Top 5 Apps Similar to Perfect Bathroom Designs

DIY Gift Box Ideas 3.0
The pattern of gift boxes vary according totheceremony, occasion and the event. The appearance of gift boxesalsodepends on the person whom you are gifting. For example,womenprefer more of ornamentation while men love simple andchastedesigns.Normally, we present gifts during festive seasons likeChristmas,Halloween, Easter, etc. However, making gift boxes athome will be adifficult project for people who have no affinityfor arts andcrafts. The necessary guidance for making homemadeboxes will beprovided to you in the upcoming paragraphs.Christmas Gift BoxesWe all love to give and receive Christmas gifts. Packingcookies,dollies, candies, stockings, candles, etc., duringChristmas timeis a well practiced trend. Pack the stockings in areusable giftwrapper. Use colorful papers for the external coating.Tie a satinthread over the lid and gift it away. While packingeatables youhave to extra careful. Make sure the gift box ismoisture proof.Leakage of moisture would spoil the eatables. Useair tightcontainers for packing cookies, candies, biscuits, doughnuts, andbrownies. For extra protection, wrap them with aluminumfoils.Packing dry fruits in cardboard boxes is also a good idea.Lid thebox and wrap a clean white paper for a simple look.Wedding Gift BoxesWedding gifts are packed with bright embellishments. Expensiveitemsare parceled in beautiful velvet boxes. Always remember thatthewrapping of the gift matters a lot in making the giftspecial.Similarly, you can make some beautiful boxes for weddingcards. Geta silver box from any jewelry shop and then start thedecoration.You will require the following things, viz, velvetpaper, tinymirrors, satin ribbons, gum, and glitters. First wrapthe entirejewelry box with velvet paper. Utilize your artisticinstinctswhile doing the mirror work and spraying the glitter. Makeitethnic so that it appeals to the wedding ceremony. Metal boxesforwrapping jewelry is also a good option as they not onlylookbeautiful, but also traditional. Apparels usually come in boxesandall you need to do is, wrap them with cellophane or any typeofgift wrappers and then tie a satin ribbon around it.Birthday Gift BoxesA birthday is a special occasion and you can try a lot of thingstomake the gifts attractive. You have so many things to presentonbirthdays, right from pets to toys. Gifting pets is auniquebirthday gift idea. I must tel you that putting pets inside agiftbaskets is easy. You have to ensure that there is enough spaceforthe pet to move and breathe. Big cardboard boxes withplentifulspace is the perfect box for pets. Ready-made boxes aresold inarts and crafts stores and they make wonderful packagingforbirthday gifts. Make Chinese food boxes and hat boxes forgiftingchocolates and cookies. Well, expensive birthday giftslikelaptops, cell phones, camera, iPods, etc., come in cushionedcasesthat ensure no damage is caused to the electronic pieces. Wrapthecardboard boxes and then place the gadgets along with thecasebefore gifting away. Utilize the same ideas for makingValentine'sboxes.Make innovative and unique gift boxes to make your dear onesfeelspecial.source:
Sofa Bed Ideas 3.0
Sofa beds are one of themostessentialfurniture pieces, especially for those who havesmallapartmentswith no extra bedrooms for guests. In suchsituations, asofa bedcan serve as a sofa during the day and as abed in thenight. Theyare an economical and smart option for peoplewith smallhouses andwho are frequently visited by guests. But,sleeping onone can be anightmare for your guests if it does nothave anappropriate andcomfortable mattress. A bad mattress notonlydisturbs sleep, butit can also lead to body pain and musclespasms.Make sure you tickoff all the pointers mentioned below ofyourchecklist before youbuy a mattress for your sofa bed.Types of Mattresses: First of all, decide what kind ofamattressyou wish to buy. Essentially, there are three typesofmattresses,namely, spring, air, and foam mattresses.Springmattresses arebouncy with firm or soft material whereas,foammattresses are softand provide the sleeper with great support.Airmattresses are madeusing air chambers to provide the sleeperwithsupport where you canchange the air pressure as per yourcomfortrequirement. Generally,foam mattresses are durable andwidelypreferred by people.Sleeping Habits: Well, you may not be aware of thesleepinghabitsof your guests but you should know that differentbeds cansupportdifferent sleeping habits. For example, people whopreferto sleep onone side should go for a soft mattress as itcansupport and balancetheir body well while sleeping, whereaspeoplewho sleep on theirstomach should opt for firm mattress sothatthey can maintain theirposture properly while sleeping. Peoplewhosleep on their backshould go for medium mattresses to avoidbackpain.Material of the Mattress: Also, make sure that youchecktheentire build up of the mattress. Consider the kindofupholstery,padding, and stuffing that has been used to makeit.Ideally thestuffing should be of foam, polyester fibers,cottonfibers, felt,etc. The material of the quilt of the mattressalsoneeds to bechecked. It is advisable to go for a stainresistant,thick, yetsmooth quilt to enjoy the comfort. Prefer to gofor thickcottonquilt as it is durable.Size of the Mattress: Before you step out to buy amattressmakesure you take the measurements of your sofa bed so thatyou canbuyan apt and well fitting mattress. Mattresses for sofabedsareavailable in different sizes, such as, queen size, fulltwinsize,single size, etc. You can also opt for customized or madetoordermattresses where the manufacturer will make the mattressasperyour sofa bed.Apart from these pointers, it is also suggested that youbuyamattress directly from the store, and not online, becauseitgivesyou a chance to feel the comfort of the mattress. Tobuythemattress in your budget, you can go through differentreviewsofmattresses from various websites, compare the prices, andbuytheones that suit your budget the best.
