Top 20 Apps Similar to The Text Speaker

Volume+ (Volume Boost)
JELLY BEAN (ANDROID 4.1) USERSPLEASEREADI've been waiting until I could get my hands on a SGS4 to updatethedescription.This application has always worked via exploiting a bug inAndroid'sMediaServer, which is why there has never been anyotherapplications like it (that can boost the volume of systemsounds)on the Play Store. Google seem to have completely patchedthisexploit as of Android 4.1+. Unfortunately there is nothing Ican doabout this; Volume+ will no longer work on newerdevices.Some devices running 4.1 CAN make use of this application(SamsungGalaxy S 3 international, HTC One X, etc.) but the majoritywillnot. Most phones running pre-JB firmware will still be able tousethis application as normal.Sorry about this everyone but there's nothing I can do anymore,NOAMOUNT OF DEVELOPMENT WILL EVER GET THIS WORKING AGAIN.Googlebroke it!Please note; Incompatible devices running certain customfirmwaresmay still be able to make use of this application.This application can be downloaded for FREE on my website alongwithbeta builds that have not yet been released.** PowerAmp Fix -**Thanks.Tested and Fully working on the Samsung Galaxy S III!!(Doesn'tcurrently work on the Sprint Version. No idea why.)This application was designed primarily to boost the volume ofawired headset. Whilst it will boost the main loudspeaker volume,itmay not be as prominant. Please bare this in mind.Millions of people blame bad headphones for low-quality music,wellput the blame where it belongs; your phone and the audiosoftware.Volume+ can fix the issue system wide. Using Volume+ yourphonewill get a boost in bass, treble, and if you're using ourpresets,you can finally experience the quality of music that youtrulydeserve. Being system wide, Volume+ works with GoogleMusic,Pandora, Slacker, and every other music software on yourdevice(that doesn't have a built in EQ). Volume+ might not get youthesame experience that you get with those over priced headphones,butwhat we can promise you is that for $2, you will get music thatisfinally worth listening to.There may be issues on certain custom ROMs.This software does not function the same on every ROM out there,wepersonally recommend using a Cyanogen Mod 7 or MIUI ROMs, but wedotry our best to optimize our software for all softwareversions.Stock users message us if you're not getting animprovedexperience.We highly recommend you use this with caution because while wedoallow you to literally go crazy with the way you hear yourmusic,you can seriously damage your hearing and possibly lose it.Soplease don't go crazy with our application, we want you toenjoyyourself not hurt yourself (please see disclaimerbelow).DISCLAIMER:By downloading this application you agree to the fact that, asthisapp exploits the EQ API included in Gingerbread and it is notmeantto be achieved under normal circumstances, I am NOT to beheldresponsible for anything negative that may occur, such asbreakageto your phone or phone's speaker.I will also take no responsibility for any damage that may occurtoyour hearing. This app will allow you to boost the volume oftheheadset, bluetooth headset and modify the inbuilt EQ settings.As aresult, you can now increase the volume of theheadset/bluetoothheadset way above the recommended maximum and so,may causepermanent damage to your speaker and/or hearing.*********This app is available for FREE on my*********Download and use at your own risk.
Person Tracker Pro
Person Tracker also called as 'mPersonFinder'is an app which is used to find any person in the world bytheirMobile Number (or) by their Name (or) by their Email! This appisintegrated with many social networking sites &directories,sothat it searches a person in all the integratedsocial networkingsites & directories to give you the exactmatch on found withcomplete Person Details!Features:-Finds any Person Instantly-Integrated with Facebook-Integrated with Twitter-Integrated with LinkedIn-Integrated with Google-Integrated with Bing-Integrated with Yahoo-Integrated with Microsoft-Integrated with Truecaller-Integrated with White pages Directory & so on!
한글 읽어주는 앱 3.0
You can listen to the inputted Hangul and save it as an mp3 file.
