Top 31 Apps Similar to Beebli, Christian books librar

Youboox, lecture en illimité
Découvrez vos livres et magazines favorisgrâceà Youboox la meilleure application de lecture en streaming :100 000livres et magazines à lire en illimité, où et quandvousvoulez.Sélectionné par ELLE, Youboox se classe dans le top 3desapplications de lecture les plus populaires. Tous les grandsmédiassont conquis !« Si vous aimez lire, Youboox est fait pour vous ! » RFM« Youboox, l’appli qui va conquérir les Français. » L’Obs« Les précurseurs en France de la lecture en streaming. »HuffingtonPostPourquoi lire avec Youboox ?• Choisissez parmi les 100 000 titres disponibles : romans,BD,polars, science fiction, magazines, guides de voyage, livresdecuisine… Une bibliothèque pour toutes vos envies et toutelafamille• Lisez où vous voulez, quand vous voulez ! Emportez voslivrespartout avec vous, même hors connexion, sur tous vosécrans(tablette et mobile)• Profitez chaque jour de recommandations faites rien quepourvous.• Créez vos propres listes de lecture ! Un livre vous plaît?Ajoutez-le en un clic à la liste de lecture de votre choixoucréez-en une nouvelle.• Réglez la taille de la police et la luminosité de l’écran pourunconfort de lecture optimal. Et pour les insomniaques delecture,sélectionnez le mode nuit.Choisissez Youboox Premium pour lire partout grâce au modehorsconnexion, sans pub, et avoir accès à tout le catalogue.DevenirPremium, c’est un mois gratuit puis 5,99€ par mois.Cet abonnement sera renouvelé automatiquement jusqu'à ce quevousvous désabonniez à partir de votre compte Playstore au moins24havant la date de renouvellement.Vous pouvez également accéder gratuitement à l’applicationenprocédant à une simple inscription. Vous ne pourrez cependantpasbénéficier des avantages Premium (lecture sans publicités,modehors connexion et accès à tout le catalogue).Retrouvez notamment dans notre bibliothèque : les magazinesElle,Vanity Fair, Lui, Cosmopolitain, Le Figaro, Paris Match ;lesbandes dessinées Achille Talon, XIII, Lucky Luke, Tamara,Cédric,Garfield, Nelson ; les romans de Christian Jacq,ArnaldurIndridason, Nicolas Rey, David Forrest, Pierre Bordage etGilbertGallerne ; les guides de voyage Petit Futé et les livres decuisineMango ; mais aussi les grands classiques de Sade à Zola!Vous hésitez encore ? Faites confiance à nos utilisateurs !« Je suis heureuse d'avoir découvert ce site. J'aime la lectureetje me régale. » Isabelle« Absolument incroyable votre choix de BD ! Retour enenfanceassuré. » Noémie« Abonnez-vous car avec cette application lire devient unvéritablebonheur. Merci à toute l’équipe ! » JennyAlors, convaincu par Youboox ?N’attendez-plus ! Téléchargez notre application !Suivez nous sur Facebook (,surInstagram ( ousurnotre compte Twitter ( yourfavoritebooks and magazines with Youboox the best readingapplicationstreaming: 100 000 books and magazines to readunlimited, where andwhen you want. Selected by ELLE, Youboox ranks in the top 3 of the mostpopularreading applications. All major media are conquered! "If you enjoy reading, Youboox is for you! "RFM"Youboox, the app will conquer the French. "The Obs"The precursors in France of the streaming playback."HuffingtonPost Why read Youboox?• Choose from the 100,000 titles available: novels,comics,thrillers, science fiction, magazines, travel guides,cookbooks ...A library for all your desires and the wholefamily • Read where you want, when you want! Take your books withyouanywhere, even offline, on all your displays (tabletandmobile) • Enjoy daily recommendations just for you.