DIY Bracelet Ideas 3.0
For thousands of years, humanshaveadornedthemselves with jewelry. From earrings tonecklaces,armbands torings, we've been making jewelry a part of ourlives forfar longerthan many think. Bracelets and other jewelry canclearlybe seen inthe murals in the Pharaoh's tombs in Egypt as wellas inmanypieces of art from various societies throughout the world.It'snowonder that these pieces of personal expression haveretainedtheirpopularity through the centuries.Meant to be worn by just about everyone, bracelets come inawidearray of styles and materials. From woven braceletsmadeofthousands of tiny seed beads to 24k goldintricatelydesignedchains, there is truly a bracelet style foreveryone. Therearemany great shops where bracelets can bepurchased, but youonlyhave to go as far as your local craft storeto make your ownuniquedesigns.Unique and Cheap, an Unbeatable CombinationIf you're looking to make your own bracelets, there areaboutamillion different ways to get started. You'll have todecidewhichmaterials you'd like to use, the type of design you'regoingforand the primary theme for each individual or groupofbracelets.From leather to embroidery thread, you can makeyourbracelets outof just about anything. Some creative individualsevenusere-purposed or reclaimed items as the basis formakingtheirbracelets.When you make your own bracelets, you'll be saving a lotofmoney,too. These handmade wonders make incredible (andcheap)gifts, andthe recipient will surely appreciate a gift madewithyour own hands.You can tailor each individual bracelet tomatchthe tastes ofwhomever you'll be giving it to, as well. Thisisoften greatlyappreciated and wholly missing instore-boughtgifts.Decisions, Decisions, DecisionsThe most difficult decision you'll be making is probably goingtobeyour basic material. There are several popular stylesofhandmadebracelets, including leather, beads, woven seed beadcuffsandothers. If you choose to go with leather, you should beawarethatthere are wider strips and slim strips of leather invariouscolors.The wider strips can be used in stamping orleatherburningprojects, while the slim strips can be braided. Thisisespeciallyattractive when done with an eye-catching varietyofcolors. Ifbeading is more your style, you're going to needtochoose the typeof base material to string them on, be itjewelrywire, thread,stretchy cord or any of a number of otheroptions.Beads can rangefrom very small to very large and exist issuch awide range ofstyles and colors that to list them all wouldtakepages and pages.Remember that charms are very popular, too.Charmbracelets areactually one of the most popular types ofbracelettoday and areincredibly easy to tailor to a specificperson.