SilentNinja: DND call blocker 1.03
FlipFlop Apps
SilentNinja is extremely useful inblockingprivate numbers and calls from numbers not in your contactlist.This is a 30 day trial period application for SilentNinja.Welook forward to your support for developing more features.Buy paid app: mentions: demo (Youtube): SilentNinja blocks unknown numbers.It has an 'Intelligent mode', in which it only blocksunknownnumbers that are not present in call logs (more detailsinsettings).In a meeting, SilentNinja can be configured to block allcontactstoo. Since your family numbers are usually present in calllogs,they would not get blocked.You can also blacklist numbers.Any numbers SilentNinja blocks are visible in call logs.Inshort, SilentNinja keeps the user in control.Use SilentNinja in a meeting or when watching a movie orwheneveryou need to filter calls. Keep SilentNinja in a quicklyaccessiblelocation on your phone.Note 1: SilentNinja does not create copies of your contacts,suchas TrueCaller or other reverse lookup applications. You caninstallit safely on your business phones.Note 2: We have an Ascending Ringer Volume feature. Disablethisfeature if you find the ringtone volume too low onpermittedincoming calls. This warning is applicable only whentheapplication in enabled.
Incoming Caller Name Announcer 1.4
Ever wondered if there is a way to know whois"Calling" while you are "Driving" and the Phone is inyourPocket...?Or who send you Message's while you are in another Placeandreceived an Message's? it simple Speaks Everything.....Incoming Caller Name Talker speaks out the Incoming Caller nameandMessage sender name so that you can identify who is callingwithoutlooking into your phone....It can even read the Message's content for you. And the bestThingis, it is total FREE. "Incoming Caller Name Announcer" usethebuilt-in Android text-to-speech engine to voice the callerorMessage Sender ID...."Incoming Caller Name Announcer" :1- Caller Name if exist in contacts...2- Caller Number if Name not exist in contacts...3- Speak Message Sender Name & Contents....Features:* One Tap to In Caller Name Announcer to Disable/Enable Call andSMSAnnouncing feature.. .* Caller Name Talker speaks out the caller name from Contact,itVoices the caller id over your existing ring tone.* Speaks Number, if caller name not found in the contactlist.* Announce SMS Sender name while receiving an SMS.* Read Message's content.* Volume's Settings* Text's To Speaks Settings* Ring tone's Setting
Mobile Number Tracker 3.1
Are you getting calls from unknown number, get CallerTelecomLocation.
Phone and SIM Info 4.1.3
This App provides a lot of information aboutyourphonespecifications and SIM
Caller Name Talker 3.1
Caller Name Talker -- Simply Speaks Everything
Network Connections
Reveal The Secret Connections Of Your Apps!
연봉을 말해줘 2.0 -급여계산기 2.02