• Create your own playlists! A book please? Add it by clickingonthe playlist of your choice, or create a new one. • Set the font size and brightness of the display foroptimalreading comfort. And for reading insomniacs, select thenightmode.Choose Youboox Premium for reading anywhere with offline,withoutads, and have access to the entire catalog. Upgrade is afree monthand then € 5.99 per month.This subscription will automatically renew until youunsubscribefrom your account Playstore at least 24 hours before therenewaldate.You can also get free access to the application by making asimpleregistration. However, you will not be eligible forbenefitsPremium (play without ads, and offline access to theentirecatalog).Can find in our library: magazines Elle, Vanity Fair,He,Cosmopolitan, Le Figaro, Paris Match; comics Achilles Heel,XIII,Lucky Luke, Tamara, Cedric, Garfield, Nelson; the novelsofChristian Jacq, Arnaldur Indridason, Nicolas Rey, DavidForrest,Pierre Bordage and Gilbert Gallerne; travel guides LonelyPlanetand cookbooks Mango; but also the great classics ofSadeZola!  Still not sure? Trust our users! "I'm glad I found this site. I like reading and Ienjoy."Isabelle"Absolutely incredible choice of BD! Back to Childhoodassured."Noémie"Subscribe as read with this application becomes a realpleasure.Thank you to the whole team! "Jenny So convinced by Youboox?Do not wait any longer ! Download our app!Follow us on Facebook (,Instagram( or on ourTwitteraccount (
AudioCité Livres Audio 1.6.4
Listen to over 3,000 free audio books site
Après Toi 1.0
Battle Castle
N’oublie jamais que tu n’as qu’une seule vie… Lou a promisàl’hommequ’elle aime de vivre chaque jour comme si c’étaitledernier. Maiselle peine à se remettre de la mort de Will etdesviolentescritiques dont elle est la cible dans sa ville natale.Savielondonienne n’a rien du nouveau départ qu’elle espérait:accoutréed’un uniforme ridicule, elle travaille dans le bard’unaéroport,sous les ordres d’un petit tyran. Lors d’unesoiréepassée à méditersur le toit de son immeuble, Lou est surpriseparl’apparition d’unejeune fille, et tombe… trois étages plusbas.Elle croit avoirtouché le fond, mais c’est là que commencesanouvelle vie : sarencontre inattendue avec Lily est lemeilleurmoyen d’honorer sapromesse. « Drôle, émouvant, ettoujoursimprévisible ! » New YorkTimes « Comment ne pas être souslecharme ? » People « Uneexploration de la famille et de lasociété,un soupçon desentiments, c'est bon pour le moral, et serviavec unhumour à touteépreuve. » Kirkus Un an et demi après avoirexaucéle vœu de Will,qui souhaitait bénéficier du suicide assisté,Louquitte sa villenatale où elle est la cible de critiques.Ellecommence une nouvellevie à Londres, mais elle a du mal àseconformer aux dernièresvolontés de Will qui lui recommandaitdeprofiter de la vie.
Gallica 4.0.3
The digital library of the National Library of France (BnF) anditspartners.
Babelio, ma bibliothèque 0.139.0
The site # 1 on the book finally arrives on mobile. Manageyourlibrary!
LibriVox Audio Books Supporter
LibriVox Audio Books Supporter offersunlimitedaccess to over 24,000 free audio books - with no ads.Each LibriVoxaudio book can be streamed over the internet ordownloaded for lateruse without any charge. The LibriVox AudioBooks app includeslistings for new recordings, featuring classicbest sellers and outof print treasures.The LibriVox audio book app makes it easy to find the book youwant.You can see the most popular books, browse by title, authororgenre, look at new recordings, or search by keyword. You canevenfind books read by a favorite narrator. This app allows you tostopplayback with a sleep timer, and unlimited bookmarks areavailablefor each book. You can save and listen to as many booksas you like.Access to the LibriVox collection, thousands of oldtime radiodramas, and many other collections is entirelyfree.With full support for bluetooth controls as well as Android AutoandGoogle Cast, LibriVox Audio Books makes it easy to take yourbookswith you wherever you go. Lists of favorites, recent books,anddownloaded books make it easy to pick back up just where youleftoff.Audio books from LibriVox are free thanks to the dedicated workofhundreds of volunteers who record, edit and distribute thebooks.New releases are prepared daily, and the entire catalog spansthebreadth of world literature, including novels, history,biography,short stories, poetry and more in both fiction andnon-fiction. USusers can purchase an additional 75,000 professionalaudiobooks,including new releases and best sellers.
