas from this application of DIY PaperFlowerDesign.Here, you can see many pictures related to the topicso youcan getmore inspiration. Moreover, you can save youfavoritepicture inyour card so you can share it with yourfriends!Download now and enjoy!
Balloon Decoration 1.4
Decorating with balloons has become thefadnowadays in preparing all types and kinds of venues forvariousoccasions. For birthdays, weddings, baby showers, andcompanyevents and parties, balloon decorations are definitely ahit.The job of sprucing up an empty space for a party is oftenanexpensive feat. But with balloon decorations, you can enjoyaplethora of fun, interesting, eye-catching and attractiveaccentsat costs that are well within your budget.The design ideas available for balloon decorations are asflexibleas the balloons themselves. While they are available in allshapes,colors, sizes and materials, they can be made intocenterpieces,sculptures, logos backdrops, arches, decorative spiralcolumns andbouquets.Just like a whimsical floral arrangement, balloon centerpiecescango from fun to colorful, romantic to elegant. A centerpieceoftwisted pearl toned balloon easily complements any party themeorconcept that exists.You can turn a balloon centerpiece into a name card holder orabeverage stand. You can also turn it into any imaginable itemthatwill make an interesting conversation piece for every cornerandtable at your party.Balloon sculptures and logos are commonly used at festivals aswellas company events. Instead of costly materials likeflowers,balloon sculptures can allow event organizers to create aballoonsculpture of festive icons and other festive themes.You even have the opportunity to stamp each balloon with auniquedesign statement, your company name, or a logo. These accentsareperfect for events like grand openings and trade shows, andtheyalso work well as stage settings. These air-filled wonders canlasta long time, which makes it a fine decor to draw attention tothevenue's focal point.What is a more wonderful and dramatic way of showing your gueststheentrance to your party or special event than by greeting themwithbeautifully arranged balloon arches? With a plethora ofarrangementsand designs to choose from, balloon arches allow youto tastefullyframe your head tables, stages and entryways.Balloon columns stand as an equally beautiful yet lesscostlysolution to livening up an empty party space. Thesespiraldecorations give you an elegant way of transforming a plaindancefloor or entertainment area into the party's focalpoint.To learn how to decorate with balloons, all you need to haveisenough patience, discipline and diligence to learn how tomakespecial balloon creations and sculptures. But for big events,youmight need to hire professional balloon decorators viaonlinesources, or a local team of balloon decorators. Although theycancost a bit of money, it would be a worthwhile investment, astheywill make any event or party worth coming to.How about it? Interested in balloon decoration? Want todiscovermore? Open this application of balloon decoration and findout moreinformation about balloon decoration.Hurry up your balloon is waiting for you!
Cute girl hairstyles 1.4
Having long, beautiful locks is certainlythedream of every woman who wants to feel truly feminine and tolookgood all the time, but caring for long hair can be a dauntingandtime-consuming task. If you feel that you cannot give yourlonghair the attention it deserves, then you are better off withashort haircut that can compliment your overall features justaswell!Here are several inspired cute short haircuts (for 2016)thatwill change the way you see short hair, for good!Short hairiscertainly making a comeback amongst ladies these year, andthePixie cut is more fashionable than ever before! If you are tiredofhaving to wash, curl or straighten your long hair on a dailybasis,then perhaps it’s time for a change. Add a touch of freshnessandyouth to your appearance with these short hair trends that areveryeasy to maintain and to arrange.Here are several great short hair trends for women in 2016 thatwilldebunk all the myths surrounding short haircuts.1. Cute Bob Hairstyle For Young Spirits!It is said that the creative adult is “the child who survived”.Ifyou are the daring and adventurous type who is not afraid totakethe bull by the horns and to experiment with new and creativeshorthaircuts for women, then this is a great inspiration –especiallyif you are dark-haired!2. One-Sided BobIf you like the idea of having a bob-style haircut, then youshoulddefinitely consider the asymmetrical bob, which isdefinitelymaking a comeback these days. Here is a great andoriginal ideasfor light-haired ladies who are ready for achange!3. Short Haircut Bursting With Color!Do you like the idea of layered short hair? If so, then you willgetto love this shortcut idea that involves coloring each layerwith adifferent shade. The result will take you by surprise, andwilldefinitely turn heads on the street!4. Shoulder-Long Bob5. Messy Short HaircutMessy, just-got-out-of-bed hairstyles can be incredibly chicandattractive, especially if you do not have too much time togetready in the morning, before going to work. Here issomeinspiration for you6. Short Bob HairstyleThis is a great idea for ladies with thick hair! If nature hasbeengenerous with you and you have thick, beautiful hair, then looknofurther than this fancy short bob hairstyle!7. Short HaircutThis is as classic and simple as a short haircut for ladies canget!If you are looking for a fresh, stylish and hassle-freeshorthaircut, then here is a great idea for you.So are you looking for more cute hairstyle for girls? Learnandget more stunning and amazing tips from this application ofCutegirl hairstyles . Download this application and you can seemanypictures of cute hairstyles which can give youinspirations!Enjoy!