본 어플리케이션은 연봉의 실수령액을 계산해줍니다.국세청에서 제공하는 2013년도 간이세액표를 참고하여 계산이 이루어집니다.비과세와 부양가족, 그리고 회사마다 연봉을 나누는 기준에 따라 실수령액이 달라집니다.추후 취업정보를 제공해드릴 예정입니다.'연봉을 말해줘'는 미취업자들을 응원합니다!----------------------------[키워드]---------------------------연봉,연봉계산기,급여계산기,연봉,월급,월급계산,연봉계산,세금,국세청,급여,일급,시급,취업,공채,공채달력,취업,공채,공채달력,채용,이직,직장,연봉,신입,구인,구직,대기업,경력,신입,취직,이력서,자기소개서,면접,아르바이트,모바일취업,모바일취업비서,취업상담,취업고민,취업비서,취업,구인,구직,알바,헤드헌팅,자격증,취업정보,채용정보,취업뉴스,취업속보,취업상담실,커리어,해외취업,취업센터,교육센터,취업포털,경력개발,취업사이트,채용,채용포털,채용정보,고용정보,알바,일자리,구인정보,JOBKOREA,wkqzhfldk,Work,tkfkadls,Job,Career,cnldjq,cnldjq, rndls, rnwlr,salary,money,dkfmqkdlxm,dkfqk,Recruit,findjob,전직,재취업,여성취업,정보통신취업,IT취업,임원,CEO,인크루트,파인드잡,리쿠르트,리크루트,사람인,인크루트,Incruit,dlszmfnxm,인터넷채용시스템,취업검색,카카오톡,페이스북,트위터,직업,인턴,공기업,잡,투잡,돈벌기,구인광고,구인구직,캘린더,calnedar,calendar, calandar,celandarThis application allowstocalculate the salary silsuryeongaek.Simple tax tables provided by the IRS in 2013 with reference tothecalculation is done.Exemption and dependents, and in accordance with eachcompanysharing salary silsuryeongaek vary.We will give further provide employment information."Tell me the salary 'of the unemployed will cheer!---------------------------- [Keywords]---------------------------cnldjq, cnldjq, rndls, rnwlr, salary, money, dkfmqkdlxm,dkfqk,Recruit, findjob, Jobs calnedar, calendar, calandar,celandar
SIM Phone Detailz 1.0
Phelipe Maia
This amazing app will bring to you alltheinformation that you need from your phone, SIM card andbattery.You can see your IMEI, signal level, cell location, phonenumber,battery level and a lot of other important stuff.Enjoy it and tell us how we can improve to make abetterexperience for you.A subscriber identity module or subscriber identificationmodule(SIM) is an integrated circuit that securely storestheinternational mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) and the relatedkeyused to identify and authenticate subscribers on mobiletelephonydevices (such as mobile phones and computers).A SIM circuit is embedded into a removable plastic card.Thisplastic card is called a "SIM card" and can be transferredbetweendifferent mobile devices. A SIM card follows certain smartcardstandards.[1] SIM cards were first made the same size as acreditcard (85.60 mm × 53.98 mm × 0.76 mm). The development ofphysicallysmaller mobile devices prompted the development of asmaller SIMcard, the mini-SIM card. Mini-SIM cards have the samethickness asfull-size cards, but their length and width are reducedto 25 mm ×15 mm.A SIM card contains its unique serial number (ICCID),internationalmobile subscriber identity (IMSI), securityauthentication andciphering information, temporary informationrelated to the localnetwork, a list of the services the user hasaccess to and twopasswords: a personal identification number (PIN)for ordinary useand a personal unblocking code (PUK) for PINunlocking.sim card phone android details information simcard simphonetechbattery imei imsi number
Speaker Box Designer 1.2
This app will size the loudspeaker box/port and plot thefrequencyresponse.
알림 읽어주는 톡톡 3.3.9
톡톡은 기기의 모든 알림을 읽어주는 애플리케이션입니다.알림 기록을 사용하여 '읽음' 표시 없이 알림을 읽을 수도 있습니다.• 주요 기능전화가 오면 발신자 정보를 읽어줍니다.SMS 또는 MMS 메시지가 오면 발신자 정보와 내용을 읽어줍니다.선택한 애플리케이션의 알림이 오면 그 내용을 읽어줍니다.현재 시간(사용자 지정 시간), 음악 트랙(재생 중인 노래 제목), 클립보드(복사된 텍스트)를 읽어줍니다.읽어주는 음량, 속도, 반복 시 지연 시간을 설정할 수 있습니다.읽어주는 내용을 사용자가 편집할 수 있습니다.기본 언어 외에 대체 언어를 사용할 수 있습니다.특정 문구가 있는 알림은 읽어주기를 제외할 수 있습니다.알림 문구를 변환 문구로 변환하여 읽어줄 수 있습니다.지난 알림 기록을 볼 수 있습니다.• 설정 항목- 기본 설정- 애플리케이션 선택- 읽어주기 설정- 기타 설정- 벨소리 모드에서만 읽어주기- 화면이 아래를 향하면 일시 중지- 외부 기기 연결 시 설정- 읽어주는 시간- 알림 기록- 알림 아이콘 항상 표시• 유의 사항톡톡을 사용하려면 TTS 엔진과 음성 데이터가 설치되어 있어야 합니다. 기기에 기본 TTS가 설치되어 있지않다면,Play 스토어에서 Google TTS를 설치 후 사용하시기 바랍니다.