Easy French Stories for Beginn 001
Sylvie Laine
Easy French Reader with included AUDIO andFrench-Englishglossaries.
Lecture Racing. Teacher 1.15.9
Teacher's application for gamification of education.
Tv2vie 2.0.32
Follow the live search videos, view upcoming events, etc.
24symbols – online books
Gain access to a world of free and premium books ready to readfromyour App!
Mille vérités scientifiques 2.0
Glory to God or thousand scientific truths of the Qur'an
Glose - Social ebook Reader 2.96
The next-generation READING APP that makes readingAWESOMEwithfeatures to keep you engaged and motivated. Pick a bookinourchoice of 1 million, start reading any book for free,connectwithother readers and share notes, highlights, andconversation -andbecome a better reader. Build your bookshelf inseconds : Createafree reader profile, organize your books, createlists. Browseourebookstore : 1 million ebooks in all categories.Bestsellers,fiction, non fiction, young adult, business,educationetc... withgreat discounts and free classics. Start anybook forfree! Onetouch and you’re into any book for free. Read upto 10% ofthecontent before deciding to pursue and purchase thebook.Also,upload an import your own epubs from Dropbox, yourdesktopofanywhere else! Read anywhere, anytime, online andoffline.Glosestores your current reads so you can read themoffline, in thebus,subway, in the depths of a mysterious forest ora far awaygalaxy.Join the Community : see what other peoplearereading,recommending, highlighting, and annotating. Read withyourfriends!Create reading groups to read with your friendsandsharehighlights and annotations. Shared annotations in themarginsofthe text make reading more engaging and exciting. Post anoteandsee what other readers think. Start an online book club!Createagroup, pick a name and image, invite people and choosebooks:you’ve got your online book club read to go - aroundtheworld!Make reading beautiful : create beautiful quote cardsfromthebooks you read. Choose a sentence that inspires you,chooseabackground photo, and share the quote card on socialmedia.Moreabout Glose : Reading for better learning : ouruniquefeaturesmakes your reading more conducive to textanalysis,memorization,and study. Glose is used in leading schoolsanduniversities topower distribution of reading materialanddiscussion around text.Our bookstore features the works ofMalcolmGladwell, WalterIsaacson, Stephen King, John Green, PauloCoelho,James Patterson,E.L. James, Suzanne Collins, Danielle Steel,DavidBaldacci, JanetEvanovich, Nora Roberts, Dan Brown, DeanKoontz,John Grisham,George R.R Martin, and many more ! 
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 On Glose,reading becomes social. You can highlightyourfavorite quotes withone touch, archive them, share them onsocialnetworks, andannotate them. So join our community of readerswhoread, share,and discuss the books they love! Glose providesthemost powerfulreading experience online. • Customise yourreadingsettings topersonalise your experience
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 • Make newfriendsthroughbooks
 So what are you waiting for ? Don’t misstheinspiringconversations happening every day in Glose, andDownloadour app !Connect with us onFacebook( Glose onTwitter(
Études bibliques 1.1.8
Les études bibliques sont l'étude académique delaBiblejudéo-chrétienne et des textes correspondants.PourleChristianisme, la Bible comprendtraditionnellementl'AncienTestament et le Nouveau Testament, quisont quelquefoisappelés lesSaintes Écritures. Le Judaïsme reconnaîtcomme Écriturela Biblehébraïque, aussi connue sous le nom deTanakh, qui est unacronymepour les noms en hébreu de ses divisions: Torah (Loi),Nevi'im(Prophètes) et Ketouvim (écrits). D'autrestextes sontsouventétudiés par les érudits bibliques : lesapocryphes juifs,lespseudépigraphes juifs, les apocrypheschrétiens, lesnombreusessortes de littérature pré-Nicéenne duChristianismeprimitif, et lalittérature primitive juive. Les étudesbibliques secomposentprincipalement de l'exégèse et del'herméneutique.
BiBook 1.2.1
BiBook allows you to buy and read books online and offline.