Room Divider Ideas 2.0
At times, having a large and spaciousroomcanbe a problem. The reason is, large rooms do notoffersufficientprivacy and the entire space can never be used inanoptimummanner. Thus, a good idea would be to divide a largeroominto twoor more smaller rooms, so that you can ensure theprivacyof theoccupants, as well as increase the utility of theroom. Thereareseveral ways in which you can partition the room.Hanging curtains is one of the simplest and cheapestwayofdividing the room. However, curtains do not ensurecompleteprivacyas they are not soundproof. Building a wall is onesolution,butthen the partition would be on a permanent basis.Moreover, thisisan expensive option. In this situation, slidingdividers couldbethe most feasible option of partitioning aroom.Sliding dividers are mostly used in churchesorschooldormitories, wherein you are required to divide a hugeroomintosmaller rooms. Even in homes, sliding door dividers can beusedtoclose open spaces or to divide larger rooms.For instance, you can divide a large kitchen intoseparatecookingand dining area or a living room can be dividedintorecreationroom and sitting room. Even kid's bedroom can bedividedin studyroom and play room. Besides, you can also separate asmallarea foryour home office or den. Thus, you can ensure privacyandenhanceutility of any room by simply installing orhangingroomdividers.Sliding Divider MaterialThese dividers come in a vast variety and you canchooseslidingdivider material from glass, aluminum or metal.Moreover,you caninstall them yourself at home, thereby alleviatingtheexpenses ofa professional's fee. Sliding dividers are convenienttouse andare very versatile. If in future you need to expand theroomto itsoriginal size, you can simply uninstall the slidingdividers.Thus,they are the most practical way of partitioning theroom.Choosing Sliding Room DividersSliding dividers for rooms are available in variousmaterialsandstyles. The purpose of partition and the extent ofprivacyexpectedwill mostly dictate the choice of material.Frosteddividers lookelegant and ensure optimal privacy. If you arelookingforsomething exotic, then shoji dividers are for you. Theyrenderanice, oriental look to your room. Besides, one can also usewoodorvinyl panels for making sliding room dividers.InstallationFirstly, you need to take the measurement of the spacewhereyouwould like the divider to go. Take measurements forthetrack,which needs to be installed at the ceiling. Choosethepattern andmaterial for the sliding screens. Determine thenumberof screensyou will need by dividing the length of the trackby thewidth ofeach screen. Make all the necessary purchases at thelocalhardwarestore. Install the track on the ceiling and make sureit isevenlyfitted. You may use shims if needed. Attach the rollersatthe topof the screen and bottom, if you are going to use afloortrack aswell. The rollers are adjustable, thereby holding thedoorstraightand in place. If you wish you may install a floortrack,which isequal to the length of the ceiling track, else youmay gofor doorguides. Installing either of them will prevent thescreensfromswaying back and forth. Finally, fit the doors in thetrackorguide and fix them. Slide the divider to check ifitmovessmoothly. You may hide the tracks if you wish, adecorativetrimcan come in handy.
Baby Clothes Idea 3.0
Fashion is no more restricted to teenagersandadults. Star kids such as Suri Cruise and Harper Beckhamhavealready been declared style icons. With high-end designersenteringthe market of kids' couture, luxury baby clothes are nolonger aprivilege for the wealthy and affluent class. Many havealreadystarted following the footsteps of celebrities, and themarket ofdesigner babywear has grown in leap and bounds over thelastdecade.You can buy anything from bibs, booties, and body suits tohatsand bonnets from a luxury baby clothing store. Accessories suchasfine quality monogrammed diaper bags, designer bottle holders,andbaby booties lined with fine wool are also easilyavailable,provided you can shell out big bucks. Personalized andhandmadebaby apparel are also very much in vogue. Parents, whoalways wantthe best for their kids, tend to spend their earnings insuchhigh-end baby clothes and accessories, which are veryexpensive,and may not fit into everyone's budget.Flash Sale SitesRegister with flash sale sites that offer steep discountsondesigner baby clothes. As a registered member, you willreceivenotifications regarding flash sales that usually last for afewhours, or a day or two. Check out such sites for grabbingsomeluxury baby clothes at a fraction of their actual price.Off-price RetailersThese retailers offer branded and designer clothes at adiscountedprice throughout the year. They buy off-season goods,canceledorders, goods returned by other retailers, seconds,manufacturerirregulars, etc., and sell them at a cheaper rate. Allyou need todo is to spare some time to check their stock and get agooddeal.End of Season SalesNever miss end of season sales, if you want to buy luxuriousclothesfor your babies, at affordable rates. You can check online,asvarious sites offer huge discounts on a wide range ofproductsduring this time of the year. Even some stores andboutiques offerdiscounted prices for off-season items.Sample SalesThose living in major cities such as New York and Los Angelesmustcheck out the sample sales, for getting some designer babyclothesat a cheaper rate. Such sales are often intended to get ridofexcess merchandise that usually includes off-season andoverstockeditems.Rental SubscriptionWhy spend a fortune for designer baby clothes when you canrentthem? Instead of buying such expensive clothes that yourbabyoutgrows quickly, you can rent them for a monthly fee. All youneedto do is to sign up for a monthly subscription of clothingrentalservice for babies. You will get clean clothes that can beusedtill your child outgrows them. Once you send them back, youwillget new clothes.Cloth SwappingThis is a great idea that works well for kids, as they outgrowtheirclothes at a very fast rate. Instead of making your baby wearthesame designer wear for every occasion, you can swap it withanotherpiece of high-end apparel that belongs to your friend'skid. So, thechances are high that you get used designer babyclothes inexcellent condition. You may try the local swap shop forbabyclothes, or else, form a clothes swap in your area. Otherwise,checkout those sites to swap baby clothes.These are some easy ways to get high-end baby clotheswithoutspending too much. However, your child will outgrow theseclothesone day. Instead of throwing them away, save the good onesfor yournext baby (if you plan to have one). Otherwise, you canalways givethem to your friends or relatives.