메시지와 애플리케이션은 알림 설정이 되어 있어야 하며, 시스템의 제약에 따라 알림창에 표시되는 내용까지만 읽어줄수도있습니다.애플리케이션의 이름을 알리지 않는 일부 애플리케이션의 알림은 읽어주지 않습니다.음악 트랙은 지원하는 플레이어에서만 작동합니다. 확인된 플레이어는 구글 Play 뮤직, 삼성 뮤직, PowerAmp,Melon, MILK입니다.블루투스 연결 시 전화가 올 때는 블루투스 기기에서 지원하지 않으면 발신자 정보를 읽어주지 않으며, 기기의스피커에서만소리가 나올 수도 있습니다.• 권한 정보- 주소록주소록 읽기- SMS내 문자 메시지 읽기(SMS 또는 MMS)문자 메시지 받기(SMS)- 통화발신전화 경로 전환휴대전화 상태 및 ID 읽기- 사진/영상/파일USB 저장소의 콘텐츠 읽기USB 저장소의 콘텐츠 수정 또는 삭제- 저장USB 저장소의 콘텐츠 읽기USB 저장소의 콘텐츠 수정 또는 삭제- 기기 ID 및 통신 기록휴대전화 상태 및 ID 읽기- 기타블루투스 기기와 페어링화면 잠금 사용 중지상태 표시줄 확장/축소완전한 네트워크 접근시작할 때 실행다른 앱 위에 그리기 (안드로이드 6.0 마시멜로 이후 버전에서 선택 가능)기기가 절전 모드로 전환되지 않도록 설정* appdesigner----개발자 연락처 :[email protected] is anapplicationto read all of the equipment alert.The alert history, you can read the display withoutnotification'read' use.• main functionWhen the phone will read the caller ID.When an SMS or MMS message will read the sender informationandcontent.When a notification of the selected applications to readitscontents.Will read the current time (user time), music tracks (playingthesong title), the clipboard (copy the text).When volume, rate, iterations, which read, you can set thedelaytime.Read the information that can be edited by the user.You can use an alternate language other than thedefaultlanguage.Notification that particular phrase can be read excepttheperiod.You can read the reminder phrase to convert to text.You can view past notifications recorded.• Set items- Basic setting- Select application- Speech settingsOther settings- periodic read only mode ringtones- Pause screen is down- setting when connecting external devices- time to read- Notification History- Notification icon is always displayed• NoticeTo use toktok must TTS engine and voice data has been installed.Ifyou do not have the underlying TTS installed on your device,pleaseuse after installing Google TTS in the Play Store.Messages and applications must be notification settings, youcanalso give read only what is displayed in the notificationshade,depending on system limitations.For some applications, the notification does not advertise thenamesof the applications do not read.The music tracks will only work to support the player. ChecktheGoogle Play Music player is Samsung Music, Power Amp,Melon,MILK.When the Bluetooth connection when a call comes in does notsupportBluetooth devices does not read the caller information, youcancome out only at the sound of the instrument speakers.• Information Rights- address bookRead contacts- SMSRead your text messages (SMS or MMS)Receive text messages (SMS)- CurrenciesOutgoing call reroutingMobile phone and ID reading status- photo / images / filesRead the contents of your USB storageModify or delete the contents of your USB storage- SaveRead the contents of your USB storageModify or delete the contents of your USB storage- device ID and the communication recordMobile phone and ID reading status- EtcPair with Bluetooth devicesDisable your screen lockExpand / collapse status barFull network accessRun at startupDraw over other apps (you can choose from later versions ofAndroid6.0, Marshmallow)Prevent device from sleep mode* Appdesigner
영어 읽어주는 앱 3.0
You can listen to the entered English, and you can save it as anmp3file.