Des hommes autour du Prophete 1.0
Men who have known about the Messenger (peace-Llahou 'alay-hiwasallam)
Clarification Foi musulmane 1.0
Clarification of the Muslim Faith - Tabsīṭ'aqā'id al-al-Islamiyah
LibraryThing 1.1.3
Catalog your books and other media
YouScribe – Read, Anywhere 5.3.2
WELCOME !Once subscribed, YouScribe provides access to 100,000 books:novels,sentimental literature, comics, Young Adult, marketingandmanagement books, children's books, cookbooks, etc.SUBSCRIBEIf you have not already subscribed, pleasevisit and enjoy the app fro free for7days!Then it costs only 8,99 € / month, no commitment, and you cancancelyour subscription online at any time.EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIMEYouScribe works on any screen: Web (PC, Mac), smartphone andtablet(Apple and Android).You read on the subway? Adding a book to your Favourites allowsyouto read it anywhere, even without any network norInternetconnection!DISCOVERLet us inspire you with personalized recommendations onthehomepage.You can also search by keyword or browse by topic.READING COMFORTFind the books you read in "Mes Lectures", your favorite booksin"Mes Favoris".You like to read in the dark? The reading experienceiscustomizable: night reading mode, brightness adjustment,etc.THE BENEFITS OF THE YOUSCRIBE SUBSCRIPTION:• No commitment• Cancellable at any time• 7-day free trial• No advertising• A continuously updated catalog• Requires no network nor internet connection (by addingtofavorites)• Works on any screen (PC, Mac, smartphone and tablet AndroidandApple)
Learn French with French Child 5.2.0
net app gems
The Best French Children's short stories for French Learnerswithaudio
Bookshelf-Your virtual library 1.11.3
Damir Juretic
Catalog and organize your books. Share book recommendations. Notareading app.
Français Authentique 1.5.3
Learn to speak French with pleasure, as if you were living inFrance
Un Miracle Chaque Jour 1.2.1711290.10
Top Mission
Grâce à l'application mobile Un Miracle Chaque Jour : -Chaquematin, recevez une notification personnalisée du texte dujour -Soyez fortifié(e)s par des versets et des citationsédifiantes -Consultez les derniers textes de Bruno Picard -Partagez lesmessages plus facilement à ceux que vous désirezencourager -Réagissez au texte du jour en répondant à Brunodirectement depuisl'application Nous espérons que vous serez bénis,Merci d'exister !
Philosophie & Sagesse du Monde 3.2
philosophy and its various currents through hundreds of citations
Libby Beta, by OverDrive 5.0.0
Meet Libby. Discover and enjoy ebooks and audiobooks from yourlocallibrary.
La Sainte Bible Audio en franç 4.6.1
The Holy Bible in French, King James Version, Complete AudioBiblein French.
Memo Flash - fun flashcards 1.7
Smart Academy
MemoFlash is a fun learning platform basedonFlashcards. It is great for every knowledge and for all ages:children, students and adults.Learn everything, everywhere with MemoFlash.The MemoFlash store offers quality curated content.Study your decks on the mobile app or on the web. AnelaborateSpaced Repetition algorithm optimizes yourmemorization..The cards can be studied with classical flashcards method butalsowith game modes and quizzes.The MemoFlash website allows you to create your own cardsandpublish them on the MemoFlash Store.Flashcards are organized in categories : History andGeography,Arts and Literature, Languages, Exams, Science andTechnology,General Knowledge, Lifestyle, Ideas and Religions,Nature andAnimals, Children, Sports and Games, Health.Most content is proposed in English, French and Spanish.Specific decks can prepare you for exams like SAT and GRE.MemoFlash is a great method to prepare exams, study lessonsorfor anyone who wishes to acquire new knowledge.Join the MemoFlash community !
LibriVox Audio Books 10.16.0
Unlimited access to over 45,000 audio books
LexisNexis® Digital Library 6.0.1
Access to your law library’s full eBook collection
religion & spiritualité 3.2
religion & spirituality of the world through thousands ofquotesand poems
De la Philosophie 1.0
Discover the 57 authors in general terminal classes program.
Le Combat Spirituel (Scupoli) 1.06
The Spiritual Warfare of Lorenzo Scupoli.