Top 7 Apps Similar to El Tiempo

Weather 1.1.1
Displays current weather conditions where you are.
Spain Weather 1.0
Application to check the weather and forecasts of variousSpanishcities with practical information on humidity, wind, rainand therisk of the condition of the sky. Spain is characterized bythreeclimatic types: continental, maritime and Mediterranean.Thecontinental climate covers the majority of peninsularSpain,influencing the Meseta Central, the adjoining mountains tothe eastand south, and the Ebro basin. A continental climateischaracterized by wide seasonal variations in temperatureanderratic rainfall with high rates of evaporation that leave thearidland. Annual precipitation is usually thirty tosixty-fourcentimeters. The region of Meseta receives about fiftycentimeters.Meseta north, Sistema Central and the Ebro Basin havetwo rainyseasons, one in spring (April to June) and the other inautumn(October-November), late spring being the the wettest time ofyear.In southern Meseta, also, rainy seasons are spring and autumn,butthe first is in spring (March), and autumn is the wet season.Evenduring the rainy season, rains are irregular andunreliable.Continental winters are cold, with strong winds and highhumidity,despite the low rainfall. Except for mountain areas, thenorthernpart is the cold and frost is common. Summers are hotandcloudless, producing daytime temperatures reaching 21 ° C inthenorth of the Meseta and 24-27 ° C in the south of the Meseta.Nighttemperatures range from 7 to 10 ° C. The basin of the Ebro,atlower elevations, is extremely hot during the summer,andtemperatures can exceed 43 ° C. In summer, the humidity is lowinthe Meseta Central and in the Ebro basin, with the exception oftheright bank of the Rio Ebro where humidity is high. Amaritimeclimate prevails in the northern part of the country, thePyreneesto the northwest region, which is characterized byrelatively mildwinters, warm but not hot summer, abundant rainfallspread out overthe year. Temperatures vary little. The moderatingeffects of thesea, however, diminish in inland areas, wheretemperatures exceed9-18 ° C than the coast. The situation of theAtlantic Ocean alsoaffects precipitation, and there is less rain inthe east than inthe west. Autumn (October to December) is the rainyseason, whileJuly is the driest month. The prevailing high humidityand windsproduce fog and drizzle along the northwest coast, butthisphenomenon is less common at little distance inland, themountainsforming a barrier against moisture of the sea. TheMediterraneanclimate region extends from the Andalusian plain alongthe southerncoast and east to the Pyrenees. Cumulative rainfall inthis regionis lower than in the rest of Spain, and is concentratedtowards theend of the autumn-winter. Generally, rainfall is low andofteninsufficient, irregular and unreliable. Temperatures intheMediterranean region usually are higher in summer and winter,daytemperatures and the changes are more limited than those ofthemainland. The average temperature in January is 10 ° C in 13tomost of the Mediterranean region and is colder than 9 ° C inthecoastal region of the north, near Barcelona. Inwinter,temperatures inland in the Andalusian Plain are slightlylower thanthe coast. Temperatures in July and August are on average22-27 ° Con the coast and 29-31 ° C farther inland, with lowhumidity.
Your Time, Record for now. 1.90
Have you ever want to record the time when a little? Such,Pleaseuse it when you want to record the time now. It also displaysthedifference between the time elapsed from the time the noticeisalso recorded in the last minute. In addition, you canrecordautomatically, when ・Package is added. ・Package is removed.・thedevice is unlocked. ・Attaching the external power supply.・Removingthe external power supply. ・indicating low batterycondition on thedevice. ・the device is being shut down. ·Application form widgetso, please select the widget afterinstallation. Display results 1- The newest. - "icon" by pressingthe button to update the note. -"Record (watch)" by pressing thebutton "now time" to record. Listscreen appears press and otherplaces • The widget. · RecordingView the list was. - "Record(watch)" by pressing the button "nowtime" to record. - "Cross over"to delete the record by pressing abutton. • The menu "Setting" canchange the various settings. • The"Delete all" you can delete allrecords.
Weather Week 1.7
The weather in the world for next week .
Weather Tools 1.2.1
Measure Temperature, Humidity and Atmospheric pressure.
Time Teller 1.0
The Time Teller can tell you theaccuratetimeabout any time zone of the world. Maybe you are inIndia ,butyouwant to know what time it is now in Tokyo or anyotherplace.This app provides the world time from your currentcountry.Itdisplays the time gap between two countries, one isyourcurrentcountry in which you are and the other one is yourselectedcountryfor which you wish to know the time.It is very useful for the foreign businessmen or peopleintheforeign countries. & very useful when you aretravelling,needto communicate with other countries or time zones orjust asagame.
Boot Time Counter Widget 1.0
This home screen widget counts hours fromlastboot.