Trickster MOD Kernel Settings 2.15.992
Trickster MOD ★ The Omnitool for your Kernel★ROOT========================================= ATTENTION: *FAQat * Set on boot, settingslost,frequenciesdon't stick, MIUI ROM problem,... read FAQ above *We donot replyto Play Store rating as it only allow rather shortmessageand norecord for conversation, please email us for support *Helpustranslate theapp: requires: - ROOTand working busybox installation Thesedevicesare officiallysupported - GALAXY NEXUS (toro, maguro,toroplus) -Nexus 7(grouper) and Nexus 7 3G (tipalia) - Nexus 72013 (flo) -Nexus 4(mako) - Nexus 5 (hammerhead, preliminarysupport) - SonyXperia Z(yuga) and ZL (odin) - LG Optimus G -Galaxy SIII withExynos SOC -HTC Incredible S (vivo: preliminarysupport) - Nexus10(preliminary support) - HTC One XInternational(endeavoru;preliminary support) - HTC One M7U and M7UL- GalaxySIII withQualcomm SOC (preliminary support) Coming to moredevicesin thefuture. =========================================TricksterMOD appis a tweaking tool to change various settingsincluded inyourkernel and other mods toyourphone.========================================= * TricksterMODhasabilities to do the following * - ADB over WLAN -SetI/Oscheduler, read ahead buffer, CPU scaling governor, min andmaxCPUspeed - CPU Statistics - Set Device hostname - ApplyGracePeriod(was Bootloop Preventer) - Frequency Lock * Donate keywillget youfollowing features * - I/O scheduler advanced control-Colorprofile for device with color settings - CPU Frequencyprofile-Voltage profile for some settings - Sound controlforfaux'spatches - Advanced gamma control for N4 with faux's patch-TouchFilter Control for N4 with supported kernels-Bootloaderlock/unlock without fastboot and data wipe forsomedevices -Kernel backup/restore on some supported devices-Launchershortcuts to some app operations * Followingfeaturesdepend onkernel support * - Color for Galaxy Nexus andNexus 4,contrast andgamma tweaks for Galaxy Nexus - Generic hotplug- CPUTemp limit -Minimal SmartReflex voltage of Core, IVA, andMPUdomains - NominalSmartReflex voltage for Core, IVA, and MPUdomains- Regulatorvoltages - GLaDOS live OC of Core, GPU and MPU -WIFImode forscreen off (power saving or full speed) - Vibratorstrength-Headset volume boost - High performance sound - Force fastcharge-Battery live extender - Touch wake and touch wake duration-fsynccontrol - Sweep 2 wake - ZRAM -Andmore...========================================= *DISCLAIMER*Thisisprovided with NO GUARANTY whatsoever. Use your common sense.
Pessoa Física 8.5.4
Generate your Social Security card and receive alerts refundofincome tax!
Block Calls Pro 1.5
Star Infosoft
'Block Calls' blocks unwanted callsandprotectsyour privacy. Now with better developed features,youdon’t have toworry about privacy leakage. This Pro Version isAdsfreeFEATURES:- Your Personal Black List- Public Black List. Your calls will be filtered fromnumbersblockedby many other users. You don't need to block themall !!!Wecategorize and maintain black lists and putfrequentlyblockednumbers in Public Black List.- Block unwanted calls (Reject calls with an auto-SMS replyorrejectcalls silently)- Set Daily Time Period for blocking Calls- You can view blocked Calls List anytime afterwords- Backup / Restore your Black List in cloud space- Very easy to operate application with very simple interface.To block unwanted calls is easy nowYou have two options :1. Block Calls silently2. Block Calls and respond with a message tothecallerautomatically.Auto Response Setting:Response can be set different for every blocked number orcanbeselected from your already saved message templates.Otherwise you may select to send only a fixed messagetemplatessetby you.Top Spam database (Global) :- You can enable / disable use of this Public BlackListofspammers- It contains numbers of Spam Callers from many countries.- It has been categorized for Marketing Calls,Insurance,CreditCards- You can enable or disable any of these categories.Tested on devices:- Samsung Galaxy Pop- Samsung Galaxy S3- Samsung Galaxy S2- Samsung Galaxy Ace- Samsung Galaxy Fit- Sony XPERIA Arc- HTC Tattoo- KarbonDeveloped by : Star InfosoftNote : Installing other call/text blocking apps suchas:CallBlocker, Easy Filer Call Blocker & SMS, CallFilter,Mr.Number, Call Control, Truecaller, WhosCall, PhoneSpamBlocker,Phone Number & Caller Location, PrivacyStarorBlacklist onyour phone with this app together may make yourphoneunstable orcause potential conflict.Keywords: call block - call blocker - call filter - rejectcall-stop incoming call - unwanted call - unwanted number -ignorecall -blocker - truecaller - directory - telemarketer - texts-caller -number - incoming - identity - phone - text - from -Blockcalls -Block Calls - block calls - number - landlines -intercept- spam -voicemail - debt - communications - whos -harassment -blacklist -whitelist - App Update - lookups - control -blocking -offender -hangup - blocking - call - calling - registry -calls -messages -protection - verizone - identity - numbers
Version for Play Store
Shows your installed Google Play Storeversionand your current Android version and the Android versionhistorywith pictures.
اشحنلي .. بالهويه و الكاميره 1.1.2
real caller
يسهل علي المستخدم استخدام الخدمات المتاحهمنخلال شبكات الاتصال السعودية (موبايلي - زين - stc)بحيث يقوم المستخدم بحفظ رقم الهوية الخاص به و حفظ رقم الجوال وبعدذلك يمكنه استخدام الخدمات التاليه:-* شحن الرصيد* تحويل رصيد* اتصال بخدمة العملاء* ارسال رسالة كلمتي شكرا* الاستعلام عن الرصيد* تشغيل و ايقاف خدمة الانتظار.وبيتم استخدام تلك الخدمات عن طريق طلب الاكواد المتخصرةالخاصهبالشبكات ويمكن للمستخدم تسجيل اكثر من رقم هوية في التطبيقلاجراءشحن او تحويل و سيقوم التطبيق ايضا بعرض الباقات و العروض والخدماتالاخري للشبكاتA user-friendly useofavailable services through networks Arabia (Mobily - Zain-stc)So that the user save the number of its identity and keepingmobilenumber and then can use the following services: -* Shipping balance* Balance transfer* Contact our customer service* Send words Thanks* Balance Inquiry* Stop the run and wait service.It takes place and the use of these services by dialingcodesAlmt_khasrh own networks and the user can record more thananidentification number in the application for shipment orconversionand the application will also offer packages and offers,and othernetwork services
Smart Keyboard Pro
Dexilog, LLC
Improve your typing experience on AndroidwithSmart Keyboard Pro, a lightweight yet powerfulinternationalkeyboard.You will feel at home immediately thanks to dozens ofcustomizationoptions: skin, layout, sound, prediction, smileys,calibration...everything can be personalized to fit yourneeds!Among the top features of Smart Keyboard Pro, you will find:- T9 and compact layouts for most languages- Builtin and downloadable themes (Open Skins)- Custom text shortcuts (AutoText)- Voice input- Easy switching between languages- Prediction with physical keyboard- Emoji keyboard (see instructions here: Self-learning smart dictionary- Quick actions with gesturesA few hints:- Long press "123" key to enter keyboard settings- Long press "enter" key to display smileys (you can customizethemin the settings)- Long press a word in the suggestion bar to add it to theuserdictionaryTo subscribe to beta versions, visit users: make sure to disable the Optimizer for this apptoavoid unexpected issues.A trial version is available on Google Play ("SmartKeyboardTrial"). Note that this Pro version is a standalone app,you don'tneed the trial to use it.Smart Keyboard Pro contains layouts for the followinglanguages(check Google Play for available dictionaries):AfrikaansالعربيةAzərbaycancaБеларускаяBosanskiБългарскиCatalàČeštinaDanskDeutschEestiΕλληνικάEmojiEnglishEspañolEsperantoفارسیFrançais한국어Հայերենहिन्दीעבריתHrvatskiBahasa IndonesiaÍslenskaItalianoქართულიҚазақшаKurdîکوردیLëtzebuergeschLatviešuLietuviųMagyarМакедонскиमराठीМонголNederlands日本語NorskPolskiPortuguêsRomânăРусскийSlovenčinaSlovenščinaShqipSrpskiСрпскиSuomiSvenskaไทยТатарчаTürkçeУкраїнськаTiếng Việt中文 (简体)中文 (pīnyīn)